Friendship turned into a love story #Riansh Episode 13

The episode starts with Aryan still shocked and he wasn’t able to understand how Riddhima got succeeded in taking all the money that was on his bank account.

Aryan: This is impossible!  This can’t happen! How you could succeed in transferring all the money that was in my bank account to your account?!

Riddhima was smiling.

Riddhima: I don’t know why you are super shocked and surprised like that Aryan. I think that you have forgotten that you are the one who made me got succeeded in that.

Aryan: What?!

Riddhima: Yes Aryan. You are the one who has given me the way to destroy you with it. Do you have forgotten that during the previous 3 months you were trying to do anything that could make me trust you so much? One of the things that you have made it to please me with it is that you have made me able to control anything related to your bank account to make me know how I’m very important to you. You were sure that I’m not one of those girls who are money minded girls so you were sure that I will never think to take a dollar from your money, but you didn’t think what I could do when I know your truth.

Vansh: This is the punishment that you deserve it stupid Aryan.

Riddhima: Actually, you must to thank God that I didn’t have taken all your properties and I just got satisfied by taking all the money that was in your bank account. I know that your mother has more and more money than what I have taken from your bank account so you will not be that affected, but I sill know that taking something from you forcefully is the thing that disturbs you a lot and you can’t tolerate it.

Aryan: You are a thief! How you could be able to take something from my back?! How you could broke the trust that I have given it to you?!

Riddhima: Really?! The one who has broken my trust and was cheating on me is the one who is saying that I’m the one who has broken his trust! If you are a man with morals who can’t tolerate that people could break his trust or cheat on him, so why you have done all what you have done it with me?!

Aryan: I…I…I

Riddhima: You are a cheap man Aryan. You don’t have to say anything and about accusing me as a thief so I want to tell you that I have taken the money in a very legal way so you will can’t do to me anything.

Vansh: You have to know stupid Aryan that you have been lost a very precious girl who the whole money in the whole world can’t compensate you for her. Actually, I don’t have to waste my time talking with such a cheap guy like you because you would never understand anything from my words. The one who has a very cheap mind like you would never understand how he has lost a very unique girl like Riddhima. The perfect punishment for you is that you feel that someone has taken from you something without your approval especially when what has been taken from you is money as I know how you are very proud of your richness and your family’s money so enjoy your failure bro.

Riddhima: By the way Aryan, don’t think that I will get a dollar from your dirty money. I’m just enjoying seeing you in that state and the thing that will makes you more angry is that when you know that I will distribute all the money that I have taken it from your bank account on the poor people and I will not take anything for myself. Maybe when I give your money to the poor people God could be able to forgive you for what you have done. I think that this choice is fair enough as I will still be able to punish you without losing my morals. I’m sure that this is the thing that will disturbs you more. You will be disturbed of how there is still a girl who could still be able to protect her morals and doesn’t lose them whatever are the circumstances. You have to know that this girl her name is Riddhima Singh Travidi. I’m sure that you will never forget my name during the rest of your life.

Vansh was signing to Riddhima without making Aryan notice that.

Vansh’s sign makes Riddhima knows two things.

The first thing that she has succeeded in making Aryan very angry so now he will do something that will trap him more.

While the second thing that Kabir is coming with the police inspectors and Angre is coming with the media.

Riddhima has understood Vansh’s sign and she was happy that her plan is going to end very soon after she got completely destroy Aryan.

Vansh has texted Angre and Kabir to make them come with the media and the police inspectors.

Riddhima was just hoping that Aryan could do any unexpected thing that could makes them be able to trap him with it and increase the probability that he could be arrested even if it will be for a short time.

Aryan got very angry after he has heard Riddhima and Vansh’s words.

He got very angry when he has heard Riddhima and Vansh’s insult to him.

He was very angry from what Riddhima have done and said to him.

Aryan to himself: No I can’t lose easily like that. I can’t make a middle class girl like Riddhima win against me and take something from me forcefully. I will not leave her whatever are the circumstances.

Riddhima: I can see that you got silent Aryan. Where is your overconfident that you were talking through it?! You have to know that you have done a very huge mistake when you have messed with me. You will not be able to defeat me stupid Aryan.

