Friendship turned into a love story #Riansh Episode 88

The episode starts with Vansh and Riddhima walking together while holding each other hand at the lobby of the hotel for the last time before leaving the hotel.

They were staring at each other so much while they were walking.
Riddhima: You know what Vansh.. Regardless that this trip has happened on it so heartbreaking stuff from Ahana’s retry, Rudra’s plan, to the misunderstanding that has happened between us, but this trip still is having a very special memories to me.
Vansh has stopped walking.
Then he has faced Riddhima.

So he could concentrate on what she will say.
Riddhima( completing her words): This trip has made us understand each other more. It has made us know how much we really can’t live without the other. It has made us notice how our love is being very very strong and it could defeat any evil power. This trip has made me sink more and more inside my Vansh. This trip has connected Vansh and Riddhima more to each other. This trip has increased our love so much Vansh. So that’s why this trip will always be very special to me even after all what has happened.
Vansh was listening to Riddhima’s words while he was staring at her in a smiling and a very cute way.

He was just enjoying looking at her after she has said those words.
Riddhima has noticed that so much staring of him.
So she has looked at him in a cute speculating way.

Riddhima: Hey hey hey. Where is Mr. Husband has gone? Your concentration isn’t with me at all Mr. organizer!
Vansh was still sinking at Riddhima’s beauty.
So Riddhima has came closer to him.
Then she has putted her hand on his nose to get him back to his senses.

Riddhima: Wake up Vansh it has been some time since you aren’t with me at all and you are being in another world. So could I know what is making my husband thinking about it that much that has made him isn’t concentrating on what has dearest wife is telling him?!
He has got very close to her.

Then he has kissed her in her cheek.

Vansh: I has lost in your beauty sweetheart. I was being in Riddhima’s beautiful world that I wish to always sink on it forever. I was just wondering what that most good thing that I have done it in my life to get rewarded and have you in my life. I’m really so lucky to have you Riddhima. You are the most precious gift from God. This trip has made me more and more sure of how much I’m being involved in you. It has made you really part of me and I part of you. I live in you sweetheart.
Vansh’s words have melted Riddhima’s heart.
She was just smiling at him so much.

Riddhima: I don’t know how you are always able to melt my heart in that easy way by those amazing words. There isn’t anyone who could beat you in saying such a romantic words.
He has came closer to her.
Then he has putted his hand on her face in a cute nock jocking way.

Vansh: No one can beat me in saying the romantic words especially when it comes to my sweetheart. I will always shower you with so many romantic words and this is just a very tiny thing from what I owns for you my dearest wife.
She was smiling while hearing his words.
Then she holds his cheeks and starts playing with it in a very cute way.

Riddhima: My Vansh will always be so unique with his unique love and unique romantic words.
He was smiling and enjoying a lot while he was seeing Riddhima this enjoying.

Then he has made her close to him by hugging her from her back.

Riddhima: Come on Vansh we are at the lobby of the hotel and everyone will look at us.
He has looked at her in a confident way.

Vansh: How many times I will tell you sweetheart that I would never care about anyone around us?! If I’m with you Riddhima, I don’t care about anything else.
Riddhima has got overwhelmed from Vansh’s words.
She was being very happy noticing his love towards her. 

She has thrown herself in his arms to express to him how she is being very happy while she is with him.

At the same time, Ahana was looking at Vansh and Riddhima while they were hugging each other.
She was looking at them in a very evil way.

Ahana to herself: Enjoy this moments till the max as this will be the last moments in your both lives Riddhima and Vansh Rai Singhania.
She has called someone.

Ahana( on a phone call): Be ready as they will start their destination to Mumbai. I don’t want any mistakes. It has to be like a normal accident. I will be there also to be sure that you will do my work the way I want it to happen.
Afterwards, Angre and Ragini along with Kabir and Ishani have started their ways to Mumbai.
Then Vansh and Riddhima have followed them with Vansh’s car.
Vansh and Riddhima have started their way to Mumbai.

They were enjoying the destination while being together.
They were enjoying their time being together.
At Angre and Ragini’s car, Angre was driving in a very high speed.
Ragini was panicking so much and she was afraid.
Ragini( in a worrying way): Angre, please low the speed. You are driving in a very high speed and this is panicking me so much. Actually, what is the reason to drive in that high speed?!
Angre: Come on baby don’t be that coward. You don’t know how it is a very enjoyable thing to drive in that high speed, you feel as if you are flying so high. It is one of the most enjoyable things for me Ragini.
Ragini was putting her hand above her tummy.
She was worrying so much.
Ragini: I think that you have to leave this habit and get away from this enjoyable thing for the sake of your baby.
Angre has got shocked after hearing Ragini’s words.

