Friendship turned into a love story #Riansh Episode 10

The episode starts with Vansh discussing some business stuff with Rudra in the company.

After they have finished working, Rudra has discovered that Vansh isn’t in his complete senses.

He felt that there is something that is disturbing Vansh.

Rudra: Vansh, I can notice from your attitude that there is something that is disturbing you. So can you please tell me what is going on with my shield?

Vansh: Today is a very critical day to me Rudra uncle. I don’t know if I will succeed in what I want to do or not, but I hope that God could be with me and support me.

Rudra: I still can’t understand anything, but I can observe from reaction how this thing is very important.

Vansh: It is super important uncle as it is related to a very important and special person to me.

Rudra: Do you mean Riddhima Singh Travidi, your best friend, right?

Vansh: How you have known that Rudra uncle?!

Rudra: Because everyone around you knows that your best friend Riddhima is very special and important to you so of course this thing that makes you afraid and worried like that will be related to her.

Vansh: Yes it is related to her. Just give me your blessings uncle. Please uncle pray to God that I could succeed in what I’m going to do.

Rudra blesses Vansh.

Rudra: I’m sure that my shield will success in what he wants. Wish you all the best for what you are going to do.

Vansh: Thank you uncle.

Vansh left Rudra so he could be able to finish the remaining stuff that he must to do it so he could come to Riddhima’s house at time.

Afterwards, Riddhima has finished her sessions.

She didn’t left the school until Ragini has finished her work.

So they could be able to arrive back to their town together.

Ragini was surprised when she has seen that Riddhima is still in the school and she didn’t left.

Ragini: Riddhima are you here?! What makes you still in the school till now? As you have already finished your sessions so why you didn’t went to your house? Especially that Vansh is coming to your house for dinner so of course you must to go early to be ready in welcoming him.

Riddhima: I can’t leave alone as I must leave with my dearest friend. So how I would be able to leave the school and my friend is still working? It will not be a good thing on our friendship. Now I could be able to return back to my town with you my friend.

Ragini was very happy to feel Riddhima’s love and respect towards her.

She was happy to notice how she has a very caring and loving friend.

Then they went to their town together.

At night, Riddhima has prepared everything with her mother.

All the preparations were done and waiting for Vansh’s arrive.

Riddhima was texting Aryan and she has told him that Vansh will be coming for dinner so she will not be able to talk with him a lot as she will be busy with Vansh.

Aryan was worried and stressed.

He was worrying that Vansh could tell Riddhima anything from what has happened between him and Ishani.

Aryan to himself: I will not make you Vansh destroy all the hard work that I have made it since the previous 3 years. I promise you that I will flip the plan that you have done it to me on yourself. Just wait and watch Vansh Rai Singhania.

Afterwards, Vansh has arrived to Riddhima’s house.

Riddhima: Welcome Mr. organizer.

Chanchel: Welcome Vansh beta, how are you?

Vansh: I’m fine Chanchel aunt. Thank you for your greetings, but you don’t have to welcome me that much as I’m already a member of that family. Am I right or am I right?!

Riddhima looked at Vansh and she smiled.

Chanchel: Of course Vansh dear. You will always be a member of this family.

Vansh: Thank you aunt.

Riddhima has observed that Vansh is holding something.

So her curiosity increases so much and she was wanting to know what is the thing that Vansh is holding it.

Riddhima: Vansh, what is the thing that you are holding it? I really want to know what you have got to me.

He has opened the box.

There was in the box ladu.

Riddhima: Wow ladu! You know how much I love ladu so much. Thank you Vansh.

Vansh was observing Riddhima’s happiness from seeing the ladu, but he decided to irritate her for awhile.

Vansh: Actually, who told you that this ladu is for you?! This ladu is for my lovely aunt and you will not take just a piece from that ladu. So please leave the ladu box as this is just for Chanchel aunt.

He closed the ladu box and he has putted it above the refrigerator so it could be difficult for Riddhima to catch it due to her shortness.

Riddhima got very upset.

Her anger reaction was like the angry emoji that anyone can use it through texting.

Riddhima: This is not fair Vansh! I know that you have gotten this ladu for me, but you are just irritating me. So if you have irritated me, I will also irritate you. There will not be any food for you today Vansh. All this food that you are seeing it on the table I will be the only one who will eats it.

Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! So this is the proper way that you are using it in welcoming your guests!

Riddhima: This is the way that I use it with the guests that aren’t respecting me.

She comes near him and she hits him.

Vansh: Ouch! Thank you Riddu for your great welcoming, but don’t think that I will leave you as you know that I can’t leave any favor anyone has done it to me.

