Friendship, Love and Passion (Ch.2 Part 6 Contd.)

here is d next part of Mission Tanya on board. Have fun reading it!
Tanya walked down, with distress and anger, which filled each and every cell in her body. She was constantly playing with her fingers, to keep nervousness to herself. The hallway was all filled with people on either sides, all staring at her in suspense, her brain shut down as she saw Abby approaching to her. All her body stiffened and froze in place, she dumbly stood there, all set for Abby to drag her back. Abby grabbed her arm and turned her to face the other side of the busy hallway. “We are having lunch in the caf, come and join us!”
Tanya sighed happily, as her friend was back to normal and not upset over the fact of her rejecting her proposal. She gently noded and followed along.
On the other side, Anirudh was busy finishing the report of a bunch of stats. They only let a few people, they knew into the caf, with the help of student council. The whole caf was awaiting Tanya’s entry. The whole plan was very neatly done, and should not be hard to execute. Most of the people were busy chatting over the plan, while Anirudh was sitting on top of a dull grey table with his phone in his hands. Armaan was sitting next to him, very excited and cheerful as his plan was being finally executed. Beside, him Akshaya was busy chatting with a group of people and giving them instructions on what to do. The second she was done, she received a text from Abby, stating that they are on their way.
She gruffly yelled, “On your positions, NOW,” her hands waving in the air, signalling everyone to take their places. Hearing that Armaan and Anirudh got off the table, and stood beside Akshaya.
“Kay, so all set? Do you have the stats ready?” she asked making sure everything was done.
They both nodded, and took their place, opening their lunch slightly from the top. They stuffed a small piece of food in their mouth, and chewed slowly.
Anirudh saw, 2 figures appearing from the corner of his eye, he coughed a bit, to start.
“Hey guys,” Abby said, grabbing Tanya and sitting across the boys, who were pretending to chew their food.
Tanya became all nervous as soon, as he caught her delicate eyes, with his fierce ones, all ready to pound on her. She thought of his hard touch, the harsh words, and the words of defence.
She started playing with her nails, to distract herself from all these thoughts, as the rest were busy talking about science. Just then Sahil said, “We were talking about equality, for history. Mr.Sin said that, both the genders are equal in everything, but” this immediately caught Tanya’s attention, and looked up and payed attention to his words.
“BUT, when we looked at the stats, as usual boys are more superior” stated Armaan, who was beaming with happiness. Tanya could see Akshaya’s face stiffen, and Abby moving uncomfortably in her seat.
“And, where did you get these stupid facts?” Akshaya countered back, with disgust.
“From, the stats of Canada, of course….like duhh!” Armaan said in a hoarse voice.
“Yep, the boys have 10% higher than girls, in everything, from sport, to dance, to education. We are better than you in EVERYTHING” the girls faces flushed pale at this insult. That’s it, Tanya could not hold any longer, she got up and harshly screamed “The only thing you are good at is boasting about yourself? Am I right, girl?”
The entire caf, started staring at Tanya, as she screamed at their faces. Both the girls, on her either side, joined her to embarrass the boys. Within minutes, the whole caf started to argue over the situation. There was noise everywhere, and some people even started to stand up on the tables and shout random things on top of their lungs. Anirudh sighed, seeing the situation out of hand, and yelped roughly, “I have stats to prove it,” taking out his phone from his pocket, and flung it open.
He pulled out a word document and shoved it in front of Tanya for proof smirking at her.
Tanya grabbed the phone and stared at it blankly, “Come on, read it,” a voice from the back called out.
“Victories in boys volleyball, 70%, girls, 50%
Soccer: boys-35% and girls-20%
Basketball: boys, 82% and girls-60%
Dance: boys-75% and girls-70%
Chess: boys-92% and girls- 40%
Math competition: 68% and girls-30%” she read stuttering at each line and gulping hard at the ridiculous stats, present in front of her.
“This is discrimination” she concluded tauntingly, as her eyebrows raised when all the girls agreed with her, “You can clearly see that, these facts are wrong….I mean they are so ridiculous.”
“Hey, don’t judge my research” Armaan said feeling offended by her words.
“WTH? We girls are better than you in everything,” the 3 girls unisang.
“Okay fine, then prove it by joining the dance team” Anirudh challenged openly, at Tanya.
Tanya was shell shocked, as all her brain refused to function from what she just heard. She stood there with a confused expression, as she each and every vein in her body started panicking. Why was this going in the way it is not supposed to go?
She kept looking into his, huge mocking eyes, filled with the pleasure to see her in this situation, she stood there sluggishly staring at him in wonder. Why was he so keen to make her enter his world of hell?
“Before that, I can prove it to you that the stats are wrong,” she said taking his phone back into her hands.
The twins moved forward to quiet everyone else down and the boys went to the back to talk to the amused teachers.
Anirudh quietly slid beside Tanya, as she sulked down. Her body started to heat up, feeling his breaths on her hair. He was fervently observing her, as she opened the internet and searched the stats of boys vs girl in Canada. Several results popped up, the chose the first one as her hand shivered, as he was getting closer and closer to her by every passing second.
She was breathing quite heavily now, instead of finding the stats, she was busy trying to calm herself down.
“I am intimidating you, amn’t I ? he asked softly, near her right ear. Each word simply getting lost into her head, as her hands turned numb, as his freshness travelled all the way up to her lungs, where she could feel the smell of strawberry in his breath.
She shaked her head, and continued scanning the page, to find meaningful stats. She ceased as his words indulged her,
“If you join the team, I can change the facts” He said mumbling the words into her right ear, which spread the warmth and comfort throughout her body. She congealed for a minute, understanding the whole situation, still having his mouth close to her right ear. She could see the mock from the corner of her eye, and the pleasure of enjoyment.
She turned up and looked into his eyes, which were all filled with hope and desperation, before he changed them back to anger and danger. She started to feel the warmth changing to temper and rage in her body. Her heart was aching with another explanation to the whole incident, but she was too furious to listen to it. She gave him and an angry glare and left the place without any words, as she heard a deep disappointing groan behind her.
Next: The final attempt
I hope u r liking the story! Pls tell me how u feel about it, so I can improve! Ur comments mean a lot to me!


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