Friendship turned into a love story #Riansh Episode 84

The episode starts with Vansh coming so close to Rudra in a swag way.

He holds Rudra’s neck very hardly.
Vansh( being angry): Don’t you dare to say such words once again. Don’t you dare to say any word about Riddhima. Don’t you think that I will keep quiet for more time. Don’t you think that Vansh Rai Singhania will keep quiet hearing you saying such words about his Riddhima. You are such a stupid and cunning man. And actually, I get used in interacting with such a stupid people like you. One of Vansh Rai Singhania’s habits is putting the evil and useless people like you in their limits. So don’t you dare to think that you will be able to defeat Vansh Rai Singhania.
Rudra has looked at Vansh in a very irritating and annoying way.

Rudra: Oh really?! I can observe that you are having such an overconfident. You still doesn’t know me Mr. Vansh, I’m Rudra Singh Rathour who isn’t easy on you at all to defeat him. I will not leave from here without fulfilling my motive. You will never be with Riddhima at all because simply Riddhima isn’t yours because she is mine and will keep being mine. You aren’t aware of anything about Riddhima’s past so don’t talk with this confidence if you aren’t aware of everything around you. So try to enjoy your time with your wife as she will not complete being yours for more time and she will return back to her true love.
Vansh has got to be very very angry.

He has punched Rudra a very hard punch.
Vansh( shouting): Don’t even dare idiot to say any word once again. Enough is enough. I would never allow you to say anything else idiot.
Rudra has got very angry when Vansh has punched him.

Then he also has punched him.
Rudra: Do you think that you will punch me Mr. Vansh and I will keep quiet?! No Mr. Vansh. I will never leave my right. If you have came for a fight, so of course I don’t mind that as I’m sure that at the end I will win against you in that fight and also in getting Riddhima back to me.
Vansh has gotten very very angry.

Then a fight starts between Vansh and Rudra.
Each one of them was beating the other so much.
Vansh was beating Rudra very much.

He was trying to get all his pain, hurt, and anger that he was owing it because of Rudra on Rudra himself.
Vansh( while punching Rudra): Accept your failure Rudra. You will never be able to defeat Vansh Rai Singhania. Riddhima is mine and will always be mine and not a very cheap man like you will be able to change this fact.
Rudra was also punching and hitting Vansh.
Rudra: Rudra Singh Rathour will change this fact and he will take Riddhima from you Vansh because she was never being yours actually.
Vansh and Rudra were keeping punching and beating each other.
The fight was so high.
Each one of them was wanting to get rid of the other to get relaxed from him.
At the same time, Kabir has came to Rudra’s room.

Angre also have followed him.
Both of them have got shocked seeing that fight between Vansh and Rudra.
So they have rushed quickly near Vansh and Rudra to separate them from each other.
After some time, Kabir and Angre have succeeded in stopping the fight that was between Vansh and Rudra.
Kabir has came near Vansh to calm him down while Angre was surrounding Rudra angrily.
Kabir: Please Vansh relax and calm down. Your anger will never help you as it will just make him succeed in what he wants. Don’t make him feel that he could have the control on you with any word he will say it. Control yourself and have the rule in your anger.
Angre: This guy is a very cheap one so don’t bother yourself by hearing anything from him. As all what he is saying is fake like him so don’t be convinced from any word from his stupid and fake words.
Kabir has looked at Rudra in an angry way.

Kabir: I wasn’t thinking that you have this evil shade inside you Rudra. I wasn’t thinking that you could be that cheap person. How you could come just to separate two couple who are loving each other so much?! How you could be able to be that cheap Rudra?! You are such a stupid man who will never succeed on his motive because we all will be against you and we will never allow you to put your evilness in Vansh and Riddhima’s lives.
Rudra has smiled a very wide smile.

Rudra: You are all making me laugh very much. None of you all will be able to stop me from reaching to my motive. So it is better to you all to leave now and don’t waste mu time by hearing those nonsense words from you all as at the end still the success will be mine.
Vansh has gotten angry.

He was going to beat Rudra once again.
But this time Kabir has stopped him.
Kabir has smiled at Vansh in a caring and calming way.

Kabir: Please relax Vansh. Just leave that stupid guy to me and to Angre. We will be able to handle that stupid man. You just go to Riddhima and don’t leave her alone along with that you too need to take some rest.
Rudra: Yes Vansh you have to go to Riddhima now. You have to be with her and try to spend so much time with her as very soon she will not be with you anymore.
Angre was being very angry from Rudra and his words.

So he hits him on his head to make him be unconscious.
Angre: Just shut up for sometime now idiot as you have disturbed us a lot.
Afterwards, Vansh has left Rudra’s room after Kabir and Angre have requested that from him.
Vansh was walking near his and Riddhima’s room.
He was being very angry and he wasn’t in a good mood at all.

He was worrying about Riddhima.
He was very upset from how he was very angry on her.
He was also being very angry from each word Rudra has said it.
He wasn’t able to tolerate his words.
Vansh to himself( being very angry): I can’t stop my mind from owing all those bad vibes. I can’t stop my anger from being increased that much. That stupid guy has made me very angry. I got to feel very very hurt when I just think that Riddhima could be away from me. My jealousy is so high. This jealousy has made me forget that Riddhima didn’t has done anything to make me be that angry on her. My jealousy and ego have made me said so many stupid words to Riddhima. I must never make that Rudra succeed in his motive. He will never be able to apart me from Riddhima.
At the same time, Riddhima has waked up.

