Friendship turned into a love story #Riansh Episode 39

The episode starts with Vansh taking the food plate that Ishani has putted it above the table.
Then he starts feeding Riddhima in a very romantic way.
They were staring at each other.
Vansh and Riddhima’a happiness was very noticeable to everyone.
The huge happiness that they were owing it could overflow and spread to the whole world and it will never be ended.
Ishani and dadi were looking at Vansh and Riddhima while they were smiling.
Dadi: Vansh has totally changed when Riddhima has entered his life. He became more relaxed and more happier. Since Vansh and Riddhima became in a relationship, I can observe the impact that has happened on Vansh’s life.
Ishani: Of course dadi an impact must occur on Vansh’s life as Riddhima is a very unique and lovely girl who could easily change anyone’s life in a beneficial way. I’m really happy that she will be my brother’s wife. I will always admit that she is the perfect partner for Vansh bro.
Dadi was amazed from how Ishani loves Riddhima a lot.
She was smiling while looking at Ishani.
Then she blesses her.
Dadi( smiling): I’m really happy that you are loving and respecting your brother’s would be wife that much. As the day that Riddhima will get married to Vansh on it she will be a member of this family and you must to treat her as your sister and respect her a lot. I’m really happy that you don’t need to hear any advice from me of how you must to treat Riddhima as you already know how to treat her in a respectful and loving way. I hope to always see that loving attitude from you Ishani dear to Riddhima. God bless you darling.
Dadi hugged Ishani while Ishani was doing her Mehendi.
Ishani to herself: I just hope that nothing could disturb Vansh bro and Riddhima’s happiness.
She looked at Aryan and Aunprya in a disgusting way.
Ishani to herself: None of you stupid people will be able to destroy Vansh bro and Riddhima’s happiness. I just hope that very soon we could get rid of you both. Please God protect Vansh and Riddhima’s love. Please God make Sejal knows Aryan’s truth very soon. Please God make her knows how Riddhima is a very nice girl. Please God make Sejal knows how Riddhima loves Vansh bro a lot and she isn’t being with him for his money. Please make her knows that she is misunderstanding Riddhima. Please God make Sejal loves and respects Riddhima the way I’m doing.
At the same time, Siya was looking at Aryan as she was trying to talk with him to know from him what he will do next, but Kabir was forbidding her to do that as he was not leaving her to go to any place alone.

Regardless that Kabir was having a role in Vansh’s plan and he must to do it very perfectly and he must to concentrate on it, but he was also able to keep his eyes on Siya at the same time that he was helping Vansh on it on his plan.

Kabir to himself( while looking at Siya): I’m multitasked Siya. I could keep an eye on you while I’m helping Vansh in exposing your partners. So don’t think that I will leave you live your life peacefully. I will always disturb you a lot by making you feeling that you are caged as I’m really enjoying so much seeing you aren’t able to do anything. I just hope that Vansh’s plan could be succeeded so we could get rid of you all.

Siya was angry while looking at Vansh and Riddhima being that happy.

