Friendship turned into a love story #Riansh Episode 28

The episode starts with Angre interrupting the romantic moment that was between Vansh and Riddhima.

When he has seen them being that close and hugging each other, he didn’t looked at them and he has given them his back.

Angre: I’m really sorry guys that I have interfered as I can observe that I have came at a very wrong time.

Angre wasn’t able to control himself when a laugh has gotten out from him.

He starts laughing very much.

Riddhima and Vansh have gotten away from each other after the arrive of Angre.

Riddhima was very shy especially when Angre was laughing that much.

Vansh has came in front of Angre to face him.

Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! I can observe that you are laughing very much Angre and actually I can’t notice anything that could leads you to laugh that much.

Angre(smiling and trying to control his laugh): I’m sorry Vansh as I was really aren’t able to control myself from laughing. None of you have found a place to romance on it except this!

He looked at Vansh in an irritating way.

Angre: I know that you are always take the advantage of being with Riddhima at any place so you could romance with her as you can’t control yourself when Riddhima is near you, but you have to remember that we are at the work time so of course this will never be the right time or the right place to romance with Riddhima on it.

He winks at Vansh after he has finished his words.

Riddhima’s shy and embarrass was increasing very much.

Vansh was observing how Riddhima is really shy.

So he looked at Angre in a strict way to make him stop his words that is making Riddhima shy and embarrassed like that.

Angre: Okay okay I will stop irritating you both so you don’t have to look at me in that strict way Vansh, but anyway I have just came to tell you that Mr. Satee wants you both now.

Riddhima: Wants both of us?! And why he will be wanting to talk with me?!

Angre: I don’t have an idea. I just came to tell you what he has told me about.

Vansh: Okay Angre. We will come after you.

Angre: Okay boss. Just come fast and don’t start romancing once again as don’t forget that we are at business party that we must concentrate in organizing it not romancing during it.

Vansh(in a strict way): Angre.

Angre: I will already leave now so you don’t have to be angry on me.

Before Angre has left, he decided to irritate them more.

Angre: If you both didn’t came in two minutes, I will make Mr. Satee come here and I don’t care about in which state you will be both on it when he would came to see you both here.

He has said those words and then he has left immediately.

As Vansh was going to throw on him something after he has heard from him those words!

Vansh: He got saved from me by escaping that quickly.

Vansh and Riddhima have looked at each other.

Then they start laughing out loud.

They were laughing about the funny way that Angre was talking with it and how the situation as a whole was enjoyable.

Vansh has putted his hands around Riddhima’s waist to make her closer to him.

She makes him away from her.

Riddhima: This isn’t the right time for romancing at all Mr. organizer as Angre could really do what he has said and we really don’t want any other thing that could cause any problems in your career. So let’s go now and when we will left from here, we could do anything we want.

He holds her hand.

Then they start walking toward the place that Mr. Satee is standing on it.

Angre was still laughing from what has happened after he has seen Vansh and Riddhima together.

His huge happiness made him sure that he wasn’t loving Riddhima at any time.

Angre to himself: By seeing Vansh and Riddhima together, I became sure that I have never loved Riddhima at all and all the feelings that I was owing it to Riddhima weren’t a true love feelings at all. I’m really happy that I have understood that quickly so I could be able to enjoy my time with my closet people without feeling uncomfortable.

Then he has took his mobile out and he starts looking at his picture with Ragini.

Angre to himself: I would have never became able to forget my feelings towards Riddhima in a very short time like that without your presence in my life Ragini. Your presence in my life is very important Ragini. You have completely changed my whole life after you have entered it Ragini. I can observe how my feelings toward you have changed. I start to always be wanting to be near you and don’t leave you at all. This is a very special feeling. I can be sure that this is a very true feeling, I just hope that I could figure out what is that feeling very soon or to be more sure I’m a kind of understanding those feelings and I’m just trying to accept it and enjoy the moments that I’m spending it with you Ragini.

Angre was smiling especially when he has seen Riddhima and Vansh coming toward Mr. Satee.

He came closer to hear what Satee is going to say to Vansh and Riddhima.

At the same time, Aryan was telling Siya the plan that he has started it since the previous 6 months.

He has told her how he has made Sejal fallen for him.

