Fan Fiction


Hi This is VHM back with a new FF on IB couple SHIVIKA….A slow yet Subtle love story……..

This is completely off track FF on Shivika and a college life and post college life of Shivika based FF…nothing to do with the track of IB….May be few of you can relate to this….you all know the characters and few characters will behave the same way as in real IB…few will be different……The Beginning would be slow and may bore you, but as i always say these beginning episodes will be crucial to form the further story……..

Please ignore the grammatical and spelling mistakes…….Hope the readers would support me the same way as they have supported me till date……based upon the response on this episode, i will be uploading the next episode……



Shivaay reached the place where Tia saw Sundari Bua…he gave the pic to all his men and asked them to ask each and every person, knock each and every house and enquire about Sundari bua and if they get any information, they should let him know first…

His staff agreed and dispersed in different directions….they all did what they asked for and finally Khanna got to know where Sundari Bua resided …

Khanna informed Shivaay and they all rushed to Sundari Bua’s house……..

Shivaay knocked the door…a mid-aged lady (ML)opened it

Shivaay ”Sundari ji…does she stay here?”

ML ”No…i stay here”

Shivaay ”please don’t lie…i really need to meet her”

ML ”I don’t know who you are , but please leave from here…otherwise i am gonna call police”

Shivaay ”you can very well call police , but right now i am going in to talk to her”he walked inside

ML ”Hey stop there…you can’t simply budge in”

Shivaay ”listen…i am Shivaay Singh Oberoi and Shivaay singh Oberoi does what he wants to” he spoke arrogant setting his hair with anger in eyes

ML stood aghast and Shivaay rushed in searching for Sundari Bua(SB), she was sleeping

Shivaay ”Ms.Sundari ji…”

SB ”Who is that?”

Shivaay ”i am Shivaay Singh Oberoi…Ms.Surpanaka’s friend…i came to ask about her whereabouts”

SB ”Ohh you…how did you know i am here”

Shivaay ”that’s unnecessary…tell me where is Ms.Surpanaka?”

SB ”Surpanaka…who is she?”

Shivaay looked at Khanna

Khanna ”Anika…sir is asking about Anika madam”

SB ”I Don’t know where she is …it’s been more than 10 years that i have seen her”

Shivaay ”but you might have heard her…she must have called you…just tell me the number and i will get every detail of her”

SB ”She never called me…before leaving me here , she warned me not to go to Mumbai and meet anyone …she said that if i do so, she will break all chords with me and leave me on my fate…i am an old woman Shivaay ji and cannot do any work…all these years she had provided me everything that i need without any question…the lady outside has been taking care of me…i never spoke to Anika or Sahil”

Shivaay ”Sahil…yes Ms.Surpanaka’s little brother Sahil…my cute little friend too…where is Sahil? ”

SB ”I never spoke to him …Anika took Sahil with her while leaving…she said that Sahil is her responsibility and she will bring him up…i swear, she had never come here in these years, she never spoke….i never met her and i don’t know where she is”


Anika’s mobile rang

Anika ”Hello”

Unknown Person (UP) ”Madam…few men have come to your house and they are enquiring about you”

Anika ”what?”

UP ”yes madam…they are asking about you”

Anika ”wait a min..i am sending a pic..just look and tell me whether he is the same person or not?”

UP ”okay madam”

Anika sent him a photo, the person looked at it

Anika ”now tell me is he the same”

UP ”yes mam…but how did you know?”

Anika TAM ”How come Mr.Ritchie Rich get to know about Sundari Bua? how did he reach to her? i hope she doesn’t say anything…i am sure she will not say anything because she doesn’t know about my whereabouts…but still Mr.Ritchie Rich is very intelligent, he will by hook or crook find me out…i can’t let this happen”

UP ”Mam…you there on line?”

Anika ”yeah…i am …listen i need your help”

UP ”yes mam”

Anika said something to him

UP ”Sure mam…i will do it”

Anika ”Thank you…thanks a lot…after they are gone please let me know ”

UP ”yes mam”

Anika ended the call and sat back tensed

———————–Old Delhi

Shivaay ”i don’t trust you…tell me the truth where she is…how is it possible that she is maintaining everything  and you don’t know anything about her?”

ML ”we are saying truth sir…we don’t know anything about her whereabouts…a person comes every month and gives us the money for maintenance and my salary…it is always surplus for two persons…before Anika madam left, she said only one thing…”i will send you money every month, please take care  of sundari bua and yourself too…this is the first and last time i will be meeting you…” and then we never met…this is the truth”

Shivaay TAM ”you can’t do this to me Ms.Surpanaka…you can’t close every door and lock yourself….if you are Ms.Surpanka i am also your Mr.Ritchie Rich…i am not going to give up so early…till my last breath i will be searching for you and i will not leave my breathe until i find you…this is the promise of Shivaay Singh Oberoi”

Shivaay got up and started to leave from there , when a Person entered SB house, Shivaay looked at him and stopped him

Shivaay ”who are you? why are you here?”