Siya to herself( angrily): I must to talk with Aryan, but how I will do that and this stupid Kabir isn’t leaving me to go to any place! I don’t know how he is able to keep an eye on ms in that perfect way?! As if he doesn’t have anything to do other than watching my moves! From a side that Kabir who is keeping an eye on me and from the other side that Sejal who is sitting with Aryan and she isn’t leaving him. I don’t know what I will do now. I must to contact with Aryan as he must to start his plan very soon. I must to get rid of you both Vansh and Riddhima as soon as possible.
She has texted Aryan.
Siya: Aryan, we don’t have any way to communicate together other than chatting as Kabir is keeping an eye on me and he isn’t leaving me at all.
Aryan received Siya’s message.
He starts replying to her messages  without making Sejal notice him.
Aryan: That Sejal is also forbidding me from doing anything as she sticking on me! I don’t know what they want from us, but anyway I will manage to escape from that idiot girl and I will wait for the time that Vansh is busy on it so I could take his mobile and delete all the proofs that he has it against me so he could never be able to expose me in front of Sejal. I must to do that very fast before he could expose me in front of Sejal as of course he will not make this ceremony end before exposing me, but he doesn’t know that I’m one step ahead from him. I can observe from his relaxed reaction that he still doesn’t know that my jean has escaped from his captivity and he has warned me and made me knew everything Vansh is preparing it so now I will be able to flip Vansh’s plan on himself and then I could start our new plan.
Siya: You mean killing Vansh and Riddhima, right?
Aryan: Yes Siya. We will kill those idiots and get rid of them forever and then each one of us could reach to his and her motive.
Siya: All the best to you my partner. I was wishing to help you in taking the proofs that Vansh has it against you, but you know that I’m caged by that stupid Kabir.
Aryan: It’s okay Siya. I will be able to handle this situation by my own self. Just wait for what I’m preparing for that Vansh Rai Singhania.
Aryan was looking at Vansh and Riddhima in an evil way.
Aryan to himself: I will forbid you from exposing me Mr. Vansh Rai Singhania.
Afterwards, Vansh has finished making Riddhima eat the food.
Riddhima has observed that Vansh is hiding something from her and this what she has observed from his eyes.
Riddhima: What you are preparing it Mr. organizer and you are hiding it from your Riddhu?!
Vansh smiles from how Riddhima always succeed in catching him when he hides something from her.
Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! I can observe that the would be Mrs. Vansh Rai Singhania knows her would be husband very well! You have caught me as always! You know that I would never be able to hide something from you, but I just wanted to keep it as surprise to you as I’m sure that you will be very happy when you see what I have prepared it today as after what will happen after some time it will make us get rid from the headache that was disturbing us. Just wait for some time and everything will be cleared in front of you. Actually, I will need you in that stuff as I can’t do anything without your help sweetheart. Just wait for some time and you will now everything.
Riddhima has guessed what Vansh will do.
She was smiling very much.
Riddhima to herself( smiling): I have guessed from your words Vansh that you will expose that Aryan so that means that you have finally has found the jean. I just hope that your plan could be succeeded and you could expose that idiot Aryan and we could get rid of him forever.
Riddhima: I will always be supporting you Vansh in anything you are doing. Your soul mate will always be here for you my Vansh.
Vansh smiled and then Riddhima joined him in smiling.
He hugged her.
Then he kissed her in her forehead.
Vansh: May God always protect you for me sweetheart. I love you so much Riddhu.

Riddhima: I love you too Vansh.
At that moment, Angre stands on the middle of the hale of the house to make everyone hear him.
Angre: So let’s do something different guys.
Ragini: What is that?
Angre: Let’s move to the garden and celebrate there so we could do some new staff especially that all the ladies have finished doing their Mehendi so we could all be at the garden as this will help the ladies to make their Mehendi dry fast. So let’s go guys.
Angre makes everyone leaves the hale of the house and makes them start going to the garden.

He goes with Ragini.

Then he starts talking to her.

Angre: I’m sure that your Mehendi will be the best Mehendi ever. It must to be very beautiful to suit this beautiful girl.

Ragini was smiling very much.

