Friendship turned into a love story #Riansh Episode 86

The episode starts with Rudra still being shocked after hearing Vansh and Riddhima’s words.

He wasn’t believing that all his efforts has got spoiled.
Rudra to himself: Oh shit!!! How this is possible?! How Vansh and Riddhima could clear that misunderstanding that I have created between them?! How they could return that strong that easily?! I have to do something. I have to make Vansh be very angry from Riddhima. I have to not give up that easily. Still I’m the one who controls this game as still I know how to have the control on Vansh’s anger.
Rudra: Oh! So do you think that she will be with you forever Mr. Vansh?! You aren’t aware of anything that it is related to the past sir so enjoy with her for this moments as it will not last for more time.
Vansh has got very angry.

Then he has immediately punched Rudra on his face.
Vansh( being angry): Enough is enough stupid Rudra. I will not tolerate you more than that. I will not tolerate your evil words more than that so it is for your safety to stop this damn words otherwise you will be the one who will face the consequences.
Vansh was going to punch Rudra once again when Riddhima has came and stopped him.

Riddhima holds Vansh to separate him from Rudra.
Then she has putted her hand on Vansh’s face in a calming and caring way.

Riddhima: Please relax and calm down Vansh. Please don’t make that stupid guy to make you angry or make you lose your temper. So please control your anger and relax. He will never be able to do anything now so please calm down. We have to be very relaxed while confronting that guy so please relax for me. Your Riddhima is with you Vansh and she will never leave you so please calm down.
She has kissed him in his cheek to calm him down and make him very relaxed.

Vansh has got very relaxed from Riddhima’s words.
Vansh to himself: You are always able to calm me down sweetheart. You are the only one who could control Vansh Rai Singhania’s anger. I love you so much Riddhu.
Then they just hold each other’s hands very tightly while they were facing Rudra.

Afterwards, Riddhima has looked at Rudra in a very strict way.

Riddhima: Do you are still thinking that you will be able to apart me from Vansh even after what has happened?! Do you still think that you will be able to make Vansh doubt me and be angry on me?! No Rudra, Vansh and I are owing such a strong love and being in a very powerful relationship that no one will be able to break it.
Vansh: Riddhima has told me each and everything has happened at the past Rudra so don’t dream to make me be against my wife.
Riddhima: You have done a very stupid mistake when you have thought that you will be able to separate me from Vansh Rudra. You don’t know how much my relationship with Vansh is strong. You don’t know how he is so special and precious to me. He is my true love and the only love in my life.
Rudra was very angry from Riddhima’s words.

Rudra( shouting): Why?!!!! Why he is the one who you have loved and not me?! Why you didn’t have loved me and you have just loved him?! What he owns that I’m not owing it?! Why Riddhima?! Why?!
Vansh was looking at Rudra in a confident and smiling way.

Vansh: Riddhima’s heart is a very innocent one so of course she will never choose a person like you Rudra. She will choose a unique person like her and this person is just Vansh Rai Singhania and it will never be you Rudra Singh Rathour.
After Vansh has said those words, Riddhima and him have got into an eye look.

Then Riddhima has looked at Rudra in an explaining way.

Riddhima: It isn’t a thing that it is having an answers Rudra. Feelings isn’t by our hands. Feelings isn’t with a bottom to click on it when you want that. We never have the choice to choose whom we will love and when we will love. It wasn’t by my hand that I didn’t loved you Rudra. It wasn’t by my hand that I didn’t have found that connection between you and I and I have just found it with my Vansh. It isn’t my fault that you aren’t my soul mate Rudra. As even before our birth God is making each soul connected to its pair so we aren’t having the control on our hearts Rudra. My heart has chosen Vansh and this will never change. It isn’t your fault or even mine. I was always treating you as a very close person to me. I wasn’t wanting that this could happen in our friendship Rudra. I wasn’t wanting you to do what you have done. I wasn’t wanting that we could be standing in this situation now Rudra.
Rudra: But I love you Riddhima. I love you so much. I love you and I will keep loving you. I have done all those stuff just to take my right from you and get you back to me. I wasn’t imagining that you could be with anyone other than me Riddhima. I love you Riddhima please get back to me.
Vansh has got angry from Rudra’s words.

Riddhima has noticed that.
So she holds his hand to calm him down.

Riddhima: Rudra, don’t complete roaming in the same cycle. I will never be with you Rudra. I will always be with Vansh and for Vansh so it is better for you to understand it for now Rudra. We have to end this stuff at this moment. I don’t want you to come in my life once again.
Vansh: It is better for you to understand this from us while we are talking gently with you because afterwords the way that we will forbid you with it you will never like it.
Riddhima: Rudra, I really understand what you are feeling. I understand how it hurts when you love someone and this person isn’t loving you back. I really understand the pain and hurt that you are owing it right now. I understand it and I’m really feeling very sorry for you, but you will never be more than a teacher classmate who I was working with him at the past. Now, my present and future will be just with Vansh. I love him so much Rudra. I wasn’t believing that I will be in love that much, but yeah he has changed so much stuff about me. He has made my heart just beat for him and just for him. I love Vansh so much and I will keep loving him Rudra. I could die just for his sake. True love is about sacrifice not about giving pain and hurt. True love is about doing anything just to see the happiness of your lover. True love isn’t about taking everything, it is about giving everything and not thinking about taking.
Vansh: True love is about feeling about each other without even needing to talk. True love is about care and support till the end of both lives. True love is a very pure thing that you will never be able to understand it.
Riddhima and Vansh were staring at each other in a very romantic way after they have finished their words.

Vansh and Riddhima at the same time: True love is Vansh and Riddhima’s love.
Rudra was paining so much while he was hearing Vansh and Riddhima’s words.

