Hey my wonderful reader, hope u all r fine
kritika u asked if i m on facebook, i m not on facebook, i m on wattpad, support if u guyz use it
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Chapter 19
Its been two days since I heard her or see her. Honestly I am longing to see her. I want to talk her but it would be 1 in India and I think she would be at work. I should not disturb her. I lay down on my bed because I am so tired from a very hectic day. No matter how much work I have here still Swara doesn’t leave my mind. I m surprised how can she consume my mind to this extent. It’s weird but the feeling I have with Swara, it never came when I was with Kavitha. I don’t know if I m thinking right or wrong, am I deluding my self?
“May be u never kissed Kavitha” my heart reasoned me
Its right I never had any physical relation with Kavitha because I always thought her as my best friend and taking marriage at another level was some kind of difficult thing that time. But when I decided, I got to know about her disease. I still remember when I was about to tell her she collapsed in front of me and that’s the first time I got to know her illness
These thought drifted me back to the past when Kavitha was taking her last breath
“Kavitha don’t worry nothing will happen to you”
“Sanskar stop fooling yourself its time to end of my life”
“No it isn’t, we will live together for years, have our kids just like you dreamt. You know I love u, nothing will happen to you” She let out a sad laugh
“Sanskar you know what how much u made me wait for this. I was longing to hear this from ages. I am not complaining about anything. I want to say thank you, you confessed it is enough for me to die peacefully” She breathe heavily
“You will hear it all your life but this is not your end, you got it. You r not going anywhere, I need my friend at every walk of my life. Did you hear that”
“Sanskar will you ful fill my last wish”
“Please” she said with tears
“Find someone whom you truly love”
“I love you, don’t u trust me”
“I believe your every word but you love as your best friend not a lover”
“I don’t wanna hear anything please. You aren’t going anywhere”
“Sanskar please for me”
“I don’t know that I can be with anyone rather than you, you know me like everything about me, no one understand as you do, no one can be at your place. You know love has always been confusing feeling to me and that now I m sure about you, you r leaving me. This isn’t fair”
“You don’t need to think or wonder. When you find that someone, your heart will say it and then don’t let her go”
Kavitha took a deep breath and closed her eyes forever.
I told her that this heart belongs to her and no one can be there rather than Kavitha
I took out my phone and glanced Swara’s pic when she was sleeping. I never thought my walls that I built will start shaking and she would penetrate in my heart. Something I love about her is what she says, she mean it
She promised me she would never demand Kavitha’s place in my life, she will make her own place. Now her place in my heart is as strong as kavitha place
“Look what you did with me, my heart and my mind having conflicting idea”
I was looking her every pic I had uptill now, starting from engament pic, my slefie with her when we coincidently met, our get to gather pics. I had a big smile
“I love you” I said making me realize what I just said
Did I just confess it, which seemed so difficult? I should be sad or something like confused after but I felt light when I said those. My confusion was all gone I remember Kavitha said your heart will say it
I saw my reflection I had a bright feeling like teenager right now. But then I thought how she will react hearing this, What would I tell her when I asked her not to expect anything in past
I was wondering when I glanced her pic once more
“No matter what Swara, I wont let you go from me. You have all your life to fall in love with me and I make sure you fall for me” I said with determination
“Swara, congratulation we r so proud of you” My mother in law, I mean his mom blessed
Okay confused why congratulation, so my office awarded me the most hardworking employee in new comer. Honestly I didn’t expected this award but I worked her more than six month, time flew so fast. It was only a dream to work independently but now its ful filled only because of him. I missed him so much, wanted to break this news to him first but my bad, his phone was switched off. Guess he is ignoring me. I still can’t get out from the fact that he think our first kiss a mistake, though he didn’t confess me but his action are compelling me to think in that way
“If you don’t mind, Shekhar ji can we start planning the marriage its starting of January, our children ask for time till this year, so I guess we should start thinking about it. What do u say” His mom asked with so much hope and my dad nodded in agreement
Thought of Marriage with love of my life made me blush but then reality hit me
“You should ask this to your son first” I thought to say
