Friendship turned into a love story #Riansh Episode 27

The episode starts with Vansh being shocked after he has finished the call with one of his team.

Rudra and Angre were feeling that there is something huge has happened.

Rudra: Vansh, what has happened?

Vansh: We must to leave now and immediately go to the party that we are organizing it as a disaster has happened and this disaster could be able to completely destroy my career and image. So please let’s go now and when we will reach there we will know what has happened and how we could be able to solve this problem now.

Vansh has went to his car very quickly.

He wasn’t knowing what problem could has happened that could end his career very easily like that.

Rudra and Angre have followed him by their cars.

Vansh was driving the car in a very high speed.

He was wanting to reach to the party very fast so he could be able know what has happened.

Vansh to himself: What could be that problem that could ruin my own career?! Everything was just perfect when I was there from an hour. So how a problem will happen in just an hour that it could be able to destroy my career?! Please God help me and support me in this problem. I really don’t know what I’m going to see when I will arrive to the party, but I hope that it could be a small problem that I could be able to solve it. Please God don’t make anything bad could happen to my career as you know how much my career is very important to me.

At that time, Siya and Anuprya were sitting together when Aryan has came while he has talking with someone.

Siya and Anuprya were observing how Aryan was happy and relaxed while he was talking on the phone.

They were sure that Aryan’s happiness means that Vansh’s destroy start to happen.

After Aryan has finished his call, he starts dancing and jumping from happiness.

He takes Anuprya and Siya’s hands.

Then he starts making them dance with him.

Both Siya and Anuprya were smiling from Aryan’s attitude, but they weren’t understanding the reason behind that huge happiness that he is owing it.

Siya left her hand that Aryan was holding it to get him out from this happiness.

Siya: Aryan, can you stop this huge happiness and celebration? As we want to also enjoy celebrating with you, but we just want to know about what we are celebrating.

Anuprya: Does your huge happiness is related by destroying Vansh’s business?

Aryan: There will not be business that Vansh is owing it now mom so we could be able to complete destroy it.

Siya: What do you mean?

Aryan: Our spy was the one who was on phone with me from a couple of minutes and he has arrived to me a very beautiful news. He has told me that he got to be succeeded in completely destroying the new party that Vansh was organizing it today. Actually, he has told me that this party would never be able to return like before even if Vansh tried very hard as he was sure to not make anything being putted in the right place at this party.

Siya: So do you want to tell me that today’s party has got totally destroyed?!

Aryan: Yes Siya.

Anuprya: Why you are that surprised Siya?

Siya: As this party its owner is one of the most famous and powerful businessmen in the whole country and if this party got to be destroyed I don’t think that Vansh will be able to complete working as a party planner.

Anuprya: So that means that by destroying this party, we got to be succeeded in completely destroying Vansh’s business right?

Aryan: Yes mom. I don’t believe that any businessman will trust Vansh to make him organize his party and I’m sure that Vansh’s image will be destroyed in front of all his clients and that will make me feel very relaxed as by destroying Vansh’s image I could be able to take my right from him for what he has done with me before.

Anuprya: But what if he got succeeded in solving this problem like the problems that he got solved it during the previous 6 months?

Siya: I don’t believe Anuprya aunt that Vansh will be able to do that as you can observe from Aryan’s face reaction that our spy has completely destroyed the party so Vansh will not be able to do anything.

Aryan: Even if he got succeeded in controlling the situation, and actually I don’t think that this could be possible, none of his clients will be able to trust him once again as the disasters that have happened at the party could ruin Vansh’s career forever.

Anuprya: Finally, our plan got succeeded and now we could enjoy seeing Vansh suffering a lot after his career and business will be ruined.

Aryan has looked at Vansh and Riddhima’s picture that he has putted it on the wall.

Then he gets a small knife and he has destroyed with it Vansh and Riddhima’s picture.

Aryan: Your bad time starts now Vansh and you will not be able to do anything. So enjoy your failure now bro.

Siya: So what will be our second move? As of course we will not leave our plan in that point and to be satisfied by destroying Vansh’s business especially that we don’t know if what we have done will completely destroy his business or not as you know that Vansh will not give up that easily so we must to destroy him completely before he could be able to solve the problems that we have created to him.

