Friendship turned into a love story #Riansh Episode 16

The episode starts with Vansh and Riddhima have entered Ragini’s house.

Ragini welcomed them.

Riddhima has given the chocolate cake to Ragini that she has bought it to her.

Ragini: Thank you Riddhima. You always know my favorites.

Riddhima: There is no thank you between friends and of course I will know your favorites otherwise what friends are for.

Ragini hugged Riddhima.

Then she made Vansh and Riddhima join the others in the balcony.

Angre and Kabir were standing in the entrance of the balcony and they weren’t allowing Vansh and Riddhima to enter.

Kabir: You are both late guys.

Angre: And that means.

Kabir: That the gang’s rules will be applied on both of you.

Angre: It will be a very impressive thing as you both weren’t that late before.

Kabir: We will enjoy a lot when we will make you both pay the bill of all the food and the stuff that we will order it today.

Angre looked at Ragini.

Angre: So Ragini you don’t need to prepare anything for us as Riddhima and Vansh will be the sponsors of today’s meeting and of course we all will make both of them spend so much money to punish them for coming late.

Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! I can observe how you Angre are trying to take your right from us after what has happened to you during the last gang’s meeting, but sorry to inform you that you will not be able to apply the gang’s rules on me and Riddhima and no one will make us pay any bill in today’s meeting.

Riddhima: Because this isn’t an actual gang meeting so our gang’s rules will not be applied here. The gang’s rules applied when there is a meeting that includes only Kabir, Angre, Vansh and I so this meeting isn’t including in the gang’s meetings.

Vansh: I know that you both were dreaming to make us pay the bill whatever are the circumstances, but I’m sorry that you both will not be able to fulfill this dream.

Riddhima: Don’t worry guys. There will be at the upcoming days a lot of gang meetings and of course we will apply the gang’s rules on the one who will be late.

Vansh: Angre and Kabir don’t think that you both will could be able to apply the gang’s rules on me and Riddhima as you know that we are both always come early when we have a gang meet.

Riddhima: Yes. So stop irritating us and make us enter the balcony.

Angre and Kabir have looked at each other.

They were disturbed and disappointed that they weren’t able to apply the gang’s rules on Vansh and Riddhima.

Kabir: What a bad luck?! We were taking the advantage of that you both became late as you both Riddhima and Vansh never became late so we were trying to not leave this rare situation without using it as we don’t know if it will come again or not.

Angre: Don’t give up Kabir. Of course one day Vansh and Riddhima will be late on the gang’s meet and we will apply the gang’s rules on them.

Vansh: I don’t think that this day will come Angre so you will wait a lot and you will never reach to what you want.

Riddhima: I will always come early Angre and Kabir. The gang’s rules aren’t prepared for me. It will never be applied on me so don’t disturb yourselves by thinking about a thing that will never happen.

The 4 of them laughed together.

Ishani and Ragini were looking at them and they were smiling.

Ishani: The 4 of them will always have a strong connection.

Ragini: They are always inspiring me of how their friendship is very true and rare.

Afterwards, Ragini has offered to them food, snacks, and drinks.

They were all enjoying their time together.

At that moment, Anuprya has arrived to the police station.

She made a huge noise when she entered the police station.

Anuprya’s lawyers have followed her.

They were all trying to convince the inspector to get Aryan out of jail.

Anuprya: I could pay any warranty to get my son out of jail especially that you know that all the proofs that you all have it aren’t that strong that could arrest my son for a long time.

Anuprya’s lawyers were trying to make anything that could convince the inspector to free Aryan.

Inspector: I’m sorry ma’am, but your son has done a big mistake and he must to take the punishment on what he has done. We can’t free him whatever are the circumstances as of course you have heard what the media is saying about your son and his case and if we freed him the whole citizens will be angry and everyone will be against us because the citizens and the media are wanting your son to take the punishment that he deserves for what he has done.

Anuprya got very angry and she throws the folders that were found above the inspector’s office.