“Swara, Ragini you go upstair we elder have to discuss few things about marriage.” We headed in my room as we entered, Ragini I engaged in our random conversation but more than that she was teasing me. I can’t help it but blush
“OOOOO di I never thought u can blush this much” She said
“Okay fine, tell me when you first met jiju how did u find him”
“Handsome..ummm caring and a good advisor” I replied thinking our first meeting at station
“Good advisor but di as far as I know u met him at engagement venue and I saw you both barely talked how he gave you advise” She asked
I realized I shared my every secret with her why didn’t I tell her, my eloping scene to her. I thought what’s the point of hiding it now
“He gave me advise at station” I replied
“Stastion” She raised her eye brow in confusion
“The day of engagement, I was eloping”
“What means you took my advice before I advised you” She was amused
“I didn’t have any choice that time everything was going in so rush and dad wasn’t ready to hear me..-”
Before I could complete I heard breaking of something we looked in the direction his chachi was standing there with horrified expression
“AA…Aunty” I think she heared something in our conversation, and looking at her expression she heard some eloping part I guess
“Jijiiii” she yelled and rush downstairs. We too ran I had to clear her if she misunderstood something
“Sujata why r screaming” his mother said
“Is there any problem Sujata ji” my dad asked
“This what I should ask you Shekhar ji” His chachi cross questioned my dad
Dad saw me with confusion
“I m not getting what you r saying” he said
“Why did you fixed your daughter alliance with our son when u know your daughter is having affair” This what I fearing to hear she mistook my eloping part
That’s why I hate eaves dropper, it mislead the people. I cursed myself to open this secret look what mess it has caused
“You r accusing my daughter” my dad protested
“No I m telling the truth only, if u don’t believe ask her” she said
“I don’t need to ask her I know her you-”
“Dad” I interrupting in between, nodding my head not to say something he will regret afterward. I know where it is heading I gave him hint of my deed
“See your daughter is saying truth” She yelled once again
Dad came towards me, place his hand on my shoulder causing me to see him
“What is she saying, is it” His gripped tighten
When I nodded in yes his grip losen and he took step back
“Dad I didn’t do because of any affair I swear” I tried to explain him
“How much lie girl u will say, stop it now” his chachi said
“I…I can explain please let me say, It’s not like this what it seems dad. I did elop but-”
“But what your lover ditched you at last moment and u engaged to Sanskar” His chachi interpted
“Is this your girl Shekhar ji” She asked
I was feeling vulnerable and cursing myself. This is what I fear and prayed, my parent shouldn’t be insulted because of me but today they r being questioned. I feel like this floor open and bury me alive
“Enough I know my daughter so please don’t you try raised finger on her” I should be elated that dad took a stand for me but it made me shame of myself I cannot be a good daughter as I always wanted to be
“Fine then why are we here, u stay with your daughter because we r done with it, it’s all over” his chachi word collapse my world around me, it’s all over, no I was shivering by the thought of staying away from him. I ran towards his mother, yeah she only can help me
“Mom, it’s not what it seems. Please let me explain you please” I begged her
“Why did you do this Swara, after so long, I was seeing my old Sanskar. If u have any problem like affair you would have talked to him and believe me you wouldn’t have to take this step, you could have thought about your parents and how will my son take this, he started to like you. U should have thought for once” She said with tears and went I fall on floor.
I turned to dad and mom to explain them but they turned away and said to go in my room, and left from there
“This is all because of you Swara” dadi blamed me
I couldn’t take it anymore and ran to my room and locked it I fall on floor and brought my legs to my chest
“Where are you Sanskar” I cried
This all because of me, they insulted my parents because of me and broke my alliance with him. All happened because of me
I wiped my tear after crying and decided something
“There is no other choice”
I inhaled fresh air as I stepped out from airport. Surprisingly or u can say it planned, I completed my pending work and appoint someone to handle everything there left. I cannot stay away any longer now from her. It seems like ages I talked to her. I want to meet her I know Its quite late but still I will surprise her
“Swara here I comes” I sat in taxi and headed to her house
As I reached, I ring the bell and Ragini opened the door. Her expression was more than that of shock
“Hey sis I know you didn’t expect me but still this much shock I am getting terrified” I said playfully
“Is there something more u also wants to say, flying all the way from New York to here” She said. I sensed rudeness in her voice
“What do you mean?”
