Gangaa 22nd September 2016 Written Episode, Written Update on
Scene 1:
Location: Ammaji’s residence and Ganga’s residence
Pulkit responds back that madhavi and niru have a different story, and that supriya shall go through the same pain too. he then clarifies as to how the child shouldnt be made a bone of contention. he says that he accepted his fate but she went into depression, and distanced herself, and he got lonely. he tries to clarify, but she gives him the blame, and then points out both their faults.
Meanwhile, Kashish too explains the same as to how she just wanted to help him, through his maritsl crisis, and never knew when they started loving each other, and werent able to spend a second apart. ganga wonders how could she go oblivious without understanding whats going on. she asks her to forget him, but kashish says that she cant as she loves him. ganga says that it doesnt make sense, as she would get nothing out of it, and wonders why didnt pulkit solve the problem with supriya, and he bitterly disappointed everyone. she tells kashish that pulkit used her, to get out of the loneliness, and that he wouldnt ever leave his wife, as she knows the family. she asks why should she believe her, as she teaches everyone about ethics, as she loves sagar even after he got married, then how can she be wrong. ganga says that she did love him, after he married, but never got him close, and that she always wanted him to be happy with jhanvi. kashish says that she isnt noble like her, and that she wants him, and wont share him. she dials pulkit’s number, but he continues cancelling seeing the tension amounting. she dials again but he doesnt pick up. when he doesnt, ammaji asks him to pick up and talk. kashish asks her not to look sympathetic towards her, as she shall go and get pulkit, and he shall answer her questions. she rushes out crying. ganga goes after her, but she outruns her. madhavi asks him to speak up, while he is at a loss of an answer. supriya speaks up saying that since he isnt happy, he can take whatever decision he wants. madhavi asks him to speak up. zoya hopes that the family breaks so that she can rule. just then, kashis comes and pulkit is at a loss of an answer. ammaji reprimands her galore and then all are tensed, while kashish asks pulkit to speak up. Ammaji takes kashish by the hand and drives her out. she throws her, and she directly lands into ganga’s arms, who rushes to save her. she compliments ammaji that once again, she was throwing another girl out today. as she directs insults at her, saagar comes at defence. a verbal duel follows. sagar reminds her not to talk like this, as she isnt related to this family. ganga retorts back saying that kashish is her family and she wont stand anytalking to her like that. kashish is distraught, as she finds pulkit standing there watching helplessly the entire scene. tension amounts.
Update Credit to: Rimjhim
To be updated…. And also precap…
Hi Rimjhim, thanks for update…but what happened to precap? Please keep up the efforts. Cheers.
ganga nd krishna will go to registration office to get passport for going to london and there officer ask about krishna’s father to fill in the form. krishna ask ganga to say about her father. ganga looks tensedly……..
the above one is precap………..
Hi Saakhi1111, thanks for precap.
Precap: Ganga and Krishna are sitting at a government office and the worker tells Ganga that if she wants to make a passport for Krishna, she needs to show valid documents with Krishna’s father’s name. Krishna tells, “Why don’t you believe me mom? If she’s telling you that I don’t have a dad, then I don’t have a dad,” to which the guy replies, “If you don’t have a dad, how were you born.” Krishna says, “From my mother’s heart, because she wanted me so much.” The guy tells Krishna this is not true and if her mother (Ganga) told her this, then she is lying to Krishna and hiding something from Krishna. Krishna asks Ganga if this is true – is she really hiding something from her? Does she have a father?
Hi typealotism, many thanks for precap.
Wherre is the precape ?
Ha ha… Now Ganga has been caught up…. How can she get passports now…. Where she will get valid certificate of Krishna father…. Meanwhile krishna founds missing and Ganga pareshaan… Right from childhood Ganga used to pareshaan chatur family… Now the story repeats… Ha ha ha…
And glad to see the poster of this forum changed… Well done Rimjhim… Thanks for the update
I know Ganga is brave girl will face all the problems.
Maybe now Sagar is about to find out that he is indeed K dad. Krishna is not going to stop until she get the truth from Ganga. She will probably barge in the Chirtivedi Ihouse and confront Sagar In front of the whole family