Gangaa 3rd February 2017 Written Episode, Written Update on
Radhika tells Shiv she is not ready to accept Ganga as her mother, she doesnt want to let Shiv go with her. Shiv says he isnt leaving anywhere, and calls it his mistake to spare her so much. He committed a huge mistake only because of her mistake today, then wonders where must Ganga be.
Ganga was walking alone on roads, worried at middle of night. She cried about each of Shiv’s behaviours. Shiv comes from behind her, and says he wants to take her her home. Ganga says that is not her home, she has no relation with his as well. Shiv was apologetic for not giving her a chance to speak. Radhika is his biggest asset of life. There has been a huge change in her life as well, he is trying his best to accept t he change in both of thier lives. He has come to take her home. May be she settle in that
house after sometime, he assures everything would soon get fine. Shiv says he can’t let anyone take Parvati’s space in his life, it was his father’s decision but he will not regret his father nor Ganga. Now it depends on her, what she wants to do. Ganga follows him to the car.
At home, Jhumki asks Radhika why she didnt stop Shiv. Savitri thinks she never wanted Ganga to return. Shiv returns with Ganga alongside him. Savitri was curt. Ria was concerned about Ganga. Radhika runs towards her room but Shiv calls her to stop and tells her to apologize Ganga. Radhika looks towards him furiously. Ganga says its not needed, Shiv says anyone who commits a mistake in this house has to apologize, just like Radhika will. Radhika denies, as Ganga wants to take him away from her. She leaves and locks herself into the room. Savitri tells them to go away for now. Shiv insists to wait here, Ganga and other leave. Later Dai Maa brings water for Shiv, Shiv speaks to him that he couldnt take care of Radhika well. Dai Maa assures if not Parvati, Ganga is there with him. Ganga heard this from behind the door. Dai Maa says if Ganga is given the responsibility, she can take care of Radhika. SHiv says if he can’t give anything to Ganga he can’t ask her about something.
Ganga walks outside, thinking about Shiv’s words. She spots Shiv struggling to correct Radhika’s blanket from window. Ganga brings a rod, both try together and succeed. Shiv takes a leave from Ganga. Ganga says children never keep a thing in heart for long. Jhumki hears this and thinks she would never live them in comfort. she takes the rod and removes Radhika’s blanket off her.
PRECAP: Next morning, Radhika has high fever. Both Shiv and Ganga care for Radhika.
Update Credit to: Sona