Aryan wasn’t able to control his anger when he runs to face Riddhima and he has putted his hands around her neck to suffocate her.

Aryan: You have said a lot Riddhima and now you will not say any other word once again. You will no longer be alive. I will take your soul by my hand to punish you for what you have done to me.

Vansh got shocked when he has seen Aryan trying to suffocate Riddhima.

He got very worried about Riddhima.

At that moment, the police officers and the media have came with Kabir and Angre.

Vansh has succeeded in pushing Aryan away from Riddhima.

He has succeeded in saving Riddhima from Aryan’s hands.

Riddhima was taking her breathes very hard.

Vansh has hugged Riddhima to calm her down.

Vansh: Riddhima are you okay?

Riddhima became able to take her breathes normally so she becomes able to talk.

Riddhima: I’m okay Vansh don’t worry.

At the same time, the police inspectors catch Aryan to not make him escape.

Kabir and Angre have came to Riddhima to check on her.

Kabir comes near Riddhima and he hugged her.

Kabir: Riddhima dear are you fine my sister?

Riddhima: I’m fine Kabir don’t worry.

Angre: Thank God that you are fine Riddhima.

After they have checked on Riddhima, they turned to face Aryan and complete their plan.

Kabir: You didn’t got satisfied after cheating on my sister Riddhima and you were wanting to kill her. Trust me stupid Aryan you will not be saved from my hands. You will take the punishment that you deserve. I’m saying those words not just because I’m Riddhima’s brother, but because I’m a police officer as you will be arrested for all your bad deeds.

Aryan was shocked to see all the police officers that were in the room along with the huge number of journalists that were there.

The journalists were capturing everything is happening in the room.

They have captured Aryan and the girl that he was making an affair with her.

Aryan was super afraid when the whole country will know what he has done as that will affect his and his family’s image.

What Aryan was afraid from it to happen is the thing that Riddhima was planning for it to happen.

Riddhima becomes very well so she becomes able to complete confronting Aryan and shock him more with all what she has prepared for him to punish him.

Riddhima has signed to her man to come to give her the videos that he has recorded it.

After she has taken the record, she looked at Aryan with a very sharp look.

Riddhima: Do you were really wanting to kill me Aryan?! You don’t know that by what you have done you have helped me to trap you more and more.

Vansh: Don’t think Aryan that taking the money from you is the only punishment that we have prepared it for you.

Angre: There is still more and more surprises have prepared for you Aryan.

Aryan: What is in your hands now? Don’t think that by making the police officers came with you you will be able to arrest me. You are all have forgotten that I’m Aryan Oberai who no one could be able to arrest me because of my family’s name.

Riddhima: Just shut up Aryan. Your family’s name will not help you after the proofs that we have collected against you.

Vansh has given to the police inspectors the videos that show how Aryan is a cheap man who makes a lot of affairs with multiple of girls.

The journalists have taken a copy from the videos to uploaded on the television and in the social media.

Aryan: Really?! Do you think that those videos will be a proof that could make you able to arrest me?! You will can’t arrest me for making an affairs with multiple girls because those girls were doing the affair with me by their approval so for what you will arrest me?

Angre: Just wait as there are a lot of surprises await for you stupid Aryan so be patient. By the way, you must also to know that those videos will hurt your image along with hurting your family’s image so don’t pretend as if what is happening isn’t affecting you.

At that moment, the girl that Vansh has contacted with her has arrived.

Riddhima: Here is another proof that proves how you are a cheap man stupid Aryan.

Vansh: This girl is one of the girls that Aryan has made an affair with them. Yes she was with him by her approval, but what she knows will prove how Aryan has meant to cheat on Riddhima and make an affairs from her back.

The girl starts telling the media and the police officers how Aryan was cheating on Riddhima and how he was enjoying fooling her and playing with her feelings.

One of the journalists: How cheap you are?! How you could play with an innocent girl’s feelings?! Shame on you!

The journalists have recorded what the girl has said to also share it with the other proofs that they have.

Vansh: Let’s come with the thing that will make you got arrested and you will not be able to say a word.

Aryan: And what is this thing?!

Riddhima: Do you have forgotten what you have done with me from awhile? Everything you have said and done since Vansh and I have came to your room has became recorded.

