Game of hearts – A love story never seen before! Chapter 3


SCENE 1: Riddhima managed to escape, but vansh is going over through the cctv footage

Vansh: Show me every angle and every camera installed..

Angre: Sure sir…But sir look at this it seems like the person knew there would be cctv camera’s they managed to hide their face very well..It looks like a girl sir.


 Riddhima while climbing the elevator

Riddhima’s pov: Wait a minute.. vansh cant be that dumb and as kabir said he is very intelligent what if he installed camera’s to find me…. i need to hide my face…


Vansh: The person is very intelligent…. but they can’t escape from me, check who is wearing that dress in the party..

Angre: Perfect sir, i will check right away…

SCENE 2: Angre checks in the party but no one is wearing the same dress… and he informs Vansh about this…

Vansh: how the hell is that possible,check the guests list and the staff list let me know if anyone is not present in the party..

Angre: I have already checked sir, and according to the list, everyone from the list has come except riddhima…i have seen her just a while back before the party but now she is nowhere visible.

Vansh: Interesting, very interesting. If that is the matter once check the cctv from the house tell me if she is there in the hall when the music was played…

Angre: Ok,sir………..Sir you are right she was not there in the hall that day also…


SCENE 3: Riddhima went into her room to change..but suddenly there is someone knocking at her door

Riddhima’s pov: Who can it be… what if its vansh?? did he figure out it was me…

Vansh is banging at the door

Vansh: Open the damn door riddhima.. riddhima i said open the door..

Vansh breaks the door out of angst

Vansh: Riddhima where the hell are you??

Riddhima is lying on the bed..

Riddhima: What happened vansh is evrything all right in the party, do you need something from me..

Vansh: ENOUGH!! enough with all your lies why were you playing that music riddhima..who are you…

Riddhima: what are you talking about…what music??

Vansh: everytime that music plays you disappear.. and you were not even there in the party that day and today while the music was playing…where the hell were you that day and what are you doing here now..being the part of the planning team aren’t you supposed to be down..

Riddhima: Enough vansh….. i have fever thats why i had to take rest thats why i am here you can even talk to the doctor on your cruise…and that day i was busy taking a video call from my patient you can check the call list if you want….i know you dont trust anyone but that doesnt mean you put every wrongdoing happening around you on me….and please vansh now because of you i have to change the room in this position…you know the only room availabe is the room in the 5th do you expect me to walk……….

Suddenly vansh lifts her up and takes her to her room…riddhima is shocked….Vansh opens door and puts her on the bed…

Vansh: there you go…happy

He leaves…

Riddhima: thank you god…i could face him without any fear…….

SCENE 4: Next day, the last day on the cruise…after the wedding..Vansh’s family is having breakfast when vansh notices riddhima…

Vansh: Siya eat properly you are not at all eating these days…if u dont maintain your diet then how will you recover….

Siya: I will take care of myself brother….

Riddhima: So, as today is your last day on cruise , sir we have arranged a small post-wedding party for the couple this evening ,hope you are fine with it…

Vansh: sure, just make sure the arrangements are good

Riddhima: Definitely sir.

SCENE 5: Riddhima is in her room getting ready for the party

Riddhima’s pov: Today is the last day, how am i going to get a place in Vansh’s mansion..i have to do something…god help me….

She goes out in the party…..

Vansh: May i have this dance with you?

Riddhima: sure.

They dance gracefully…set the stage on fire…thats when riddhima notices someone pointing gun at vansh…

Vansh: What happened what are you looking at….

Riddhima: Vansh……………….

And boom she takes the bullet for vansh…vansh is shocked…but this wasnt in the plan and kabir told riddhima if he dies also it is ok…..

SCENE 6 : Vansh is still gathering his senses that a girl just took a bullet for him…he looks at her and riddhima says his name and get unconcious

Riddhima: Vansh….


He carries her to the room and doctors come in to treat her.

Vansh: Doctor will she be alright…

Doctor:Sir, please leave the room we have to operate on her since the bullet was shot near her heart. We cant say anything right now..

