Friendship turned into a love story #Riansh Episode 8

The episode starts with Ragini getting Angre’s picture from her purse and she starts looking at the picture while she was talking to herself.

Ragini to herself: Since childhood and I love you so much Angre, but unfortunately you never have noticed my love towards you. Regardless that you are also living at the same town that Riddhima and I are living on it, but you are still aren’t noticing me at all. I was having two biggest dreams that I was wishing that one day those dreams could become true. The first dream is to be Riddhima’s best friend because she is really a kind hearten girl who anyone could be very proud being near her and I can observe that this dream start to be true as now I start to form a friendship bond with Riddhima and this thing makes me very happy. The second dream is to make Angre notice my love towards him and this will happen when I could be able to be one of the gang. I hope that after my first dream has became true that also the second dream could become true.

Ragini was thanking God because he has made her be a friend to a very wonderful and unique girl like Riddhima.

Ragini to herself: Thank you God for making me Riddhima’s friend. I hope that she always be my friend and we could spend so much time together. Please God make me also enter the gang so I could feel the love of the friends and I could be near my lover.

Afterwards, Vansh was preparing for the new party and he was trying to finish his work fast so he could be able to reach to VR mansion before Anuprya could arrive.

Angre was helping him, but he was keeping leaving him for some time to answer the multiple calls that is keeping delivered to him.

Vansh wasn’t understanding what is going on with Angre.

Vansh: What is happening with you Angre. Regardless that you know that I must to leave early to welcome Anuprya aunt so I must to finish the work fast, but you aren’t helping me as you are keeping answering the calls that are delivered to you. So can I know what is going on?

Angre: I’m sorry boss, but trust me this is also a work related to you.

Vansh: Do you mean the research about Aryan?

Angre: Yes boss. My men have started investigating about Aryan so that’s why they are keeping calling me to inform me about any new thing.

Vansh: So what do you have reached to it till now?

Angre: Look boss I still don’t have a complete information so till I reach to everything I will not be able to tell you anything, but what I can tell you about it from what my men have reached to it till now that this Aryan isn’t a man with morals at all and we must to prevent Riddhima from being with him anymore.

Vansh got more worried about Riddhima.

Vansh: So please Angre finish your investigation quickly as we must as soon as possible expose that Aryan in front of Riddhima. We must to know everything he is doing.

Angre: Don’t worry boss very soon I will get to you everything about that Aryan.

Vansh: Okay.

In VR mansion, there was a very great preparations happening to welcome Anuprya.

Siya was talking with Rudra in her room and she was very angry as always.

Siya: Why dad you would never refuse anything that Vansh is saying? Why you are always accept anything he saying it to you? You are older than him and you are his uncle so you must to be the one who controls everything related to the family business so why Vansh is the one who is doing that? I can’t feel that I’m one of the owners of VR businesses as I’m always feeling that everything is in the hand of Vansh as if I’m not a part of Rai Singhania’s family like Vansh. I feel that I’m Vansh’s servant not his cousin.

Rudra: Siya, why you would never stop thinking in that bad way?! I don’t feel that Vansh is treating you in a bad behavior as he is always treating you as one of his sisters. Vansh hasn’t cheated on us. He was always and he is still giving us all our rights. Actually, Vansh is the only who is suitable to control VR businesses because he is the one who has improved our business due to his smartness and unique way of thinking. You don’t have also to forget that I’m also working with him and if I’m not sure that he is the only perfect one to handle everything related to our property I would never allow him to handle the business.

Siya: Why dad you aren’t listening to me?! Trust me Vansh is just thinking about how he will gain benefits from controlling all VR businesses. Vansh is always sure to put all the family under his control. You have to stop looking at him as if he is an angel that he isn’t making mistakes. Please try to be convinced from my words so we could join hands together and control all VR business and forbid Vansh from controlling our lives and properties.

Rudra: Just shut up Siya. I have been trying a lot to make you return to your senses in a descent way, but I think that what is in your mind will never change. So listen to me carefully, you would never do anything from what is in your mind and if you decided to stand against your cousin Vansh I will be the one who will forbids you and prevents you from succeeding in what you want. I will try to forget what you have said to me today so I don’t be forced to do something that you would never like it. Respect your cousin and don’t be a girl with a stone heart. You have to know something Siya that I will be watching every single move you will be doing so don’t think that you will could succeed in what you want to do.

