hello friends..iam back with 2nd episode. Iam sorry for not posting for long due to some delay..so kindly please support.
recap: due to imbalance naira’s cycle comes in between kartik’s grandfather car and the car meets with an accident and grandfather dies. The goenka family dadi and Manish blames naira and ousts her but soon kartik realises his mistake of misunderstanding naira and feels guilty. After some years.. Naira is a top model in London where she was spending time with her friends and later suprises them about going back to India. Kartik is a famous actor while a girl named Suman madly loves him. Keerthi is perplexed thinking about attending the interview.
Naira is seen sitting sadly on airport while gayu and Rohan comes there..
Rohan:hey miss.beauty..what happened? Why are you sad? You should have been happy that you are going to meet your family right?
Naira:yes..but still i don’t have any friends there so iam going to miss you both.
Gayu: don’t worry..we just pranked you that we will come only if you find boyfriend but we will surely come as even we are also Indians.
Naira hugs gayu..
Naira:thank you..but come soon.
Rohan: don’t worry..iam going to bring baarat directly from London to udaipur to gayu’s family. So i will come soon to take gayu as my wife.
Naira giggles..
Gayu: Rohan.. don’t talk too much. Then i will..
Rohan: don’t tell the same dialogue that you will break up with me.. please try any new dialogue as i got bored of that dialogue.
Gayu gets irritated and beats him..
Gayu:you!!! I hate you..
Rohan jokes:even this is a same dialogue..
Rohan laughs while gayu starts beating him..
Gayu:you are the foolish boyfriend in the world..
Naira:ok..ok..both of them stop. Now it’s time for me to departure..so bye.
Rohan and gayu hugs naira and..
Rohan:bye..miss.beauty. hope we meet soon by either you coming here or we coming there.
They both waves bye and naira goes..
Kartik is getting ready and he walks urgently out while Manish stops him..
Manish:kartik..why are you this much hurried? You dint eat anything..so eat something and go.
Kartik:wow..you care for me also? I think it’s your act to fool me mr.goenka. please don’t bother in my way..i wont fall on your fake trap.
Kartik goes away angrily..
Manish gets sad while dadi and suwarna too gets sad seeing their broken relation..
Dadi:kartik is still angry on Manish. Due to my health issues he started to talk with me but iam feeling sad for Manish…i don’t when their relation will become normal.
Suwarna in mind:Manish should have supported kartik in naira’s matter..he dint do it so it’s his punishment from god. But i hope they both forget their bitterness and join hands again.
Suwarna:maaji..there is only one way. Why..why don’t we talk with Akshara and Naitik and solve the problem by joining their friendship again? This can only make Manish and kartik join.
Dadi gets angry..
Dadi: don’t talk rubbish. Did you forgot what naira did? Even if she haven’t killled but she should have not took kartik for riding cycle so she is the culprit for my husband’s death. Even if kartik and manish’s relation doesn’t mend i don’t care but i won’t let naira enter this house or in kartik’s life again..understood?
Suwarna feels sad while Keerthi comes there readily and..
Keerthi: dadi..maa..today uam going to an interview now. So please pray that i should get selected.
Dadi and suwarna blesses Keerthi and..
Suwarna:you will surely get selected beta..
Dadi:yes..your talents won’t let you down so you will surely gets selected.
Keerthi:thank you..
Keerthi looks Manish upset and..
Keerthi:maa..is papa upset? Shall i go and get blessings from him?
Suwarna:he is upset with kartik but not with you so go and get his blessings.
Keerthi goes and gets blessings from Manish and..
Keerthi:papa.. don’t worry. Everything will get fine soon.. Kartik will understand your value one day.
Manish:i hope so.. anyways all the best for your interview.
Keerthi:thank you..
Keerthi too goes..
naira reaches udaipur and walks in searching for her family while kartik too reaches the same airport and searches for someone..
Suddenly kartik hits naira and they both fall on each other and look each other while kartik gets mesmerized..
Naira immediately moves and gets up..
Naira:hello..me.. can’t you walk properly?
Kartik too gets up and..
Kartik: Why.. can’t you do that?
Naira:excuse me..you was the one who was walking keeping your eyes somewhere then it’s your fault Only.
Kartik in mind: every girls die to see me atself but this girl has fallen over me but she is behaving as if she doesn’t know me..
Kartik:hello..do you know who iam?
Naira: whoever you are i don’t care. Even if you are president’s son then also i won’t care..but walk properly hereafter.
Kartik in mind:she is different. Every one waits eagerly to meet me but this girl is behaving hard even though she met me.
Kartik:fine..you also don’t talk like a heroine.
Kartik goes while naira hits her head..
Naira:strange man!!..
Naira goes while kartik suddenly comes and hugs her from back shocking naira..
Naira:hey.. what the hell with you man? Just leave me..
Kartik:shhh..silent. if i leave you then you are gone.
Naira:are you mad?
Kartik:at back of your dress..your zip had broken and came out that’s why i came and hugged you to prevent anyone seeing.
Naira gets shocked and worried..
Naira: ohh noo..now..now how will i go?
Kartik:i will give you my overcoat..you wear it and go.
Naira worriedly:please help me taking me to washroom..there i will wear your overcoat.
Kartik smiles..
Kartik:how did your harsch voice change into soft?is it to get help?
Naira gets irritated..
Naira: shut up..if you don’t want to help then leave me..i will manage myself.
Kartik:ok..ok don’t get angry. I will help you..
Kartik lifts naira shocking naira..
Naira:oii..what are you doing?
