chapter 12 : kaira suspicious about ?

the chapter starts with kaira going down to have breakfast with their family .manish went to the office early in the morning due to an urgent deal while others were confused as to who are the people they are having in the house whom they don’t even know .

kartik : dadi he is Aditya Khuranna and this is her sister Aditi Khuranna hain . we are having a deal with them . they will be staying at our house for some days as there house got burnt .

dadi : ohh ok ! welcome beta . consider this as your house only

aditya and aditi together : sure aunty

dadi : aree bacho don’t call me aunty call me dadi

aditya : jee dadi

they had their breakfast . kartik decided to drop naira to dance academy while aditi was realizing that she likes kartik a lot . she realised it when naira and kartik were feeding breakfast to each other and aditi was burning with jealousy. she now wanted to throw naira out of kartik’s life and became his mrs. . while aditya stealed glances of naira and when naira served him tea he held his handin order to take the tea while naira felt a little uncomfortable, aditya wanted to kick kartik out of naira’s life as he wasn’t able to see naira feeding food to kartik. whereas dadi was thinking to talk to aditi about her plans for wedding. whereas kaira in car,

kartik: naira what happened you okay right ? i am noticing from morning you are looking lost

naira : yes kartik i am totally fine it’s just yesterday we slept late so i guess just tiredness nothing else

kartik : naira then you should have taken rest na why are you going to dance academy ?

naira : no kartik dance acdemy is also important na and vaise bhi i just have to manage the finance today

kartik : ok then promise me that you will take full care of yourself

naira : hmm voh kartik..

kartik : voh kya naira.speak

naira : did you find aditya’s behaviour strange ?

kartik stopped the car in just a second.

naira : what happened why did you stopped the car ?

kartik : naira you also found his behaviour strange ?

naira : yaa a little bit but wait you also ?

kartik : yes  naira i dont know why he just asks wierd questions every time , first singhania sadan , then goenka villa and then hospit..aa.

and kartik stopped because he didn’t want naira to know about aditya being in hospital .

naira : hospital?what do you mean?

kartik: voh nothing slip of tongue nothing else

naira : haan i beleived jaise

kartik: sorry naira i lied to you that day when i went to take you medicines ( he narrates all the happenings)

naira : hmm

while naira was feeling uncomfortable listening to all this and today tea’s accident . while kartik was waiting for naira’s reaction  he knew it would make her uncomfortable but he told her as he again doesn’t want to lie to her.

kartik: nairaa

naira : haan

kartik: you okay right ? you feeling uncomfortable?

naira : voh kartik

kartik: no need to tell me anything i will ask them to move to some hotel they won’t stay in goenka villa anymore

naira : no need kartik and vaise bhi they are our guest na

kartik: par tyou are feeling  uncomfortable naira. i can’t risk it

naira : kartik calm down and otherwise something even happens you are there right

kartik:but  naira

naira: no buts and ifs kartik i am totally fine

kartik : hmm

naira pov

kartik i know you know that i am uncomfortable , even i  am but i don’t know it just a lot more to me . i can’t handle more . if we even ask aditya to leave then papa and dadi and you will have a fight and i don’t have the energy left for that. first that reality about my birth which i am still not over , then that accident or i should say attempt of killing me , then dance academy problem and now this !! i just hope everything gets fine as soon as possible.

naira pov ends

kartik pov

i am very scared naira for loosing you , i know you are uncomfortable and i even know that you are tensed about things and a lot is happening for us now but i don’t know why every time aditya talks to me he mentions you which irks me . it’s not like i don’t trust you , i trust you a lot but i don’t trust aditya or her sister aditi. they give me huge creeps and aditi she even tried get close to me in the morning when i was going to the kitchen .


kartik : naira  i will just go t the kitchen i think phone reh gaya

naira: hmm ok

aditi : umm naira do you have coffee in the house?

naira: yes you want it ?

aditi : actually yaa because i don’t drink tea but it’s ok i will make it !

naira : ok if you want anything then ask kartik he is there in the kitchen

aditi : hmm ok

aditi(mind): his wife is so dumb, leaving her hot husband with a stranger .well good for me.

aditi went inside the kitchen and saw kartik scrolling up his phone .

kartik : aditi you here ?

aditi: haan actually  i wanted coffee so making it

kartik : ohh okay

aditi : never mind what were you doing ?

kartik : kuch nahi just scrolling up naira’s report to make sure she is fine and healthy

aditi(fake smile): hmm …well you love naira?

kartik found her question wierd . well like she entered his house yesterday night and today she is asking him a personal question.

kartik: yaa a lot , she is my breath , my soul , my everything..

aditi : why you love her ? like what’s in her to love her?

kartik : excuse me?

aditi : don’t take it wrong just asking

kartik: hmm..she is one of the purest soul. if you hate her , she will never hate you back . and if you love her than she won’t let anything happen to you . her love is a blessing for me . just today i am with my family , it’s all because of her . today i am a better version of myself just because of her. she can sacrifice, forgive do everything for a loved one but she won’t let anyone drown in guilt . she will kill herself but not a child . she will die but will die as in a way that no one will get hurt . i will tell you , naira had to go through a surgery but the impact could be memory loss . we all were scared but she only had one thought moreover a fear. she kept on saying that : mujhe marna manzoor hain par tumhein bhulkar jeena nahin . she is the best.

aditi : cool !

while naira calling kartik:

naira: kartikk…kartik..

kartik: yesnaira

naira: where have you gone  ..i am waiting for you and aditi tum bhi aaon

kartik : nothing naira i was just  looking at your reports . you are healthy !

aditi : i am coming ! coffee is just done

naira : gr8! chalo kartik lets go to dance academy now

kartik : haan

aditi pov

ohh so he loves naira but i bet i am more pretty than her and well i am more rich . if i offer him my hand i just hope he takes mine ! and if he doesn’t then well i know how to remove naira from his life and even mine .

aditi pov ends


kartik pov ends

thereafter kartik went to his office still not assured weather to leave naira alone or not while naira went to the dance academy .


that’s it for this chapter guys . hope you like it

Till then bye and lots of love

Signing off



stanning yrkkh!!

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