Finding her~ IMMJ2 #SSK2 by Tanya K

OK it’s not a riansh OS nor Sirav OS.

This OS is for the contest held by Aviothic_Community. This beautiful plot and supporting Character is also given by them only!!❤

Main male lead: Aarav Ooswal.
supporting Character: Riddhima Vansh Raisinghania.

A man in his mid twenties is seen sitting in his cabin in his royal office on his comfy chair criss crossing his legs and playing with a paper weight lost in some thoughts.

The man was revealed to be Aarav Ooswal. Owner of Ooswal Industries a man with elegant and sassy look wearing western clothes.

A man entered in his cabin not before knocking on the door. He was revealed to be Aarav’s PA.

Aarav: Any information about her.

PA: No sir!

he said bowing his head down. While Aarav looked at him with bloodshot eyes.

Leave me please why have you kept me here for 5 years, please leave me.’

A girl shouted of around 15 years old with broken voice. Her eyes were black with dry patches of tears on her face and dry lips which was rosy pink some years ago.

She was crying in a corner of a dark room hugging her knees and murmuring someone’s  name.

‘Inayat darling why are you shouting like this aren’t you enjoying and happy living with me tell me baby why are you crying?’

A man of double of her age asked her holding her chin in his fist tightly leaving his finger prints on her soft skin.

Aarav: I have given you this work so many years ago and you’re still not able to find my sister! Damn it!

He said to man looking like a secret agent wearing a white shirt and black pant with professional touch on his attire.

Aarav: I want another agent who will do his/her work sincerely not like you useless. Now leave.

He said and the agent went out from his cabin. Aarav opened a drawer of his table and pulled out a picture of a girl of around 10 years old.

Aarav: Where are you Chhoti!! I’m feeling so helpless today I’m not able to find you, please come back to your bhai I need you Chhoti…

A beautiful girl is shown working on her computer in her office cabin wearing a white Shirt tucked in her tight black knee length skirt and hair tied in a high pony tail. Going through some of her files attentively. Just then her phone pinged with a message from her boss Mr. Maheshwari.

Mrs. Raisinghania we have a new case for you which is really very important and you have to do it. The case is filed by Mr. Oswal, you have to find her sister whom he is finding from 5 years. He has called you to his office at 12 pm go and meet him.’

OK sir.’

Replied riddhima, she looked at her wrist watch which was showing 11:30. She got up from her seat, grabbing her car Keys she went to her car driving towards Ooswal Industries.

Inayat was crying at her fate and rembering his brother and how their life got up side down in just few minutes.

After driving for sometime Riddhima reached to Ooswal Industries. Parking her car in the huge parking lot Riddhima made her way towards the cabin of Aarav when her phone rang written ‘My love’s on the caller ID, she smiles and picked his phone.

Riddhima: Hello!

Vansh: Hello! Love how’s going your work?

Riddhima: Good! Just now I got a new case, I have to find the sister of Mr. Aarav Ooswal. I really want to take this case as I want to find his sister and I genuinely want him to meet her.

Vansh: Ohh the owner of Ooswal Industries?

Riddhima: How do you know?

Vansh: Lagta hai ki tum aapne pati ko acche se janti nhi hoo Sweetheart! I’m Vansh Raisinghania aur Vansh Raisinghania ko sab pata hota hai.

Riddhima: Self obsessed!

She said under her breath barely audible but Vansh have a sharp listening skills and he frowned.

Vansh: I heard that!

Riddhima: Good for you! Okk bye I’ll talk to you later!

Vansh: Bye! I love you.

Riddhima: I love you too!

Saying so they both declined the call and she started finding Aarav’s cabin. She looked at a peon and stopped him.

Riddhima: can you please tell me where’s the cabin of Mr. Ooswal?

Peon; This way ma’am.

He said and guided her to his cabin, knocking on the door she got in after getting the permission from Aarav.

Riddhima: Good Morning Mr. Ooswal, I’m the secret agent from Mehashwari Secret Agency ‘AGENT FIRE’!.

Saying so she forwarded her hand to him for a hand shake.

Aarav: Welcome, Agent Fire thank you for accepting my case. I hope you will find my sister and will not disappoint me as Agent Ice did previously.

He said as he did a hand shake with her passing a warm smile to her.

Riddhima: Absolutely not sir! I will not disappoint you and will find your sister any how. But for that I want some information about your sister like her name, her looks, her age etc, etc…

Aarav: Ohh yaa sure. She was the most important person in my life after my parents died in an accident, not was but still she is the most important person in my life. Her name is Inayat, Inayat Ooswal. She is an angel, cute, pretty, lovely, and beautiful. Her age when she got lost was something like ten but now she will be of 15.

Riddhima: Ummm… do you have any picture of hers?

Aarav: Ohh yess!

He said and pulled out the picture of Inayat from his drawer giving it to her.
Riddhima looked at the picture and smiled as the kid in the picture in front of her was actually more cute and chubby then he described her.