He comes to her and he titillates her.

She wasn’t controlling herself and she was laughing out loud.

He was also laughing when he was seeing Riddhima laughing that much.

Chanchel was smiling from the cute debate that was happening between Vansh and Riddhima.

She was happy to see the strong bond that is between Vansh and Riddhima.

Then she decided to stop what is happening between Vansh and Riddhima.

Chanchel: Stop it guys. Let’s all eat before the food got cold. Anyway, all of you will eat from that food and about the ladu don’t worry Riddhima you will eat from it as I’m sure that Vansh was just joking with you and of course this ladu is for you, right Vansh?

Vansh: Right aunt. I was just wanting to see Riddhima’s face when I start to tease her.

Riddhima: Really?! Okay Vansh I will not forget it from you.

Vansh smiles.

Then Riddhima also joins him in smiling.

Afterwards, they start eating their food together.

After they have finished the food, Vansh and Riddhima have made an strawberry smoothie.

Then they have taken the smoothies and they sit on the balcony.

They start to drink the smoothie together.

They were enjoying it so much.

Riddhima: The strawberry smoothie always has a special and different flavor when I made it with you.

Vansh: Of course Riddu as anything Vansh includes on it will gain a special flavor.

Riddhima: Of course. My best friend will always has this special and unique attitude.

They start laughing.

Then Vansh decided to come up with the conversation that he was sure that it will remove this beautiful smile that is drawn on Riddhima’s face.

Riddhima has observed that Vansh is going to say an important thing.

Vansh: Riddhima I want to tell you something. I know that you wouldn’t accept that, but trust me any word I will say it I have been very sure about its truth before I come to tell you about it.

Riddhima: You made me very worried Vansh. So please tell me what you want to say quickly.

Vansh: Riddhima, your boyfriend Aryan isn’t like what he is appearing to you as he is cheating on you.

Before Vansh could complete what he wants to say, he has found Aryan in front of him.

Aryan: Why you have got silent Vansh? Complete what you want to say as I’m listening to you.

Riddhima was still shocked from what Vansh has said and she was wanting to know the entire truth.

Aryan: Why you are shocked Vansh to see me? I really want to know what the fake story that you will say it to my girlfriend Riddhima.

Vansh: Why I will be shocked? Actually, I’m happy that you will be here when I’m going to tell Riddhima everything about your truth.

Riddhima: Vansh, I want to know what is the thing that makes you telling me that Aryan is cheating on me.

Vansh starts telling Riddhima everything he has known about Aryan.

He has told her how Aryan isn’t loving Riddhima and he is playing with her feelings.

Aryan was looking at him with the reaction of an innocent man who is accused for something that he didn’t make it.

Vansh: Yes I still don’t have any proof that supports what I’m saying, but Ishani and Angre are the ones who will support what I have said to you so you can ask them. You can ask Ishani how that Aryan was trying to misbehaves with her then you will know how your boyfriend doesn’t deserves you at all.

Riddhima was shocked from what she was hearing from Vansh.

She wasn’t able to accept that her boyfriend that she loves the most is cheating on her.

Her heart wasn’t able to listen to Vansh’s words without a strong proof.

Aryan comes to be in front of Riddhima.

Aryan: Riddhima baby please don’t listen to Vansh’s words. He is just wanting to separate us from each other. Now you could be sure from what I have told you before, Vansh is loving you Riddhima so that’s why he doesn’t accept to see you in a relationship with me. He decided to to make up this fake story about me to separate us so he could be able to take you from me. Riddhima please don’t listen to Vansh’s words. Actually, he doesn’t has any proof against me so how you will listen to him and merely leave your boyfriend that you are already knows him before you have known Vansh.

Riddhima wasn’t able to say a word.

She wasn’t knowing who shall she listen to him.

Vansh was shocked from how that Aryan isn’t giving up and he is still faking his words.

Vansh comes near Aryan and he holds him from his t-shirt.

Vansh: Stupid Aryan I will not leave you. You are not only faking your feelings and making affairs from Riddhima’s back but you are also wanting to destroy my friendship with my best friend Riddhima. I will not allow you to succeed in what you want idiot.

Vansh was going to hit Aryan when Riddhima comes between Vansh and Aryan to stop the fight before it could begin between them.

Riddhima: Stop it guys. Please stop this nonsense that is happening here.

Aryan: Look Riddhima how Vansh wants to get rid from me to be with you.

Vansh: No Riddhima please don’t listen to Aryan’s words he is lying with every single word he is saying. He doesn’t deserves you so please listen to me.

