Fan Fiction

Friendship the first phase of love Episode 4

Hey guys Azreen here. Sorry for being late.

Today I won’t talk much and directly start with the episode as I’ve to go out.

So here it goes
Twinj not-jhok. Twinkle to be angry with Kunj. Twinkle’s shart. Kunj to attend classes and Leela wants to tell something to Twinkle


The episode starts with Twinkle questioning Leela ” what happened ma?? Y r u guys sitting together in the living room? Is there something that we should know about?? “yes beta we want to tell u guys something” said Leela. ” the thing is that Twinkle……………………………………………………….first promise that u won’t deny” said Raman Twinkle’s mama to Twinkle. ” guys u r making me go hell worried. Say fast”. ” Twinkle we have decided that u have to go to London for ur further studies!!”(Kyun shock laga na!!???
Nice try Ayu and SidMin ??) Twinj just stood at their place being all shocked

Twinkle’s POV

What I have to go to London?? But how can I? How can I live with out, ma, Raman mama, Pinni mami, bubbly and most importantly KUNJ. My Kunj!! How can I live without him. “NO!” I said almost shouted. “Twinkle u promised that u won’t deny” said ma. “Yes ma but that time I didn’t know about this” I said. “I don’t wanna go to London, I don’t wanna stay away from u guys. U know na that I don’t have anybody else than u guys. Than y r u trying to send me away from u guys?? Don’t u guys love me??” I cried out. ” It’s nothing like that beta plz try to understand, it’s for ur own betterment, Jay is also here for the same reason. We knew that u won’t agree so we called Jay to make u understand” said ma ( NOTE:- Taneja nad Sarna family share a great bond, The Sarnas always help the Tanejas. And the Tanejas always help the Sarnas in every matter. Twinkle considers Jay as her own brother and always listens to him). ” Twinkle Leela aunty is r8. U should go to London for ur further studies it’s for ur own betterment.” Said Jay bhai. “But Jay bhai y can’t I continue my studies in India only? Y do I have to go to London for it?” I asked. To this Jay bhai replied ” Yes u can continue ur studies in India also, but in India u won’t get to learn what u will get to learn and study in London”. ” plz Twinkle for me. At least for ur mother’s sake go to London for ur further studies” said ma almost pleading. ” ok I will go ” I said. Ya coz I can’t see my mom like this, I can do anything for her. I was broken from inside but I couldn’t show it in front of mom as I know it is also hard for her to let me go so far away from her. But again the sudden thought of leaving my Kunj and go made my breath go unstable. I couldn’t control myself, so I ran upstairs to my room and broke down.

Kunj’s POV

What??? Twinkle is going to London after only 1 week?????? No this can’t happen. How can I live without Twinkle. I can’t even stay a minute without her, so how can I stay away from her for so many years?? No she can’t leave me. I have to do something to stop her!! But what??

Wait why am I seeing blurr images?? Let me check. Am I crying?? But why??

Of course I am crying ?. How can I live without my Twinki??

I love her, so how can I stay away from her??? I know that I don’t love her in that sense, but I love her as a friend. I need to do something to stop her and asap

End of Kunj’s POV

Next scene Twinkle’s room
The room is empty no one is inside the room. But wait do u guys hear that?? I guess someone is crying. But who?? And from where is the sound coming from?? Let’s check the washroom

Now the screen shows the washroom
Twinkle is sitting under the shower sobbing hard. Her blood shot eyes show the pain she is carrying inside her.
T- No Twinkle u can’t cry like this. U have to be strong. She said wiping off her salty tears
T- u have to be strong for ma. Remember u are doing this for her only. Saying this she got up, changed wet clothes and went to sleep

To be continued

Sorry guys for short update. If possible forgive me. And also sorry coz I couldn’t give u the thank u speech. But next time pakka


A bubbly type of girl, like to crack stupid and sad kind of jokes, sometimes can be a little irritating too??. Wish me on 20th Jan

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