Vansh and Riddhima have given the videos that Riddhima’s man has been recorded it to Kabir.

The journalists have taken a copy from that video.

Kabir: You will be punished for what you have done Aryan. You are under arrest for trying to kill an innocent girl and this video is the thing that proves what you were going to do.

Riddhima: Now I could be satisfied after I have taken my right from you stupid Aryan. I got very happy and comfortable after I have punished you very hard like that. I have punished you for what you have done to me so you could know that it isn’t easy at all to play with my feelings and cheat on me. You have thought that after you have cheated on me you will live peacefully and you will not be punished for everything you have done. No idiot, I’m not a weak girl who will be cheated from you and will sit quiet crying and be heartbroken. I have punished you to make you know how you have done a big mistake idiot.

Vansh: Your problem is that you have underestimated Riddhima’s power. You have thought that you could be able to cheat on an innocent girl and you will keep doing that with another girl without taking the punishment that you deserve. What Riddhima has done to you could make you know the girl’s power.

Riddhima: You have thought stupid Aryan that I’m weak and fool because I’m innocent and I trust people easily, but you didn’t know how I could turn into a very dangerous girl when I have known that the one who I have trusted him the most has cheated on me. You could now enjoy your failure in the police station. You have lost a lot of things today Aryan and I’m sure that you are burning from inside because of that. You have lost all the money that was in your bank account, you have lose have lost your ego and image as after a very short time all the media will not talk about anyone other than Aryan Oberoi and his bad deeds and his affairs with the girls and this will be all supported with a strong proofs that will destroy your and your family’s ego and image, you have also lost your freedom today as you will be arrested for trying to kill me and for doing an illegal stuff.

Kabir has taken the handcuffs from his pocket.

Then he comes to Aryan and he handcuffed him.

Vansh: Just a second Kabir. Before you arrest this stupid Aryan, there is still a thing that Riddhima must do it to that Aryan so the fire that is inside her could vanish.

Riddhima: What I have done with him made the fire inside me got very low. I don’t think Vansh that there is any other thing that could hurt him with it and I didn’t made it to him so I think that this is very enough for him.

Vansh: No Riddhima. There is still a thing that will hurt his ego so much and will make you be relaxed.

Riddhima: What is that?

Vansh: You have to slap him a very hard slap to punish him for what he has done to you. Go Riddhima and slap him a very hard slap to calm down your heart.

Riddhima comes near Aryan.

Then she slapped him a very hard slap.

Riddhima slap’s was very hard that makes Aryan’s cheek got very red.

Riddhima felt very relaxed and comfortable after she has slapped Aryan that slap.

Vansh: Now Kabir you can take this stupid Aryan and arrest him. Riddhima has taken her right from that Aryan and she has insulted his ego very much.

Riddhima: Don’t you dare Aryan to come in front of me once again as you don’t know what I will do with you at the next time if I have seen you once again.

Aryan was very angry from Riddhima’s insult.

Aryan: I will not leave you Riddhima. Don’t think that the situation has ended on that point and you will not see me once again. Don’t think that I will stay on jail. No darling, I will come very fast from the jail and I will return back to take my revenge from you Riddhima. Actually, I will not take the revenge from Riddhima only I will also take it from you Vansh. You both will not be saved from my hands. Just wait for my return Riddhima Singh Travidi and Vansh Rai Singhania. I will take my revenge from you all. No one will be able to stop me from destroying your lives.

Kabir and the police inspectors have taken Aryan.

The journalists have left after they have captured everything has happened.

Vansh has thanked the girl for helping them.

Vansh: Thank you so much ma’am for helping us in exposing and trapping that cheap guy Aryan. We would never do anything without your help.

Riddhima: I hope that you would never do an affair with a man who is in a relationship. I hope that one day you could find the person that loves you and be just for you. I hope that after you have supported us against that Aryan this could be a sign that you have changed and you will not help any man to cheat on his girlfriend.

The girl: I have known my fault and I would never do such a thing once again. I’m glad that I became able to help you in punishing him for what he has done with you, but I want to tell you something Miss Riddhima that Aryan wan’t saying those words because he is just angry. He meant every single word he has said it and I’m sure that his mother will succeed in getting him out from jail. So please take care of yourself as he could do anything to take her revenge from you after you have hurt his ego and insulted him.