He has told her how he has putted on the control on Sejal and now she will listen to anything he will say it to her.

Siya was impressed from Aryan’s plan.

Siya: Wow Aryan! I really have liked your plan a lot. This Sejal is a very fool girl as not only me who I was fooling and using her to disturb Riddhima but also you have started to fool her along with me. She is a very idiot and stupid girl! So tell me what you are going to do now after you have made Sejal trusts you a lot like that?

Aryan: I will use her to disturb Vansh through it as very soon I will make Sejal introduce me in front of everyone and I will be always disturbing Vansh when he starts to see how his sister is standing by my side and making me in front of him. I know that Vansh and Riddhima will be disturbed a lot seeing me once again. Especially that I have succeeded in making Sejal against Riddhima more and more as now she is believing that Riddhima is a very cheap girl who has cheated me and made me have putted at jail. She is also believing that Riddhima has also cheated Vansh and made him believe that I’m not a good guy so that’s why he has helped her in putting under the bars as she isn’t believing that Vansh could be be a bad person. She is now will be supporting us in anything we will do it to harm Riddhima through it, but unfortunately I wasn’t able to make Sejal against Vansh.

Siya: Yes Aryan. I was also trying to make Sejal against Vansh so our plan could be easier, but my effort all got wasted.

Aryan: Even if we didn’t got succeeded in making Sejal against Vansh, but at least we have made her against Riddhima and this will help us in destroying Vansh and Riddhima.

Siya: As hurting Riddhima and disturbing her will also affect Vansh and will make him also be hurt. If she will not be able to hate Vansh like we made her hate Riddhima, at least she will be supporting us against Vansh. Regardless that she is a fool girl who could trust anyone very easily, but she is a stubborn girl and if she trusts something very much no one could change that. So that’s what will help us in our plan Aryan.

Anuprya: Guys we must to be sure to not make them take a serious step in their relationship. We must never make them be able to unit as this will make our plan more tougher.

Aryan: They will never do that when we are here especially after what has happened in Vansh’s business as he will not be busy in making any serious step in his relationship with Riddhima as he will be busy in solving the problems that we have done it.

Anuprya: I hope that we could get rid of Vansh and Riddhima very soon.

Aryan: Siya, Sejal will announce my relationship with her very soon. You must to not make anyone observe that you were aware about anything especially Sejal as Sejal is the only person who is close to you so you must never make her notice that you are with us.

Siya: Don’t worry Aryan everything will be under control.

Aryan: I also want you to be the one who will support her so she could be sure that you and I are the only ones who love her the most and care about her as I’m sure that no one will be happy when they will knew my relationship with her. So that’s will help us in making Sejal trusts only you and me and then we could use her a lot in our plan.

Siya: I’m sure that Sejal’s announcement about your relationship with her will cause a lot of problems in VR mansion and this will make us enjoy a lot.

Anuprya: There will be a huge dhamaka in VR mansion.

Aryan: I will be very excited to see Vansh and Riddhima’s reaction when they got to see me once again and they will not be able to do anything.

At the party, Satee was smiling at Vansh and Riddhima.

Vansh and Riddhima were looking at each other in a questioning way.

They weren’t understanding how Satee’s reaction got changed that much.

Satee: I’m sure that you are now very surprised by seeing me smiling to you like that Mr. Vansh. Actually, I wasn’t imagining that I could smile after what has happened today, but what your girlfriend has done has completely changed my mood. She is really a genius! She has succeeded in fixing the situation in a very short time.

Riddhima was smiling very much.

Satee: Riddhima ma’am you have really rocked it. My guests and I have really liked the way you have prepared with it the party. Regardless that this wasn’t the theme that I was choosing it, but my guests and I have liked it a lot. You really have done a great work Miss Riddhima.

Satee has looked at Vansh.

Satee: Regardless that I was very upset and angry from you Mr. Vansh, but what Riddhima ma’am has done has changed my mood and now I’m not upset at all.

Vansh was looking at Riddhima in a thankful reaction.

He was feeling very happy that she is beside him.

