Friendship turned into a love story #Riansh Episode 19

The episode starts with Vansh and Riddhima watching jab harry met sejal movie.

Vansh wasn’t concentrating on the movie because he was staring at Riddhima.

He was feeling very happy when he was watching her cute expressions that interacts with the events of the film.

He was happy that she is concentrating with the the movie so he could be able to stare at her the time that he wants.

Vansh to himself: You completely look like the kids Riddhima when you start doing the things that you love. I always fallen for you more and more when I meet you everyday. Thank God that you are concentrating on watching the movie so I could be able to stare at you the way I want and you will not start to speculate the reason behind my stare because as always I will not have any word to answer you with it.

Riddhima was feeling very happy while she was watching the movie.

What makes her more happier that she is watching her favorite movie this time while she is with Vansh.

Hawayein song plays in the movie.

When this song has played, Riddhima has looked at Vansh.

They stared at each other while this song was playing.

Riddhima wasn’t able to look at the theater once again because she was busy staring at Vansh.

She was feeling very comfortable and happy while she was looking at Vansh in that way.

This song has made the love feelings inside Vansh and Riddhima to increase more.

Vansh decided to make a step forward in expressing his feelings to Riddhima.

He makes his hand near to Riddhima’s hand until he holds it.

He holds Riddhima’s hand very tightly while he was still looking at her eyes very deeply.

When Vansh holds Riddhima’s hand, Riddhima felt shy and happy at the same time.

The special feeling that Riddhima was feeling it when she is near Vansh starts to increase more and more.

They were staring more deeply at each other.

Vansh was holding Riddhima’s hand more tightly.

She got very shy.

So she lefts her hand from Vansh’s hand.

Then she stopped looking at Vansh and she starts watching the movie once again.

She has looked at the theater.

She was trying her best to not look at Vansh’s eyes because she was very shy.

So she was escaping from his sight by watching the movie.

Vansh has observed Riddhima’s shyness.

He was looking at her while he was smiling.

Then he comes near her and he whispers on her ear.

Vansh: You look very beautiful Riddu when you become very shy like that. I have liked the shy shade of you my princess.

She immediately looked at him after he has finished his words.

He smiled and he winked at her.

Then he looked at the theater and he starts watching the movie.

Riddhima was still starting at him.

She was more shy after she has heard Vansh’s words.

He has observed how she is staring at him and this what makes him very happy.

Vansh: Do you will spend the whole time staring at me?! Do you will not complete watching your favorite movie as I know how much you love this part so why you are missing it while you are staring at me that much?!

After Vansh has finished his words, Riddhima immediately looked at the theater to complete watching the movie and to escape from Vansh’s sight and his speculating words.

She was smiling while she was watching the movie.

She wasn’t smiling from what she was watching it on the movie as she was smiling from Vansh’s words.

Regardless that what Vansh has said to her makes her more confused and she wasn’t able to understand what she owns to Vansh, but she was happy when she has heard his words.

Riddhima’s heart: Do you are still saying that he is just a best friend to you Riddhima? Do a best friend will hold his best friend’s hand while they are watching a romantic movie? You are smart Riddhima so don’t act as if you aren’t understanding what is happening between you and Vansh.

Riddhima’s heart was trying to guide her to the right track.

Riddhima’s heart was trying to make Riddhima get rid of the confusion and the fear that is inside her.

Riddhima was trying to forget everything and complete watching the movie.

Afterwards, the movie has ended.

Then Vansh and Riddhima have entered Vansh’s car so Vansh could arrive her back to her house.

Riddhima was silent since the movie has finished.

She was sinking in her thoughts and she was trying to understand her feelings.

She was still wasn’t able to accept her feelings.

Riddhima to herself: No I can’t allow this to happen. I must to always be sure that my friendship with Vansh will always be a friendship and it will never turn into something else.

Vansh was observing that Riddhima is sinking in her thoughts.

So he decided to get her our from her thoughts.

Vansh: Knock knock. Get out from your thoughts Riddu. I can observe that you have liked the movie so much, Am I right or am I right?!

