1. Pooja and her ego
August 10, 2019
SRM Medical College, Chennai
A boy heads towards the college gate with his bike. He reduced the speed as it is the campus and when about to enter, his bike is violently struck by a fast-coming KTM Duke that leaves hard scratch in his bike.
is Hero Splendor. Shocked by the sudden anecdote, he opens the helmet and his face is shown.
He fumes at the rider of KTM and asks to stop. The rider is wearing a black suit and pants whose head is covered by helmet. The rider opened the shield of the helmet and stares at him with the fiery amber eyes.
That sight made the boy to take a step backward but still remains erect.
The boy – “Can’t you drive carefully? Your bike has collided with my bike leaving my bike scratched.”
The rider – “Oh, really… Why can’t you stay aside when a branded bike is entering the college? Are you an eye-patient?”
The voice makes the boy astonished as the voice is of a female. So, the rider in the KTM Duke is not he but a she. She removes the helmet from her head and free the hair bun into a free one. Her face is clear to the boy. She (Shrenu) adjusts her hair strands and looks at the boy who is standing clueless.
She – “Didn’t you hear what I say?”
He – “Oh Seriously! You are the one who damaged my bike, coming to the campus not in a desired speed limit and instead of apologising for your fault, you are now shouting at me.”
She – “First, there is no use of arguing with me. So what you want? Money…”
She looks at his bike scratches and takes some money from the pocket.
She – “This is your money… If you want money, ask me directly. Why are you creating unnecessary scenes now? Take it and get lost.”
He – “How strong headed lady you are! Who needs your money? I demand a apology from you”
She – “Apologies are not my cup of tea. Get the money and get lost.”
She throws the money notes on his face and he catches the note. He looks at her who takes her bike to the parking lot. She takes her helmet and walks classy heading towards the girls hostel with a small bag. The boy stands in disappointment and loads of controlled anger in his eyes.
One hour passed and the first period has ended. The girl who messed up with the boy in the morning is sitting at the last bench in a classy manner. She is not in the black bike suit but dressed in a very simple manner with dupatta and salwar kameez, following the dress code of the college. But her attitude didn’t change. She punches one girl by her fist sitting in the front bench. The girls give a dull look to her – “What do you want, Pooja?”
Pooja – “Hmmmm…. Nothing. Your turn now.”
Pooja punches the other girl. She asked the same question to Pooja and Pooja replied the same. These tantrums are used to the girls of her batch. There are two more girls in the last bench along with Pooja, that is Ishani(Surbhi Chandna) and Mahek (Mansi Srivastav).
They are her pen-pals and wherever she go, she is accompanied by her friends. Ishani pats on Pooja’s shoulder and asks, “What are you thinking about, Pooja?”
Pooja – “Today, one boy argued with me in the college campus as my bike bumped into his one.”
Mahek – “Did you leave him, Pooja?”
Before Pooja could answer her question, the teacher entered the class with a handbook and he sits in the teacher’s chair. The students were astonished as he is not their lecturer. Whereas, Pooja is astounded as he is the same boy, to whom she threw money and asked him to get lost.
She presses her head in shock. Pooja – “He is one to whom I messed up”. Ishani and Mahek look at her surprised and gives a ridiculous look at her. Pooja fumes with them.
He (Zain) stands up and placed his hand on the chair and looking at the students of the class who are standing very silent.
He could see Pooja also and smirks at her. Mahek – “See, how young he is! Any one could misunderstand that he is a student, but he is a lecturer”. Pooja looks down to avoid his vision
He asks the students to sit down and he introduces himself as Kabir – “Good morning students, I am Kabir. As your lecturer is on a busy work, I am going to take lectures today. The topic is Advancements in Cardiovascular Research. First, let us have some basic insight to the topic, then I’ll take you to the lab. “.
Kabir starts the class and he explained the topics as riveting as he could. Pooja is looking down, but still managed to see Kabir’s gestures while teaching. She expressed the same arrogance without depletion in her face, but only she could sense the fear in the ‘inner her’. Ishani murmurs – “He seems like a sweet professor. Better ask him sorry and end the matter soon”. Mahek whispers – “Yeah, if he ask any question, don’t fume anything and be silent and answer calmly.” Pooja stares at Mahek. Mahek – “I mean… What if he gets scared and gets out of the class in the middle. Then, I would miss the chance of sight-seeing a handsome professor.” Pooja turns her stare from her and looks at the book. Mahek sighs in relief.
Kabir stops speaking as soon as he caught the politics going on the last bench. He points at the last bench girl. Pooja looks down whereas Ishani and Mahek are shocked. Kabir reassures – “I am asking you only, stand up”. Mahek and Pooja stand simultaneously. Kabir asks Mahek to sit and asks Pooja – “Introduce yourself”
Pooja bites her teeth.
Pooja – “I am Pooja Srinivasan, sir.” Kabir asked her a simple question from the topic he had taught. Pooja stands blank as she doesn’t know the answer. Pooja thinks, “I am done if I say, I don’t know”. Pooja tries to act like as if she could answer. Kabir understood her situation. Kabir – “So, you didn’t listen to my lecture. I have been articulating from the bottom of my throat but you are standing blank.” Pooja didn’t speak anything but folds her palm tightly. Kabir continues – “No problem. Everyone has their own problems. But now again I will explain the answer for the sake of you and from the context, I’ll ask another question and you should answer. Won’t you?.” Pooja didn’t give any reaction and Kabir starts to explain the context and asks a question to her. Seeing this, she manages to give an answer. Kabir compliments and asks her to sit down. Again Pooja goes to the same position but now she is agitated.
Ishani murmurs – “It’s the first time, I am seeing you like a wet chicken.” Ishani giggles and Mahek laugh at Pooja.
Kabir – “Theory is over and let us move to lab for practical. Come on”.
After five minutes, he assembles all the students in the lab and assigned each other a table. He separates Pooja from Ishani and Mahek and assigns her near the teacher’s table. Kabir gives instructions how to do the experiment. Everyone starts to assignment and they were busy with that, but Pooja stands silent in her table. Kabir looks at her and goes near her.
Kabir – Ms. Pooja, May I know whether you have any queries regarding experiments? If no, why are you standing still?”
He smiles at her wheras his smile made her blood boil. She holds the volumetric flask and about to start the experiment. Now she stares at Kabir. Kabir – “Seems like you need to undergo Anger-management treatment. I know a good psychiatrist, so consult him. I think you need some money, right.” He says in a mocking tone and he takes the money notes from his pocket and keeps on the table. “Hope this help you” – saying this, Kabir gives a mockery smile.
Pooja holds the volumetric flask tightly and the flask breaks into pieces due to her grip making her hand extremely wound and one piece pierced Kabir’s hand. The attention of the whole lab is on Pooja and Kabir.
To be continued…
Author’s note: Thanks for the response that you have given for the Prologue. So, Finally Kabir and Pooja’s cold war begins. Give your views on comment box.
Thankyou so much dear