Satee: I wasn’t expecting that the party will go very well like that as I was expecting that it is an impossible thing to make this party after the disasters that have happened, but Riddhima ma’am has made the impossible thing possible. I can admit that Riddhima ma’am has saved your reputation Mr. Vansh. I don’t think that you could be able to save your career if she didn’t came and fixed everything at the right time. You must to be very thankful and grateful to her Mr. Vansh. You are really very lucky that you have a girlfriend like Riddhima ma’am Mr. Vansh.

Vansh holds Riddhima’s hand.

He was holding her hand very hard to express to her how much he is grateful for her presence in his life.

Vansh: You are right Mr. Satee. Nothing could has been fixed if Riddhima didn’t have came at the right time. I’m really grateful to have a girlfriend like her in my life.

Satee: If all the life partners are like Riddhima ma’am, the world could have became fulled of a lot of successful people. Thank you so much Riddhima ma’am for fixing the problems. I also want to apologize to you Mr. Vansh for the way that I have talked with you through it. I know that I was really tough and I must never treated you in that bad way. So I’m really sorry. I hope that you could accept my apologize and you could be understanding what I was passing trough it.

Vansh: You don’t have to apologize Mr. Satee as I’m understanding what you were passing through it and I’m happy that everything got fixed and now we could work with each other once again, Am I right or am I right?

Satee became silent.

Yes he was happy that everything got fixed, but he was still worried to work with Vansh once again.

This confusion that was inside Satee Vansh and Riddhima have noticed it.

Riddhima: Mr. Satee I know that you are worried to work with Vansh once again due to the problems that have happened in the party, but trust me sir that everything has happened wasn’t Vansh’s fault as Vansh is very dedicate to his work and he is always doing his best to do his work in a very special and unique way so he would never make such a mistake. There is a jean in Vansh’s team who wants to destroy Vansh’s business and I have known that person.

Vansh and Satee was looking at Riddhima in a surprised way.

Vansh: What?!

Riddhima: Yes Vansh. There is a jean in your team who has done all of those stuff. I don’t have a strong proof against him, but I have noticed from his behavior that he wasn’t that happy when everything has got fixed and I’m feeling that this person is the cheater that has done all of those stuff to destroy with it your career Vansh. We must to catch that person and to know from him the person that has gotten him inside your team as we must to know the person who wants to destroy you Vansh. We must to know the person that hates you that much.

Vansh: Just tell me who is that cheater and I will never leave him. I will never leave that person who just thought that he could be able to cheat Vansh Rai Singhania and destroy my career.

Riddhima points to Aryan’s spy by raising her finger to that person.

Riddhima: This is the person who has done all the problems in your business Vansh. This is the cheater that is in your team Vansh. Actually, I have his mobile so we could be able to check it before we could face him and then we could be able to know the person who is behind him.

Satee: Mr. Vansh, Riddhima ma’am’s idea is brilliant. You must to know everything about that jean from his mobile so he doesn’t be able to get out from this situation when you confront him.

Vansh: Yes guys you are right. Just give me his mobile Riddhima and I will know from it everything so we could be able to know the mastermind behind the plan of the destroy of my career.

Vansh has taken the spy’s mobile from Riddhima and they were both going to start checking it.

Before Vansh could check anything in the spy’s mobile, the spy’s mobile rings.

Aryan’s name appears on the spy’s mobile.

Vansh and Riddhima got shocked.

Vansh and Riddhima at the same time: Aryan!

Vansh was going to answer the call when Aryan’s spy has arrived and has taken his mobile from Vansh.

Aryan’s spy has known that he got caught and he will not be able to do anything.

So he decided that he at least must never make his boss Aryan could be exposed.

Vansh: So you are the jean that has been included in my team?!

Aryan’s spy: Yes Mr. Vansh. I will not hide more as you have already known that otherwise you would have never opened my phone. I’m the jean that was trying to destroy your business during the previous 6 months. Actually, I’m the one who has made all the problems that have happened at today’s party and I was believing that by it your career and business will be destroyed. Unfortunately this didn’t happen after that Riddhima has fixed everything, but even if I got exposed you will not be able to do anything with me and you will not be able to know the person that is behind me. Actually, you don’t know how much he hates you a lot and he will do anything to destroy you with it. You don’t know how much you have a lot of enemies Mr. Vansh that want to destroy you and make you suffer a lot and I will not make you satisfied by telling you anything. I will leave you suffering like that as this will make my boss happy and I will always be loyal to my boss and I will always make anything that could make him succeed in his plans and making you suffer will make my boss succeed in what he wants.

