Friendship turned into a love story #Riansh Episode 21

The episode starts with Angre being shocked from knowing that Riddhima, the girl that he loves her so much, is in love with his boss which is one of the closest people to him.

Angre was shocked and he was’t able to say a word.

Actually, Riddhima didn’t give him the chance to say a word as she starts talking again.

Riddhima: I don’t know how I have took all this time until I have accepted and noticed my feelings, but thank God that I have finally understood everything. I will not leave Vansh to any other girl whatever are the circumstances.

Angre was still shocked and shattered.

His reaction was a mixture of the heartbroken and the bewilderment.

Riddhima: Do you know something Angre?

Angre starts to has the ability to speak.

Angre(in a sad and shaky voice): What?

Riddhima: I wasn’t expecting that I will be able to express what I owns to Vansh in front of everyone, but I’m really happy that I have succeeded in that as this will make my mission easier when I confess my love to Vansh. Actually, I want to tell you that you are the first person to know the feelings that I own to Vansh. Yes maybe all the people around me were observing the feelings that Vansh and I are owing it to each other, but you are the first one to hear this from me. Actually, I’m not surprised from that as you are the one who has introduced Vansh to me and you are also not just my brother’s best friend and a member in my gang as you are my brother Angre. So this could give you the right to be the first person to know the feelings that I own it to Vansh.  I always treat you as you are my second brother Angre. So I’m really happy that my brother Angre has known the feelings that I own it to Vansh. Just wish me a good luck that I could be able to make this witch away from Vansh so I could be able to be with my beloved one.

Angre was still in a big shock and what Riddhima has said at the end makes him more and more shocked and heartbroken.

He tried to control himself and not make Riddhima notice his sadness and shock.

Angre: I will always be happy when I’m seeing you happy like that Riddhima. I wish to always see that smile that is appearing now while you are talking about Vansh. All the best to you dear.

Riddhima has observed that Lisa has finished dancing with Vansh.

So she decided to go quickly to Vansh and forbids Lisa from being more closer to Vansh.

Riddhima: Thank you Angre for your wishes. I’m sorry, but I must to leave now as I don’t want that witch that is called Lisa to be near Vansh more than that.

Angre: Okay Riddhima.

Riddhima: See you later. Bye.

Angre: Bye Riddhima.

After Riddhima has left Angre, a tear has came from Angre’s eyes.

He wasn’t able to imagine that his love isn’t meant to be to him.

He went to a hide area so he doesn’t make anyone notice him while being in that breakdown.

Then he starts screaming.

Angre to himself: Why?! Why this could happen to me?! Why after I have noticed my feelings towards Riddhima I could to know that she will never be mine?! At the beginning, I didn’t noticed that I love Riddhima because she was in a relationship. Then when she has left that guy and she became single, I start to feel that I’m owing a special feelings to Riddhima. I was just waiting for the right time to make her notice those feelings. Actually, the thing that was forbidding me from confessing my love to Riddhima is that I was feeling that she and Vansh are owing feelings to each other so I was always postponing the step of confessing my feelings to Riddhima until I could be sure that she doesn’t love Vansh and she could has the ability to love me. But I didn’t imagine that my doubts will come true. I didn’t imagine that Riddhima will come to tell me that she loves Vansh along with telling me how I’m very close to her just as her brother! I didn’t imagine that I will pass through such a breakdown like that.

He starts punching his hand on the wall until it starts bleeding very much.

Angre was very heartbroken.

The pain and hurt that were inside him were very high.

He wasn’t able to know what he can do to minimize this pain.

He was confused and he wasn’t able to do anything.

He sits on the floor and he starts crying.

Angre to himself: Maybe I meant to be alone. Maybe I will never find the love that I deserves it. Maybe because I don’t deserve to be loved. I just hope that Vansh could accept Riddhima’s love as I will be happy when I will see her happiness even if her happiness will be with another person especially if this person is Vansh. As Vansh will always be my boss, close friend, supporter and everything to me. I will never be able to hate him because he has taken Riddhima’s heart and love. I will always respect him and love him the way I was doing that before. I just need some time to get all this pain and hurt that is inside me now. I really need someone to talk with and tell this person what I’m feeling right now and of course this person will never be my best friend Kabir because he is Riddhima’s brother so it will never be beneficial to go to him and tell him that I’m loving his sister.

He starts screaming more.

Angre to himself: So who this person who I could talk with and get all the heartbroken that I’m feeling it right now?

A person’s name has came in Angre’s mind.

