Ghar Ek Mandir 10th February 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on
Vedant trying to find Nisha, Vedant thinks how can she go away so early, Vedant walks back to Genda, Nisha runs away, Vedant tells Genda, Nisha isnts here. Genda says she entered fake name and no, Vedant says we need strong proof. Vedant asks can we get CCTV footage,he is informed it will take 2 days.
Mahajan celebrating his first case anniversary, Mahajan says my first win was my lucky charm and have never lost and I bet this last case also I will win, or else my whole reputation will be ruined.
Nisha goes to meet Mahajan but isn’t allowed, Guard gets call, Nusha sneaks in, Guard runs behind her to stop, Mahajan says its okay, Nisha says I need to talk alone its really important.
Genda and Vedant see Nisha’s CCTV footage, they see Nisha take a camera, Genda says where will we find her. Vedant sats definitely at Mahajan.
Nisha sats to Mahajan, I am sure this will prove my husband innocent, Mahajan’s employee fixes camera and Nisha and Mahajan see the video. Nisha in shock seeing Manish actually molest Sandy. Nisha starts crying and says Mahajan please save my husband, Mahajan asks who installed camera, Nisha says I did, Mahajan thinks this case even had my reputation on stake and so only I will win this case and the fact that he is culprit should be between us, Nisha says I won’t just keep hik safe
Genda and Vedant keeping an eye on Mahajan’s office, Genda says when you have gun why hide, Vedant says I have one but they have many, so shut up, we have to find first is Nisha really here.
Genda gets call from Varun, and they have to go Faridabad for designs, there is huge order, Genda says thats very nice but I can’t go now, Varun says okay I will go, anyways I feel suffocated here. Vedant says remember one thing, stop crying, you always cry I will walk out if case, Genda says I won’t cry. Genda and Vedant see Nisha leave in tears.
Vedant asks why is she crying, Genda says I guess she saw the truth and we need the evidence, Vedant says we have to play over our lives and get the camera but we need to be sure that camera has evidence. Genda says I will get confirmation.
Genda walks to Sandy and says come with me, I have to show today a women what a women feels.
Nisha in tears thinking about video, Genda walks to her with Sandy. Nisha asks what you two want, Genda says you think Sandy is lying, Nisha says I don’t want to talk to you, Genda says I know you have proof, Nisha asks what are you talking, Genda says I know everything from calling me as Sandy and going to Mahajan with camera and leaving in tears, what did you see tell me.
Sandy walks to Nisha and says Di you, Genda says not a word Sandy she will speak today, Genda says tell us Nisha bhabhi she is lying, Manish is innocent, look into her eyes and says and if you do, I will throw her out and beg in everyone’s feet, will you, Nisha says yes, I saw Manish is innocent, Genda in shock says I said look into Sandy’s eyes, I want to see how can you still trust him, your tears tell us Manish is at fault but you won’t tell everyone because everyone will support me, Nisha says you won’t tell anyone, Genda says I will find the truth and show everyone the truth, Manish is wrong and then I will see who family supports, the truth or lie, and I know they will support me, Genda leaves with Sandy.
Sandy says Genda I need water and leaves. Genda seea Varun packing, and says you don’t like this jacket, Varun says its okay, Genda holds his hand and says I know you are upset with me, I am sorry but I can’t leave Sandy alone, Varun says how many times will you apologise, Genda says for everything that made you upset, Varun and Genda argue on packing, Genda slips Varun holds her both about to kiss, they hear glass breaking, everyone rushes out and see people throwing stones.
Varun rushes out to check but finds no one, Anuradha says he hit whoever he wanted too, this girl is reason for bad vibes in our house, everyone accuses me and blames me for letting this girl stay here, and son in prison, society won’t let us live in peace and her character is so bad that even her parents left her, as her to leave. Genda says Mummy she isn’t at fault. Sandy leaves crying.
Pre cap: None
Update Credit to: Tanaya
What a rubbish even the producer make Genda say sorry even she is right this is disgusting
nisha suport her husband even she saw his criminal but varun wrong and Genda say sorry 

i will not surprise if Genda say sorry for all the world because she suport the truth 

i am happy this stupid she going ofair