FF – Pavitra Bhagya – Collapsed hearts (Chapter 9)


After a while Jugnu woke up and saw herself again in Pranati’s lap. But this time Pranati and Reyansh were not sleeping like before and immediately she saw at Vase place but she didn’t find anything at that place. Reyansh observed her dilemma and asked “Jugnu baby, what are you looking for?”

She thought it might be a dream. “Nothing monkey dad, okay tell me one thing are you paying rent to stay here or what?”

Both Reyansh and Pranati were confused with her question, so asked “No monkey girl, it’s our own why do we need to pay rent for it?”

“I think you’re more dumb than Nayi maa. That’s why you didn’t get my question.” said Jugnu slapping herself on head.

Reyansh who understood Jugnu point immediately turned out to Jugnu and held her left hand and asked “What would you like to have in this room darling daughter?”

“Dear father, I would like to see a family photo of ours on the table along with roses vase.” She stated with a command.

“As your wish princess.” Said Reyansh.

“No Rey, you won’t do that.” Told pranati sternly.

“But why nayi maa?” Jugnu asked being upset. Even Reyansh was looking at Pranati for answer.

“Because you’re not visiting this place again. As you’re not coming back here.” says Pranati trying to be stern on Jugnu.

“But nayi maa..”

“Once NO means No, understand?” says Pranati which upsets Jugnu. Rey and Jugnu faces fell off, looking at that Pranati told “On only one condition you can do whatever you wish.”

“And that is….. I have to do my homework daily and go to school that’s it right?” with the same upset face Jugnu told that.

“NO, the condition if you’re coming here then you have to take me with you else, you’re neither visiting here nor you’ll keep whatever you want. Now tell me, you’ll accept the condition or not?” asked Pranati raising her eye brow.

Immediately Jugnu who was shocked got up and jumped saying “Yea, of course I’ll take you with me here.”

“Prani, you’re alright? This is not school to visit. It’s a pub. You understand that right?” asks Rey winking at Jugnu who was hiding her smile.

“Yeah I know that, you forgot or what? It was us who came first into this pub after it started. You might forget, but I’ll never forget.” taunted Pranati.

“You still remember that?” asks Rey with genuine expression which he feeling right now, feeling touched with her words.

“Really, Bandar papa you and nayi maa were the first to visit this place?” asked Jugnu in curiosity.

“Yeah.” told Pranati with smile.


After Pranati accepted Reyansh’s love proposal, he wants to go to some pub to celebrate but not sure how to take that request to Pranati as she was never used to visit such type of places. Then he searched for the pub with less people and then came to know that “THE FIRST” was newly opened pub in that area. Somehow Reyansh convinced Pranati to come with her to club.

Reyansh did arrange everything for his first date with Pranati. It was definitely not his first date but this was something he never did before like taking care every small decoration, music and food. Before meeting pranati, he used have many dates but those were organised by money, unlike this.

Pranati wore baby pink frock with small pearl studs leaving her hairs free making those curls play along with the breeze. Her small hesitant steps made her more beautiful.

Looking at her Rey was awestruck at his place. When she noticed him, the smile on her face made his heart skip a beat. He slowly went towards and took her hand into his as a gesture of gentleman.

When they’re at entrance, the rose petals welcomed them. A photographer took the pictures  of them later Reyansh took her to the bar counter and made her sit. She listened the light  music and asked “Rey this music is awesome, is it live or recorded?”

“It’s recorded for now, but next time it would be definitely live here. I promise.” says Reyansh and gestures for a dance which she joins happily. They danced , their every step synced with the music. Some were slow salsa steps and some were very high but their dance was going on for long time. Everyone there admired them, the entire club was filled with their love. Reyansh saw Pranati’s face in that dim light which was flushed as red as tomato, with their approximation. 

After their dance they had shots and went for a long drive. 


“It was just a beautiful day.” stated Pranati reminiscing that sweet moments of her life.

“True, Never I had such date again.” said Reyansh in response in the same trance as Pranati.

“Woah, so you guys went back to your days, huh?” excitedly shouted Jugnu making them come to present.

“Not really, now let’s leave we need to go home now.” said Pranati and went towards car but not before giving hard glare to the security over there.

By the time they went home everyone came back and they were happily laughing like a happy family. Reyansh knows that it was all because of Riya.

How different this is from every day? After Prani and Riya came to this house, entire house changed. Yeah,  I agree Prani’s situation is different from Riya, but that made RIya comfortable here.’ Thought Reyansh.

“Arey dadi, when did you all came?” asked Reyansh.

“Just one hour before bhai.” said Maan.

“So how was your day Prabhi?” asked Riya.

“It was so niceee… I enjoyed a lot. I never went to exhibition before, today was the first time I went there. You know I enjoyed everything there, it was so beautiful.” excitedly told Jugnu with happy gestures. Listening to this Riya and Pranati were so happy.

“And yes granny made me my favorite sweet(Laddu).” smiled and said Jugnu.

“Anything for the first time will be nice. By the way how was your visit to first visit to pub?” mocked Mallika, which made both Reyansh and Pranati angry.

“Haan DM aunty, For the first time it was good but today it was wonderful. I think you would be feeling nice to be humiliated in the club for the first time.” Jugnu reverted satirically.

“Okay stop it, learn some manners you little girl.” said Mallika in serious tone.

“Better you learn it before teaching my child Mallika.” reverted Pranati.

Looking at Rey, Dadi Mallika said “Is it wrong to say how to behave for a child? Then how will this girl transform from egregious to virtuous. Look growing at orphanage how she grew up just like a bad ass..”

“Mind the words Mallika, how many times should I say not to talk about my daughter?” shouted Pranati.

“Pranati stop, go to your room.” Dadi ordered.

“Will sure but please stop Mallika from taunting my daughter.” Saying that Pranati took Jugnu towards their room.

“How bad is that? Your Prabhi is not giving respect to me, atleast she should consider the day right? Look how happy you were today but by the end she made it aweful.” Mallika slowly whispered at Riya’s ear.

Riya didn’t speak anything but went inside. Dadi looking at everything asked Reyans to come with her.

“What is this Rey? It was you who should defend Jugnu. Do you remember my words right? Do it as soon as possible. We can’t bare this type of drama happening daily. Riya is also attaching towards her, I can’t bare any loss for my business because of those both silly girls. So make sure you do it fast.” said Dadi. It was like a final warning. Rey doesn’t say anything but went out of the house.

Precap: Jugnu starts to school but rey stops her from going.

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