Anuprya: How dare you to refuse something I said it to you?! Do you don’t know who I’m?! I’m Anuprya Oberoi, the most richer woman in the country, so how dare you to not do to me what I want. My family is a very rich and proper family so how dare you to arrest its son and don’t want to free him?! A small and useless inspector like isn’t the one who could be able to refuse my orders and don’t do to me the thing that I want.

Anuprya was raising her voice while she was saying those words.

She was very angry and she wasn’t able to control her anger.

Her lawyers were trying to calm her down.

As they know that what Anuprya is doing will not help her at all.

They know that her behavior will put her in a problem more than helping her in solving her son’s problem.

Inspector: Watch your language Anuprya ma’am. Don’t cross your limits and don’t forget that you are in a police station and you are talking to a police office. So don’t say something that could puts you in a problem as you are already having your son’t problem so don’t include another problem beside this problem. Think very carefully before saying your words so you don’t face the government and the police’s anger.

Anuprya was trying to control her anger to not put herself in a problem.

Anuprya to herself: No Anuprya you must to control your anger. You mustn’t to do anything that could put you in any problem Anuprya. You must to focus on your son’s problem and try your best to get him out from jail. You can’t put yourself in a problem that could forbids you from saving your son and getting him out from that stupid place.

She looked at the police officer.

Anuprya to herself: I will not leave this stupid inspector. I just must concentrate now on getting Aryan out from jail then I will be free to punish this idiot inspector.

She looked at the inspector once again.

She tried to calm herself down to be able to talk to the inspector without saying anything that could be against her.

Anuprya’s lawyer: I’m sorry inspector for what my client has said. Anuprya ma’am wasn’t meaning to say and do what she has said and done, but of course you could feel what she is passing through it as you know how it is really tough for any mother to see her son in any danger.

Inspector: If she is afraid about her son, make her know how to talk properly with a police officer who is just doing his work. Please Anuprya ma’am concentrate on trying to save your son actually I don’t think that you will be able to get him out from this problem because your son is the one who has putted himself in this problem.

Anuprya was trying to control herself to not punch the police officer.

Anuprya’s lawyer: So does there any way that could make us free Mr. Aryan Oberai?

Inspector: Unfortunately no.

Anuprya: I can’t leave my son here.

She was going to raise her voice when her lawyer stopped her.

He comes near her and whispers to her.

Anuprya’s lawyer: Anuprya ma’am please calm down. Your anger will not help us at all so please control yourself. The inspector will not help us so we must now try to find any other solution.

Anuprya has became convinced from her lawyer’s words.

Anuprya: Inspector if you will not be able to make me take my son with me, can you help me in seeing my son and talk with him for awhile?

Anuprya’s lawyer: Yes inspector please allow Anuprya ma’am to visit her son and check on him.

The inspector got convinced from their words.

Inspector: Okay. You could meet him for just a few time.

Anuprya’s lawyer: Thank you inspector.

While Anuprya was waiting for the police officer to make her meet Aryan, she starts calling all the the inspectors that have high positions so they could help her in getting Aryan out from jail.

Anuprya wasn’t giving up in getting Aryan out from jail.

She was sure that she will could succeed in freeing Aryan and taking him with her.

At the same time, everyone in Ragini’s house was enjoying their time.

They were all very happy and spending a great time together.

Kabir: Let’s make this night more enjoyable by playing music and start dancing.

Nachde ne saare song plays.

Kabir and Ishani starts dancing together on this song.

Then Angre and Ragini joined them.

They 4 of them were dancing together and they were smiling.

Vansh and Riddhima were looking at them and they were also smiling.

Riddhima: They are doing a wonderful performance Vansh.

Vansh: But not more than us as I’m sure that our performance will beat their performance very much.

She looked at him with a questioning reaction.

Riddhima: Really?! Do you are offering a dance with me, but in an indirect way right?

He smiled.

He just nods his head.

Vansh: You always know how to catch me Riddu.