Riddhima: Jab harry met sejal movie always impress me every time I see it as when I watch it every time I feel as if I’m watching it for the first time.

Vansh: That’s why I was sure that you will enjoy a lot while watching the movie on the theater as I always enjoy seeing your beautiful smile Riddu.

He was going to hold her hand once again when she has removed her hand and putted it beside her.

He was feeling that there is something that has changed her mood, but he wasn’t knowing what is that.

He wasn’t wanting to disturb her by asking her so he kept silent and he continued driving.

After some time, Vansh has arrived Riddhima to her house.

Before Riddhima could get out from Vansh’s car, Vansh has stopped her by holding her hand.

Vansh: I have enjoyed a lot after spending this lovely time with you Riddu.

She lefts his hand.

Then she gets out of the car, but she was still standing beside the car.

Riddhima: I have also enjoyed a lot spending my time with you my best friend. Thank you Vansh. See you soon bye.

Vansh: Bye Riddu.

Riddhima has entered her house quickly while she was hazy and doesn’t knowing if what she has done is right or wrong.

Vansh was surprised from Riddhima’s weird behavior.

Vansh to himself: Interesting, very interesting! What could drive her to do this weird behavior?! She always made me confused from her unexpected actions. Some time I feel that she loves me so much and some time I feel that she wants to be very far from me. I really can’t understand anything!

He starts driving back to VR mansion and he still wasn’t understanding the reason behind the sudden change in Riddhima’s behavior.

Afterwards, Vansh has reached to VR mansion.

Then he decided to call Riddhima like they are always doing that before sleeping.

Riddhima was seeing the mobile while ringing and she wasn’t knowing shall she pick up the phone or not.

After along confusion, she has picked up Vansh’s call.

This was the first call between Vansh and Riddhima that could end very fast like that.

Riddhima has ended the call fast because she was wanting to prove to herself that Vansh is just her best friend.

After she has ended the call with Vansh, she went to sleep.

While Vansh wasn’t able to sleep because of Riddhima’s weird attitude.

He went to the garden to breath a natural air.

At that time, Ishani has came to him.

Ishani: You will not tell me what you have done today with Riddhima?

Vansh didn’t answer her.

She has observed his confusion and astonishment.

She comes near him and she puts her hand on his shoulder.

Ishani: I can observe from your face reaction that you are super confused so can you tell what has happened that made you that confused?

Vansh: Everything was going very well until I have arrived her to her house.

Vansh starts telling Ishani what Riddhima has done.

He was telling her how he got very confused from Riddhima’s weird behavior.

Ishani was silent and she wasn’t saying a word while she was listening carefully to Vansh’s words.

She was smiling and this what made Vansh more irritated.

Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! The brother is upset and confused and his sister is smiling instead of calming him down. What a sister you are Ishani?!

Ishani: Chill bro. I’m smiling because I have known the reason behind Riddhima’s unexpected weird behavior.

Vansh: What is that?

At the same time, Riddhima was sleeping and she was dreaming.

She was dreaming that she is with Vansh in a snowy place.

They were dancing together.

Vansh was making Riddhima very close to him.

Then he kissed her in her cheek.

Vansh(in Riddhima’s dream): Riddhima, I can’t hide my feelings more. I’m owing something special to you Riddhima.

Riddhima( in Riddhima’s dream): I also own the same feeling to you Vansh, but I’m afraid.

Vansh(in Riddhima’s dream): You can’t be afraid when I’m with you Riddhima as you know that I will always be near you to protect you. I have told you before that you must to be able to accept your true love and you have to have the ability to love again and I’m your true love Riddhima. I’m your soulmate.

Before Riddhima could be able to reply to Vansh’s words, an unknown girl has came.

Riddhima wasn’t able to see the girl’s face.

The girl has taken Vansh and left Riddhima alone.

Then Riddhima has waked up and she was afraid.

She has called Vansh’s name when she has immediately waked up.

Riddhima: Vaaaansh.

Riddhima was sweating very much.

Then she has discovered that she was just dreaming.

