Hey guys SammieR here
I am here with my second ff on swasan
This story will start after Laksh ask swasan to prove their marriage and sanskar filled Swara’s maang…….
Laksh is left shocked.He is still not believing that the only girl he loved is now his brother’s wife…..He just wants someone to say him that Laksh your just seeing a dream it’s not true but alas it is true now he doesn’t have any right on her……
The word “Broken” will be also regarding small thing for him as he’s feeling worse than anyone can think………
Swara a girl of the modern world, A girl whom loves to live life to the fullest, A girl whom is full of positive vibe, a girl whom believes in standing up for what is right, is now thinking what she did so much wrong that her beautiful and small world fell apart her happiness her family everything went far from her…….. But the question is WHY?? WHY HER HAPPINESS FADED AWAY?? WHY HER FAMILY BROKE?? JUST BECAUSE SHE WANTED A PERFECT LIFE or JUST BECAUSE SHE WANTED A FATHER……
Sanskar on the other hand was guilty because he knew if he didn’t make ragini against Swara……if he thought about everything and everyone but not about revenge than the situation was not what it is in present…….
Precap : Only if you want then first part
It’s nyc….I m in…
Thank you
Plz continue
Thank you….
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Awesome dear
Thank you
Thank you
please update soon
Thank you
nice concept
do continue
Thank you
Thank you
Nice.. Continue ?
Thank you
Awesome??????????????????????????????????????……Plz don’t disappear again Or late update…….
Plz plz update soon
Thank you but what you mean by late update and disappearing I didn’t get it
It’s seems interesting.. !! I want to read the further parts..!! Continue soon dear..!!
Thnk u..
Thank you kakali Di
Thank you
Continue soon
Thank you
Thank you
Interesting post soon please
Thank you
Thank you
plz contnuee
Thank you
marvellous. really wanted to read something on this track. pls update soon. will be waiting for next part
Thank you
Plz continue …It should be little Nok jhok type….
Thank you
Update soon dear
Thank you
Nicee continue soon
Thank you
Great. …..i likeed it. …????plzz continue
Thank you
Thank you
Nice.. ?
Thank you
nice dear….continue soon..
Thank you
Thank you