He was sure that this person will support him and will help me in getting all the pain that is inside him.

He gets his phone from his pocket.

He starts searching about the name of that person on the contact numbers very quickly.

He was wanting to meet that person very fast because he wasn’t able to tolerate all this pain that he is feeling it right now.

Then he called this person.

Angre: Hello. I need to meet you very fast.

Afterwards, Riddhima went to Vansh and has taken the advantage that Lisa isn’t near Vansh.

Riddhima was coming from Vansh’s back.

Then when she came close to him, she has putted her hand on Vansh’s shoulder.

Vansh has felts Riddhima’s touch and he was sure that she is the one who is standing from his back.

Vansh has tuned to face Riddhima.

Riddhima was smiling very much.

Vansh has observed her happiness and he was sure that she is going to tell him something that will make him also be very happy like her.

Vansh: I can observe that Miss princess is very happy. Can I know the reason?

Riddhima: You will know the reason when you come with me as I know that you have finally finished preparing for the party and we could leave now. So just come with me and we will have the whole time to talk about everything we didn’t say it to the other.

She winked at him with a smiling face.

Vansh has understood from Riddhima’s attitude that she has accepted her feelings.

Vansh was ready to confess his feelings to Riddhima when he has felt from her the same.

Vansh: Okay. So let’s go as I don’t want to waste more time without telling you everything I has prepared to tell you about it today.

Vansh and Riddhima were going to leave when Lisa stopped them.

Lisa: Where are you going Vansh? Do you have forgotten that I will not allow you to leave today without telling you everything that I didn’t have the chance to tell you about it before.

Riddhima got very disturbed from Lisa.

Riddhima to herself: This clown has came again! I don’t know what she wants from Vansh?!

Riddhima: I’m sorry Miss Lisa, but Vansh has already finished his work in your party and now it is the time of his personal life. So we must to leave now. See you in another time Miss Lisa.

Riddhima to herself: I hope to never see you once again stupid clown.

Vansh and Riddhima complete walking to leave the party.

Then Lisa has came in front of them to stop them from leaving.

Lisa: I’m sorry Miss Riddhima, but your best friend Vansh has promised me that one day he will accept my invitation for a dinner and I decided that this day will be today and you Vansh will not be able to refuse my request this time. I will not accept any excuses.

Riddhima: What?!

Lisa: Yes Miss Riddhima. Actually, this dinner will be a business dinner and I don’t think that you will want your best friend’s business to be spoiled.

Riddhima was looking at Vansh and she was waiting for him to refuse this invitation and come with her.

Vansh was going to refuse when he has looked at Riddhima’s jealousy reaction.

So he decided to increase her jealousy more.

Vansh to himself: I’m sure if I have accepted Lisa’s invitation for dinner, Riddhima will be more jealous and she could do anything to prevent me from being with Lisa and that could make her confess her feelings to me very quickly.

Riddhima: Vansh just refus..

Vansh: I agree Miss Lisa for your invitation of the dinner.

Riddhima got shocked after she has listened to Vansh’s words.

She was looking at him in a surprising and shocking reaction.

Lisa was smiling and being very happy from Vansh’s approval.

Lisa: Great. I will be waiting for you Vansh beside your car so don’t be late.

Vansh: Okay Lisa. I will not be late.

Lisa has left.

Siya was clapping to Lisa from a far area.

Siya to herself: Lisa you are fantastic. You have done a very professional work. You have made more than I was expecting you to do it. Vansh you don’t know that you have helped me a lot in this plan and you aren’t aware of that as you are thinking that you are helping yourself, but you don’t know that you are helping me and you will not be able to make Riddhima be yours even if you tried very much.

Siya was laughing and being very happy.

At that moment, Riddhima was looking at Vansh in a shocking and surprising way.

Riddhima: You have merely accepted her invitation Vansh while you are knowing that I have came here just for you to tell an important thing,

Vansh: But you didn’t said anything since you have came here. You still have the chance to tell me what you want to say now and I promise you that I will not go with Lisa.

Riddhima got silent.

She doesn’t know how she became isn’t able to say what in her heart to Vansh.

Vansh: Do you still didn’t reached to an answer to the questions that I have asked it to you?

Riddhima was still silent.

Vansh: Your silence shows that you still doesn’t have an answer to my questions so I don’t have any choice other than going with Lisa for a dinner. When you have the answers to my questions, just come to me and I will be waiting for you.

Vansh has left Riddhima while he was smiling.

He was sure that Riddhima will stop him and she will not make him leave with Lisa.