Aryan: Don’t worry Siya as Vansh will not be able to get out of these problems as he will find me in front of him very soon.

Siya: What do you mean?

Aryan: We will return back in destroying Vansh’s personal life as what we have done in Vansh’s business could make him take a lot of years trying to just fixed it and he will not be able to do that as I’m sure that Vansh’s business will never return like before after what has happened and now we must never leave him without attack him with another attack and this attack will be from inside his house and from a very close person to him.

Siya was still isn’t understanding what Aryan was saying it.

Anurpya starts smiling.

Anurprya: Please Aryan beta tell her everything directly as I can observe that she is still isn’t able to understand anything.

Siya: Yes Aryan. Please tell me everything directly and don’t create so much suspense.

Aryan: Okay. I will tell you.

Afterwards, Vansh has reached to the party.

He got shocked when he has found everything thrown on the floor.

He didn’t found anything putted on its right place.

He found a large chandelier being has fallen on the ground.

Everything was destroyed as if there wasn’t any mature person organizing this party.

Rudra and Angre have came after Vansh.

They also got very shocked seeing this catastrophic situation.

They weren’t believing that this party is organized by Vansh Rai Singhania’s company.

Rudra: How this could be possible?! Everything was just perfect when we were here from a very short time so how everything got spoiled like that?!

Angre: The problem isn’t just that Rudra uncle. The problem is how actually this could happen as we are always using the best materials and the best stuff. So how everything could be in that state and how could this chandelier be has fallen that easily?! We were being sure to make it very strong so it could never be fallen down.

Vansh was silent due to the big shock that he was on it.

He was thinking about how he could solve all of these problems.

Vansh’s team have came to the place that Vansh, Angre and Rudra are standing on it.

Vansh got angry on them.

Vansh( Shouting and screaming): Can anyone of you could tell me how this has happened?! Everything was just perfect so how the party could be destroyed like that?! We are using the perfect materials so how this disaster could happen?!

No one from Vansh’s team was able to say a word.

They were actually aren’t having any words that they could say it to Vansh to make him understand what has happened.

Vansh( Shouting and screaming): I need an answer now.

One of Vansh’s team: We weren’t understanding what has happened Vansh sir. We were working to put the last touches so we could be ready when the guests could arrive, but we have started getting shocked that everything starts to not be perfect like before.

Another one of Vansh’s team: We got shocked seeing the tables being on the floor damaged in that way and we still aren’t able to understand the reason behind the damage of that tables.

One of Vansh’s team: Then we got shocked seeing all the food got burned along with this chandelier that got to fall.

Another one of Vansh’s team: Actaully, the chandelier was going to fall on the owner of this party along with his men.

Vansh: What?!

One of Vansh’s team: Don’t worry boss the owner and his men are totally fine as we got succeeded in rescuing them at the right time, but now everything is destroyed and we will not be able to arrange all of those stuff in that short time as you know that the party must start after 2 hours and the guests will start to come.

Another one of Vansh’s team: We weren’t able to do anything boss so we have called you to tell us what shall we do now as the owner is very angry and actually he is waiting for you inside.

Vansh: I will go to the owner now, but when I will come back I want to see all this disasters removed. I want you all to call the people that we are working with them to get to us a new materials and new stuff so we could arrange the party once again.

One of Vansh’s team: But boss this will not be possible as how we wi…

Vansh: I don’t want any excuses. I want you all to work very hard. We must to work all together to arrange this party with a perfect way more than it was at the beginning.

Before Vansh has left to meet the owner of the party, he looked at all of his team in a very sharp and scary way.

Vansh: If what I have said didn’t happen, no one of you could know what I could do. None of you could never forget that I will not leave the one who was behind the problems that have happened in this party as I’m sure of the material that I’m working with it so that’s mean that there is a jean between us and I will not leave that person without catching him/her. So I hope that everyone do what I have said as the one who will not help me in solving this problem, I will know that this person is the jean and I promise that I will not leave that person and he/she will not be saved from me at all as you all know that Vansh Rai Singhania never tolerate the cheat and the cheaters. There wasn’t any person who could cheat me and I could leave him/her live his/her life peacefully. So don’t anyone of you could dare to test my passion and don’t listen to my words.