Siya: Dad please listen to m…

Before Siya could be able to finish her words, Rudra has already left her room.

Siya was very angry.

She starts breaking everything around her.

Siya to herself: I don’t know what you are doing Vansh to everyone in the family that makes them all love you so much. They are cherishing you Vansh so much as if you are a great person and I really don’t believe that you deserve all that respect. You haven’t just have taken my family’s love and respect you also have taken my father’s love. Today my father has became upset from me because of you. Trust me Vansh that I will not be satisfied until I snatch all the control of the business from you. Very soon I will be the one who will control VR properties and businesses. I will be the one who her orders is the thing that the whole family members will be listening to it. You will also be under my control Vansh and you will not be able to reject my orders. Just wait and watch my dearest cousin.

Afterwards, Vansh has returned to VR mansion.

He checks that all the preparations are ready to welcome Anuprya.

Then he went to his room and he changes his clothes.

He texted Riddhima and he has known that she has finished her sessions and she is with Aryan.

Vansh to himself: I really can’t tolerate seeing Riddhima being with that Aryan anymore. I’m just waiting for Angre to give me all the information about Aryan so I could be able to expose that Aryan in front of Riddhima. Just wait some time Riddhima and then you will be saved from that Aryan. You will always be secured Riddhima when your best friend Vansh is with you.

At the same time, Riddhima was with Aryan spending their time together in a cafe.

Riddhima was very happy being with her lover.

While Aryan wasn’t that happy like Riddhima.

As he was just looking at Riddhima’s beauty and he was looking at every beautiful girl found in the cafe.

Afterwards, Anuprya has arrived to VR mansion.

All VR family members have welcomed Anuprya.

Dadi: Welcome Anuprya dear. We are happy to meet Uma’s best friend.

Vansh: Welcome Anuprya aunt.

They made Anuprya enter the hale of the house and sit on the couch.

Then they start chit chatting together.

Anuprya kept talking about her wealth and money and how she and her son are the perfect people in the whole world.

She kept talking about how her family is the richer family in the country.

Vansh and Ishani got very bored while listening to Anuprya’s words.

They weren’t enjoying at all how Anuprya is talking so much about her wealth and image.

Ishani comes near Vansh and she whispers in his ears.

Ishani: Vansh bro I really got bored from that Anuprya aunt. I really can’t tolerate her arrogance more. She is very talkative. If she is talkative, but she is saying a valuable things I could be able to tolerate her. But she isn’t saying any important thing as she is just talking about her wealth. She is super arrogant!

Vansh: Lower your voice Ishani as you could make anyone listen to your words. Just tolerate her for some time and then we could make any excuse and leave this conversation.

Ishani: Sorry bro, but I can’t tolerate more. I have to interfere to stop this arrogant woman.

Vansh was trying to stop Ishani from what she is going to do, but she didn’t listen to him.

She stopped Anuprya from completing talking.

Ishani: I’m sorry Anuprya aunt that I have interrupted you, but it has been a lot of time has passed while you were talking about your wealth. So of course there are more things that you could talk about it more than your wealth and image.

Anuprya got silent and she wasn’t able to say a word.

While dadi has looked a sharp look at Ishani to blame her for what she has said to Anuprya.

Vansh was looking at Ishani in a blaming look.

Ishani has said to Vansh “Sorry” without a voice.

Vansh has understood what she has said from the motion of her lips.

Regardless that he was upset from Ishani’s rude behavior with their guest Anurpya, but he was smiling from Ishani’s cute attitude.

Dadi: I apologize Anuprya from what Ishani has said as you know she is just a young girl who doesn’t know what she is saying.

Anuprya: It is okay ma’am. I didn’t got disturbed at all. Actually, Ishani is right as I have been talking about my wealth since a lot so we must change the topic.

Ishani was still very bored and she was keeping smiling secretly.

Vansh also starts to smile from Ishani’s attitude.

Rudra has observed that so he decided to make Ishani and Vansh leave the hale of the house.

He comes near them.

Rudra: Vansh, Ishani please leave the hale of the house now as if you both stayed here more your mother will be upset because the improper way that her children are treating on it their mother’s best friend.