Vansh: I will make you suffer a lot for trying to cheat on me and destroy my business and career. To save your life just tell me the name of the person who has putted you inside my team to cheat on me and destroy my business otherwise you will not get out from here and you are alive.

Aryan’s spy starts laughing.

Aryan’s spy: You will never scare me Mr. Vansh. My boss has trained me a lot to face such a person like you Mr. Vansh and I would never double cross my boss even if you killed me.

Vansh has signed to Angre to catch the spy with him so they could know from him everything they want it to know it.

Aryan’s spy was more alert.

So he has gotten a knife from his pocket.

Then he grabbed Riddhima to him and he has putted the knife on Riddhima’s neck.

Vansh got shocked seeing Riddhima in that danger.

Aryan’s spy: Don’t think Mr. Vansh that I will leave you catch me and I will keep standing in my place without doing anything. I will always have a plan B Mr. Vansh. If you just have came near me you or anyone from your men, I will immediately kill your girlfriend Riddhima. I know how much you love her so much and you will suffer a lot if anything has happened to her. So if you don’t want to lose her don’t step any other forward step.

Vansh wasn’t able to step a forward step to be sure that Riddhima will be save.

Vansh: Don’t you dare to harm Riddhima. You will never know what I could do to you if anything bad has happened to my Riddhima.

Aryan’s spy: Don’t threat me Mr. Vansh as you must to see who is the person who is holding the knife. So don’t make any action that can put her life in danger.

Riddhima was afraid while Aryan’s spy was putting the knife on her neck.

She was feeling very afraid that he could harm her.

Riddhima was looking at Vansh.

Riddhima: Vansh please save me from that guy.

Vansh: Don’t worry Riddhima as nothing will happen to you. And you stupid jean, just leave my Riddhima.

Aryan’s spy(laughing and making fan of Riddhima and Vansh): Oh! I have liked how you both love each other so much! I will leave your Goliath Mr. Romeo, but when I will get out from that place and I could be sure that I will get out from here safely.

Aryan’s spy starts taking Riddhima with him towards the gate of the party.

Vansh starts walking after Aryan’s spy.

Aryan’s spy: No Mr. Vansh you will not move any other step. Don’t you dare to come near us Mr. Vansh otherwise I will kill her.

Aryan’s spy made the knife more closer to Riddhima’s neck.

It has caused a scratch in her neck.

So Riddhima starts screaming.

Riddhima: Vaaaaansh.

Vansh: I will not leave you stupid jean for hurting my Riddhima.

Aryan’s spy: If you don’t want me to kill her, listen to my words and stop threatening me as you will not be able to do anything to me Mr. Vansh. So you must to listen to my words if you want to see your lover once again.

Vansh kept standing at his place.

He also stopped Angre from complete walking towards Aryan’s spy.

Angre: Boss, what you are doing?! We must to catch that guy.

Vansh: Nothing is important to me now other than rescuing Riddhima and being sure that she is safe so we must to listen to his words to not harm her as he could do anything to get out from here. So just let’s focus on being sure that Riddhima will be fine and then I will be able to catch that guy and know everything about him and about his boss.

Aryan’s spy kept moving towards the gate of the party.

Afterwards, he has reached to the gate of the party.

Then he has pushed Riddhima beside the gate.

He immediately has taken a car to escape by it.

Vansh and Angre have ran to Riddhima.

Vansh has ran to Riddhima.

While Angre has ran after Aryan’s spy.

Vansh: Riddhima, are you okay?!

He hugged her to calm himself down and calm Riddhima down.

Riddhima( while hugging Vansh tightly): I’m okay Vansh. Thank God that you have came to me.

Angre was trying to run after the spy to catch him, but he didn’t succeed in catching him.

As Aryan’s spy has became very away be being in that car.

Angre has came to Vansh and Riddhima.

Vansh was hugging Riddhima very hard.

Then he looked at her.

He starts touching her to be sure that she is fine.

He was putting his hands around her to comfort her and make her feel safe.

Vansh: Riddhima, do you are really okay?! Does anything is hurting you?

Riddhima has putted her hands on Vansh’s face to calm him down.

