Hey my wonderful reader missed me or not challo nhi bhe kia tu i wont mind 🙂
A big wala thank you who commented on my last epi i am really bad at writing romantic scene yet i tried but i m glad u all liked it so thank you soo much
Here is the previous link
Chapter 17
I reached home and entered in my room. Everyone was fast asleep, and I thanked god for it because right now the expression on my face is very weird. I looked myself in mirror and touched my lips, still feeling his lips against mine. I closed my eye and that scene again flashed in my mind. The moment I felt those warm lips, I felt a strange feeling generating in me, giving me the pleasure I never enjoyed.
My heart was still beating very fast as to what happened couple of moment back. Is that what people call love? Is this what happen when people fall in love?
The moment I saw him everytime I feel great, his caring gives me happiness and what he last said he don’t wanna lose me. He scolded me because he fear if lose me.OMG!! I m blushing thinking his words. I never thought I could ever kiss someone and feel a different kind of pleasure. If this is love then yes I m in love
Oh God! I m in love I need to tell someone but whom everyone is sleeping what should I do. I cannot live before telling anyone my happiness. I will die in happiness if I didn’t share.
I know whom should I tell my sis, my secret keeper, and my darling. I ran to her room and wake her
“Di are u okay u r waking me up at this hour. Is everything okay” She asked rubbing her eyes
“No everything is not okay” I said with a big smile. She looked at me with confusion and then to time
“Di! Are u okay? You are not looking normal. We can consult psychiatrist tomorrow but for now let me sleep” She said and covered herself in blanket
“Ragini I am normal stop over reacting and today I m very very happy” I replied uncover her
“And whats that” as she asked I heard thunder sound and then drizzling sound of rain. Seems like god is also happy
“Diiii” Ragini shaked me
“If u wanna know why I m happy then come upstair I m gonna celebrate my happiness” I jumped out from bed but she caught my wrist
“Di are u mad its so cold out and its winter rain please stop. Have u forgotten u were from last four days”
“No I don’t remember. I just remember I m completely fine, tell me if u r coming”
“Its cold I wont come, I don’t wanna get cold or fever like you, and tell me here, or else I will die in suspense”
“Fine then die in suspense I m not gonna tell you anything” saying that I ran out from room and rushed to terrace
As I reached I saw beautiful scene of rain. The thundering sound of rain, water dripping making me all wet. I was moving in circle, opening my arms, embracing the cold breezes. As I was enjoying dancing my leg slip but two arms supported me and made stand . I looked up to see those dark orbs of his. Is that really him? Sanskar But I didn’t feel like to ask, his eyes were making me loose in them.
He forward his hand and hold it immediately. He pulled me hold me by waist and my hand climbed his shoulder. We were moving, yet there was no music because it wasn’t needed the thundering sounds of rain and wind was enchanting music within itself.
He make me round and hugged me from back, he then lift me up and put me gently, during every step our eyes didn’t leave each other for once. It would be understatement if I say I was lost, I was hypnotize in those dark orbs of his. He making me rotate and then pulled me. I fall in his arms where I want to be all my life. He made me stand and hold me by waist. I snaked my arms in his neck and leaning towards him but I felt a tap on my shoulder. I tuned back to find my sister, I was looking at her and she was looking me like what, I turned back and found no one. I realized that it was my dream
Oh God it was dream cant it be ture
“Control Swara, u have gone mad” my stubborn mind snapped me
“Diiii” Ragini shake me
“You have wake me up to get wet in this cold or there is something u actually wanna tell me” She added
I looked at her and hug her in happiness.
“Ragini I m in love” I said make her rotate
I ran towards the edge and started shouted
“Listen everyone, me Swara Gadodia declare that she has fall in love truly, madly and irrevocably” I declared I was shouting like a maniac and laughing on my insane deeds. I turned back to see my sister she looking with horrified expression
“Ragini what happned” I shake her
She hugged me
“Di u know what will happen next, what if everyone gets to about it”
“So what I wanna tell everyone that I m in love”
“What the” She became more serious and somewhat scared thinking aboutsomething horrible I guess, but I don’t get it why is she behaving like this
“What’s wrong with you, aren’t you happy?”