Vansh has left his men.

While Rudra and Angre have followed him to not make him alone when he starts facing the owner.

Vansh wasn’t knowing how he will face the owner after what has happened.

The owner has seen Vansh.

The owner: Welcome Mr. Vansh. Welcome to the best party that you have organized it during your career. Thank God that you have came to enjoy with me this party. Actually, we must to celebrate together after I was going to die because of you and your team’s careless work. I was going to die Mr. Vansh if that chandelier got to be fall on me and my men. What a great work Mr. Vansh?! I’m really impressed!

Vansh: Mr. Satee I know that you are very angry, but please calm down and I promise you that I will fix everything.

Satee: What you will fix Mr. Vansh?! Do you think that all of those disasters were will be fixed in a very short time like that?! There is just 2 hours left and the guests will arrive so don’t tell me that you will fix everything very quickly like that.

Rudra: Mr. Satee, I’m sure that Vansh will succeed in fixing everything very fast.

Angre: Yes Mr. Satee. You know how much Vansh Rai Singhania is a very smart and unique party planner and I’m sure that he will solve all of these problems in a very unique way.

At that moment, Vansh’s mobile rings.

Riddhima was calling him and she was hoping that he could pick up the call.

She was feeling that Vansh is in a huge problem and he needs her.

So that’s why she has called him to check on him.

Vansh wasn’t seeing who was calling him.

He was just going to not answer the call by ending it.

Instead of ending the call, he mistakenly has answered Riddhima’s call.

He has putted his mobile in his pocket unknowingly that Riddhima is listening to the conversation.

Riddhima(on the call): Hello Vansh. Are you hearing me? Vansh, why you aren’t replying to me?!

Riddhima starts hearing Satee’s voice.

So she got silent to listen to what is happening.

Satee: Really?! Unique way?! What unique way you are telling me about it Angre?! Just look around you does this is really the unique way that your boss is working with it?! No Angre, I will can’t be able to trust your boss once again. I must to do everything by my own now, I must never depend on anyone once again especially you Mr. Vansh. I don’t know how I trusted you and made you be responsible of planning a very important party like that. I was thinking that your reputation is right as everyone is saying that you are the best party planner in the country, but unfortunately your reputation got destroyed now. Your business got spoiled Mr. Vansh, we would never work with such a party planner like you once again. I think that you must to find another job other than being a party planner as I don’t think that anyone will trust you once again and make you plan any party after what you have done in my party Mr. Vansh.

Vansh was shocked hearing those words from Satee.

He was feeling very insulted when he has heard those words from Satee.

Riddhima was listening to what Satee has said.

She got shocked and she was scared about what could happen to Vansh’s business.

So she ended the call.

She was knowing that Vansh will not listen to her as she has known that he has picked the call mistakenly.

Then she called Angre to know everything has happened from him so she could be able to know what shall she do to solve the problem that it could destroy Vansh’s business through it if it didn’t got fixed very soon.

Angre has answered her call after he went to a far area.

Angre has told Riddhima everything has happened.

He has told her how everything got spoiled in the new party.

Angre: Riddhima, the situation is really critical here. I don’t think that Mr. Satee or any other great businessman will make Vansh organize any party to them. This could be able to destroy Vansh’s career. We don’t know what shall we do now especially that Vansh is very shattered and shocked now.

Riddhima: Don’t worry Angre. I will come to the party now and I will not leave without solving everything has happened. You just take care about Vansh until I could arrive and please try to handle the situation and don’t make Mr. Satee could leave as we must make the party happen at its time with a very perfect way as this will be the only thing that could save Vansh’s career and business from being destroyed. I just want you to send me the location of the party and I will come very fast.

Angre: But Riddhima how you will be able to do that?! Anyone who is expert in the party planning field will tell you that nothing could be solved in those 2 hours. So how you will be able to do that thing?

Riddhima: Leave this problem to me Angre and I promise you that I will fix everything as I could do anything for Vansh’s sake so please just send to me the location of the party and be with Vansh to support him.