Kartik:i can’t take you by hugging atself right that’s why i lifted you. If i lift then nobody can see you..
Kartik and naira look each other while kartik carrying her..
They reach thhe washroom and kartik drops her and he removes his overcoat while naira closes her eyes..
Kartik: don’t get shy..iam wearing shirt inside.
Naira opens her eyes and gets relieved and she wears kartik’s coat..
Naira:thanks for your help..
Kartik:it’s ok..
Naira: where shall i come and return to you?
Kartik:come to the park tomorrow evening..
Naira goes while kartik smiles..
Kartik in mind:she is harsh and soft and also beautiful and attractive..
Naira goes while kartik comes out and searches for someone and he finds that person and runs to her..
Pakhi sees kartik and gets happy and hugs him..
Kartik: finally you came from foreign tour..iam so happy.
Pakhi: really? Did you miss me that much?
Kartik: yes..i missed your useless jokes.
Pakhi beats kartik..
Pakhi:you never change. You always make fun of me..
Kartik: because you are my crazy sister..
Pakhi smiles and they both leave while naira searches for her family and finally sees her family and gets emotional and happy and immediately runs and hugs her mother Akshara..
Akshara caresses her and..
Akshara:naira beta..how are you?
Naira:iam fine mumma..how are you all?
Naitik:we are all fine but we couldn’t be fine for one thing alone.
Naira:what’s it dad?
Naitik:we all missed you each and every day. You are our cute daughter..so we couldn’t live without you.
Naira: don’t worrry..now i came. So we will spend more family time.
Naksh:iam angry on naira..i will not speak with her.
Naira makes a puppy face and goes to naksh and holds her ears..
Naira:bhai..iam sorry..
Naksh:you always fool me that you will come within ten days but finally you came after 8 months..is this fair?
Naira:iam really sorry bhai. I thought to come but i got selected in international modelling so only i was busy in that..iam really sorry.
Naksh: whatever you care for everything but not me..so don’t talk.
Naira:i will make you lot of kachoris ok? please.. please forgive me.
Naksh gets happy and hugs her..
Naksh:then i will forgive you..you have to give me lot of kachoris everyday as a punishment.
Akshara and Naitik smiles seeing their bond..
Naira notices Agastya and Mishti too there..
Naira:so you both also came?
Agastya:how can i not come for my friend’s arrival?
Mishti:yes..i missed you a lot di. So i too came with Agastya bhaiyya.
Naira hugs Mishti and..
Naira:ok..we will eat lot of icecreams from today ok?
Agastya:naira..you always spoil my sister.
Naira laughs..
Naira: don’t feel jealous that you couldn’t get icecreams for free Agay..
Everyone laughs while Agastya stares naira..
Agastya: wait..i will take revenge for making fun of me.
Akshara:ok..come lets go.
Everyone goes while naksh and Agastya goes separately..
Naira:hey.?where are you both going?
Naksh: actually i am going to office. Today i have to take interview and Agastya is going to his station..so you go along with mumma and papa to house.
Naira goes along with akshara and Naitik while Agastya Mishti and naksh goes in a same bike..
Naksh:thank god i parked my car in office atself so that i can go home in car. I came with you to airport as going in bike will be easier than car.
Agastya:yeah..you did right. Now i will drop you in office and then i will drop Mishti in my house and will go to station..
Naksh: actually sorry for taking your help.. because of me your work is getting delayed.
Agastya:no..no..it’s ok.
Naksh:ok.. did you find about your father’s murderer?
Agastya:yeah..i found him. But he is in foreign…i should somehow catch him.
Naksh:who is it?
Agastya:a guy named Ishaan Sharma.
He gives ishaan’s photo to naksh and and naksh sees the photo..
Agastya:he is that idiot Ishaan
naksh:he is looking like a decent guy but such a culprit .i hope you catch him soon. He should be puniched severely.
kartik and pakhi are traveling in car towards their home..
Pakhi:bro..shall i tell you one secret?
Kartik:yeah..tell me pakhi.
Pakhi:i love a guy in Paris..
Kartik gets suprised..
Kartik:wow..my sister is in love..that’s cool. Who is that lucky guy?
Pakhi:his name is Reyaan Sharma.
She shows reyaan’s photo to katik..
Pakhi:he is only reyaan.
Kartik:ohh..nice man. i hope he comes to India so that we all can see him face to face..
Pakhi:he will be coming in 5days..
Kartik:that’s great. Now our house will change into marriage hall soon as one bride is ready..
Pakhi:bro.. don’t tease me.
Kartik:ok..ok..i will tease when my brother in law comes.
Kartik and pakhi giggles and they go..
precap: Naira faints while kartik carries her and someone clicks their photo. Ishaan fools Agastya. Naksh and Keerthi bond..
Thanks for uploading it! Enjoying it very much!.!
Thank you so much
Rohan gayu naira scene was cute.rohan gayu scene was funny.manish kartik scene was sad.suvarna maybe right that Manish is suffering bcz of not supporting kartik in naira’s case.but dadi is so arrogant that even if kartik Manish do not unite,he can’t forgive naira. Kaira’s fall,kartik hugging naira to cover her back,giving her coat were romantic. Waiting for them to recognize each other.pakhi kartik scene was nice.agastya naira scene was funny.shocking that ishaan is agastya’s father’s killer n pakhi’s bf with another name.ishaan is so mysterious. Waiting for agakhi’s love story to begin.perfect pics.
Thank you so much
hi plz upload twin trouble last part
Wow awesome episode, liked it