First hug at the first rain of the monsoon #Riansh OS

Hello guys. Here is a new os of mine. I know that monsoon season got started so let’s do something about it. Do tell me your opinion on the comments.
So let’s start.
Riddhima’s POV starts:
It is first of June.
The beginning of the monsoon.
My favorite and most enjoyable season.
I love it a lot. I do enjoy it and I do enjoy the rains.
Still the rain didn’t come yet.
Sometimes it takes time and not all the cities start raining together.
The weather is sunny a little bit, but now it starts to be very cloudy.

I think the rain will start within some hours.
It will be the first rain at this monsoon of this year.
It must be a special one.
I’m waiting for it so much.
As at least it will cure my pain and breakdown.
It will cure the effect of our misunderstanding.
Vansh always gets angry on me.
If he is doing that when we are just still at the beginning of our relationship, what he will do when we get into a serious step in our relationship?!!
I love him so much and still none of us has said that.
Actually, I don’t know if we are really on a relationship or not?!!!
Because he always care about me and flirt with me as if he is so fallen for me and still he doesn’t say anything.
I feel that we are really in a relationship.
I feel that our friendship turned into something else, but he doesn’t say anything.
He just flirts!
His flirts is the thing that has made me melt.
It is the thing that has made me fall madly for him.
At the beginning, I wasn’t thinking on him in this way.
But then when he starts flirting with me and be that caring and loving, I starts to own feeling towards him.
He cares about me a lot.
He always support me and flirt with me.
Everytime he flirts more with me, I became sure that we start to be in a relationship.
But still he doesn’t say anything!!!
I want this to be officially.
I want to be his officially.
I want him to confess his love.
He always say that I’m his and only for him so what other sign could be in front of me that could make me sure that he loves me?!
Which friend says to his friend that she is just his and she will never be for any man other than him?!
None right?!
So why he doesn’t say that?!!!
He has given me the most lovely moment from two weeks when he has got closer to me and has given me our first forehead kiss.
But then everything got destroyed!!!
Just because of a stupid misunderstanding!!!!
Because we aren’t officially together his insecurities have blinded him!!!!
He wasn’t comfortable from my colleague Kabir especially when we all took pictures together and he has fought with me and with him!!!
What is my fault for that?!!!!!
Why he do such?!!!!
I think that I have to listen to Ishani’s advice.
Ishani is my great best friend and I always take her advices in such stuff.
She has told me to make him more jealous.
He has to feel that I could be away from him.
He must to feel that I couldn’t be with him anymore.
I have got an offer of date from Kabir.
I have refused it, but I will tell Vansh that I didn’t.
I will make him feel that I really could be with another man.
I will not go on this date as I have already refused it, but he hasn’t to know that.
He has to know that I’m going to move on.
I’m going to be with someone else in the first day in the monsoon.
I have to learn from Ishani.
Yes she doesn’t have experience in such stuff, but she always help me and she always have brilliant ideas.
I’m sure it will work.
Riddhima’s POV ends.
Riddhima has texted Vansh.
Riddhima( on chat): HELP
After some time, Vansh has replied Riddhima.
He has panicked about her a lot and he starts asking her.
So she has told him about Kabir’s date offer.
He has shocked her with his cool reply.
Vansh( on chat): And what I will do? What is the problem I can’t see?
Riddhima( on chat): Oh really?! So you aren’t seeing anything bad?!!
Vansh( on chat): Yes, what is the problem if he wants to date you?! It is good. At the end, you are really a beautiful girl and you can’t be single more than that. I think you should give him a chance and this is my advice as your best friend.
Riddhima has got so angry and irritated.
Riddhima to herself: Best friend?!!! Really?!!!
Riddhima( on the chat): True friends are only those who stay with you when you are sad and at hard times. But you can’t become my friend and help me. You should say earlier that you don’t want neither to be more than friends nor friends. I thought and hoped that you will help me as a friend not as something else but you backed up.We know each other from much time. But you are not helping me. Whereas Ishani who just became my friend is trying her best to help me in each and every problem. It’s not been 2 months also that we met. But still she always helps me due to which sometimes she get scoldings. But what about our friendship?! You backed off at wrong time.
Riddhima got so angry when he has seen her messages and didn’t replied.
She she has decided to do what Ishani has said.
Riddhima( on chat): I think that you are really right. I should at the end give this guy a chance as he is really a good and direct guy who has said everything to me in a very direct way and he is doing his best to be with me and he isn’t giving up easily so this is the only type of men that I should give him a chance. Thank you for helping me without helping me. I will go on a date with Kabir especially on this special day. It could rain anytime and this will be so romantic. Thank you for helping me without noticing that. Thanks a lot!
Riddhima was angry while typing this message.
Vansh’s POV starts:
Does she is really going to date Kabir?!!!!!
No!!!!! I was thinking that she is just doing that to make me angry and jealous, but the way she was talking with it makes me sure that she could do that!!! No!! She can’t do that. She can’t be with any guy other than me! I have to do something! I can’t be quiet more!
Vansh’s POV ends.
Riddhima’s POV starts:
I think it will rain now. I’m feeling alone. All my family members have gone into a hang out and I just refused to go with them and preferred to be alone. I’m sitting on the terrace looking at the sky with a broken heart. I was thinking that he could be jealous and tell me everything he is storing it towards me, but he has shocked me with his cool attitude! I’m so angry from him!!!
Riddhima’s POV ends.
While Riddhima was being in the state, she has found Vansh being near her house.
He wasn’t seeing her so she has closed all the lights and got hidden.
So he could think that she isn’t at the house and she has really went on this date.
She kept making him on his confusion and anger for some time so she could take her right from him.
Afterwards, she has opened the gate to him.
He has pulled her closer to him.
Vansh: I was sure that you will never go on this date with this stupid guy. How dare you to really think to go on a date with this Kabir?!!!!
Riddhima( in a cool attitude): I’m just following what you have said so why you are being angry now?!
She has said that by being away from him.
He has grabbed her more closer to him and kissed her in her cheek.
This kiss has made her starts to melt.
Vansh: Don’t you dare to think to be with any guy Riddhima even if I have said that. When I say that I don’t want you in my life, this means that I want you to be so close to me. I can’t lose you. I can’t be away from you. You are so special to me. You are the reason of my happiness. I don’t want you to go anywhere. I’m just a stupid man who was so confused to take such a decision, but I can’t sit quiet seeing you going away from me. I want you Riddhima. I want you and I can’t make you away from me.
At this moment, the rain starts to fall on them.