Angre: Okay Riddhima as you want. I hope that you could help Vansh in saving his career. I will send you the location now.

Riddhima: Okay Angre. Thank you. See you very soon.

Angre: See you too Riddhima. Bye.

Riddhima: Bye Angre.

After Riddhima has ended the call with Angre, she has left the school and then she has gotten an auto after giving the location to the driver.

She starts calling some people.

Riddhima to herself: Don’t worry Vansh. I will fix everything. Your girlfriend isn’t a normal girl and I’m sure you will be surprised from how I will make everything better than before.

At the party, Vansh was very shattered from the big insult that he has passed through it.

Vansh: Mr. Satee I’m understanding what you are feeling now, but that doesn’t mean that you will insult me and I will keep quiet without replying to your words. Don’t forget that I’m Vansh Rai Singhania, the great and the most famous party planner in the country, and what has happened it isn’t my fault. There is a person who wants to destroy my business as you know that any successful man is having his enemies who doesn’t want him to reach to any success. So please stay on your limits as I would never allow anyone to insult me even if this person is my client. I know how you are caring about your image and of course I will be also caring about my image as I will never be happy while seeing anyone saying any bad word about my career and the way I’m working with it. You must to know that there is a huge conspiracy is happening to destroy by it my career so Mr. Satee please don’t make my enemies succeed in destroying my business by thinking that all what is happening is my fault.

Satee: I’m sorry Mr. Vansh, but this excuse will not get you out from that situation. Even if a person wants to destroy your business, this will not make me be able to trust you once again. So I think that you must to stop doing this business until you could solve your problems and for now I want you and your team to leave from here so I could make any other party planner could came to solve the problems that you and your team have caused it here as I can’t destroy my reputation if this party didn’t happen at time. I’m not like you Mr. Vansh as my reputation is very important to me and I will not allow anyone to destroy it like you have done to yourself.

At that moment, Riddhima has came with a huge gang.

They have came with all the stuff and materials that they will need it in fixing everything very fast.

She left the gang fixing what has happened and she made Vansh’s team help them in fixing the problems that have happened.

The spy got shocked from what Riddhima starts doing it.

He was going to call Aryan to inform him about what has happened so he could know from Aryan what shall he do now when Riddhima stopped him before doing that.

She wasn’t feeling comfortable seeing his reaction.

So she decided to take the mobile from him until she could know what is behind him as she was speculating that he could be the one who is behind destroying Vansh’s parties.

She has collected all the cellphones from all Vansh’s team to not make Aryan’s spy take any mobile from anyone.

She made one of her men keep an eye on Aryan’s spy to not allow him in causing any other problem.

Riddhima to herself: Now I could be able to complete fixing all the problems that have happened here in the party so I could surprise Vansh with seeing everything being perfect like before. I’m sure now that my man will keep an a eye on that guy and he will be sure to not make that guy cause any problems until I could tell Vansh about my doubts and he could catch that guy and know from him the name of the person who wants to destroy Vansh’s career.

She left them all working to fix the problems that have happened.

Aryan’s spy was forced to help Vansh and Riddhima’s gang in fixing all the problems that he was the one who has created it all.

He was wanting to make anyone doubt him.

Vansh was going to leave with Angre and Rudra when they got shocked by seeing everything started to be like before.

They have found a new chandelier has putted in the place of the one that has fallen.

They have found a new tables have been replaced instead of the broken tables.

Vansh was surprised to see everything has done in a perfect way more than he was expecting.

He wasn’t believing that his team could have succeeded in doing all of those stuff in a very short time.

Satee was also surprised from what he was seeing.

Satee: Who has done all of those stuff?! Do your team are really the ones who have fixed those stuff?! As the party planner that I have called him didn’t arrived yet so who has done all of those stuff?!

Rudra: Of course Vansh’s team are the ones who have done all of those stuff. I told you Mr. Satee that Vansh and his team will be able in fixing everything and making everything being better than before as you can observe that the new decorations and the new materials are more better and perfect than the broken materials.

Vansh has called one of his team to know from her how they managed to fix everything very fast like that.

