Gangaa 12th May 2017 Written Episode, Written Update on
Riya comes to Kushal and discuss her worries about Shiv and Ganga. Kushal says they must need to do something between them. Savitri comes to Riya and asks why she spoke to Ganga. Riya was sure Ganga would fill Shiv’s life with love, she can’t lose this chance.
The next morning, some villagers come to meet Shiv. Shiv requests them not to call him as MathaDesh and promises to help them with the work. Shiv speaks to Kushal about hiring a lawyer from city. Kushal points there is already a lawyer at home. Shiv wasn’t interested. Riya speaks to Ganga who denies helping Shiv. Ganga says she doesn’t want to work with Shiv at all. Both Kushal and Riya convince Shiv and Ganga respectively. Shiv sends Kushal to speak to Ganga. Shiv was reluctant to be with Ganga alone in the city, Kushal and Riya promise to come along.
Shiv comes and tells Riya to get ready in the morning, they need to leave for city. Ganga asks if its an order or a request. Shiv says he stated clearly, Ganga was ready. Jhumki insists on Riya to take her alone, Riya asks how she can go when she already proved she is expecting a child. Jhumki torns Riya’s new bag and leaves.
On the way, Riya asks Shiv why it is taking so late. Shiv looks around for the way, Ganga searches her phone. Shiv makes fun of her finding the way through a toy. Ganga instructs Shiv with the way. He finally stops to ask a man about the address. The man instructs them the same way Ganga was. Shiv tells her to keep her phone else the battery would exhaust, Ganga says she already brought her charge. On the radio, a news about two criminals running out of jail into the same area they were in. Ganga shows them the photos on her phone, Shiv forbids her to make them afraid.
Pratab and Jhumki come to Savitri and assures even if Riya and Kushal’s efforts work, they are still there. Savitri wish for a grandchild by Jhumki, and she will get everything named after that child.
In the court, Ganga takes care of all the paper work with the lawyer there. Shiv tries to help her but she forbids, as its her own work. The lawyer there asks her to write an application, she staples the application. A peon comes to office informing two criminals here have hidden in their area, he gets his wife’s call and hurries them. Shiv asks Ganga why she gave him the whole file insisting those papers are the old ones. Ganga thinks for a while and asks for the files back. She takes the file to sign them. The lawyer assures his work would be done soon, he must wait outside.
Outside, Riya was afraid but Kushal assures not to be afraid. Shiv allows them to go as he would wait for Ganga. In the market, Kushal hurries Riya as Shiv must be waiting.
Ganga comes out of registrar office. Shiv says he told Kushal and Riya to come soon, he complains girls take a lot of time in shopping. Ganga was offensive. Ganga thinks about calling them and goes inside to get her forgotten purse and mobile. Shiv says he would leave her if she doesn’t return soon. Shiv watches everyone running on a side, then notices two suspected men entering the building. Inside, a peon informs Ganga he submitted the purse upstairs already.
The criminals enter the building and intimidates the other to bring out a gun. They decide to stay in the building for night and head to cut the electricity.
Ganga finds the door locked, Shiv brings her purse along. Shiv hurries Ganga outside. Ganga slips and Both Shiv and Ganga fell down. They get up. Shiv calls Kushal but the phone disconnects. Shiv notices there wasn’t any battery. Ganga suspects someone’s presence. Shiv was alert.
PRECAP: Shiv and Ganga were kidnapped by the criminals. They tape a video to kill them both if their work isn’t done.
Update Credit to: Sona
You guys made the Ganga very awful, no one is watching this, you guyz can stop it now because after Chaturvedi family exit this has become very boring. Earlier I was watching it from beginning but I stopped watching it till the date you guys declared leap in Ganga. Please stop telecasting this serial
Sugar. If the show is so boring, no one is forcing you to watch. There is no gun to your head asking you to stay tuned so, stop commenting rubbish.
hi all,
this page is site is created to give feedback! and people watch out of curiosity hoping the standard of the serial will improve in next episode. Let’s take feedback as an opportunity to improve the well liked serial. and yes when serials lose their charm it is time to exit or give a twist without getting plagued by showing mind blowing stupidity.
super nike……. i agree with u
Hi nike
Sagar is just giving his views so u can’t say that he is commenting rubbish…. if he doesn’t want to see this serial is fine but u can’t say rubbish………..
Sorry to say satya this serial can’t be improve because it is too late now this serial looses its track when the 7 yrs leap happned but then also many people were hoping that saga will unite but wht happend the revamp took place so stop hoping from this serial.. because the directors have become mental nd they need to be put in mental asslam for treatment nd shocks to be given to them……….
Anushka! Agree
I just don’t understand one thing this serial is based on gangaa’s life then why everyone is fighting for Sagar and chaturvedi family…..Shiv is gangaa’s 3rd husband and Sagar too was her 2nd husband…….the real character of the show is gangaa……………but sadly writers and everybody is only interested in love life……..which has I think now become Indian serials as well as films identity………….gangaa serial writers have since beginning shown something different as compared to other serials and they did the same by introducing shiv in her life.. ……but I think by now everybody watching this show has accepted him and jha family……..and hopes to see improvements in upcoming episodes.
But sadly there is no serial which builds one’s interest in academics and is based on successful people which can motivate watchers……………..they just focus on making more number of episodes and increasing trp……..may be in future some good writers come up …….
Ms. Adu one thing I wanted to tell you that I’m a girl too…..may be you are not living in North India so you aren’t aware of it……..and I didn’t check that day comments and I’m showed to know that so much happened that day……
I personally want to say SORRY to everyone if you got hurt boz of me which wasn’t my intention at all…….. I’m 18 and I feel everyone here is elder than me and you too Ms Adu…….hope everything is alright
Hi Priya, I agree that some fans forget that the show is called Gangaa and it’s about her journey. I understand when you watch a show you do get attached to all the characters and want them to be there right to the end, but Saagar and the rest of the Chaturvedi family aren’t coming back. Most of the fans who hate the current show are Vishal/ SaGa fans, they like Aditi but only with Vishal. On her own Gangaa hasn’t been that popular most of the fan following on social media sites pre-vamp are young girls. This is the fault of the Creatives who should have made Gangaa a stronger character to stand on her own. I’ve read comments where people want Gangga to wear a white saree and go back and live with the Chaturvedi as Sagaars widow but if you really care for the character wouldn’t you want to see her live a happy life, if she could find love again wouldn’t that be nice. Also Priya you don’t need to apologise you’ve not done anything wrong, you didn’t use foul language against anyone.
Yes I didn’t use foul language but I read that day comments and everyone was literally fighting ……….. And my intention was not bad
Yes i agree wid u priya this show is based on gangaa not on her love life but the directors r just showing her love life only but now people have accepted shiv nd all but the directors should show some good story now they r not able to carry the story forward anymore so its better to end it …Yes priya i know that u r girl nd evrything is solved nowww pls end that topic?