Game Of Hearts – A Love Story Never Seen Before! Chapter 5

SCENE 1: Riddhima is in her room thinking about the marriage.

Riddhima: My dreams are coming true finally to marry Vansh and to stay with him forever, i know Vansh hates my past self but i have to clear this misunderstandings and make him believe in love again and change him like he was in the past..i am going to do that and this time kabir trust me you might think you are succeeding in your mission but no kabir you and your partner will be seeing and making plans according to what i might think that i would try to escape and i know you will come here….i will be waiting to see your so called drama….

SCENE 2:Vansh comes in to make her select the engagement ring.

Vansh: Riddhima, please select the ring you like for our engagement tommorrow.

Riddhima: When i didn’t have the right to choose my groom,what will i choose the ring, you only do it yourself.

Vansh: Come on sweetheart, you couldn’t choose your groom thats why i am allowing you to choose your ring atleast, i think so you should be grateful to me.

Riddhima: Wow, amazing you are doing such a big favour for me right! Mr.Raisinghania i am grateful to marry a person i dont even like, i am grateful to this person that is letting me choose the ring….i am sooo thankful to you…HAPPY?! now leave the room.

Vansh: Fine.

SCENE 3: That night kabir sneaks into riddhima’s room.

Kabir: Riddhima are you alright i am here to take you away from here…i shouldn’t have sent you in the first place i am sorry riddhima.

Riddhima: Please take me kabir,i cant stay here, i knew you would come.

Kabir: Did you find any clues against Vansh.

Riddhima: I am sorry kabir i couldn’t find any clues. I know how much this mission means to you but i am sorry i couldn’t do anything i wish there was something i could do.

Kabir: I know riddhima, but i cant live with this failure, everytime he escapes and i cant do anything i cant live like this

Kabir points a gun at himself.

Riddhima’s pov: Wow kabir! what a acting you should deserve an oscar…i am not going to fool myself with all your drama again…

Riddhima: Kabir please stop, i love you how could you do this…. you are the only one in my life that i love….your life is connected to me…Tell me what do you want me to do.

Kabir: Can i ask you something? will you do it for me?

Riddhima: Ask me anything i will do it happily…

Kabir: Can you marry Vansh for my mission i know its a lot to ask for please riddhima..

Riddhima: If you had asked my life i would have given it to you happily but you have asked me something worse Kabir……………I will do it for you.

Kabir’s pov: Yes!! Welcome to hell from now on Riddhima.

Kabir: Thank you Riddhima, if you find the clues as soon as possible you can get out of here.

Riddhima: Leave Kabir, if you stay one more second i might change my decision.

SCENE 4: Kabir gets out of the room.

Riddhima’s pov: I just wish you meet your partner so that i will know who is cheating Vansh…..

She follows kabir as he goes to the store room.

Riddhima’s pov: Why is he going into store rooom, maybe i was right, maybe he is meeting his partner….who is he talking to? i cant see the face clearly….god help me…

Just at that time the person turns around..Riddhima hides….and goes back to her room.

SCENE 5: Next morning riddhima,wakes up to find Vansh sitting near a table.

Riddhima: What the hell Vansh, what are you doing here, dont you have a sense of knocking….oh wait you dont have a sense of knocking, you have a sense of banging on the doors right…

Vansh: Why do you always keep searching reasons to fight with me?

Riddhima: First answer me why are you here?

Vansh: Well, in more 1 hour you are going to get engaged i was just here to see are you ready or not, but here you are sleeping…Riddhima this is your marriage get that in your head.

Riddhima: I dont take hours to get ready, i dont even wear makeup…so Mr.Raisinghania you dont have to worry about my make up.

Vansh: Well, i will give you space to get ready.

Riddhima: yeah please…

SCENE 6: Riddhima comes down after getting ready and Vansh is stunned. Vansh remembers all her words about marriage and their fights.

Vansh: I thought you wouldn’t come down, i was on my way to get you.

Riddhima: Then surprise i am here, i know i have no other way.

Vansh: Good would have been better if you got it in your head way before but its ok its not too late.

Riddhima: Well thank you for your appreciations Mr.Raisinghania.

Vansh puts on the ring but riddhima acts like she is hesitant to put the ring.


SCENE 7: Riddhima is in her room after the engagement.