“Di I m happy for you but you thought what will happen when dad will get to know u r in love with someone, and di! Sanskar jiju have u thought about him. He is so caring. You should have thought about your marriage for god sake….” I didn’t let her complete
“Shut up, wont u ask about whom I love” She looked at with confusion
“It your jiju, idiot, stupid how can you think I’ll fall for someone else when only Sanskar is there in my life” I explained
My God I never expected she will think or react like this. I feel like to laughing seeing her terrified face. I playfully hit her arm and she hugged me. We enjoyed the rain and then came back to our rooms
I entered in my room and throw my blazer on the couch. I went to washroom and splashed water on my face but everytime I close my eyes that scene again flashed me in my mind and then her silence making me go out of my nerves.
“Seems like someone is fallen love” I heard voice from behind and I looked upward to find my reflection talking to me itself. Hey don’t think I m gone mad
“We cant fall in love for second time” I replied sternly
“But u fall” I raised my eyebrow
“no its not true”
“Sanskar Maheshwri then answer that why u felt so happy when you kissed her and don’t wanna separate from her” I became numb I don’t have answer for these question
“I only loved Kavitha” I said closing my eyes
My reflection was laughing at me
“Grow up Mr Maheshwr. Be a man, accept it that u r in love with her and u moved on from your late wife. This what your Kavitha always wanted”
I was thinking about the words I just heard
“Even your heart also knows it Sanskar when will u accept it? The time when Swara will also leave you like Kavitha”
I felt someone stabbing, abusing me the moment I heard what if she really leave me. No this can’t be happened, no I can’t let this happen
“What happen don’t u felt fear of losing her. Wake up Sanskar or else destiny can again play the cruel card on you like it did in past, what u wanna do. Decide it” the voice advised me and I found my reflection that talking me was nowhere to be found
I went out and lay down on the bed and close my eyes. I don’t when I slept that night
I saw some light coming on my face after a lot struggle I opened my eyes and found sun rays penetrating in my room but then I saw some blur vision. I rubbed my eyes and found angelic figure. I got up and saw my Swara, wait did I say my Swara.
I brushed those thoughts and saw her smiling face, her one smiles makes my day. My feets were automatically moving toward her. I moved closer to her giving a hud from back, everythin happening is out of my control I couldnt my any action.
I was staring her through mirror and give a peck on her neck, she lowered her gaze in shyness and I turned her. She was blushing profusely which was making me going on further. I leaned towards her but a sudden loud ringing in my head.
What the….who is disturbing me
The vision gone blur and everything seemed shaking around me.
I opened my eyes to find Laksh calling me and the alarm was continuously ringing on my head. I realized that what I was feeling few moments back was my dream
“Bhai, are u okay” He asked with concern
“Of course I m okay, whats wrong why r u shouting” I said with irritation
“Whats wrong with me? Really I should ask u that, what is wrong, why were u sleeping on floor” The moment I realized I was on floor, wow great moving in dream cause me fall of bed.
“Bhai” He called me, taking me out from m y thinking world
“What happened u look weird”
“I m okay, u tell why u came this early in my room” I asked
“Yes I came her to inform you that the projest on which we were working have final meeting in New York, so you have to go for four days” He informed me, I was looking at him
Staying away from home was never been a problem to me but four days from her now when I have some strange feeling which my heart declaring it love. How will I stay away from her
“No Sanskar staying can make u figure out those feelings, this trip is important not only for company but for u also” my mind explained
In these circumstances this is right I need it to figure. Is it really love?
Hope u liked it
Dont kill me for showing romance in thier dreams
Real bhi hoga but dont expect anything very romantic
I guess you u understood me 🙂 😉