Vansh: I’m always inspired of how my team are brilliant, but I didn’t believed that you all could have succeeded in fixing everything in a very short time like that.

One of Vansh’s team: To be honest Vansh sir, we didn’t made anything. We would never have done anything if she didn’t came with her gang while getting to us all the materials that we were needing it to fix those problems. She was very smart leader boss. Without her help we would have never got succeeded in making everything perfect like before.

Vansh: Who is she?

The girl has raised her finger to point on Riddhima who was cooking the food with the chefs that she has gotten them with her.

Vansh was surprised to see Riddhima at the party.

He wasn’t believing that she is the one who has fixed all of those problems.

The guests start to come.

Then Satee starts welcoming his guests.

Angre and Rudra were helping the rest in making everything more perfect than they were wanting.

They were wanting to not make the guests mess anything.

They were hoping that they could please Satee with their hard work and effort.

Vansh was amazed of how Riddhima was handling everything as if she is working as party planner since many years.

She was concentrating in arranging everything in a very proper way.

Riddhima and her team have made a different theme to the party.

The theme was traditional Indian.

The food and the decorations were related to the Indian culture.

Satee’s guests were enjoying the mood of the party.

They were enjoying the theme that Riddhima has chosen it to the party.

Vansh holds Riddhima’s hand.

Then he takes her to a far area.

He grabbed her towards him.

Riddhima: Vansh, what are you doing?! We must to concentrate in complete organizing the party so we don’t make Mr. Satee and his guests became upset from anything. As I will never make anyone say any bad thing about your business Vansh.

Vansh has hugged Riddhima a very long hug.

Vansh: Thank you so much Riddhima. Thank you for saving my reputation. I don’t know how you have succeeded in doing all of those stuff, but I really got amazed from what you have done. I was thinking that my business and career got spoiled, but you have saved my career at the right time. No words could give you the credit that you deserve it for what you have done to save me and my business.

Riddhima: When we are together Vansh, we will always be able to get out from any bad situation. I will always be with you Vansh and I will never make anything could disturb my lovely boyfriend.

Riddhima and Vansh have hugged each other once again.

Vansh was feeling comfortable being in Riddhima’s arms.

He was sure that when Riddhima is with him everything will be just perfect in his life.

Vansh: I love you so much sweetheart.

Riddhima: I love you too Vansh.

Vansh to himself: What you have done today Riddhima makes me sure that you are the perfect partner to me. I feel that this is the time to make you mine forever. I would never live without your presence in my life Riddhima. Now I became more sure that I must to take a serious step in my relationship with you Riddhima very fast. I want you to be more and more closer to me, I want you to be more than just my girlfriend Riddhima.

Precap: ” This is the person who has done all the problems in your business” 

The end of the episode. I hope you like it. Thank you all guys for your support and encouragement. I’m really grateful for all of yours support. I got happy from all of yours lovely comments. Regardless that all of yours comments have made me very happy, but I really got very sad and disappointed because the respond on the previous episode was very low and I didn’t reached to my target at all. I really got very down. I just hope that when the new episode could be published I could have reached to my target and the respond on the previous episode could be increased. The upcoming episode will be published depending on your respond on this episode. I have felt that the episodes became not very interesting so I decided that I will not publish daily as I have felt that my episodes start to be boring so that’s why the respond is very low. I will complete updating the episodes daily if you all have made me reached to my target on this episode. My target is the same. My target is to reach to 25 comments(excluding my comments). I hope that you all could make me reach to my target to be encouraged to complete updating. The next episode will be published depending in your respond guys. I will publish the next episode after you all will made me reached to my target. I hope that I could see you all you soon by publishing the new episode in the next day by making me reaching to my target otherwise I could take some days until I could publish the upcoming episode. I know guys that you are very supporters who will help me in reaching to my target and I’m sure that you will make me update daily by making me reaching to my target and encourage me to complete updating. Please guys support me and make me succeed in reaching to my target. Please guys keep supporting me the way you are doing and if you all have any suggestion or opinion about the upcoming events don’t hesitate to tell me your opinion on the comments. So please guys don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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