Riddhima’s pov: I am so close to all i ever wanted…and for all this i had to trap kabir with the help of his assistant(not the person in Vansh’s family) and had to make him believe i was the perfect person for his plan so that he would trap me and try to use to me…..and for kabir to initiate his next phase of the plan i had to propose to him so that he would trust that i am blindly in love with him…it was hard at the beginning but i had to do this for Vansh…..In the past i trusted you kabir but you fooled me and made the whole world believe that i was a characterless person….but this time history will not repeat itself this time i am going to be the queen of this chess while you wait and watch…..

SCENE 8: That night riddhima is in the kitchen.

Riddhima’s pov: Ughh! i am hungry as hell i feel like making something sweet i hope they wouldn’t mind…lets prepare a chocolate cake i know that its night but i want cake right now let me check if they have the ingredients…perfect they have like all the ingredients..

Riddhima starts mixing batter for the cake when vansh sees her while talking on the phone.

Vansh: I will call you back later.

He walks over to riddhima..

Vansh: What are you cooking at this hour?

Ridddhima: Well, i was hungry and i wanted to eat something so i am baking a cake since tomorrow is my b’day even.

Vansh: Tomorrow is your b’day?

Riddhima: I thought you or your assistant Angre might know that since you people did a whole research on me right?

Vansh: Yeah,i didn’t give much importance to your b’day when Angre was telling but guess what tomorrow is your b’day and also our wedding rituals and how more can it be special.

Riddhima: Do you really think that is helping? Let me put it how i see tomorrow, tomorrow is my b’day most special day of the year and i have to prepare for the wedding rituals with a person whom i dont want to marry…

Vansh: Anyway, tomorrow is going to be very special for you sweetheart..

Riddhima: Special in which way?

Vansh: I want it to be a surprise for you, good night. 

SCENE 9: Riddhima gets ready and comes down for haldi and sangeet. Vansh also comes down.

Vansh: Happy Birthday Riddhima!

Riddhima: Thank you.

Dadi: Riddhima is it your b’day today?

Riddhima: Yes dadi, give me your blessings (she touches her feet)

Dadi: Obviously dear, always stay happy and live a long life.

Haldi is over now its time for sangeet and riddhima goes to her room to clean when she finds a box in her room.

Riddhima’s pov: Who kept this here looks like a gift….wow such a beautiful red dress there is a card even, 

“Happy Birthday Riddhima, Please wear this dress atleast out of courtesy.


So Vansh sent this here, it looks beautiful.

Riddhima wears the dress given by Vansh

SCENE 10: Vansh looks at riddhima as she comes down and he just keeps staring at her.

Riddhima: Vansh( she snaps in front of his eyes) where were you lost? Anyway thanks for the dress its really beautiful, i liked it.

Vansh: When i was buying in this dress i imagined you in this but you look more more beautiful than my imagination.May i have a dance with you?

Riddhima: (Hesistantly) Yes.

They dance and riddhima tries to go away from vansh but he hold her hand and pulls her towards him.

SCENE 11: Riddhima is in her room changing after the party when someone knocks her door.

Riddhima: One second i am coming……….Vansh what are you doing here?

Vansh: What were you doing?

Riddhima: i was about to change this dress.

Vansh: No let it be, i have another surprise for you.

Riddhima: Another surprise whats gotten into you today?

Vansh: come with me.

He takes her downstairs and she is surprised as the hall is arranged with lights and at the center there is a table with something on it seems like a cake.

Vansh: Please cut the cake riddhima.

Riddhima: How do you know that my favourite flavor is chocolate?

Vansh: Yesterday i heard you speaking that you like chocolate in the kitchen.

Riddhima cuts the cake and vansh takes a bite and puts it in riddhima’s mouth and then he slowly take her hand takes a piece of the cake and feeds it to himself with riddhima’s hand.

Riddhima: Thanks Vansh so sweet of you, can i go now?

Vansh: Nahh, sweetheart there are a lot more surprises for you let me show you.

Riddhima: Vansh i think i am fine i dont need them.

Vansh: I am sure you will surprised.

He brings in a projector and plays a video of cctv footage of that night when riddhima went into that closed room.

Vansh: I am sure you are surprised…i told you right. DID YOU REALLY THINK I AM THAT STUPID RIDDHIMA!!!!???

Riddhima: Va..Van..Vansh i can explain….

Vansh: You will Riddhima.

Tune in to check how does riddhima gets out of this new trouble!

Let me know your opinions! and whose side are you on? feels good to know that riddhima isn’t soo much like the serial one afterall? Next chapter after 23+ comments!


A writer, new to this website, but not new to writing...if you are on wattpad, you can find me there also under the name Ruhika1104

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