Riddhima: Thank God that it was just a bad dream. I hope that this dream could never come true especially the last part of it. I wish that the first part could be the thing that could come true not the last part.

She takes her picture with Vansh that was found on the table beside Riddhima’s bed.

She starts looking at Vansh’s picture.

Riddhima to herself: I don’t know what is the meaning of that dream. I don’t know who is that girl that has taken you from me Vansh, but I promise you that I will never allow any girl to take you from me. I’m still isn’t able to understand the meaning of that dream, but I have understood that this a sign and I will never blind my eyes from that sign. I will never forget the words that Vansh has said it to me in my dream. I can feel that this dream is a sign to me that is trying to make me know that I mustn’t have to leave Vansh otherwise he could be taken from me.

She makes her picture with Vansh closer to her.

Riddhima to herself: I must to go to you tomorrow Vansh. We must to talk about that hidden feelings that we are own it to each other. I can’t hide what I feel more and I can’t tolerate that I could be away from you Vansh.

At the same time, Ishani was explaining to Vansh the reason behind Riddhima’s weird behavior.

Ishani: Riddhima loves you Vansh and this is thing that makes her has done this weird behavior when she has observed that you also own feelings to her. She has felt that the friendship that is between you both could turn into a relationship and this what she wasn’t wanting it to happen.

Vansh: How she loves me and at the same time she isn’t wanting us to be in a relationship?!

Ishani: Because she is afraid and confused Vansh that’s why she has done this weird behavior and she tried to be away from you so she could be able to prove to herself that you are just a best friend to her and no more than that.

Vansh: Do you mean that she is afraid to be in a relationship once again because of what she has passed through it in her relationship with that idiot?

Ishani: Yes Vansh.

Vansh: Okay. I have understood. Actually I was thinking about the same before, but I wasn’t imagining that she will do a weird behavior like that because of the confusion and fear that she owns it inside her.

Ishani: You have to be with her Vansh and you must to clear all the confusion and the fear that is inside her. You must to make her know that you love her so much. You have told me that you are going tomorrow to prepare for a very nice party right?

Vansh: Yes.

Ishani: I think that this will be a good chance that could make you both be close to each other and you could be able to confess your feelings to her as I know that any party you plan it, it will always be very suitable for the couples and it gives a romantic mood to the couples. So why not to take the advantage of that party and confess your feelings to Riddhima during this party?

Vansh: You are right Ishani. Tomorrow will be a very important day in Riddhima and mine’s lives. Tomorrow will be a turning point in Riddhima and mine’s lives. Tomorrow Riddhima and I will talk about all the hidden feelings that we both own it to each other. Tomorrow will be Riddhima and mine’s day, but not as best friends. Tomorrow’s day will be for Riddhima and Vansh the ones who love each other a lot.

At Riddhima’s room.

Riddhima to herself: Tomorrow will clear all the confusion and fear that is inside me. Tomorrow will be our day Vansh.

At morning, Vansh was planning for the new party and arranging everything.

At the same time, Riddhima called him.

Riddhima: Hello Mr. organizer. First of all I want to apologize for the weird behavior that I was treating you with it yesterday, but I promise you that I will make you forgive me. So can you send to me the location of the party that you are planning it today as I don’t have classes today so I thought that coming to the party that you are planning it will be a great idea? I know that you will be busy, but I want to see you while you are doing your work and I promise you that I will not disturb you at all.

Vansh was surprised with how Riddhima and him are thinking with the same way as he was going to offer to her to come to the party that he is planning it so he could be able to confess his feelings to Riddhima.

Riddhima: Vansh, why are you silent? If I’m not allowed to come to the party, it is okay I will not be upset. I will come to you after you finish the party.

Vansh: No Riddhima , there isn’t anything like that. I was just silent because I was amazed of how we both think in the same way as I was going to offer to you to come to the party as I was wanting to talk with you about an important thing.

Riddhima: Really?! What a coincidence?! I’m really happy of how we are really thinking in the same way. Anyway, I have finished getting ready so send me the location as I don’t want to waste a second of that special day as I’m sure that this day will be a very important day in our lives Vansh.

