Fan Fiction

This is when the feeling sinks in…..twinj episode 35

Hie guys….arre Baap re….aap log gusse mei lag rhe ho….Nhi Nhi…khush lag rhe ho….uff…sorry….actually sorry bahut hi chotu sa word haina…kya karu…bahut busy thi…vacation toh khatam bhi hogya….par kaam khatam nhi hua…u guys donno..kitna tym nikalke I’m writing this epi…….
So pehle epi start karein….then bak bak.. Kk?

Arre…pehle purana epi yaad toh kar lo
Chapter 34

Sorry guys…summary Nhi de paungi…busy life!

So let’s start…

#twinkle’s POV
Pls help! My heart screamed….it was not willing to love kunj back….the one who betrayed me…but it was helpless….it was weak….BCUS HIS TOUCH IS STILL ITS ONLY WEAKNESS… He was still kissing my armpits….he still remembered my fav. Touch….I was still in tht position… My arms were still in his clutches… Pinned up in the warm….my waist was still clutched by him…my lips were still conquered in his lips…..everything was still…..I was still breathing heavily…. My eyes were still drowning tears…..whatever it was…..beyond all tht ‘stills’ the biggest still was ……I STILL LOVE HIM…ya…nd I cannot run away frm tht truth…but not this tym….I will not let him play with my heart….with my body…with my hormones anymore….”kunj…..leave me” I whispered being weak….nd with tears…”no twinkle…pls let me Hv it” he whispered nd bit my left armpit leaving a love bite there “aah….kunj” I screamed.
He then looked up nd moved his face towards mine…..within no tym he sucked my tears… Making me loose again…why can’t I just stop him!

He now bent towards my neck….nd started placing his lips there….I just love it….but I don’t hv to show it to him…tht I still crave for him… For his touch….for his love. “Kunj my body doesn’t belongs to u anymore….. It belongs to…” I said but was cut by him…..he quickly looked up nd said “NO! Yr body only belongs to me…I m the owner of it nd I m not interested in keeping it for sale! Did u get tht” he exclaimed punching his hand on the wall…making me feel the goosebumps ‘u hv awakened the devil….twinkle’ my heart whispered…. Tht was true!

“Hey….did tht Sam touched u?” He asked suddenly… Making my eyes go wide.
“How does it even matters to u” I said

“Twinkle….did he touched u?” He asked again ….trying to control his anger
“Ye….yes” I said….which was ofcource a lie… But I had to.say tht to make him realise tht I hv moved on in my life. I could see him angry….his anger could not be described him words I swear…..the anger was so much tht it was enough to bring shivers down my spine.

“U didn’t opposed?” He asked in a fake calmness behaving like a kid for sure. “Y should I…he has full rights on me….aftrall we r engaged” I said. I could see him closing his eyes….actually clutching his eyes…..he opened his eyes with a thud
“Where did he touched u?” He asked making me more scare….I hv never ever seen his this shade….
He released my arms ….but my waist couldn’t escape. “Here” he asked placing his hand on my arms …..I gained sm strength reminiscing his betrayal… “Yes” I said confidently. I could see the anger rising in him…but smwhere it gives me peace…..”here?” He asked pinning my one arm above my head nd placing his hand on my armpits …..I was shocked by his behavior “does he knows yr fav. Touch?” He asked “yes!” I exclaimed bringing my hand out if his clutch.

“Did u had s*x?” He asked. This was it….I hv had enough of his torcher… Not anymore… Hv can he even think tht… How can he not trust me…I closed my eyes to gulp down this question nd to calm myself…. “ANSWER ME DAMN IT!” I heard him saying….I quickly opened my eyes. “It doesn’t matters to u” I exclaimed “Twinkle….DID U GAVE YRSELF TO HIM COMPLETELY!” He asked clutching my shoulders tightly…. I winced in pain “YES……WE HAD A S*X” i said pushing him nd shouting my lungs out….he was there….boggled…… Full of tears…….numb….nd still…..I found it was a perfect opportunity to run away frm him nd I started to walk…..but he clutched me…..nd again pinned me to the wall….”then hv s*x with me too….today…now…here” he said seriously demanding like a child. “Stop joking kunj…stop kidding me out!” I said

“U think I m kidding” he asked “then ur wrong” he continued nd turned me backwards…. My back facing him… one cheek was in contact with the wall “leave me kunj…. Wht the hell r u doing” I said

“How dare he touch my girl!” He said nd twisted my one arm “aaah!” I shouted nd started crying like hell “kunj its paining….pls leave me…pls” I begged him….”no no…kunj wht r u doing…stop it” I said when I felt him opening the zip of my dress. “Ur mine” he said….I think he has gone mad…..”kunj…. Ur not at all like the kunj whom I used to love” I said but it didn’t mattered to him “sameer should not hv touched u twinkle” he said nd started kissing my bare back. ENOUGH! My mind spoke nd I gained the strength. I pushed him with full force….nd turned towards him. “Twin…..” He said but was stopped bcus of my slap…..I slapped him hard…..very hard… Actually I don’t regret it….he deserves it…he needed it to cm out of his junoon…”Shut up…. Kunj…..just shut up!” I said zipping my dress.

“I m glad…..I m glad tht dad decided to make me marry to sam….I m glad to hv Sam in my life…I m glad tht u came back….orelse I would Hv not seen yr this shade….nd I would I hv not.started hating u to the core….yes kunj sarna yes…I loved u….still love u…..but wht u did today….made me hate u to the core….don’t u Hv trust in my….how can u think tht I would hv let sam even touch me!” I cried out “this means…..” He said “yes….I was lying….I was kunj sarna….just to see how much more u can fall…how can u…..” I said but suddenly I felt everything revolving around me…my vision became blurry…. Nd I donno when everything went dark.

To be continued……

How was it…..sorry agar accha na laga ho toh…voh practice chut gyi haina…nd vulgar hogya ho toh bhi maafi dedena….I will see u guys later…tata


This is falling in love In a foolish way...this is falling for u and u r not aware...#Bunny

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