She looked at Aarav and passed him a small yet assuring smile blinking her beautiful doe shaped black eyes.

Riddhima: You don’t worry Aa… I’m mean Mr. Ooswal!

Aarav: It’s OK you can call me Aarav.

Riddhima: Okk so Aarav I promise I will find your sister soonest.

Aarav: Thank you Agent Fire.

They both smiled at each other and Riddhima went from there to study the case briefly.

Like this days started passing and Riddhima and Aarav starting coming closer to each other sharing the bond of Sister & brother. Aarav was really loving and caring brother for her but a bit possessive too which irked Riddhima but she liked how he cared for her and fought with them who tried to bully his sister Riddhima.

In these days Riddhima also seen a different side of Aarav, an arrogant boss of Ooswal Industries was actually a fun loving man, who loves to do pranks on people around him, who loves to play in water and beaches, who loves to cook different cuisines.

It was a fine sunday, Riddhima was sitting in her living room wearing a comfy loose t-shirt she was chilling out going through social media liking on Vansh’s and her pictures smilingly. Just then her eyes caught a site of a page where people were actually selling girls for money which boiled her blood but she saw something which made her shocked.

A picture of a girl looking exactly same as Aarav’s sister Inayat.
She called Aarav and send him the screen shot of that page.

She called her boss Mr. Maheshwari and told him about the page of HUMAN TRAFFCKING’ and he ordered her to reach there with her some special force to catch them red handed on which she agreed.

Getting ready in her black professional suit she tucked a gun in her waist for her safety.

After sometime with her force she reached her destination ‘THE OLD FACTORY’  where there was nothing but a pin drop silence and scary vibes. Pulling out her gun she took slow steps in the factory while her force was following her. She ordered them to find some clues in different directions.

After walking for sometime they find nothing but silence and disappointment. Being disappointed she was about to go from there but stopped when her eyes went to room taking slow steps towards the room keeping her gun in her hand for safety she made her way towards the room and broked the door with her leg.

When the door opened with a thud she saw some girls were tied to the chair with clothes gagging in their mouths and was crying.

She was about to go inside when someone came from behind and was about to hit her from an iron rod but was stopped in the way.

Riddhima looked at her back and was shocked to see Aarav holding the rod in his tight fist saving her looking at the goon with blood Shot eyes.

Aarav: How  dare you to try to hurt my sister!

He said and kicked that goon on his knees and he fell on the floor with a thud and riddhima killed him with her gun.

After that more goons entered and surrounded Riddhima and Aarav with rods in their hands. Riddhima indicated something to Aarav through her eyes and he nodded and they started fighting with the goon.

While Aarav kicked and punched them and beated them with their own rod and Riddhima also kicked them with her heels and shoot their legs respectively.

After cleaning their way, they freed the girls one by one while the girls hides behind them being scared. After freeing all girls Aarav was about to go outside but stopped when he saw Riddhima standing their scared and all of sudden started walking towards a room attached to the room.

Aarav: Where are you going?

Riddhima: Come with me, my men will make the girls out safely.

Aarav was confused but followed her instructions. Riddhima tried to open the door but failed badly so she shoots the nob of the door with her gun.

After opening the door they went inside slowly when they saw a girl tied to chairs crying bitterly while Aarav was shocked but happy to see her! Her Chhoti right in front of his eyes. Aarav was going to Inayat but was stopped by riddhima.

A man entered inside the room and was shocked to see them he was about to pull out the gun from his pocket but before he can do this he was shot on his knees while he fell on the floor.

Riddhima: Wh are you? And why you have kept this girl here?

Man: chahe kuch bhi ho jaye main nhi bataunga.

Riddhima looked at him with bloodshot eyes and kept her heels on his wounded knees making him wince in pain.

Aarav slowly went to Inayat and frees her while she hugged her bhai tightly and he stroked her back softly.

Riddhima: Tell who are you warna?

She said and pointed her gun towards his forehead.

Riddhima: Warna find your self in hell.

Man: Wait! Wait! I’m telling I’m Kabir Rajyavansh a dealer of HUMAN TRAFFCKING and also the owner of these type of businesses. I was going to sell these girls girls today.

He said and riddhima called her men and arrested Kabir. She turned around only to see Most beautiful seen of her life, Aarav and Inayat was hugging each other while Inayat slept in his arms sucking her thumb.

RiRav smiled at each other and Aarav muttered a thank you to her on which she smiled and blinked her eyes.

They both took Inayat out from that hell and took care of her making her live again.

And lived happily ever after! ☺

The end!

OK so it was the OS I hope you’ll liked it, I know that it was a shit a pure bakwaas my pea sized brain could think this only.

Do leave your reviews in the comment section and tell me how was it.


Tanya K

Hi guys. I'm a big fan of RiAnsh from IMMJ2 & brand new couple SiRav from SSK2. Writing a fanfiction on them❤❤.

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