Person ”i came to give the money to them , like i do every month”

Shivaay’s brain started working

Shivaay ”who sends money to them…i need details”

Person ”i will not sir…i was asked not to divulge details and i don’t know anything”

Shivaay ”you will, else  i very well know how to get truth out of you”

Person ”i think i should leave now”

Shivaay ”look…this is a question of my life and i need to know the details…i can destroy you to know the answer , but i prefer to request you…so please tell me the details”

Person ”i don’t know anything , amount is transferred in my bank account and i withdraw it and give it to these people…but i think from next month it will be stopped and i will not be handing over any money to them…today i came to say this”

Shivaay ”stopped why?”

Person ”because the bank people said that the account from where the amount is being transferred has been closed”

Shivaay ”just tell me the account details…rest i will find it”

The person agreed and gave the details…….Shivaay left from there and went ahead to the bank and spoke to the manager to give the details…it was against protocol to share the details with anyone, but the person opposite to the bank manager was Shivaay Singh Oberoi, so the details were given…..Shivaay looked at the details and went into thoughts

Shivaay TAM ”Damn …i knew it’s you Ms.Surpanaka,  only you can play this smart…you are sending the amount from International bank and again closed the door for me…with this bank details i can never get any information of where you are…and even if i get the details, your current location can never be traced…because the bank is located almost in every country of the west…does that mean , you are not in India? Does that mean you may be in India and operating from an international account…..and even if i try to get the bank details, it is of no worth because you are closing the account… this way is blocked forever now….i must find another way to reach you…”

He felt sad and left from there

Shivaay ”Khanna ask our man to keep an eye on that person who handed over the money…if any of his movement is different just let me know”

Khanna agreed and informed a person to do what Shivaay said…Shivaay started towards Mumbai in his chopper……..


Anika received a call from UP with what all happened …Anika took a sigh of  relief

Anika TAM ”Don’t find me Mr.Ritchie Rich…now we have no relation , not even a unnamed relation…it all ended 10+ years back ….you are married,settled and moved on, there is no point to find me….you ended everything that one evening….everything”

She wiped the tears that rolled out and shut down the laptop after raising a close account request in her online banking account……

Sahil ”Anika didi….done with your work?”

Anika ”hmm …yes…tell me what shall we do now?”

Sahil ”Anika didi…actually i have some important information to share with you”

Anika ”what?”

Sahil ”i have been selected for the world Technology and business quiz from our college”

Anika ”that’s great?”

Sahil ”but…”

Anika ”but what?”

Sahil ”will you allow me to participate?”

Anika ”you should …why are you asking me?”

Sahil ”that’s because”

Anika ”don’t drag …put your point straight”

Sahil ”that’s because it is conducted in Mumbai, in university college of Mumbai…so”

Anika ”no need then”

Sahil ”Anika didi …this is not fair…remember during your college days you went to kodaikanal for a competition…and you were the first runner up…”

Anika TAM ”it was that trip that lead to every disaster in my life…i can never forget that trip”

Sahil ”this quiz competition is much more prestigious than that…cream of students from all over the world come there….i mean the best of young adults and it’s a rare opportunity….the person who wins will be groomed in the field of his/her choice from many international and reputed organizations,life will be set, also a prize amount of Rs 1 Crore…it will be a good exposure for me…and didi , you only said you want to see me successful…when the opportunity to success is in front of me…why are you pulling me back”

Anika ”had the competition been anywhere else except India , i would have sent you happily…but it’s in India that too in Mumbai…so i cannot send you”

Sahil ”so what’s the problem…why not in Mumbai?”

Anika ”you very well know Sahil…we have broken all chords with India and specially Mumbai…so why are you arguing over this…i cannot allow you”

Sahil ”didi, i was born there, my roots are always taught me that we should not forget the roots  and now you are denying me…by the way…i have changed a lot over these years…no one will recognise me there…and you have changed my name to Sunil Chaturvedi in all my official have taken every precaution that no one knows me by my real name, i don’t know for what reasons though…so please , let me go didi”

Anika ”Sahil….tell me what are you upto?”

Sahil ”it’s a quiz competition didi…what will be i upto?”

Anika ”i mean are you trying to take me before those persons whom i never want to meet…is this what your main motive is?”

Sahil TAM ”Anika didi is very sharp, how can she read my brain”

Anika ”i can read your brain Sahil and if you have any such plans then drop it…i don’t want to meet any persons of my past…i have closed all the doors for everyone”

Sahil TAM ”i must act smart and make her agree”

Anika ”now what are you thinking? how to make me agree?”