Vansh: You are right Rudra uncle. I will take Ishani now and we will leave for awhile.

Rudra: Okay.

Vansh has taken Ishani to her room.

When they entered the room, they start laughing at loud.

Vansh: There isn’t any solution for your attitude Ishani! You made me laughing very much!

Ishani: What I will do Vansh? You have seen how that woman is a very arrogant woman so how I could sit quiet and tolerate her attitude.

Vansh and Ishani kept laughing.

At the same time, Angre has reached to the information that makes him sure that Aryan is cheating on Riddhima and playing with her feelings.

Angre has known that Aryan is roaming with a lot of girls from Riddhima’s back.

He still didn’t get a strong proof, but at least he has reached to the information that could make them know Aryan’t truth.

So he decided to go to Vansh’s house to tell him everything face to face.

Angre to himself: I can’t tell Vansh Aryan’s truth on phone and at the same time I can’t wait for tomorrow to tell Vansh everything so I don’t have any other chance other than going to VR mansion now.

He has sent message to Vansh.

Angre: Boss I have known everything about Aryan. I’m on my way to VR mansion to tell you everything I have known.

Vansh has seen the message.

Vansh: I will be waiting for you Angre.

Vansh has felt that what Angre has known is a very shocking news.

His worry about his best friend Riddhima was increasing every time, but he was hoping that he could expose Aryan in front of Riddhima when Angre tells him what he has reached to it.

Vansh went down stairs to join Anuprya and the family members in their conversation.

Everyone in VR family wasn’t liking the way Anuprya is talking through it.

The only two persons who were impressed from Anuprya’s attitude were Siya and Sejal.

Sejal was liking how Anuprya is a very wealth woman.

She was liking Anuprya’s attitude and style.

Sejal to herself: This is the exact ideal of the strong independent woman. She is really an inspiration to me.

Regardless that Sejal was amazed from Anuprya’s attitude, but not like Siya.

Siya was super impressed from Anuprya’s attitude.

She was liking her arrogant way.

Siya to herself: I have to be very close to Anuprya aunt because I’m sure that she will help me so much in what I’m going to do as I can observe from her behavior that she isn’t loving anyone other than herself so of course I will gain a lot of beneficial things from her. She is really a role model and I’m sure that I will learn from her a lot of things.

Anuprya starts talking more about her son Aryan.

Dadi: You have made us very curious to meet your son Aryan.

Rudra: Yes. So when we will meet him?

Siya: Why he didn’t came with you?

Anuprya: He is hanging out with her girlfriend Riddhima.

Ishani has joined the conversation at that time and she got surprised when she has heard Anuprya’s words.

Ishani: Riddhima?! Do you mean Riddhima Singh Travidi?

Anuprya: Yes.

Ishani looked at Vansh so he could explain this coincidence.

Vansh: Yes Ishani you don’t have to be that surprised as Riddhima’s boyfriend Aryan is Anuprya aunt’s son.

Ishani to herself: I’m not surprised that this Aryan is the son of that arrogant woman. Now I start to be more sure that Aryan doesn’t deserve Riddhima at all. He is of course will be like his mother.

Vansh: Anyway, Aryan and Riddhima are on their way as Riddhima has told me that they will both come to arrive Anuprya aunt back.

He got a message from Riddhima.

Riddhima: I’m on my way Mr. organizer to VR mansion so be ready to welcome me.

Vansh: I’m waiting for you Riddu.

Riddhima and Vansh were smiling while texting each other.

Then Riddhima and Aryan have reached to VR mansion.

They entered the house.

The whole VR family members were welcoming Aryan and Riddhima.

Dadi and Ishani were super happy to see Riddhima as they love her so much.

They greeted her very much.

Anuprya has introduced Aryan to VR family.

Ishani wasn’t feeling comfortable when she has seen Aryan.

She has remembered him and she has remembered how he is a shameless and rude guy.

She whispered in Vansh’s ears.

Ishani: Vansh, I know that Aryan and he is a very carefree man who is roaming with every single girl around him. He is cheating on Riddhima. You have to make her be away from that stupid guy.

Vansh got shocked from what he has heard from Ishani.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and please don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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