Fan Fiction

Finding my Angel (Episode 7)

Finding my angel: Episode 7

Recap: Suhani and Yuv meet each other, She faints, Yuv takes her BH and tells her to get out. Sharad sees Bhavna for the first time
Suhani enters her house all wet and says to Bhavna
Suh: I went out for a jog and tripped over… That guy he is a fan and helped me home…
Bhavna: Oh ok… Go freshen yourself up… You need to get up early we are going shopping for Rag’s wedding.
Bhavna: Oh ok then… We are all going to wear matching clothes anyway… we just needed to decide on a colour for the sangeet because for the wedding ceremony we are all going to wear English dresses…
Suh: Oh ok do whatever… I will shop another day
Suhani runs to her room, and runs into the shower and goes to the sink.

Suhani PoV:
See what I mean.. This would’ve been a perfect day out with the family… But I messed it up again… “I will shop another day” Suhani… Suhani… Suhani… I feel tears roll down my eyes again… I freshen up and go to bed, seeing that smile again before I go sleep… I will find you, my little devil…

It was morning, the whole house is quiet both in BH and in the Shrivasta’s only Suhani and Yuv are in the houses, everyone has gone shopping.

Suhani PoV:
I actually can’t wait for this practice… I really cant… I get my tracksuit on and tie my hair in a high messy bun. I put on some Adidas trainers and some winged eyeliner and lip gloss and head off… But I see a note on my door. It was from Bhavna…
“Oh Suhani I forgot to tell you… Your childhood friend Sambhav is coming tomorrow, Please put some time aside for him… Pleasee… you best sister, Bhavna”
I look at the paper and scream! I need to get into the team for Sambhav… He would be proud!

Yuv PoV:
I guess I couldn’t get into the basketball squad, I guess football would do then, everyone left for shopping I just told them I was busy, bcos I know they would all bombard me with questions of last night. I head off..

At the footy field:

They all reach there was another 30 girls and 40 boys, Suhani and Yuvraaj didn’t see each other… Yet.

Suhani PoV:
My heart is beating faster, I cant believe Im here… Im glad no one has noticed me… But when I put my name down everyone would… I would tell everyone my name at the end for now I would call myself Mrs Ronaldo! I giggle…
Everyone shouts: AYE!
I think to myself.. I need to do this….

Yuv PoV:

I feel her presence here… I start to look around but I hear the coach shouting get into teams on 5 we are going to do girls vs boys!
I hear everyone pulling wanting me to be on their team, eventually I go to a team with 4 tall guys, all quite good-looking… but can they play football? We called ourselves the lions and we were versing a team called Queens…
I see suhani on the other team and I just stare at her..She is looking like a princess, laughing smiling and joking around… I never knew how beautiful she was…How can such a happy girl self-harm…Suddenly she realised and shouted
Suh: TUM
Me: Don’t kick the ball at me head again… and I got a name… Its Yuvraaj.
Suh: Imma knock u out with the ball mr Yuvraaj you watch me
All my team starts playing punching me and laughs, I turn to look at them..
Me: Oh Hello, Lets play football!
We all scream, I can hear suhani singing a motivation song, “You can be the greatest, you can be the king-kong banging on your chest, you can beat the world, you can beat the war, You will be in the hall of fame!” They all do a group hug, and suhani the bossy boots is captain, so they all push me as they all seem scared!
Coach: Ok let the girls kick off first… 3… 2.. 1..
The whistle blows

Suhani kicks the ball back to one of the girls, who then runs past Yuvraaj, he is Gobsmacked, suhani jetting up the feild and shouted to Dolly (a girl) “long shot Dolly over the guy’s head!” Dolly did exactly that, suhani then got the ball and dribbled past 2 on the Lions’ She twisted and turned and had a shot… The ball hit the far post and went straight into the back of the net… All the girls went running to her and hugged her, she said to them now you girls go up front, I will defend…

The Lion’s Goalkeeper threw the ball to one of their players, who ran past one of the girls and past it to Yuv, yuv then done a rainbow flick over Dolly and charged towards Suhani… Suhani wasn’t scared though she slid down and tackled the ball off Yuv, he fell but suhani didn’t are she looked back, he was stunned. She shouted out Neelam and she passed the ball to her and soon it was another goal to Queens… She came back to Yuv gave her hand and helped him up
Suh: Oi, Pick your game up! You can Do it!
She ran off to congratulate the team…

Yuv PoV:
Wow.. We are 2-0 down… By girls! By SUHANI! A SINGER! A DAMN GIRL! The coach shouted over to the guys in my team he looked disappointed with us but pleased with them… When she gave me her hand and that encouragement I felt fuzzy… I really don’t know anymore, Do I like her?

Soon we got the our game up we scored two goals, well I scored two goals, but their team scored 3 more so by the end of the game it was 5-2… Well done Queens… Well Done…

The coach gathered us all together and selected people for the main team, the first person he pointed out was suhani, she walked up to the stage and everyone was clapping and the bys were whistling at her… I just gave them all dirty looks, her friends Dolly and Neelam also got called up so that was good… Then I got pointed at I felt soo proud suhani smled at me… I wasn’t walking up she jumped off the stage and pulled my arm,
Suh: Cmon sadu, please hurry up yaar!
Me: Okok I just can’t believe I got selected we lost!
Suh: Sooooo? You still were the best in your team u never gave up
She was walking backwards pulling me and laughing then she tripped over the stage stair and pulled me with her… I fell on top of her she turned her face away, she was all red… It was cute.. She looked up at my eyes and smiled.
Suh: gosh ur heavy Yuv! Get off me already! I expected you to tell me there was a step!
Me: Haha Suhani! Cmon then lets get up, everyone is watching!
We both help each other up, she puts her arm around my waist I put my over her shoulders, we got onto the stage and gave each other a high five, she was smiling and laughing a lot… The best smile I have ever seen!

Suhani PoV:
I can’t believe im here! I cant believe Mr. Sadu came as well!
Me: SOOOOO yuvraaj… Want to come with to practice tomorrow?
Me Woohoo, The park at night time its the best time to practice…
Yuv: Ok then…

This is going to be a good time to get some stories out of him as well as getting him to like music!

Precap: They are practicing in the park, but someone else is with them…

Haha Guys that’s my episode! Im considering finishing this early… I don’t get a lot of comments, becos of the many fantastic ff’s out there other ppl are reading 😀
But doesn’t matter I enjoyed writing :*
Ok guys whats your favourite football team? (For fun again!)
Ly all 🙂


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