Ragini to herself: I’m sure that it will be very beautiful Angre as I have written the first letter of my beloved one’s name on it which is the first letter of your name Angre. I’m sure that when you will see it, you will be sure of my love towards you my Angre.
Vansh and Riddhima have left with them.
Vansh has forgotten his phone on the place where he and Riddhima were sitting on it.
Aryan has seen the phone.
He smiles.
Aryan to himself: Now the enjoyment will start.
Aryan signs to Anuprya to distract Sejal’s attention.
So he could succeed in taking Vansh’s phone.
Sejal: Aryan, do you will not come with us?!
Aryan: I will follow you darling, but I will just go to the toilet and I will immediately follow you my love.
Sejal: Okay.
Anuprya: Let’s go my lovely Sejal until Aryan could join us.
Anuprya and Sejal have left to the garden along with all the people that were on the hale of the house.
Aryan was the only one who was being inside the hale of the house.
So he comes near Vansh’s mobile.
Then he takes it.
Aryan was smiling very much.
Aryan to himself(laughing and smiling): Destiny is helping me very much. Actually, Vansh has also helped me a lot in reaching to his own phone. Your overconfident Vansh is the thing that has made me succeeded in taking your mobile and remove all the proofs inside it as you were believing that I will not be able to reach to the proofs that are found on your mobile so that’s why you didn’t have putted a password on your mobile and this is the thing that I will take an advantage from it and I will forbid you from exposing me.
Aryan opens Vansh’s mobile.
Then he deletes all the proofs that were found in Vansh’s mobile.
He has deleted all the videos that have recorded to the jean while he was admitting all the stuff that Aryan has ordered him to do it.
Aryan was smiling.
Aryan to himself( smiling):This will be the first time that the evil one could win against the good ones. I’m really eager to see your shocking reaction Mr. Vansh Rai Singhania after you got to see all the proofs being removed.
Vansh: I’m here Aryan, but I don’t think that you will find the shocking reaction that you want to see it on my face. I’m sure that this shocking reaction will appear on your face not on my face stupid Aryan.
Aryan got shocked hearing Vansh’s voice.
Vansh was saying those words while he was standing at the entrance’s door of VR mansion.
Then he comes near Aryan so he could face him.
Vansh: You will be exposed stupid Aryan.
Aryan( laughing and making fun): Really?!
At that moment, Sejal was waiting for Aryan as the garden.
Sejal to herself: I start to worry very much as what could make Aryan take all that time in the toilet?! What he could be doing now?
While she was in a huge confusion, a message has sent to Sejal.
This message was from an unknown number.
The message was written on it:
“If you want to know your boyfriend’s truth, leave the garden and come to the hale of the house to see your boyfriend’s truth by your eyes”
Sejal to herself( shocked): Who could be that person who wants to expose Aryan in front of me? What could be waiting for me at the hale of the house?!
Sejal’s self: You will know that when you could enter the hale of the house to know everything. You must to harry up as the whole truth will be exposed in front of you very soon so don’t waste your time and go to the hale of the house so all the confusion inside you could be cleared.
Sejal to herself: I must to go to the hale of the house very quickly without making Anuprya aunt notices me as if Aryan isn’t good like I wasn’t expecting so of course his mother will be joining with him and if she has seen me she will warn him. So I must to escape from Anuprya aunt’s sight until I could know everything.
While Sejal was trying to escape from Anuprya’s eyes, Kabir has came to Ishani.
Kabir: Ishani, I want you to grab Anuprya’s attention and don’t make her concentrate on anything so we could be able to expose that stupid Aryan.
Ishani: Don’t worry Kabir just leave that matter to me and I will not make that Anuprya concentrate on what is happening with her own self.
Afterwards, Anuprya got busy with Ishani.
Angre and Kabir were looking at each other while they were smiling.
Kabir: Vansh’s plan will start now and everything will happen the way he wants.
Angre: Let’s go to complete doing our roles in Vansh’s plan.
At the hale of the house, Aryan was smiling after what he has heard from Vansh.
Aryan( laughing out loud): You have made me laugh a lot Vansh. Do you really will expose me?! How?! Do you will expose me by the proofs that were on your mobile?!
He has showed the mobile to Vansh.
Aryan: There isn’t any proof that you could use it against me Vansh as I have already deleted them all. You will not be able to expose me in front of Sejal.
Vansh got shocked.
He angrily has taken his mobile from Aryan’s hand.
He has checked the mobile and he has found the videos got deleted.
He was very angry.
