Friendship turned into a love story #Riansh Episode 87

The episode starts with Kabir smiling so much when Vansh and Riddhima have made them all come to announce that Rudra has gotten out from their lives.

Kabir: You don’t know guys how much I’m really being very happy that finally your both love has got able to win against that guy.
He has came near Riddhima and he has putted his hands around her in a caring way.

Kabir: I hope your happiness could always be protected Riddhima. I hope that no one could be able to cause any problems in your life my lovely little sister.
Then he has came near Vansh.

Kabir: I know that if you are with Riddhima, I don’t have to panic at all. I know that you will always be able to make everything stable in you and Riddhima’s lives. And I’m sure that you will always be able to do that Vansh.
Ishani was also smiling so much and being very happy.

Ishani: Of course Vansh bro and Riddhima bhabi’s love is the thing that will win because their love is very pure and strong. Their love story will always be my inspirational. I’m so proud of you Vansh bro and Riddhima bhabi.
She has came near Vansh.
Then she has hugged him a very warm sibling hug.
Then she has came near Riddhima.
They have hugged each other.
Then they start laughing and enjoying the happiness that was spread allover the place.

Angre and Ragini were also being so happy that everything got cleared between Vansh and Riddhima.
So Angre has came near Vansh.

Then he has putted his hand above Vansh’s shoulder.
Angre: I’m very happy that neither you nor Riddhima bhabi has given the chance to that guy to cause any problems in your both lives. I’m so happy that everything got cleared so now we all could be relaxed and we could be able to complete enjoying our trip without any disturbance.
Vansh: Yeah so let’s do anything to enjoy with it our time.
Riddhima, Angre, and Kabir have looked at each other at the same time.
Then the 3 of them has said the same thing at the same time: To enjoy our time for now it will be the best thing if Vansh has played on the guitar.
Vansh has smiled from how they all have said the same thing at the same time.

Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! I could observe that there is an audience approval on making me play the guitar! Impressive!
Riddhima has looked at Vansh in a cute and proud way.

Riddhima: Of course Mr. organizer as all of us knew how much you are so brilliant and unique at playing guitar so we would always like to use you at any time to make you play guitar for us.
Angre: Yes Vansh let’s add a musical flavor to our gathering.
Ragini: This will happen Angre if you also have joined Vansh in the musical role as he could play guitar and you could sing as don’t forget that you have a heart taking voice.
Angre has stared at Ragini so much after she has said those words.

Kabir: Yeah Ragini is having a point. Let’s make Vansh and Angre entertain us with their lovely talents.
Afterwards, Vansh starts playing on the guitar and Angre was being beside him singing.

Everyone at the room was being very entertained and enjoying so much.
All of them have got the chance once again to relax and enjoy his and her time.
At the same time, Ahana was being very angry and shattered.

She wasn’t able to accept her failure.
Ahana to herself( being angry): No, I will never accept this lose. I will never accept that Vansh and Riddhima could win against me and against my brilliant plans. Even if Rudra has left me and called this deal off, still I’m the amazing Ahana Sharma who could be able to destroy Vansh and Riddhima’s lives with just a move of her finger. Vansh and Riddhima must to see now how much Ahana could turn so evil to take her revenge. I think that there isn’t any option other than that one. I wasn’t wanting to be forced to take my revenge in this way, but I can’t leave them enjoying their lives after what they have done with me. I have to make them suffer so much.
A very dangerous look has got appeared on Ahana’s face.

Ahana: The plan now must turn to be in a dangerous mood. I have to end it with a very blo*dy way. I have to end Vansh and Riddhima’s chapter forever and this time I will not depend on anyone in implanting my plan as I will do it with my own self. I just want to wait for the perfect time to start with it this plan.
A week has passed.
During this week, Vansh and Riddhima were enjoying their time with each other so much.

They were being very happy while they were exploring Manali together.
Also Angre and Ragini along with Ishani and Kabir were enjoying this trip so much.
They have done so many stuff together and they were being very happy.
During this week, Ahana was keeping her eye on Vansh and Riddhima.
She was waiting for the perfect time that could lead her to the perfect results of her plan.
During this week, Sejal was living the most beautiful moments in her life.
Vyom and her got to be together and they were enjoying a lot their relationship.
Regardless that Sejal was being very confused to love once again, but Vyom has succeeded in vanishing all her confusion.
He has made her very comfortable and relaxed while being with him that has made her forget anything bad she has passed through it at the past.
During this week, Vyom and Sejal have decided to do a serious step in their relationship as they weren’t wanting to waste more time without being together forever.
This week was being so enjoyable one at everyone’s life.
At morning, Vansh and Riddhima were sleeping so calmly and deeply.
Then Vansh has waked up before Riddhima.
He was just staring at her while she was sleeping that deeply.

He was sinking on her cute expressions.
Vansh to himself: How you are always able to be that cute and so innocent like that while you are sleeping?! I always feel as if you are my little daughter who I must always take care about her and make her be so cheerful. I love you so much sweetheart.
Then he has came closer to her and he has kissed her in her forehead.

Afterwards, he has got out from the room to leave Riddhima sleep calmly.
Then he has went to Angre to discuss some business stuff with him.

At that moment, Kabir and Ishani were enjoying their time at the pool.
They were romancing so much and they were being so happy being together.
Kabir was making Ishani so close to him by putting his hand around her waist.
She was being shy along with that she was just staring at him so much without saying anything.

She was just enjoying being with him.
Kabir was staring at Ishani in a very cute and romantic way.

