Hi guys…How are u?? sorry for not posting on Wednesday…I will try to post one more epi tomorrow too…
If u have not read the previous epi,here is te link..
Lets get into today’s epi…
Abhi and Shruti are worried about Sid and Swadhu…
Shruti : I think they are serious…We have to do something…
Abhi : Actually I am happy now…If they are together,they would irritate me by romancing during office hours…
Shruti : Idiot…I am saying that they are very serious…One of them have to give up for other…But they are not doing it…Lets go and talk to Swadhu…
Shruti and Abhi go to Swadhu…
Shruti : Swadhu…What happened between both of u?? we cannot see u guys like this…
Swadhu explains her everything…
Shruti: I understand ur point dear…But there is no point of not talking to him…If u are angry with him,go and fight with him,argue with him,Scold him and end ur fight..Being silent will not give u anything…It will take u farther from him…
Swadhu : No Shruti…Please don’t compel me..I fought with him that day itself…I did not expect those words from him…He might have said it casually…But they have deep meaning…It hurted me so much…I left everything only to change my dad and bro into good…But he is saying that I am also like them…Can u make sure that he will not hurt me after we get married?? He will say something and then convince me by saying that he said it just for fun…I cannot take it Shruti…And I will not talk to him until he comes and talks to me first…I don’t want to discuss this anymore…
She cries,gets up and goes…
Shruti : I think someone kept evil eye on them…(seeing Abhi)
Abhi : Oye..U are saying that I kept evil eye on them?? How dare u??
Shruti : Cool down dude…Just joking…
Abhi : I am trying to be serious,but u say That u are joking?? Don’t u worry for them??
Shruti : Of course Abhi…But how can we unite them??
Abhi : Mission Laila is a failure..Lets try mission Majnu..
Shruti : What??(thinks) Oh…I can understand…
They go to Sid…
Abhi : What happened with u dude?? I did not expect that u will do like this…
Sid stares at Abhi…
Shruti : Go and talk with Swadhu…
Sid : U guys came to say this only??
Both of them nodded…
Sid : Don’t talk about this to me…U guys dont know about these issues ..
Abhi : (to Shruti in husky tone) Same response…Laila and Majnu thinks the same way…(to Sid) So,u are saying that both of us are single and we don’t know about all these relationship problems,isnt it??
Sid stares at him angrily and moves…
Shruti : (to Abhi) U stupid…He should have slapped u for what u said…We are talking seriously ok…
Abhi : I wont talk…U handle it…
They go to Sid again…
Shruti : Sid…Please listen to me…Go and talk to Swadhu…Forget it and just patch up…She is deeply hurt…She did it all because she loves u a lot…
Sid : But Shruti… I did not get angry for what she did that day…I just teased her by saying about her dad and bro…But she took it personally..I am angry at her only because she created a scene in a public place by arguing and crying…All of them looked at me like I have done something to her…And she expects me to talk first…But everytime we fight,I am the one who talks first even if the mistake is hers..This time I cannot do that…I have self respect…
Abhi : This is not self respect…It is ego…
Sid : Call it whatever…If u want to talk about this to me again,don’t talk to me…
He walks out…
Shruti : Mission Majnu is super failure…
Abhi makes puppy face..
Abhi : Shruti…I think this boring negotiations are not our cup of tea…Lets plan something in our own style…
He winks at Shruti…Shruti smiles and high fives with him…
Abhi and Shruti come to the parking lot by afternoon…
Abhi : So..This is our plan Laila Majnu…God..Please make it a success…
Shruti : Lets start it…
Abhi punctures the tyres of Swadeenta’s scooter…Shruti helps him…
Arnav sees it…
Arnav : Hey…What are u guys doing??
They got up With a jerk grinning…
Arnav : Whose scooty is this?? Why are u puncturing it??
Shruti : Hello…Who are u to question us?? What are u doing here?? Are u following us??