Vansh: Even if you have deleted those videos, I will still be able to expose you idiot as your jean is under my captivity and he will come now and will admit everything you have ordered him to do it in front of Sejal and she will know your whole truth idiot.
Aryan kept smiling.
Aryan: Poor Vansh Rai Singhania! You even aren’t aware of what is happening in your own place! My jean who was under your captivity is now free as he has escaped from your men and now he isn’t in the country! You will not be able to expose me in front of Sejal Vansh. You will never make her know that I’m just using her to destroy you. You will never make her know my real face. She will always trust me so much and she will never know how she is very fool. I can admit that your sister is a very stupid girl as she has trusted me very easily! I didn’t took a lot of time until I made her believe that I love her so much. She was just needing someone to show her some love so I got succeeded in showering her with my fake love and support. Your stupid sister will always see me as her hero and lover and she will never believe that everything you have said it to her was the truth. I admit that I’m a very cunning man, but I also can’t forget to admit that I’m really smart. My smartness is the thing that made me succeeded in causing a lot of problems in your business. Yes you have succeeded in fixing them all, but at the end I have made you suffer a lot and that was my target. My target is to always see you in so much pain Mr. Vansh Rai Singhania so I could make you feel that same thing that I have felt after you and that Riddhima have putted me under jail. My smartness is the thing that has made me caused a lot of problems in you and your dearest Riddhima’s marriage rituals. Yes Vansh all your doubts were true as I’m the one who has done all the problems that have happened in you and Riddhima’s marriage rituals and I will not leave you both until I could take my revenge from you both. I’m the one who has done the gas vapor problem and I’m the one who was trying his best to separate you both and make you both suffer a lot. Actually, my smartness is also the thing that has made me now got succeeded in deleting all the proofs that you were going to show it to Sejal. And now I will kill your lovely fiance in front of your eyes Vansh and you will not be able to do anything. Even after you have known my motive and everything I have done it and I will do it next, you will not be able to tell those stuff to Sejal as she will never be convinced from your words Vansh and the proofs that you were having it have all vanished now. So what you will do now Vansh? If you are the great Vansh Rai Singhania, I’m also the handsome and the clever Aryan Oberoi who no one could defeat or expose him even if that person is you Vansh.
Vansh was listening to Aryan’s words and he was pretending to be shocked.
Then he starts to smile.
Vansh: Great! I don’t need to hear from you any other word Aryan. What you have said is very enough to her to make her be sure of your truth idiot.
Aryan( Shocked): What do you mean? Who is she?!
At that moment, Sejal has came.
Sejal: Me Aryan. I’m the fool girl who you were cheating on her idiot.
Aryan got shocked after he has seen Sejal in front of him after he has admitted everything he has done it.
Vansh: Now Sejal has seen your real face stupid Aryan. She has known your truth from your own self idiot.
Precap: Kidnapped.

A message from the author of the ff “Another name of love”: Mishti dear wants to tell you all that she will upload her ff episode after 9th March.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it. Let’s see what was Vansh’s plan that made him exposed Aryan in front of Sejal. Let’s see what will be Aryan’a reaction and let’s see what else Vansh has prepared to Aryan. Many more stuff you will know it in the upcoming episodes so stay tuned for the upcoming episodes. I want to thank you all so much for making me have reached to my target on the previous episode. I’m really grateful for all of yours support and love. I hope you all could always support me in that way. I hope you all could make me reach to my target on this episode. My target is the same. My target is to reach to 25 comments( excluding my comments). I hope that you all could make me reach to my target so I could be encouraged to update the next episode. The upcoming episode will be published depending on all of yours respond and after making me reached to my target. The new episode will be published when you all could make me reach to my target. I hope that you all could make reach to my target so I could be encouraged to update the next episode daily. I know that you are all very supporters and you will help me in reaching to my target. Please guys keep supporting me the way you are doing. So please don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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