He wasn’t able to tolerate seeing Riddhima in love that much with Vansh.
He was being in so much hurt.
Rudra to himself: Riddhima will never love you Rudra. You have to accept that for now. You have to understand that the girl that you are madly in love with her and you were trying your best to make her love you is now being so madly in love, but not for you. It is a very hurtful thing that she isn’t loving me and she is that in love with that Vansh. I can’t give her that pain. I can’t take her from her love after she has found him. I can’t do that with the only girl that I have loved her. I was so idiot and I can’t complete in that. I can’t do that anymore.
He has looked at them in a shattered way.

Rudra: Go Riddhima. Go and enjoy your life with the man that your heart has chosen him. Go and live your life with him happily. You are a princess Riddhima and you deserve to be happy. The hurt that I have received it from you had blinded me and has made me isn’t able to understand that love will never be a forceful one. I can’t force you to love me and I can’t force you to be away from your lover. I have done so many stupid things when I have thought that I will be able to apart you from Vansh. I can’t make you pain Riddhima. I can’t see you being hurt. I always want to see your smile and this smile will never occur on your face with anyone other than Vansh.

Riddhima and Vansh were being surprised while hearing those unexpected words from Rudra.

Rudra: Don’t be that surprised guys. You are the ones who have said that love is about sacrificing and I have sacrificed my happiness just to see your happiness Riddhima. I promise you that I will not come on your both ways once again. I promise you that I will not cause anything to you both. I really apologize to you both for what I have done. I’m really sorry for that and I promise that I will never repeat such a thing again. I will return from the place that I was on it and I will never return once again. I’m sure that both of yours love will never be destroyed because I have been sure that it is a very powerful one as it has defeated Rudra Singh Rathour. So take care about both of you so much and always protect your love.
After Rudra has said those words, he has left Vansh and Riddhima while he was being heartbroken.
After Rudra has left, Vansh has grabbed Riddhima towards him.

He was making her so close to him.
Both of them were smiling at each other so much.

They weren’t believing how their love got to be that strong and powerful.
Vansh has stared at Riddhima in a very romantic way.

Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! I could observe how our love got to be a very scary thing to all our enemies that makes them all be afraid and just run away from us.
Riddhima has looked at Vansh in a cute and proud way.

Riddhima: Of course as Riddhima and Vansh’s love is a very unique and special love so no one will be able to defeat it.
Vansh has looked at Riddhima in a confident way.

Vansh: Of course Riddhima. As you aren’t loving any normal person. As at the end you are married to the great Vanah Rai Singhania.
Riddhima has looked at Vansh in a smiling way while she was putting her hand on her face.

Riddhima: Oh! So much confidence Mr. organizer! But I like it.
She has smiled at him.

Then Vansh has got very close to her.

Both of them were wanting to celebrate the success of their love.
They were being very happy that their love has defeated so many enemies and it is still able to be very strong.

At VR mansion, Sejal was being at her room.

She was just thinking about Vyom and his proposal.
She was being happy and she was just thinking about him so much.
Sejal to herself: I don’t know if I will be able to trust someone once again and be in a relationship once again after the betrayal of that stupid man or not. I have just left Vyom that day after his proposal without saying a word because I wasn’t wanting to refuse. I doesn’t want to say no. I feel a very special feeling while being with Vyom. It is a very different and unique feeling. I think that I have fallen for you Vyom. I have to be brave and don’t make my past trouble my future.
Moreover, she has called Vyom.
Before he could say anything, she has surprised him with her words.
Sejal: Vyom, I love you so much. I love you and I want to be with you forever. I don’t want anything to separate us. I love you Vyom.
Afterwards, Ahana has got shocked and angry when she has heard that shocking decision from Rudra.

Ahana: What nonsense you are saying it Rudra?! Of course I have heard it wrong. Of course you didn’t have said that.
Rudra: No Ahana you have heard it right. I will not complete this plan Ahana. I’m done. I will not be with you anymore and I will not do anything to Vansh and Riddhima. I will not destroy Vansh and Riddhima’s love Ahana and this is the last decision and I will not change my mind. Vansh and Riddhima’s love is so strong and no one will be able to defeat it neither me nor you so it is better for you to understand that now as afterwords you are the only one who will regret. Don’t call me again Ahana as I will leave the whole country and I will not return again. I just hope that you don’t do anything else to Vansh and Riddhima as anything from what you will do it will never break their love.
Ahana: Rudra, you can’t do that. Rudra, yo..
Before Ahana could be able to complete her words, Rudra has left her.
She was being very very angry.

Ahana to herself: No, it will never be the end. I will never give up.
Precap: “The plan now must turn to be in a dangerous mood. I have to end it with a very blo*dy way”






Please guys check the last update of Amnna and do support her so much please.





The end of the episode. I hope you like it. So yeah finally the track of Rudra has got ended and now it is the turn to see the new and the last twist of this story. It is very near guys. I’m planning it and it is on its way. I have warned you all that it will be a very shocking one so please don’t throw tomatoes on me and be strong for what will happen and trust your author. Stay tuned for it and keep supporting me. Thank you so much guys for making me succeeded in reaching to my target on the previous episode. I hope that you all could make me reach to my target on this episode. My target is the same. My target is to reach to 35 comments( excluding my comments). I hope that you all could make me reach to my target so I could be encouraged to update the next episode. The upcoming episode will be published depending on all of yours respond. The next episode will be published when you all could make me reach to my target on this episode. I hope that you all could make me reach to my target so I could be encouraged to update the next episode daily. I know that you are all very supporters and you all will help me in reaching to my target on this episode. So please guys keep supporting me the way you are doing. Please guys don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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