Fan Fiction


Hi This is VHM back with a new FF on IB couple SHIVIKA….A slow yet Subtle love story……..

This is completely off track FF on Shivika and a college life and post college life of Shivika based FF…nothing to do with the track of IB….May be few of you can relate to this….you all know the characters and few characters will behave the same way as in real IB…few will be different……The Beginning would be slow and may bore you, but as i always say these beginning episodes will be crucial to form the further story……..

Please ignore the grammatical and spelling mistakes…….Hope the readers would support me the same way as they have supported me till date……based upon the response on this Teaser/Prologue, i will be uploading the next episodes……

TAM : Thought At the Moment………


Mamta ”what’s your problem Anika?”

Anika ”my legs are still under fracture…i am not able to do any of my works myself…my tutions have stopped , so does my income and..”

Madhuri ”ok enough…i know you are being sarcastic”

Anika ”ohh you understood i was being sarcastic…good…”

Rajni ”Why are not talking to anyone of us? ”

Anika ”you are asking as if you don’t know the reason…you all are my friends …to be particular my best friends…but you hid from me that the internals were preponed…why did you do this?”

Mamta ”Anika…did you imagine and understand in what stage you were when you were in hospital..we are your best friends , we couldn’t see you suffering and above that if we would have informed you about internals you would have felt the mental pain …i know physical pain goes away with time but mental pain stays forever…and we don’t want you to undergo that…what would have happened…you would have missed the internals…that wouldn’t effect as we know you still can top the exams….but had you known there were internals you would have cried more and we didn’t want that to happen”

Madhuri ”this is why we said we will not meet you for a week…and we will let you know everything after a week”

Rajni ”if you still feel , we did wrong then …you can continue to stop talking with us”

Anika realised they really thought good for her….she didn’t waste a minute after realising her mistake….she held her ears and said ”Sorry…i am really sorry for being so rude…i am sorry for not realising your intentions and felt bad for hiding it from me…i am sorry for not trusting you though i said i would trust you…i am sorry for being the imperfect among you perfects…i am really sorry” her voice choked with every passing sentence, and finally her tears bursted

Anika went silent for a while, realising and thinking… big mistake she did…how rude she was….how imperfect she was….what she was and what she became….how an incident made her become an arrogant , insensitive girl….how she started building a wall of untrust with everyone she talks and speaks to…she forgot she was once the most beautiful, innocent yet funniest and jovial girl with whom everyone wished to do friendship …..and all this was destroyed, just because of one incident in the past….and now she understood that there are still people who are good , really good from heart and trustworthy, and not everyone rich kid is spoilt and brat……..

MMR came near her , wiping her tears said ”enough of rona-dhona…we are friends…no , we are best friends and like you we are also not perfect….” They all hugged each other….

Mamta ”Anika…i think you must tha…”

Anika ”Mamta…can you take me to Shivaay once”

MMR ”whaaaaaaaaaaat?”

Anika ”please take me to Shivaay once…”

MMR ”are you sure or are we imagining things”

Anika ”enough of your drama girls…now take me to him before that Mr. Ritchie Rich shows his arrogance ”

MMR ”Okk fine…by the way..”

Anika ”Rajni…you can update me while we move on”

They all smiled

Rajni ”see…i can’t keep anything as secret from you , so let me spill you …we made friendship with Shivaay…i mean ”

Anika ”see i am your friend , this doesn’t mean you should not do friendship with the person i don’t like…you have to have your own opinion too…”

Madhuri ”like …seriously are you not upset with us”

Anika ”pagal ho kya? i am not so bad yaar”

They all laughed and were looking for Shivaay……when Madhuri saw Shivaay and called ”Hey Shivaay”

Shivaay smiled looking at Madhuri and came near her…

Shivaay ”everything fine? why did you call me?”

Anika ”not she …i wanted to talk to you Mr.Ritchie Rich” she spoke loudly

Before shivaay could say something everyone looked at Anika as if some miracle has taken place…

Anika ”Ohh hello…what? why is everyone looking at me as if i am an alien and as if i said something which i shouldn’t have said…now please go ahead and do your work ” she screamed

Shivaay ”i can’t believe you are screaming being sick”

Anika ”Hey Mr.Ritchie Rich…my leg has fracture not my mouth”

Shivaay ”Ms.Surpanaka…come straight to the point…what did you want to talk?”

Anika ”Why did you make me write the internals…you could have easily came first had i not written”

Shivaay dragged the professors chair and sat infront of her …

Shivaay ”i like your confidence Ms.Surpanaka….but I am Shivaay Singh Oberoi…and i don’t like to win challenges without a proper competition…that’s why i insisted you to come with me to college and write the exam…”

Anika smiled at his words turning sideways…Shivaay looked at her with a slight smile adorning his lips…he composed himself when Anika turned towards him

Shivaay”are you fine today?”

Anika ”why? why are you asking so?”

Shivaay ”for the first time you are smiling …that too when i spoke something that really irritates you”

Anika ”Shivaay …THANK YOU….” She took a pauze and then again spoke ”I mean Mr.Ritchie Rich …THANK YOU….”

Shivaay ”Ohh God…today you are giving me shocks after shocks …first you smiled ..then you took my name properly, though corrected yourself later…then said thank you…am asking you again are you okay?”

Anika ”Mr.Ritchie Rich…i want to say truth about you to the media about my accident… as going back to hospital hiding myself is getting difficult for me…this is what i actually wanted to talk to you…”

Shivaay ”sure…you want to say the truth…i wouldn’t stop you…will talk to bade papa and ask to arrange the press meet”


Precap : Anika’s media statement to shock Shivaay….shocking result of Second internal…Anika’s life to take a turn


This was the Ninth episode…..please do let me know , how you felt after reading this…any opinions good or bad is welcome…i would reply as soon as possible……….do press the like button and post your opinion without fail…..Thank you so much !!!!


Husband and Daughter - heart of my life Reading and writing - part of my life Parents and God - Light of my life

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