Vansh: Don’t worry ma’am as Riddhima isn’t alone. Her best friend is with her and she will always be secured so you don’t have to worry about Riddhima at all.

Vansh has looked at Angre.

Vansh: Angre can you please take the lady and arrive her to the place that she wants.

Angre: Okay boss. Let’s go ma’am.

Angre has taken the girl with him to arrive her to the place that she wants.

Then Vansh and Riddhima have also left the room.

They start talking while they were walking in the corridor of the hotel.

Vansh: Riddhima, you know that Aryan will not stay longer in the jail as you know that Anuprya aunt will succeed in getting him out from the jail as you know that what we have gave it to the police will not be very strong to arrest him for a long time.

Riddhima: I know that Vansh. I was knowing that the proofs that we have given it to the police will not arrest Aryan for a long time. I can admit that his try to kill me has supported us to succeed in arresting him, but I know that he will be able to get out from jail. At least he will be arrested for awhile and I’m sure that the time that Aryan will spend on jail will be the toughest time that he will pass through it and this is the thing that will make me be very happy and satisfied. I know that he will get out from jail, but after getting out from jail he will not be able to do anything with me as I have given him a very hard punishment that he will not forget it at all.

Vansh: I’m really proud of you Riddhima. I’m really proud of how you are very brave like that. I’m really proud that you have succeeded in trapping that Aryan and defeat him. I’m proud that you have been succeeded in fighting against that idiot and you have punished him a very hard and tough punishment.

Riddhima: I haven’t done anything without your support and encouragement Vansh. Your presence in my life is the thing that encourages me and supports me. I would never have the courage to prepare for this plan without your support. If you weren’t with me when I have known Aryan’s truth, I could was still be in a breakdown and heartbroken and I would never have taken my right from that Aryan.

Vansh: You are my best friend Riddhima and I would never leave you alone. I will always support you and I will always be my by your side. You would never face any problem or danger alone as I will always be with you helping and supporting you. I will always be securing and saving you from any danger.

Riddhima was very happy that Vansh is with her.

She was happy that he has supported her in this tough situation.

Yes she was still very sad and heart broken for what Aryan has done with her, but she was feeling comfortable that Vansh is near her and supporting her.

Riddhima: I will always be grateful that I have a best friend like you Vansh. I promise you Vansh that I will blindly trusts you and I will not make anyone or anything that could cause any problems in our friendship. The previous 3 months that has passed and we weren’t contacting with each other on it has passed like it was 3 centuries not 3 months. I have known how much you are really very important and precious to me. Regardless that what has happened to me wasn’t easy after I have known that my boyfriend who I was with him since 3 years has cheated on me and was playing with my feelings, but I has known from this tough situation how I have a very caring and a loyal best friend who will always be with me whatever are the circumstances. Thank you so much Mr. organizer for your presence in my life.

Vansh was very happy when he was listening to Riddhima’s words.

He was happy that he has returned his best friend back to him.

He was sure that now nothing could disturb their friendship.

He was enjoying every single moment he is spending it with his best friend Riddhima.

Regardless that Riddhima was trying to act as if she is very fine, but Vansh was observing how she is still very heartbroken and shattered after she has known Aryan’s cheat.

Vansh to himself: I know Riddhima how you are passing through so much pain and hurt, but I promise you that I will be supporting you and standing by your side until you could pass from this breakdown.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it. I want to thank you all so much for your support and encouragement. You all have showered me with so much support and love. I want to thank you all for making me have reached to my target, I’m really blessed for all your love and support. I hope that you complete supporting me and making me reach to my target this time. My target will be the same as the previous update. My target is to reach to 25 comments( excluding my comments). I’m sure that you all will help me in reaching to my target actually I’m sure that you will make me reach to more than what I was targeting for it. The nest episode will be uploaded depending on the number of the comments that you all will drop it on this update. It will be published when I could reach to my target which is 25 comments( excluding my comments) and I’m trusting that you all will support me to reach to my target like the previous time. Please show me your support and love like you have always done. So please don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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