She didn’t has found Vansh and she was very worried.
She has tried to control her worry.

Her feet was still hurting her, but she got able to stand on it.
So she has just went out from bed to go to the shower room.

She was just thinking about Vansh.
She was hoping that everything could be fine soon.
Riddhima to herself: I can’t bear another breakdown between Vansh and I. I really can’t tolerate that I could be away from my Vansh. Please God fix everything between Vansh and I. Please God make Vansh understands how much he is so precious and special to me.
She was being very angry and annoyed from what Rudra has done.

Riddhima to herself: I know that your arrive is with a motive Rudra. I know that you will do anything just to take your right from me after refusing your love, but I didn’t have thought that you will wait for all those years to take your right from me. I didn’t have thought that you could come at that time and you could do that evil thing just to make me be away from my Vansh, but I will never allow this to happen. I will never allow you Rudra to apart me from my husband Vansh.
She was looking a very sharp and strong look.

Riddhima to herself: I could do anything and I could cross any limit just for the sake of Vansh. I could turn 180 degree just to protect my relationship with Vansh. You don’t know what shade of mine you will face it now Rudra Singh Rathour for messing with Riddhima Vansh Rai Singhania.
Riddhima has gotten out from the washroom while she was being angry and upset.
When she has gotten out from the washroom, she has found Vansh has returned to the room and he was sitting on a chair.

She has found him looking at her in a very cute and caring way.

She was surprised seeing that change in his attitude.

Riddhima to herself: I just want to know what is going on inside your mind Mr. organizer?! You always make me isn’t able to predict what will be your next move. His jealousy is so different that makes me isn’t able to know how shall I treat him next?! Regardless that what is happening between us is hurting both of us so much, but still we are able to learn from it so much things. We are now able to understand each other more and we are able to observe how our relationship is very very strong. Especially that I’m able to see the jealous Vansh Rai Singhania!
She was happy while seeing him coming closer to her.

But then she has remembered how he has treated her in a very rude way.
Riddhima to herself: No Riddhima don’t be that weak. You have to be strong and don’t fall that quickly for his cute and attractive expressions. You have to not give any expressions to him for what he has done with you. You have to show him the strict Riddhima Rai Singhania.
She was giving Vansh a kind of strict expression.

She has given him her back.
As she wasn’t able to stop staring at him.
So she has decided to give him her back to hide her feelings and keep staying strong.
Vansh was smiling a tiny smile.

He was staring at Riddhima so much while he was noticing her childish attitude.
Vansh to himself: I know that you are upset from me so much sweetheart, but I promise you that your Vansh will succeed in pleasing you.
He gets closer to her from her back.

He was trying to surround her so tightly.
So he could please her and don’t make her be upset from him anymore.
She was wanting to keep strong in front of him.
So she has got away from him.
While she was doing that, the string of her dress got separated.
Riddhima has got so shy at that moment.
She has got away from Vansh due to her shyness.
But then Vansh has came closer to her and he has surrounded her from her back to fix her dress.

Riddhima: Vansh, please leave it to me I will fix it. I don’t want you to be forced to do anything to the girl that has caused to you so many hurt.
Vansh didn’t has concentrated on Riddhima’s words.
He has just made her very close to him while he was surrounding her from her back.
Then he starts arranging Riddhima’s dress and arranging its strings.

Riddhima was being so relaxed while feeling Vansh’s presence.
Riddhima to herself: Please God end this misunderstanding fast as I’m not able to be away from my Vansh more than that.
Afterwards, he has grabbed Riddhima towards him so he could look at her eyes.

Then he has kissed her in her forehead.

Vansh: I’m sorry Riddhima. I’m really sorry. I’m sorry for hurting you. I’m sorry for being so stupid. I’m really sorry. All what I have done was just because of my love and jealousy on you. I wasn’t concentrating on what I was doing. I wasn’t able to control my anger, but when I have discovered how much I have given you so much pain I got to understand my fault. I’m so sorry Riddhima. Please forgive me. I really love you so much. I really can’t live without you. I can merely die if you got away from me.
Riddhima has got panicked when she has heard that word from Vansh.

So she has immediately thrown herself inside Vansh’s arms.

Riddhima: Please don’t repeat those words once again. You can’t leave me and you will never leave me okay. So don’t you dare to say this word once again. I love you so much Vansh.
Precap: “You have failed Rudra. Your evil plan got failed now and you will not be able to separate me from Vansh. So don’t you dare to come between us once again idiot”













The end of the episode. I hope you like it. So our Riansh were so clever and they didn’t have taken so many time until they have passed this jealousy track. Let’s see what will happen next and how Rudra’s track will be ended. And yeah stay tuned for the upcoming twist as it is the last track and the most biggest twist on my story so wait for it and be ready so much for it. Thank you so much guys for making me succeeded in reaching to my target on the previous episode. I hope that you all could make me reach to my target on this episode. My target is the same. My target is to reach to 35 comments( excluding my comments). I hope that you all could make me reach to my target so I could be encouraged to update the next episode. The upcoming episode will be published depending on all of yours respond. The next episode will be published when you all could make me reach to my target. I hope that you all could make me reach to my target so I could be encouraged to update the next episode daily. I know that you are all very supporters and you all will help me in reaching to my target on this episode. So please guys keep supporting me the way you are doing. So please don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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