“Don’t pretend as if u don’t know, I wonder why r u hear after everything is over”
Now what that means everything is over
“Will u tell me clearly, what happened. I have no idea I swear” I pleaded
“Wait u know why di eloped right I tried asking her but she has locked herself” She said
“Will u tell what occurred at my back please” I asked her
She explained me and narrated what happened. I couldn’t help but worry about Swara, she would be surely cursing herself what all happened and she locked herself making me scare to hell. I ran to her room and knocked
“Swara please open the door, look I came back I will set everything back. Please open the door, you r scaring me”. I knocked so hard on the door but no reponse. Hearing my voice everyone is gathered around her room
“Whats going on here?” her dad asked
“D….Ddad di is not opening the door from evening” Ragini move towards her dad
Fear of losing her start pricking my heart, what if she did something wrong. No I closed my eye not to think it more and continued knocking. Her dad came forward
“Shona open the door no one will be going to blame you please open the door” First time I saw a defeated father figure in him, his voice was almost choking, thinking what if she really harmed her. No, with this thought I pushed the door and it opened
As it opened the room was silent everything was on its place, I searched for her everywhere but then something caught my attention. There was piece of paper stick to her mirror
I took it and read out
“What is it” her dad asked curiously
“She eloped” All I could say and world around me collapsed
I know some of u wants to kill me like after so long how can sana give so boring chapter but trust me it is important
now think how sanskar will find her?
Will he get his love or not?
Keep reading
Oohh.. Was sooo happy while u updated next part.. But opened with a little confusion bcs of the title eloped.. But did not ever expect such a twist from you.. Was not at all fair.. Made us waiting for sooo long to separate swasan??? Plsss dear update next part soon by uniting our swasan and their marriage.. Was feeling happy when sanskar realised his love for swara.. But now.. Whats next???
Oh god where you bring us……just awesome dr….. if u can update next part asap dr…… cant wait fr it…plzzzzz
Wat is ur name in watpad nice episode
Awesome…. But swara shouldn’t elope again…. It is making things more complicated…. Please unite swasan soon….
Waiting for next one… Update soon
sanaaaaa……ty soo much for update….
omg, swara eloped again ? uuuhhh swaraa…why u didn’t wait sanskar for a while.
btw, did you post this part in wattpad already ? let me check.
I am not scared. I am laughing at Swara’s immature behavior
Wow seriously its very nice…. Loved it…. I cried a little…. Its superb…. Hope sanskar finds swara soon….
Sana it’s not boring yaar I loved it but pls don’t make hat at attack pls update soon
What a amazing episode yaar….
Kitne Dino bad ayi TU???…
I missed you ????
Chal ye le??
Thanks for the wonderful episode….. ???????????
Next part jaldi post kar
And Ya this part was extremely unexpected….
Awesome dear
Update Soon!
Wow sana dear…awesome part… but got lil bit afraid by reading the sub topic.
But please don’t separate swasan. That’s my one & only request to u…
swara has eloped again …………..hope sanskar gets her back.
It’s not boring,it’s really a nice interesting part
Update soon please…
awesome…its very interesting ep. Missed dis ff a lot. Plz upload next part soon
Awesome episode as always..Waiting for next..Stay blessed and keep smiling..
awsme plz update daily
Awesome dear but update soon bcoz curiosity killing me…..
It’s soo interesting..!! I didn’t expect this..!!
want search swara mission
Wow..superb dear..u r such an amazing writer..luv uu..