Riddhima: Actually, you are always offering the things to me by a very special way.

Vansh: You know that Vansh Rai Singhania always has his own way in offering anything to anyone.

Riddhima: And that what always amaze me about you Mr. organizer.

At that moment, Kabir along with the others have finished their performance.

Riddhima and Vansh have clapped to them.

Vansh: You all have done a great performance, but of course your performance will not be better than Riddhima and mine performance.

Kabir: Let’s see.

Ishani has played a romantic song.

She was wanting to make Vansh and Riddhima close to each other by making them dance on a romantic song.

She was sure that their feelings will be very noticeable when they start dancing on this romantic song.

Vansh and Riddhima were surprised and they were looking at each other.

They weren’t expecting to dance on a romantic song.

Riddhima: A romantic song?! Ishani why you have played this song? We were wanting to dance on a functional song like what you all have danced on it.

Ishani stopped the song.

Ishani: It doesn’t matter Riddhima dear as I’m sure that you will both do a perfect performance while dancing on this romantic song the same way if you both have danced on a functional song.

Angre: I can observe that Riddhima is afraid to do her performance as she knows that she will not be able to beat us so that’s why she isn’t wanting to dance on the song that Ishani has played it.

Riddhima got irritated from Angre’s words.

Vansh has observed that.

Vansh: Don’t tease Riddhima Angre because you know how much Riddhima is a perfect dancer and she will prove that to you now when Riddhima and I dance together and I’m sure that our performance will beat your performance.

Ishani played the song once again.

Pal ek pal song plays.

Vansh and Riddhima start dancing together.

They were doing a very great performance.

They were being very close to each other while they were dancing.

Riddhima was feeling very happy while she was dancing with Vansh.

Vansh was very happy that he got the chance to dance with Riddhima on a romantic song.

He was happy that he got the chance to be that close to Riddhima.

He was doing his best to treat Riddhima in a special way and makes her very happy.

He holds her and puts her very high.

She was smiling out loud.

She was happy when Vansh has holds very high like that.

They were both smiling and being very happy.

Ishani was observing the love that Vansh owns it towards Riddhima.

She became sure of Vansh’s love towards Riddhima.

Ishani to herself: Now I could be 100% sure from Vansh’s feelings towards Riddhima. I have observed his love towards Riddhima from his looks and how he treats her especially on this performance. I can be very noticeable from the way Vansh looks at Riddhima while he is dancing with her that he loves her so much. I can admit that he was very smart as he really succeeded in hiding his feelings from everyone, but now he wasn’t able to hide his feelings more as his love towards Riddhima could be really noticeable.

After Vansh and Riddhima have finished their performance, everyone starts clapping to them.

Vansh and Riddhima were staring at each other and they were smiling.

Ragini: Wow guys! You both have really done a beautiful and an outstanding performance! By watching your performance together makes us forget that you are both just best friends and we start to feel that you are both a very loving couple who loves each other very much.

Vansh and Riddhima didn’t said a word after they have heard Ragini’s words.

They were just staring at each other very much.

Vansh to himself: I hope that what Ragini has said could be true. I hope that my friendship with Riddhima could turn into a love story very soon and we could turn from best friends into a loving and caring couple.

Riddhima to herself: Does what Ragini has said could be right?! Does Vansh and I could be more than best friends? No Riddhima this can’t happen. Vansh is just my best friend and I would never tolerate to lose him. I can’t allow our friendship to be turned into something else as I can’t be in a relationship once again. I don’t want to lose my best friend Vansh by turning him into my boyfriend as I don’t know if it will works or no. Vansh is just your best friend Riddhima not more than that.

Afterwards, Anuprya was waiting for Aryan in a room.

Then Aryan has came to Anuprya.

When they have seen each other, they hugged each other very tightly.

Aryan: I was sure that you will come and will get me out from that place mom.

Anuprya didn’t said a word.

She just left him.