Aryan and Vanshs start debating and fighting.

Then Riddhima raises her voice to stop them.

Riddhima: Stop it Vansh and Aryan.

She starts crying and she sits on the floor.

Aryan comes near Riddhima to put more anger inside her towards Vansh so he could succeed in getting out from this situation and have the control on her.

Aryan: Riddhima don’t make Vansh succeed in what he wants. Please don’t make him separate us from each other. If his words is the truth so why he doesn’t has any proof against me?

Riddhima was wanting so much to trust Vansh’s words, but what Aryan is saying to her is more logical.

She wasn’t knowing what she shall do now.

Riddhima: Vansh, what is the proof that you have that could support what you are saying against Aryan?

Vansh was silent and he wasn’t saying a word.

He wasn’t having any proof that could support his words and Aryan’s arrive made the situation more difficult as Aryan is succeeding very much in controlling Riddhima.

Riddhima: Please Vansh say something. Your silent proves that what Aryan has said is the truth. Please don’t make me notice how I wasn’t observing what my best friend feels towards me. Trust me Vansh I really trusts you so much and I trust everything you are saying to me, but without a proof I can’t be 100% sure from that. It is not easy to me that one of you will be proved that he isn’t loyal to me.

Vansh: Do you really need a proof to trust your best friend?! Do you really will listen to this idiot’s words and you will be convinced that I wanting to separate you from him for my personal attempts?!

Aryan: Of course she will trust me above you because I have known her a year before you. So why she could prefer you above me especially that you are already doesn’t having a proof against me.

Vansh: Riddhima don’t listen to his words. If you want to know something, you will do your best to get its truth.

Riddhima wasn’t saying a word.

She didn’t want to accept that Aryan is a bad man.

Vansh: You have to know Riddhima that every word I’m saying it is the truth. That Aryan is a very cheap guy.

Aryan: Just shut up Vansh. Don’t fake your words just to separate me from my lover Riddhima. You are the one who is so cheap.

Vansh wasn’t able to control his anger so he comes near Aryan and he starts beating him very hard.

Riddhima was afraid about Aryan so she comes between them and she succeeded in separating them from each other.

Riddhima: Stop it Vansh. Why you are beating him that much?! Please leave from here. I can’t sit quiet seeing you harming my boyfriend without having a strong proof to do that. He is my boyfriend and I will always protect him as there isn’t anything that has proved him not loyal to me. Trust me Vansh I really trusts you and I would never like that our friendship could pass through a very critical point like that. I just need a proof that could proves that you are innocent and he is the one who is lying and without that I can’t be unfair to Aryan and accuse him for something that isn’t proved.

Vansh was surprised and shocked that Riddhima is supporting Aryan.

He was surprised that Aryan has succeed in making Riddhima against him.

Vansh: I will leave now Riddhima, but you have to know that you have stand by the side of the wrong person. Don’t think stupid Aryan that the situation has ended on that point as I will not give up until I expose you in front of Riddhima. Riddhima, I will always care about you so much because you are my best friend and I will always do my best to protect you. I’m sure that very soon you will reach to Aryan’s truth and you will know that I’m the one who was caring so much about you and I was and I will always be so innocent to you.

Riddhima: Vansh wai…

Before Riddhima could complete her words, Vansh has already left her house.

Vansh and Riddhima were very sad and heart broken because what has happened between them.

Aryan was happy that he has succeeded in destroying Vansh and Riddhima’s friendship.

Aryan to himself: Finally, I have succeeded in getting rid of that Vansh from my way and now I could control Riddhima with 100%. Congrats Aryan for your success.

Aryan was pretending that he is upset while he was calming down Riddhima.

At the same time, Vansh has reached to VR mansion and then he entered his room.

He was very angry from what has happened between him and Riddhima because of that Aryan.

He wasn’t controlling his anger when he has punched his hand on the glass table and his hand got hurt and it starts bleeding.

Vansh to himself: I didn’t imagine that idiot person like Aryan could succeed in causing problems in my friendship with Riddhima. He has succeed in making her think that I’m separating them from each other because I own feelings towards Riddhima. Yes I owns feelings towards Riddhima, but I had never thought to cause any problems in her relationship with that Aryan. Riddhima I really love you so much. My love towards you is more than a best friend love towards his best friend. My love towards you is very pure and higher than that. I love you very much Riddhim and I always dream to have you as my lover.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it. Let’s see how Riddhima will know Aryan’s truth and let’s see how Vansh was already loving Riddhima from the beginning. Please guys don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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