Vansh and Riddhima were smiling after Riddhima has finished her words.

Then they have ended the call.

After they have ended their call, Vansh has sent his current location to Riddhima.

Riddhima takes an auto to arrive her to her way to the party’s location.

Riddhima to herself: I’m super excited to meet you Vansh at this party as I’m sure that this party will change a lot of things in our lives Vansh. I’m coming to you Vansh and I will not leave from this party without clearing everything between us. I hope that talking with you today could make me able to clear the confusion and the fear that is inside me. I hope that I could understand my own feelings after I meet you today at the party.

At the party, Siya was watching Vansh’s moves without making him notice her.

Then she called Aryan.

Siya: Everything is happening the way we want Aryan.

Aryan has put the call on the speaker to make Anuprya listen to Siya’s words.

Anuprya: Does Riddhima is coming?

Siya: Yes.

Aryan: Great.

Anuprya: How you have succeed in making her come to the party?

Siya: I didn’t do anything. Vansh is the one who has made her come to the party as he thought that they will could enjoy their time together, but he doesn’t know that the enjoyment will be for us not for them.

Anuprya: I start to be sure that God is supporting you a lot Siya so that’s why everything is happening the way you want.

Aryan: So when the enjoyment will happen?

Siya: It is one its way don’t worry.

Siya has seen a very stylish and elegant lady is coming near Vansh.

Siya: The enjoyment has arrived guys.

Aryan: Who has came Riddhima or the lady?

Siya: The lady.

Aryan: Interesting!

Anuprya: I’m sure that we will enjoy a lot.

Siya: I will end the call now so I could see what will happen next.

Aryan: Okay, but don’t forget to always update us with the new updates.

Siya: Don’t worry. When Riddhima will arrive, I will capture everything is happening so you could both see everything exclusively.

Anuprya: Well done Siya.

Aryan: I’m very proud that you are my partner Siya.

Anuprya: Take care dear. Bye.

Siya: Bye.

After Siya has ended the call with Anuprya and Aryan, she starts watching the lady while going to Vansh.

A very beautiful lady has came from Vansh’s back.

The lady: Hello Vansh. How are you? It has been a lot since you have organized to me a party.

Vansh: Hello Miss Lisa. How are you?

Lisa: Come on Vansh. You are still calling me Miss Lisa after all those years that we have known each other through it. I have told you before that I’m just Lisa and you are just Vansh. You are the only one who is planning for me every party that I have made it so I think that we have formed a friendship bond together, right?

Vansh: Of course.

Lisa: I have missed you a lot Vansh.

She hugged him.

Vansh wasn’t feeling comfortable from Lisa’s actions.

He always doesn’t feel comfortable from the way Lisa treats him through it from the first day he has known her.

He was feeling that she treats him as more than just a party planner, but he was always putting her in her limits.

Actually, he was shocked from Lisa’s action as she didn’t hugged him before and he didn’t allow her to do that before.

While Lisa was hugging Vansh, Riddhima has came in that moment and she has seen Lisa hugging Vansh.

Riddhima got very sad and jealous when she has seen Lisa being that close to Vansh.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it. I’m really thankful for everyone has encouraged and supported me. I’m really happy and blessed for all of yours support and encouragement. All of yours support is the thing that makes me very happy and encouraged to complete updating. I was very grateful while I was reading all of yours lovely comments. Thank you all for your support and encouragement. Yes I was happy from all of yours support, but I was still upset because unfortunately also this time I didn’t reached to my target. I wasn’t expecting that I will not reach to my target in two following episodes. I got really disappointed and upset from that. I just hope that this disappoint and upset don’t get to be repeated a lot in the upcoming episodes. I hope when this episode could be published you all could have made me reached to my target on the previous episode. I hope that you all could help me to reach to my target this time. My target is the same as the other one. My target is to reach to 25 comments( excluding my comments). I hope this time all of you could make me reach to my target. Please guys show me all yours support and encouragement. Please keep supporting me the way you are doing and I hope that you all could make me reach to my target very soon. So please guys don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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