Riddhima: I’m totally fine Vansh please relax.

He looked at the scratch that is on Riddhima’s neck.

Vansh: The wound that is in your neck is very deep. I must to cure it now.

Angre: I will get to you the aid kit.

Vansh: Get it fast Angre.

Angre: Okay boss.

After Angre has left, Vansh has lifted Riddhima.

He made her sit on a chair.

Then he sits beside her.

Vansh: I promise you Riddhima that I will not leave that guy whatever are circumstances. I promise you that I will punish him a very hard punishment for trying to harm you. No one could be able to harm my girlfriend and my world and what he has done will never pass without giving him his punishment. I didn’t got angry when I have known that he is the one who has cheated me more than I got angry when he has putted you in that danger. I promise you that I will catch that guy very soon. I promise you that I will get to know the person that is behind him.

Riddhima: I will never be afraid when you are with me Vansh. I was sure that you will save me and you will never allow anything could harm me. I’m sure that you will catch that guy very soon.

He hugged her a very tight hug.

Then Riddhima starts to come up about the shock that they have gone through it.

Riddhima: Vansh, how Aryan could know that jean? Do you think that he is the one who is behind that jean?!

Vansh: Who will do such a cheap plan like that other than that cheap guy?! I was sure that he will never leave us without taking revenge from us after what we have done with him, but don’t worry I will find about the whole truth and if the person who was calling that jean is Aryan Oberoi he will not be saved from me. You don’t have to worry at all as I will handle everything. I would never make that Aryan near you once again Riddhima.

Riddhima has hugged him a very long hug.

Then she kissed him in his cheek.

She has whispered in his ear.

Riddhima: I’m sure that my Vansh will handle everything.

She hugged Vansh more and she made him closer to her.

She was trying to not appear her worry to Vansh.

As she was super worried about Vansh and what could Aryan do it next if he appears to be the person behind all the problems that have happened in Vansh’s business.

Riddhima to herself: I know that stupid Aryan very much. He will not get satisfied without taking his revenge from me and Vansh. I hope that nothing could harm you my Vansh.

At that moment, Angre has came and has given Vansh the aid kit to cure Riddhima’s wound.

Vansh starts curing Riddhima’s wound.

She was being in pain so she was holding Vansh very hard.

Vansh was feeling hurt as if he is the one who has that wound not Riddhima.

Riddhima was looking at Vansh to minimize her pain.

She got amazed when she has found him the one who is hurt.

His face reaction could appear from it as if he is the one who his wound is cured not Riddhima.

Riddhima: Come on Vansh I’m the one who her wound is cured not you. So why you are hurt that much?!

Vansh: I’m really the one who is hurt as if what you are feeling I’m also feeling it Riddhima. Don’t forget that we are one person not two sweetheart.

Vansh’s words have touched Riddhima’s heart.

After Vansh has finished curing Riddhima’s wound, she hugged him.

Riddhima: I will never feel being in any pain or hurt when you are with me Vansh. I love you so much.

Vansh: I love you too sweetheart.

Precap: ” Vansh and Riddhima must to die, I will not leave them alive anymore”

The end of the episode. I hope you like it. Let’s see what will happen next. If anyone has any suggestion, don’t hesitate to drop your suggestion as all of you will always be welcome to give me any suggestion that could make the story more interesting. Thank you all for your support and encouragement. I’m really thankful for all of yours support and love that you are always showering me through it. Thank you all for making me have succeeded in reaching to my target on the previous episode. I hope you always shower me with your support and encouragement. I hope you always make me reach to my target so I could be encouraged to complete updating. I hope that you could make me reach to my target on this episode. My target is the same. My target is to reach to 25 comments( excluding my comments). I hope that you could all make me reach to my target so I could be able to update the next episode in a daily way. The upcoming episode will be published depending on the respond on this episode. I hope that you all could make me reach to my target on this episode so I could publish the next one the next day. The new episode will be published after reaching to the target on this episode so please guys make me reach to my target to be encouraged to complete updating. All of yous comments is the thing that makes me feel that you are liking my ff so I continue updating so please guys keep encouraging me to complete updating. I hope you could make me reach to my target. I know that you are all very supporters and you will make me reach to my target. Please guys keep supporting me the way you are doing. So please guys don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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