Fan Fiction

Friendship Is Love (YRKKH) (Gayu’s New Love) [episode 4]

Hi guys, I’m back with the episode 4 and finally I thought of a name for this article “Friendship Is Love”.
Sorry for posting articles late because my phone is not working and I had to borrow some one elses phone thats why I am uploading it late.
And I want to tell you guys that after few episodes this article gonna take a leap where Naira and Kartik will get separated.

Akshara: “Its okay, sometimes we make mistakes, and it was also Naksh’s fault, so it is okay”
Krittika: “Thank you, you are so nice, and you can all meet Naksh”
Akshara: “Yeah, lets”
Kaveri(Bhabimaa): “How did you ended up having an accident”
Devyani: “Yes, lalla, how did you do that”
Akshara: “If please don’t mind can I talk to him privately?”
Devyani: “Why are asking us?he is your son, you can do anything you want, there is no need to ask”
Everyone goes except Akshara.
Akshara: “Tell me the truth, how did you ended up having an accident?”
Naksh: “Woh, Mumma, I saw Tara and she married someone else and I am very angry that I wanted to marry someone who loves somebody else and deove the car so fast That the car brakes failed”
Akshara: “Its okay”

[Singhania House]
Gayu can’t believe that Kartik loved Naira not hear and she remembers all the things that encouraged her to think that Kartik lives her but it was for Naira not her.
Gayu: “Why Kartik did that to me, why”
[Maheshwari House]
Kartik opens a drawer to find something there he finds his Mother’s Day present he gave to his mother which was a letter saying that “”and remembers the day his mother died and he blamed his father for his mother’s death and escapes from the his house.
Kartik: “Mumma, why did you leave me, you said I was your favourite out of Karan and Kittu di, so why”
[Kapoor House]
Karan: “Why am I just thinking about Gayu, her smile just makes me happy, her crying makes me sad, what is happening to me”
The doorbell rings, Karan opens the door and sees Krittika.
So what did you think of the story.

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