Then surprisingly she slapped Aryan a very hard slap.

Aryan got very shocked and surprised from Anuprya’s unexpected slap.

Anuprya: You were very irresponsible Aryan. Do you have noticed how your immature actions have made us reach to this critical situation? You have destroyed our image and our family’s name. I always allow you to do everything and anything you want, but I just make you sure to be careful about our family’s name and don’t hurt our ego.

Aryan: Mom, I know that you are very upset from me. I know that the media has insulted us so much, but I promise you that I will fix everything. Just help me to get out from that place and everything will be okay.

Anuprya: I’m trying my best Aryan, but that middle class girl has trapped you very perfectly as she has collected a lot of proofs against you.

Aryan: She wasn’t alone at that mom. Vansh Rai Singhania was helping her, but trust me I will not leave them. They will take a huge punishment for what they have done to me.

Anuprya: Don’t worry Aryan. We will not leave them. We will punish them for what they have to you and to our family. We just now must focus in getting you from here very fast then we will start our plan to destroy Vansh and Riddhima.

At that moment, the celebration has ended in Ragini’s house and everyone was going to leave.

They have thanked Ragini for her warm hospitality.

Actually, the reason that made them have ended the celebration that Riddhima has slept on Vansh’s shoulder while they were all chit chatting together.

So Vansh has lifted her to not wake her up and he puts her inside Kabir’s car.

Kabir was observing Vansh’s love and care towards Riddhima.

Kabir: Thank you Vansh.

Vansh: You don’t have to thank me Kabir as Riddhima is my best friend and I cares about her so much.

Kabir: Are you sure that she is just your best friend?

Kabir’s words made Vansh silent and he wasn’t able to say a word.

Ishani was looking at Vansh.

She and Kabir were waiting for an answer from Vansh, but he didn’t said anything.

He went to his car and he called Ishani to come with him to leave.

Vansh: Let’s go Ishani as I’m really tired and I want to return back to home.

Ishani entered Vansh’s car.

Then Vansh starts driving to their way to VR mansion.

Kabir was looking at Vansh while he was smiling.

Kabir to himself: I don’t need your answer Vansh as your actions have answered my question. I’m 100% sure that you love Riddhima so much Vansh and I’m sure that very soon you will confess your feelings to Riddhima. I just hope that Riddhima could notice the feelings that she owns it to you and she could accept it and confess her feelings to you. I’m sure that this day will come soon.

While Vansh was driving, he wasn’t saying a word.

Ishani decided to cut this silence.

Ishani: Vansh, I want to ask you something and please answer me honestly.

Vansh: What you want to ask me Ishani?

Ishani: Vansh, do you love Riddhima?

Vansh didn’t answer her.

Ishani: Before you answer me, you have to know that you must to be very honest not for my sake but for Riddhima’s sake.

Vansh starts thinking about Riddhima.

Ishani: Answer me Vansh.

Vansh: Yes Ishani I love Riddhima. I love her so much. I love her since the first day I have met her on it.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it. I want to thank each and everyone has supported me and dropped their feedback in the comments. I really got very happy from all the ones who have supported me and make me happy from their comments. I’m really grateful for all the ones who have supported me. I really got very happy with the comments, but I also got very upset because I didn’t reached to my target. I was hoping that I could reach to my target, but unfortunately I didn’t reached to my target. I hope that when this episode got uploaded I could have reached to my target. I wasn’t wanting to stop updating because of the support that all of you have showered me with it so that’s why I have published the new update. I just hope that you all don’t disappoint me this time and make me reach to my target. My target is the same as before. My target is to reach to 25 comments( excluding my comments). I hope that you all could make me reach to my target this time. Please guys don’t disappoint me and please make me reach to my target. Please shower me with all of yours support and love to encourage me to complete updating. I know that you are all very supporters and you all will support me and make me reach to my target. I know that you all will shower me with all of yours support by making me reach to my target. Please guys keep supporting me the way you are all always doing. So please guys don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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