Then he has kissed her near her lips which has made Ishani super shy.
Her cheeks has turned red and her heart beats have got increased.
He has smiled so much when he has seen her that shy. 

Then he has hugged her very tight hug to minimize her shyness.
Kabir: I can observe that my Ishu is being so shy and she is looking exactly like a tomato! I have liked it! Actually, you have to get used on those stuff sweetie as we will not be boyfriend and girlfriend forever as very soon we will be together forever so then our closeness will be more and more so you will not be able to be shy more than that.
Ishani has got surprised from the way he has opened with it about marriage.
She has got more shy.
So she has decided to escape from the situation by throwing water on Kabir.
Then she has looked at him in a challenging way.

Ishani: Catch me if you can Kabir and do receive the so much water waves that will be thrown on you.
She has said that while she was throwing more and more water on Kabir.
Then a water fight has started between Kabir and Ishani.
They were enjoying and being very happy.
Afterwards, Vansh has came to his and Riddhima’s room and he has found the breakfast has prepared and being putted on the table.
So he has seated waiting for Riddhima to come from the washroom.
Then he has got shocked when he has seen her coming while wearing one of his shirts exactly like what he is wearing it right now.

He was being very surprised seeing her in that clothes.

He has got more shocked when he starts seeing her copying each and every move he is doing it.

She was looking at him in that strict way that he was looking at it due to his shock.

If he gets up, she also gets up.
If he takes the cup of tea, she also takes the cup of tea.
If he starts moving in his special way, she also tries to copy the way he moves.

Even when he has done the morning stretches, she has also copied him in that and has done the same thing.

He was smiling while seeing her copying him in that cute way.

Then he has pulled her towards him.

Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! I can observe that Mrs. Rai Singhania is copying her husband in a very perfect way. So you have to copy me in everything I will do it right now and now I’m going to take a shower so you have to copy me on that so I think that we have to take a shower together now.
Riddhima has looked at him in a cute surprising way.

Riddhima: Oh really?! So now you got able to use my copying to you in an beneficial thing to you!! Not bad Vansh! But actually, I don’t want to copy you more than that so this is enough for today.
She was going to leave when Vansh has stopped her by hugging her from her back.

Vansh: Copying Vansh Rai Singhania isn’t easy sweetheart and you aren’t allowed to stop copying me from your own as you aren’t copying any normal person so now I’m the one who will decide when and how you will stop copying me.
She has turned to face him.
Then she has looked at him in a surprising way.

Riddhima: Oh!!! Over confidence as usual!
He has smiled at her.

Then they have hugged each other a very long hug.

Riddhima: I love you Vansh.
Riddhima: I love you too sweetheart.
Afterwards, Sejal has called Vansh a video call.
She has checked on him and on Riddhima.
Then she has surprised them with a very shocking decision.
Sejal( on the video call): Guys I want to tell you both a very important thing.
Vansh( on the video call): What?
Riddhima( on the video call): Does everything is fine?
Sejal(on the video call): Relax guys. It is a very lovely announcement so just calm down as what I will say will make both of you being very happy.
Riddhima( on the video call): So please say this thing now as my curiosity got to be very high.
Sejal: Okay so guys I’m in love…. I have finally got in love to a very amazing guy and he is caring about me. He has prospered me guys. He wants to marry me guys and I’m so happy for that. I’m really fallen for him so much.
Vansh and Riddhima were being very happy while seeing Sejal being that in love.
Then she has told them everything about Vyom.
Vansh was relaxed while hearing about Vyom from Sejal.
Vansh( on the video call): I’m so happy for you Sejal. Vyom is a very good man. I have known him since you both were in college and even after that his and his family business is so popular and they have a good reputation. I’m so happy for you that finally you have found the perfect soul mate for you.
Riddhima( on the video call): I’m so excited to meet that guy that made our Sejal fall madly for him.
Sejal has got shy.
Riddhima was smiling.

Riddhima( on the video call): Oh! So our girl is shy! Interesting!
Sejal( on the video): Come on bhabi. Anyway, he wants to meet you all guys as he wants to arrange everything about the marriage very quickly so if you can be able to return as soon as possible this will better.
Vansh( on the videos call): Interesting, very interesting! I can observe that there is a person here that is being very hasty to get married!
Sejal( on the video call): Come on bhai you too are doing the same thing as bhabi!!! I will leave now and please come fast guys.
After they have ended the call, Vansh and Riddhima have announced this announcement to Ishani, Kabir, Angre, and Ragini.
They all were very happy.
Then they have decided to end the trip on this point and return to Mumbai to arrange Sejal’s wedding.
Moreover, Ahana has known that.
She was watching them while they backing their bags.
She was looking at them in a very evil way.

Ahana to herself: So finally the perfect time that I was waiting for it has came. Now, I will end Vansh and Riddhima’s chapter forever.
Precap: Car accident.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it. Stay tuned for the upcoming episodes and do bear me. Thank you guys for making me succeeded in reaching to my target on the previous episode. I hope that you all could make me reach to my target on this episode. My target is the same. My target is to reach to 35 comments( excluding my comments). I hope that you all could make me reach to my target on this episode so I could be encouraged to update the next episode. The upcoming episode will be published depending on all of yours respond. The next episode will be published when you all could make me reach to my target on this episode. I hope that you all could make me reach to my target so I could be encouraged to update the next episode daily. I know that you are all very supporters and you will help me in reaching to my target. So please guys keep supporting me the way you are doing. Please guys don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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