Categories: Ghar Ek Mandir

Ghar Ek Mandir 11th August 2021 Written Episode Update : Genda visits Kundan Agarwal’s shop

Ghar Ek Mandir 11th August 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Kundan hides dragging Varun and puts ring in his mouth to calm his stroke and thinks good no one saw us.
Vatun asleep in his room, his mother cast off evil, and about to leave his room sees his childhood picture and says God knows what is happening to my kid past two years,

Mummy says Genda you didn’t have food but made me a plate, Genda says I will always look after you this way, Mummy says after your marriage I will have to look after myself, Genda says after my marriage Maharaji will look after you, and we both spoke about it, and I will take care of you even after marriage, Mummy says you will have no time after marriage, Mummy tries to eat more ghee, Genda stops her and says its not good for your health, Doctor asked not to, Mummy says all that is fine, and adds more ghee

and says the more ghee is your part and less is mine, Genda tells her about her meeting with Kundan and he reminded her of her father and he also donated for Harsha, Mummy asks how did you know about Harsha’s fees, Mummy says oh yes Maharaji told you in dreams and why couldn’t you ask him about electricity bill and I knew you must have forgotten and go tomorrow and find is there any cross connection because we getting huge amount, Genda says don’t worry, Mummy says I am only worried for your marriage, Genda says leave that tension to Maharaji.

Manish walks to Nisha and asks what all is this, who got this and go heat some Kachori, Nisha says no worries, Manish says sorry I was busy at shop, Kundan calls his wife- Anuradha, Anuradha walks to him, Kundan ask about Varun, Anuradha says I gave him medicine’s, there is no effecy, Kundan tells her about his visit, Kundan says no one broke fast without him, Nisha says you have food then we will, Kundan says this is idea family, Manish asks what is this painting, Kundan says this is a painting from temple and I donated so got it, Manish asks how much, Kundan says 5000, Nisha in kitchen hears it says for 500₹ saree I have to beg 5000 times and look at this, Kundan says I got painting and now want the painter as this house daughter in law and tells about Genda for Varun,Nisha hears that and starts thinking about Genda
Genda paints Kundan, matches his sketch with her father’s and says uncle today you blessed same like Papa did and made me very happy, Genda says I have to sleep as I have to go electricity board tomorrow.

Anuradha gets prasad for Kundan, and says you have then I will, Anuradha gives him and about to have, Kundan says take god’s name before you eat, Genda taught me this, Anuradha says you said her father is no more, and do we have info good enough that we choose her for Varun, Kundan says do you doubt ny selection, Anuradha says no, Kundan says she is money issues and if we get her here it will be like a good deed and she has devotion and culture and I want someone like hee for our family and also I have seen world more than you, and you know I never fail and so she is good choice for Varun, Anuradha says I am worried for Varun, Kundan says I will take him to doctor and he will be fine aftwr he marry and dont talk about this outside people make issues.

Genda in her dreams visit Maharaj Agrasen, guards call her electricity cross connection,and also told Kundan Agarwal that she will talk to you about his sons wedding, Genda says yes I am here for these questions, Maharaji says Genda its not good to promise someone you don’t know, and if there is no answer relations can spoil, Genda says but cross connection and daughter ib law for Kundan uncle, what is the connection, Maharaji says your question has your answer, Genda wakes up and starts thinking about her dream.

Varun gets ready, and says to Anuradha why does Papa have to come with me I am not a kid and also nothing has happened, Kundan walks in and says I have important consignment, I will visit him and then we will go to doctor, Varun says I will go alone, Kundan says okay, Varun leaves, Anuradha says you could go with him, if there is anything serious in that case, Kundan stops her and says all will be fine and says I have called Gopal to talk about marriage proposal and leaves.

Genda annoyed because electricity board asked her to come back after 2-3 days, Genda hears a vendor and then thinks about Maharajis dream that her question has her answer, Genda says does that mean we hace cross connection with Kundan uncle and thanks Maharaji and asks vendor does Kundan Agarwal stay here, Vendor says he doesn’t stay here but his shop is near by.

Doctor says to Varun, I am asking you your routine and you telling me cricket score, Doctor asks are you taking medicine, Varun says I do miss sometimes but all good, Doctor says medicines, food and rest very important take care, and where is your dad, Varun says its wedding season and also he is looking for bride for me, Doctor surprised and says wedding in such condition are you mad, don’t you know your condition.

Genda walks inside Agarwal store. Doctor tells Varun, marriage is responsibility and you nor that girl can handle this pressure, Kundan praying sees Genda.
Doctor tells Varun, you have epilepsy and you don’t know when this frequency will increase I am increasing your dosage and marriage isn’t good for you.
Genda tells Kundan there might be some cross connection, and we have electricity bill issues and I have come here to check, Manish walks in and says let me check, Manish says she is right we have cross connection and so less billing at our end past few months, Genda says Maharaji did tell me and requests for details on letter head to submit in electricity board, Kundan asks Manish to do so, Genda takes a look around and aays to Kundan you have very pretty shop and designs, Kundan says I made this jewellery, Genda says we are artist then and asks about empty frames and photos, Kundan says my father and grandfather, Genda says its so happy you work were your ancestors worked, Genda asks why this frame is empty, Kundan says I will fill it when I find someone capable.

Genda looks at Manish and asks Kundan is he your son, Kundan says yes and my younger son Manish is out due to some work and these two look after our shop, Genda says my father used to look after the temple and after we lost him I started taking care, Kundan says now its fine but after, Manish says Papa I need your sign here, Kundan signs and hands paper to Genda and gives her money, Genda asks why, Kundan says I am paying for electricity don’t deny, Genda says Thank you and leaves

Genda dashes Varun outside shop, she apologise and starts picking papers, Varun sees letter head and asks what is this doing here, Genda says Varun, Varun says we know each other, Genda says Kundan uncle’s son right, actually, there was cross connection between your shop and my house, Genda sees doctor priscription and asks Varun is he fine, Varun panics says why will I go to doctor and says I went to meet friend and leaves.

Baba says future is set and whatever wilk happen will be good.

Varun says to Genda, there is difference between distributing sweets and managing a Jewellery store.
Mummy says she liked Varun and asks Genda her opinion, Genda doesn’t answer.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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