Arnav : I am ur boss…And I left my mobile charger in my bike…I came to take it…And I have more important work than following u…
Abhi : Sir…Please don’t fire me from the job…Shruti is the main culprit…
Shruti : U stupid…U backstabbed me…
Arnav : Wait…Don’t fight..I did not tell u that u are the culprits…I just asked what u are doing..
Abhi : Actually sir…We are trying to unite two love birds..So we punctured Swadhu’s scooty…
Arnav : (looking at Shruti) Seems like u always use the same plan…Do it in her scooty…Don’t puncture someone else’s like u did in colg…
Abhi : U know it?? It was Shruti who did it…She punctured yr bike thinking that its Sanjay’s Hahaha…She is always in confusion…
Shruti stares at him…
Arnav : Ok..I am leaving…
Shruti : Please don’t tell anyone about this…
Arnav smiles and goes..
Shruti,Sanjay,Abhi and Sid are together having lunch…They were so silent..Shruti starts a conversation…
Shruti : Do u guys know whom i met in London??
Abhi : Did u see the British PM Theresa May there??
Shruti : I am serious..
Swadhu : Whom did u meet??
Shruti : U wont believe it..
Sid : Can u tell without much buildup??
Shruti : Ok..I met Sanjay there..
Sid : What??
Shruti : Ya…Sanjay…He has changed…I cannot believe it is him…
She thought Swadhu would be interested to hear about him…But she was uninterested…
Shruti : Swadhu..He asked about u…He told that he will come after some days..
Swadhu : I dont care about him Shruti…He is no more my bro…If i ask about him to u,then some people will tell me that i still care for him and i have his genes and i will do things like him…
She says that and goes ..Sid also gets upset and goes ..
Abhi : Who asked u to talk about it?? See,they have gone…
Shruti : I saw him really and just wanted day…I did not thnk that they will react this way…
Abhi : U just keep quiet…Our plan laila majnu will unite them…
Its evening…Sid,Swadhu,Abhi and Shruti come to the parking lot…Swadhu was shocked to see the punctured tyres…
Swadhu : Oh God..The tyres are punctured…
Shruti : What?? Who did this??
Swadhu : I don’t know…
Abhi : Swadhu..U cannot go in it…Leave it here…We will get mechanic and fix it…
Swadhu : But how can I go home??
Shruti : With one of us only…But Swadhu…I want to go to my relative’s house now…So I cannot take u…
Swadhu looks at Abhi..Abhi does not know what to do..He sees Ritika standing there…He goes to her..
Abhi : Ritika…U told that u missed ur bus right?? U also told that u will get other bus only after 8 o clock nah?? Don’t worry…I will take u…
Ritika gave a confused expression…She does not know what is happening…Shruti goes to her…
Shruti : Ritika..Dont worry…He will take u home safely..
She pushes Ritika and make her sit in Abhi’s bike…Abhi goes…
Shruti : Swadhu…U don’t have any other option…Go with Sid…Sorry that I could not help u..
She puts on her helmet…
Shruti : (to herself) God…Make this plan a succesS…
Sid : (to himself) What a plan Abhi and Shruti!! But I don’t think it will work…
Swadhu : I am damn sure these idiots punctured my tires…Oh God…What will I do now??
Sid waits with his bike..
PRECAP : Arshru,Swadarth and Abhika scenes…
Awesome episode di ….Abhi & Shruti are very cute …..Loved the last part …..Update soon di & love u ?????
Tq so much for the lovely comment dear..???
Lovely episode yarr .
?? …waiting fa next epi to see the 3 love birds ???
Tq for ur lovely comment d
Lovely yarr..
??.waiting to see 3 love birds ?????
Sprb epi sis…i was waiting fr ur epi frm Wednesday….nd u said u will post one. More toooo ….waiting fr it…nd precap lovely ???pls update soon….abhi nd Sruthi are back with a bang???
Thank u ramya…I am gonna post one more now…Enjoy…