He has immediately stopped the car.
Then he has looked at Ragini so deeply.
Angre: What you have said Ragini?! Please repeat those words once again. For whom I should stop driving in high speed?
Ragini has made Angre closer to her by putting her hands around his neck.
Ragini: Yes Angre you will be a father after just 7 months as I’m pregnant in the 2nd month. After just 7 months, you and I will be the father and the mother for a very cute little baby. I just have known that at the morning and I was going to tell you that after we reach to Mumbai so I could be able to surprise you a very shocking surprise, but I can’t stay quiet while you are driving in that high speed as now we aren’t just 2 and now we have became 3 and we have to be very careful.
She has putted his hand above her tummy to make him feel the presence of their baby.
Angre was being very surprised.
He wasn’t believing that very soon he will be a father.
He was smiling so much.
There was a very huge happiness being noticeable on Angre’s face.
He has hugged Ragini a very long and warm hug.
Angre: I can’t imagine that after some months I will be a father. I can’t imagine that I will have a small copy of the only woman that I have loved her from the bottom of my heart. You really don’t know how much you have made me so happy Ragini by giving me this news. You have given me so much happiness sweetie. I promise you Ragini that I will be the best father ever to our baby.
He has came closer to Ragini.
Then he has kissed her tummy.
Angre: I promise you baby that I will care about you a lot and I will love you so much. I promise you baby that your father will always be with you and will never leave you.
Ragini was teary while seeing Angre’s happiness.
Ragini: I’m sure that you will be the best father ever Angre.
They have hugged each other very tightly.
This news has spread so much happiness and has made Angre on the 9th cloud.
He wasn’t able to wait to reach to Mumbai to announce this announcement to his gang.
So he has called them a group call and he has announced to them this announcement.
Vansh, Riddhima, Ishani, and Kabir were being very happy after hearing this announcement from Angre.
They all have congratulated him.
Angre( on call): I wasn’t able to wait until we could reach to Mumbai guys to tell you this announcement as my gang must always be the first ones to know a very important news like that.
Riddhima and Vansh at the same ( on call): Congratulations guys. So happy for you both.
Kabir( on call): Congratulations Angre and Ragini. I’m really very happy as finally a very huge happiness will enter our house.
Ishani( on call): I’m sure that this cute little soul will change our whole lives and it will make us more and more happy.
Vansh( on call): Thank you Angre and Ragini for giving us this lovely news. I’m sure that your both baby will spread so much happiness in all of our lives.
Angre and Ragini were so happy from the wishes of their gang.
They were all being so happy and excited for this new life that will enter their house after some months.
Afterwards, Vansh and Riddhima were smiling so much and being very happy after they have ended the call with Angre and Ragini.

Riddhima: I’m so excited for the arrive of this little baby. I’m sure that he/ she will be very cute like Angre and Ragini.
Vansh holds Riddhima hands.

Vansh: Yes you are right, but still I feel that there is still another baby who will be more cuter than Angre and Ragini’s baby.
Riddhima has looked at Vansh in a speculating way.

Riddhima: And who is that baby??
Vansh has looked at her in a cute and confident way.

Vansh: Our baby. I’m sure that our baby will be more and more cuter than any baby because this baby is having a very unique father and mother so of course he/ she will be very unique. Actually, the news that Angre and Ragini have delivered it to us has made me very excited to have our own baby. I got very excited to have a baby from you sweetheart.
Riddhima has smiled a cute smile.

She was happy that Vansh has opened up about the children matter.
Riddhima to herself: I’m also so excited to have a baby from you Vansh. I’m really happy to see that excitement from you. I’m sure that very soon God will bless us with a very cute baby exactly like you my Vansh.
Riddhima didn’t has said any word to Vansh as she was a kind of shy.
So she has just putted her head above Vansh’s shoulder so she could be so closer to him.

Vansh was also noticing Riddhima’s excitement to start this new journey.
Vansh to himself: You don’t need to say anything sweetheart to express with it your excitement to have a baby as I’m always able to understand you without any word. I’m sure that God will gift us this special gift very soon.
At the same time, Ahana was following Vansh and Riddhima’s car by her car.
She was looking at them in a very evil way.

Ahana to herself: Just a couple of minutes left and you both will enjoy your love story at the sky.
She has called her man to make him be ready.
Afterwards, Vansh was driving the car calmly while Riddhima was just staring at him.

She was staring at him in a very cute and naughty way.
He has noticed that and he has smiled from her lovely cute expression.
Vansh: If you kept staring at me in this way, I will not be able to drive the car and I will stop it and will keep staring at you as you are looking so damn hot sweetheart.
She has smiled at him.

Then he has putted his hand around her to make her closer to him.

At that exact moment, a huge track has crushed with Vansh and Riddhima’s car.
A very huge and big car accident has occurred.
Vansh and Riddhima were bleeding so much.
Riddhima was surrounding Vansh and that has made her wounds more than his.
Both of them were in a little conscious moment.
Vansh: Nothing will happen to you sweetheart. We will be fine.
Riddhima: When you are with me, I doesn’t need anything else. I love you so much Vansh.
Vansh: I love you too Riddhima.
They were holding each other hands.
Then they have lost their consciousness.
Ahana has gotten out from her car to look at the smashed car of Vansh and Riddhima’s.
Ahana to herself: It is the time of my victory. Now, Vansh and Riddhima will never be able to get out from this accident alive. They will just die and I will be the one who has completed her revenge. Today is the best day in my life. Today is the day of my success and victory.
Ahana was enjoying seeing Vansh and Riddhima’s car smashed that much.

She also has seen them bleeding and being unconscious.
So she was sure that they have died.
Afterwards, she has gotten into her car and she was driving in a very high speed.
She was being very happy and enjoy her victory.
Ahana to herself: No one could be able to win against me. Now, the success is just mine.
While Ahana was being that happy, the bricks of her car got to not to work and Ahana wasn’t able to have the control on the car.
She has got panicked so much.

Precap: Death

The end of the episode. I hope you like it. So this is the start of the last and the most biggest twist in my story. Please bear me and do trust your author. Let’s see what will happen next. Stay tuned as so many shocking stuff are on the way. Thank you so much guys for making me succeeded in reaching to my target on the previous episode. I hope that you all could make me reach to my target on this episode. My target is the same. My target is to reach to 35 comments( excluding my comments). I hope that you all could make me reach to my target so I could be encouraged to update the next episode. The upcoming episode will be published depending on all of yours respond. The next episode will be published when you all could make me reach to my target on this episode. I hope that you all could make me reach to my target so I could be encouraged to update the next episode daily. I know that you are all very supporters and you all will help me in reaching to my target. So please guys keep supporting me the way you are doing. Please guys don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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