Riddhima: Wait Vansh.

Riddhima comes to face Vansh.

She was very jealous and angry.

Vansh was happy as he was sure that Riddhima will come to him and confess her feelings to him.

Riddhima: I was believing that you will always understand what I’m feeling without being able to say anything, but if you still aren’t able to understand what I’m wanting to tell you about it so there is no need to say anything. If you want to go with that clown lady go, as I will not forbid you. I will not force you to be with me if you don’t want that. Before I leave from here, I want to tell you that you also was wanting to tell me something and you still didn’t told me anything about it. But I’m the one who does’t want to hear anything from you. Just go to this witch who you want to spend your time with her.

Riddhima left Vansh and she was super angry and jealous.

She was angry from Vansh because he has accepted Lisa’s invitation for dinner.

Riddhima to herself: What is the reason to confess my feelings to Vansh when he is the one who wants to be near other girl?

Vansh was still shocked while standing in his place.

He didn’t thought that Riddhima’s jealousy could make her leave him to be with Lisa.

Vansh to himself: Riddhima’s jealousy has crossed all the barriers. I wasn’t expecting that her anger will be that high. I don’t know what I have putted myself on it, I wasn’t wanting to accept Lisa’s invitation so what I will do now?

Vansh went to his car and he got forced to spend this dinner with Lisa.

Siya was looking at Vansh and Lisa while they were in Vansh’s car.

Siya to herself: Now everything has happened the way I want. Vansh and Riddhima will never be together. Now Lisa will be with Vansh and Vansh will not be able to escape from her. So now the first step in destroying Vansh and Riddhima has got succeeded and I don’t need to complete keeping an eye on Vansh as Lisa will not leave him without making him hers. I must to go now to Aryan and Aunprya aunt so we could celebrate our success together.

Afterwards, Vansh and Lisa have reached to the restaurant that Lisa has chosen it.

At the same time, Riddhima has reached to her house while she was very jealous and angry.

When she entered the house, she didn’t greet anyone.

She just went to her room.

Kabir was sitting in the hale of the house when Riddhima has went to the house.

He has observed from the way Riddhima has opened her room’s door with it that she is very angry.

He has observed that there is something huge that has disturbed Riddhima.

He enters her room.

Riddhima: Kabir please leave me alone now as I’m really angry now and I don’t want to get my anger on you Kabir.

Kabir comes near Riddhima.

Then he hugged her to calm her down.

Kabir: Relax my lovely sister. Just tell me what has happened.

Riddhima starts telling Kabir everything has happened in the party.

Riddhima has told Kabir how she got jealous seeing another girl being near Vansh.

She also has told him how because of this jealousy she has accepted and understood her feelings towards Vansh.

She has told him how she got angry when Vansh has accepted Lisa’s invitation for dinner.

Riddhima has told Kabir everything.

Kabir was happy that Riddhima has finally noticed and accepted her feelings.

Kabir: I’m really happy that you have noticed and accepted your love Riddhima towards Vansh. You have really spent a lot of time until you have accepted your feelings. I’m 100% sure that Vansh also loves you Riddhima. I don’t know how you have left him to go with another girl.

Riddhima: He is the one who has accepted her invitation.

Kabir: You are idiot Riddhima! That’s why you haven’t understood the sign that he has made it by accepting Lisa’s invitation.

Riddhima: I can’t understand anything. Why you are calling me an idiot now?!

Kabir: Vansh was wanting to see your jealousy when he got to accept Lisa’s invitation as he was thinking that you will confess your feelings immediately after he accepts Lisa’s invitation, but unfortunately you have got really angry and you have left him to go with that Lisa. Riddhima you must to go to Vansh now and don’t make him be with any girl other than you. This day must never end without confessing your love to him. You and Vansh must be together today Riddhima.

Kabir starts encouraging Riddhima to not give up.

Kabir: Riddhima you must to never give up and you must to get your love to you and not leave him to any other girl.

Kabir’s words were repeating on Riddhima’s mind.

She got convinced from his words.

Riddhima: Kabir, you are right. I must never give up and I must have the courage to go in front of Vansh and confess to him all the love feelings that I own it to him.

Kabir: That’s my sister. So tell me what you will do now?

Riddhima: I will go to them now and I will spoil this dinner. This dinner will be for Riddhima and Vansh only not for Vansh and that stupid Lisa.

Kabir: I’m with you in anything you want me to do it to help you in getting Vansh to you.

