Gangaa 1st February 2017 Written Episode, Written Update on
Ganga wakes up as she hears beating, and wonders where the sound coming from is. She walks outside the house. Shiv was vigorously beating a wooden log with an axe. She recalls Dai Maa’s advice that Shiv needs a support. The next morning, Ganga requests Dai Maa to do something. Shiv comes to the table and announces he can’t hold the seat of PrataDev. The right must be given to Pratab. Savitri and Pratab asks how they can take his place. Shiv replies that Pratab must take their father’s place. Yesterday it has been proven he isn’t worth the seat. Pratab reluctantly agrees. Dai Maa looks in shock, Shiv was happy and so was Jhumki. Shiv informs about having arranged their turban ritual. Ganga was moved at the decision.
Later, during the turban ritual, Savitri and Pratab share wicked smiles. Ganga
thinks there is something wrong for sure, she must find out. She walks outside, and in the drain she finds milk. She thinks this means Chotu still used to throw the milk, then how can his father blame Shiv for his death. Dai Maa comes behind, Ganga asks her about the whereabouts of the man. Dai Maa returns with the address. Ganga wants to go behind him, with a will to prove Shiv as innocent. They cover their faces with the veil.
At the bus station, Ganga and Dai Maa search for the man. They hear Chotu being forcefully taken by a coupe, after covering his face. She shows this to Dai Maa, she thinks this is important to stop this child and inform Shiv about it. Dai Maa sends Ganga to call Shiv, as she will keep an eye over the child. Ganga dials Shiv’s number, but the phone was on silent. She then calls home, Mukesh ji asks to speak to Shiv and informs the child is alive. Mukesh repeats the words, Pratab takes the phone. Ganga informs Pratab that Kishore is running away with the child who is alive, and tells him to come to bus stop. Pratab promises to come soon. Ganga. Dai Maa suggests about saving the child by taking the attention of people. Kishore and wife run to hold Dai Maa as she acts to fell down. Ganga walks to Chotu and asks why he has placed the cap over his face. Chotu recognizes her, and says his Baba told him to cover his face. Ganga takes him aside and clutches his mouth. Chotu calls Kirhsore, they come to save Chotu. Pratab reaches there and strictly tells him to go to the car. He then beats Kishore for blaming Shiv falsely. They take Kishore to Shiv’s feet. Kushal says that since Shiv has been proven innocent, he must get the turban. Savitri comes to apologize Shiv, and announces him as Prata Dev. Pandit asks Ganga and Shiv to touch the alms. Shiv’s hands touch Ganga’s, both were moved. Ganga notices Shiv’s turban was lose and asks to tie it properly. Jhumki tells Radhika she is helpless, as Ganga has taken over her father. She plans against Ganga.
PRECAP: Radhika was tied to a chair, Jhumki assures Shiv will make Ganga leave the house. Ganga leave the house for accusations by Shiv. Dai Maa cries in front of Shiv to have thought before blaming Ganga.
Update Credit to: Sona