It was the first rain of the monsoon.
Vansh has got closer to Riddhima.
Vansh: I love you so much Riddhima. I love you more than my own self. I want you to be mine forever. I need you and I will not make you leave.
After Vansh has finished his words, he has hugged Riddhima a very tight hug.

It was their first hug.
It was the first hug at the first rain of the monsoon.
They weren’t saying any words.
They were just hugging each other.
It was a very warm hug.
They were holding each other so closely.
Riddhima was holding him closely by putting her hands around his neck so tightly.
She was sinking her hands on his hairs and holding him very protectively.
Vansh was pressing on her so much.
He was wanting to sink on her by being on her arms.
This hug was giving Riddhima a kind of painful feelings as due to their so much closeness she was feeling as if her bones were being broken, but she was enjoying and being happy as this hug was like a heal to her pain.
After a long time being hugging each other, Riddhima has broken the hug by looking at Vansh eyes and putting her hands around his face.
Riddhima: I love you Vansh. I can’t be for anyone other than you. You are my love and my everything. I was sure that you will confess your feelings. I was sure that what I was feeling was right. You have came at the perfect time. You have made this first rain of the monsoon so special by your confession and your hug. Your hug that I don’t want to get out of it never.
She has hugged him once again.
They were hugging under the rains.
They were enjoying this rains while they were being on this closeness.
They kept hugging each other without talking more.
They weren’t feeling that they need to talk.
They were just needing this hug.
This hugs that they were storing it since they started owing feelings to each other.
Their eyes were saying everything.
Their love was such a special one.
Love under the rains of the monsoon.

Kaash mere zindgi mein aye,
Ek aise barsaat,
mere haath mein ho tera haath,
bheegte rahe hum saari raat,
Honth rahe khamosh,
Bas aankhon se ho teri meri baat..!!! ( I wish hey in my life,
such a rain,
Your hand is in my hand,
We kept getting wet all night,
lips remain silent,
Only your eyes are my talk..!!!)
This what they were feeling it and it wasn’t needing any word to be said.
Their first hug at the first rain of the monsoon was such a very long and romantic hug.

The end of the os. I hope you like it. I love rains a lot and I wish I could be there to enjoy the monsoon. Hope you all are enjoying and take care so much and do tell me how was this os. I hope you have enjoyed it and do tell me your memories under the rains. I will be waiting for all of yours comments. As your comments is what encourages me to write more os episodes. Your respond here is what will make me know if I should write a new os or not. I will be waiting for for so many comments from you all and I hope that you all could make me break my previous record of comments and yes one more thing. I need from you all a word or something to say it to me on the comments as well. I’m too tired and I’m too broken and I need a motivational and support from you. Write as much as you all can as I do need something to not make me end my pain and hurt myself more than what I’m doing. Love you all and thank you all for your support and love. Please guys keep supporting me the way you are doing. Please guys don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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