Riddhima: I want you to call Ishani and make her text Vansh to know from him the name of the restaurant that he and Lisa are having dinner on it, but Kabir you must to be sure to not make Ishani tell Vansh that I’m the one who wants to know where he is now. I want him to be surprised and shocked when he see me in front of him at the restaurant.

Kabir: Don’t worry Riddhima. I will make Ishani tell him that she just want to check on him. We will not make him know that you are the one who is behind that.

Kabir has called Ishani and then he ended the call with her after she agreed on what he asked her to do it.

After a short time, Ishani has sent the name of the restaurant to Kabir.

Kabir: Riddhima, Ishani has sent to me the name of the restaurant.

Riddhima: Perfect. I will go to get ready now to go to that restaurant and destroy this dinner.

Kabir has left Riddhima to get ready.

Riddhima went to choose a clothes to wear it.

Riddhima to herself: I’m coming to you Vansh and I will not allow anyone to take you from me. I promise you that this time I will not be silent and I will get out all the feelings that I own it to you Vansh.

She wears a very s*xy and stylish clothes.

She wears a white crop top and a mini black skirt.

She starts putting her makeup.

Then she has putted the perfume that Vansh has bought it to her and he always wants her to put it as he loves smelling it on her.

Riddhima to herself: I’m sure that you will get mad when you see me in that look especially that you didn’t get used in seeing me wearing those s*xy clothes.

Riddhima was smiling while she was looking at Vansh’s picture.

Riddhima to herself: I’m coming Vansh.

Kabir got amazed when he has seen Riddhima’s hot look.

Kabir: Wow! I’m sure that Vansh will turn crazy when he see you looking that hot and beautiful!

Riddhima smiles.

Riddhima: Can you please arrive me to that restaurant? As I don’t want to waste any other second without being with my beloved one.

Kabir: Let’s go my beautiful sister.

Kabir and Riddhima have entered Kabir’s car.

Then Kabir starts driving to their way to the restaurant.

While Riddhima and Kabir were in their way to the restaurant, Riddhima has told Kabir that she has told Angre that she owns feelings to Vansh.

Kabir was shocked and he was afraid about Angre.

He was sure that Angre now will be heartbroken and he will be needing someone to support him.

Kabir to himself: Oh my God! Riddhima you didn’t found any person to tell him your feelings toward Vansh other than Angre! I’m sure that he is now very shattered and hurt. I’m sure that he will not be able to come to me and talk with me about that regardless that I’m his great best friend. I must to go to him after I arrive Riddhima to the restaurant as I can’t leave my best friend in this state without being with him and supporting him.

Afterwards, Kabir and Riddhima have reached to the restaurant that Vansh and Lisa are taking her dinner on it.

Kabir: Best of luck to you Riddhima dear. I don’t think that you will need me to arrive you back as of course Vansh is the one who will arrive you and will be with you forever, but if you have needed me just call me.

Riddhima: Okay Kabir. Bye.

Kabir: Bye Riddhima.

Kabir left with his car.

Then Riddhima entered the restaurant.

She has found Vansh and Lisa’s table.

She comes to their table and she takes a chair and seated beside them.

Riddhima: Hello guys.

Lisa got shocked when she has seen Riddhima in front of her.

She got shocked that Riddhima has came to spoil what she has prepared it to make Vansh close to her.

Vansh was surprised when he has seen Riddhima in front of him.

He was staring at her very much due to her beauty.

He was amazed of how she is looking very hot and s*xy.

Riddhima: I have came here to take my best friend with me. No, I didn’t came to you Vansh as my best friend I have came to you as more than just your best friend.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it. I’m really very thankful for the support that you all have showered me with it. You all have showered me with so much love and support. Thank you all so much for yours support and love. Your all support is the thing that makes me very happy. Reading your comments always make me flying from happiness. Thank you all so much for all of yours support and encouragement. All of yours encouraging words is the thing that makes me encouraged to complete updating. Regardless that I didn’t have reached to my target, but I hope that when this episode could be uploaded you all could have made me reached to my target as it is just one comment left to make reach to my target. So please guys make me reach to my target in the previous episode to make me encouraged to update the confession episode. I hope that when this episode could be published you could all have made me reached to my target on the previous episode. I hope that you all could make me reach to my target on this episode also. My target is the same. My target is to reach to 25 comments( excluding my comments). I hope that you all guys could help me reaching to my target on this episode. I know that you are all a big supporters and you all will make me reach to my target. I hope that you could make me reach to my target so I could be encouraged to complete updating and update the confession episode. Please guys keep supporting me the way you are doing. So please don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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