Fan Fiction


Hey guys Trisha here hope you guys remember me . So finally I am done wd my exams but result is still to come so till than I had written an os . Hope u guys like this!

******”YOURS FOREVER”******

” Mam pls tell me will my husband be fine right ? ” wife of a random patient questioned her.

“Ofcourse ; there’s nothing to be worry about just a little wound” she replied in a calming tone.

The women took a sigh of relief nd started taking care of her husband !

“Mam dr Kabeer is calling you ” miss Fernandes informed her while she hurriedly replied “ok thanku Mam”

Never knew when her walking speed triplet listening his name ; never knew when she started to blush when someone talked abt him in front of her !

She stepped towards his cabin hurriedly… step one …. step two…. wait she is seeing old people ward in the way….. you wanna know why ? Because that was the places of one of those events which made her blush even more ; and you know the best thing He too noticed that but never let her know …. she stood there for few seconds nd continued few flashbacks kept her mind ;

Dr Kabeer and dr Saachi were examining an old women while Saachi was his assistant at that time ; when the injury had almost finished ;

Women- god bless both of your pair !

Both of them just looked at each other in shock…. he cleared the doubt and the little Happy incident ended but somewhere she started to fight with god while moving back to her work …. ” can’t they trust that ladies words ? ” but don’t u dare think abt this much ! Because ….. this was a little piece of her unusual and weird mind !

Thinking …. remembering….
Smiling …… she reached his cabin… whose door was a bit open ….
She was abt to knock the door when heard him talking on phone !

Kabeer- yes maa …. fine …. you do whatever you find right !
But these marriage proposals shouldn’t affect my work !…… Hm thanku mom….. kk bye I will ttyl ….. love u maa !

Her smile just disappeared in micro seconds when she starts a “yes / no” game in her mind ! “Will dr kabeer really marry ? ”
But at that time listening to him was more important after all it was their final month of internship !

“Knock knock”

“Come in dr”

” sir you called me ?”

“Yeah ; actually we have an important conference with foreign clients at abc hotel and you will accompany me as my assistant” he said.

“Sure sir” she replied with a dull face.

“And …. wear something nice nd be ready tomorrow morning 10 am ” he added while she nodded nd left for her work !

Wherever she went many questions crept his mind “will he really marry ? But what if he will ! Why should I care ! Why all this is affecting me so much nd I know what next he too wants me to join him there too ”
When someone waves her hands against her face ;

Pragya- where r u lost ?

*all were in canteen”

Saachi- nowhere yr !

Veer- really miss gongappa atleast give us a little smile !

While she acted or mimicked a big sarcastic smile “thts ok?” She remarked .

Isha- listen listen did u guys listened some girl is coming to meet my hottie ! (Acted like crying)

Saachi- hottie ? Call him hitler !

Veer- nice name !

Pragya- then what we will handle her !

A known voice remarked from a little distance ” handle whom?”

All of them turned to find dr kabeer there …! And a way dumbstruck!

Veer- n…. nothing sir !

Kabeer- better ! Leave for ur work !

All left !

Few hours passed like this and it was evening when Saachi received a message from dr Kabeer-“be ready sharp at 6 pm ; we have to go somewhere ”

She replied in agreement nd it was evening ! She got ready in an elegant long too on fitted jeans … micro sized long earnings and light makeup.
At first he was shocked for few seconds but then continued …!
He picked her ; the drive continued !

Kabeer- we are going to a mall as my mom wants me to meet some senior doctors daughter nd a gift for her too nd for that she preferred you to select that; hope u don’t mind !

Saachi- yes never mine sir !
(In mind- wow we had already left nd now he’s asking if I am ready for shopping or not )

They reached the mall;

Kabeer- so what do you think should I gift her.

Saachi- two years old sleepers and shoes polisher ! (She murmured)

Kabeer- what ?

(He listened what she said)

Saachi- ahm if she’s western then some modern jewellery will work else a big bouquet of flowers or may be a watch !

Kabeer- no she’s purely Indian !

Both continues to jewellery section! Where they started looking earring … finally they found a pair of gold stoned earrings…. which he asked Saachi to put on her . Finally the gift was selected but somewhere he didn’t wanted to give them to that girl when he himself knew they looked damn good on Saachi!
Secondly nd lastly they say for some snacks and drinks before leaving .

Waiter- what would you prefer Mam sir ?

Kanchi – a strawberry shake!

Both replied together while looked at each other’s face in little shock.

The shopping ended he was dropping her at her place she got out from the car while he said from the window …when she was abt to just turn to go…”take care” and as a reply she just smiled nd nodded her head .

It was the next day she woke up nd saw a message on her phone by Kabeer -“the meeting has postponed for one weekend at the same day I will be meeting that girl whom I going to marry hope u don’t mind accompanying me there as well”

Saachi (murmuring)- mind my foot …. I am going to kill her …. !

The seven days passed with Saachi constantly trying to spy on him whenever she got chance to find out any latest news abt the girl ! Or she might not meet him early !

Finally the day arrived kanchi left for the meeting… she was wearing a dark blue saree with light makeup nd loose hairs! He was just mesimerised to see her.
Few hours passed by and the meeting ended successfully ; they all left towards cafeteria of the hotel ! That girl hadn’t arrived yet… half an hr passed like this…
Saachi- sir when is she going to come ?

She was slung him constantly when he was trying a lot to calm him nd repeating “just do that Kabeer” in his mind. Finally after one and a half hour he got up from his seat…where they were constantly drinking coffee while waiting.

Saachi too stood up.

Kabeer- ahm ….that….!

Lack of courage he sat down again!

He did the same for five times in next half an hr and ofcourse waiter was tired giving them coffee one after other.

Saachi- sir should I leave !

Kabeer- no no wait…(he stood
Up nd took her to a nearby area which was decorated beautifully)… sat down on his knees and said….”u wanted to meet that girl right…!”

Saachi-yeah. ! (She smiled )

Kabeer- I …. I wanted to say…..(he said this in one breath) I don’t know anything you are just going to marry me ok!

Saachi-(making weird faces)- was this a proposal of an order ! Noways try again I can wait some more hours !

He gave her a wink nd tried again but ended up failing badly!

Saachi – how could I forget a typical khduus doctor is going to propose someone… actually u know what I should talk to kusum aunty abt that…may be she can teach u how to propose
(She smirks)

While he stood up holds her from shoulders; pulled towards her..when she could feel his breath… there was no space for air to pass between them… lights took a leave…love turned upon…cheeks had got red colour ….when he placed his lips gently upon hers …. at first giving a peck but then a passionate kiss…!

Both didn’t uttered a word on way back home !

She entered her apartment nd her buddies found a ring in her finger…!

A month later… they got married.

A dark room is shown with full lightning…. and an old man…. 70 years old putting down the pen on his diary when a tear escapes from his eye…!

He stepped outside nd made his way to the grave nearby …sat near a grave named “mrs Saachi kapoor” . He gave a forceful smile in the presence of tears…!

Man-“how could have I let our love die ! ”

He remembered a flashback…where an eight month old pregnant Sachi sitting In a Car got hit by a big truck while kabeer running towards her.

The end

This was it guys sorry for sad ending but this was only how it was planned earlier . Pls pls drop ur comments if u like this.


Hates chocolates....loves (sometimes) Singing ?...Not My cup of tea ! In love wd myself ❤️?❣️?????????

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