Sahil ” didi…your happiness is my priority…if you don’t want i wouldn’t go…what to do , i will treat it as my fate…don’t worry i will not say a word about this again…but i for my entire life would feel sad that i couldn’t even try, if not win…this feeling will be carried on further” he spoke to gain sympathy and behaved dramatic

Anika was in thoughts while cooking Pasta Pesto for Sahil….

Anika TAM ”he is right…this feeling of not giving a try would always be a burden over his heart…for my personal reasons i cannot stop him…but what if he goes before them…what if they recognise him…what if they question him about me…i cannot take this risk either…what crux have you put me in Sahil….i cannot allow, i cannot deny…what and how to decide”

Sahil observed Anika cooking pasta and being in thoughts

Sahil TAM ”i know didi you are now in dilemma…i also know you will do anything for me…i am sorry for putting you in such bad situation…but your happiness is my priority…all these days you have given me everything, now it’s my turn….i worked hard till date only to go to Mumbai through this competition…my aim is to win this competition to bring you and Shivaay jiju face to face and i promise i will make this happen…you must smile again, you must love and live your life again…i am missing my Khidkitodh Anika didi from so many years….and it is time to bring you back…so mission ”Anika returns ”  should start ……”

Anika got a slight smell of burning and came out of thoughts, the same burnt smell brought Sahil out of thoughts…

Anika ”uff …i stopped it right before it get completely burnt…come Sahil , let’s have dinner”

Sahil ”and what about your decision”

Anika ”give me time till morning  and i will tell you…but whatever i decide , will you follow”

Sahil ”did i ever deny you?”

Anika smiled and said ”Sahil…listen…i trust you a lot…if your purpose is to give a try and win the competition i don’t want to stop you…go ahead …”

Sahil ”but…”

Anika looked at him

Sahil ”but what are your conditions…say me that also…because without clauses you don’t do anything…”

Anika smiled ”Conditions

1. You will not meet any of my friends or their families

2. You will not tell anyone about me

3. You will go and come back after the competition ends

4. you will not reveal your real identity of being Sahil chaturvedi…you will go as Sunil and return as Sahil

5. you will not contact me on my number from there….i will call you from VOIP

6. you will not have or keep any pics of mine or your childhood pics

7. You will not meet Sundari bua or your childhood friends too,

8. you will not go to your  old house also

9. In total, you will be Sunil with no background ”

Sahil ”Anika didi…so many conditions…but i agree except for your third and fifth condition

Anika ”i didn’t get you”

Sahil ”Didi if i win , i will be groomed for two months in India, so i cannot come back soon after competition….and i will contact you if there is any emergency or i am struck anywhere”

Anika ”fine…agreed”

Sahil ”also one more thing…the first condition you said…i meeting your friends and their families…i will not meet them, but oberois are the one who started this competition, so somewhere i might meet them”

Anika’s face was shocked

Sahil ”but don’t worry…i will not tell them anything about me or you…i promise…i will not go beyond your words”

Anika composed and smiled , but she knew her heartbeat was way more than normal

Anika ”so when do you need to start”

Sahil ”In a week and in this week you will prepare me for the competition…”

Anika ”me…no way…what will i teach you”

Sahil ”everything you know…because you are the best teacher didi…there is a lot to learn from you”

——————–OM,  Mumbai

OmRu and all other family members were eagerly waiting for Shivaay’s arrival …the moment he stepped in…everyone started asking

”did you find any details? where is she? when are you bringing her? did you get her phone number? give me the number i will talk to her? why are you not saying anything? what happened?”

Shivaay ”ok stop all of you…take a pause and let me speak”

Everyone went silent

Shivaay ”you all, including me forgot that we are finding Ms.Surpanaka….she had closed every way that leads to finding her whereabouts….”

Om ”shivaay..tell us everything”

Shivaay explained what all happened…everyone were disheartened

Om ”but did you guys notice onething….how did the person know that the account was closed? i mean until he is told by someone how can he know? ”

Tej ”exactly…the bank will never say the customer about the person transferring the amount to his account has closed the account ….isn’t this strange”

Shivaay ”how can i miss this point…”

Shakthi ”but even if he is in contact with Ms.Surpanaka….She will take necessary precautions by now”

Shivaay ”i have asked our men to follow him and keep a track of his movement…now i will ask to track his phone details”

Shivaay left from there to his room and closed his door…he changed to nightwear and opened the drawer and took the ”SRO BRACELET” his Ms.Surpanaka gifted him


Anika and Sahil completed their dinner and returned to their rooms

Anika opened her purse and took the ”A&S” chain gifted by her Mr.Ritchie Rich


Precap : Sahil to reach Mumbai and come face to face with Oberois 


This was the Thirty Ninth episode…..please do let me know , how you felt after reading this…any opinions good or bad is welcome…i would reply as soon as possible……….do press the like button and post your opinion without fail…..Thank you so much !!!!


Husband and Daughter - heart of my life Reading and writing - part of my life Parents and God - Light of my life

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