Vansh leaves the room hesistantly…..his dadi consoles him…

Dadi: Its ok vansh,nothing will happen to her…but i must appreciate that girl she doesnt even know you but she took a bullet a days even wife’s dont do such things for husbands and she did it for you vansh…that girl must be so good..

Vansh’s pov: Why did she do that when she knew i doubted her and put all the blame on her…she even knew that i dont trust her then why did she save me…..i cant live with all these questions….she has to answer these questions..she has to wake up…

After 3 hours doctors come out.

Doctor: Sir, we have removed the bullet but for more 3 days the condition is critical she has to be under constant observation…..and i might suggest that you better take her home as here it is hard to get the equipment required….

Vansh: Sure doctor.

Vansh to Angre

Vansh: Angre find out where she lives, her friends, her family evrything we are shifting her to her home

Angre: Yes sir.

Dadi: Vansh, that girl took a bullet for you, she risked her life and now you want to send her away leaving your responsibility in the middle, no vansh we will take her to our home.

Vansh: but, dadi…..

Dadi: no vansh, we will send her only when she is fully recovered…its our responsibility vansh…

Vansh: Ok…

Vansh takes riddhima to his VR mansion. 3 days are over but still riddhima hasn’t woken up.

Vansh: Riddhima wake up, you dont have the right to die on me. you have to wake up damn it….

Riddhima comes to conciousness

Riddhima: Vansh….

Vansh: Riddhima…. Doctor….she woke up ..come fast….

Doctor: please leave the room let us check sir….

Vansh: NO WAYYY….

Doctor: please sir, let us do our work

Dadi: Vansh, lets go..let them work vansh.

Vansh leaves the room.

Anupriya(vansh’s mother): Vansh, why are you worrying about her that much i accept she has saved your life but dont you think that, you are overreacting…she will be fine vansh..

Vansh’s pov: I know mom, but every time i am the one who saves this family and i have crossed all extents to protect them, but first time someone has crossed all their extents to protect me by risking their own life and i will always be thankful to her for that…

Riddhima wakes up.

Riddhima’s pov: Where am i? whose house is this?is this the VR mansion…i need to go from is dangerous to stay here..

Vansh: you finally woke up huh…. If you are wondering where are you….you are in my house until you recover 

Riddhima: Since how many days i have been here…my head and shoulder is hurting what happened..

Vansh: Riddhima just relax…nothing has happened you are fine….

Riddhima:Vansh i need to go patients might be waiting for me…

Vansh: I dont give a damn…just rest..

Riddhima rests after 2 days she is alright and ready to leave the VR mansion.

 Vansh: Riddhima i have a offer for you.

Riddhima: Please if you are offering money to me because i saved your life dont coz, i didnt save you for money.

Vansh: Will you listen to me…i am not offering you money but offering you a job as a physiotherapist for my sister she thinks you are the best..

Riddhima: I am sorry but i reject your offer

Flashback: Kabir tells riddhima not to accept any of his offers at once as vansh may get suspicious.

Vansh: You can earn the money here that you dont earn outside.

Riddhima: I know that but i am sorry i cant stay in a place where you doubts me every time and doesn’t even respect me, sorry.

She is about  to leave but siya stops her..

Siya: Please dont leave..i need your help and i know you are the best…i trust you please riddhima.

Riddhima: Sure, just because you are asking.

Vansh: Perfect, let me show you your room.

Vansh shows her room and riddhima is in her room

Riddhima’s pov: Now i have to plan my next move, but who could have tried to kill cant be kabir he knows me and he must have known that i would take the bullet so it cant be him…..For the first time i have come into this house and now its my duty to protect vansh and save him from his own people..

Why is riddhima protecting vansh do they have a past together who is hiding what?

Stay tuned to know more! And ofcourse if you are reading my work for the first time, welcome to my book, hope you have a great time!


A writer, new to this website, but not new to writing...if you are on wattpad, you can find me there also under the name Ruhika1104

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