Categories: Ghar Ek Mandir

Ghar Ek Mandir 13th October 2021 Written Episode Update Genda rushes to help Varun

Ghar Ek Mandir 13th October 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Kundan says to Varun and Ramesh, there is no sale, Ramesh says its all because of Harish and Kailash they are bad mouthing you. Kundan says I need customer to run shop and do business. Hetal and her father walks in, Hetal says Maharaji from flower shoo sent me here said you are best jeweller, I want same to same necklace. Kundan says will be done, Hetal says I want it tomorrow, here is 20,000 advance, Kundan says tomorrow is not possible, Hetal says I will have to go somewhere else. Varun says don’t worry we will get you what you want come tomorrow it will be ready. Hetal thanks and leaves with her father

Kundan says Varun how will you do, I make designs you don’t have experience too, remember one thing don’t lie to customer its our duty to tell the truth and how will you

give delivery tomorrow and if not our reputation will be ruined. Varun says don’t worry all will be done.
Maharaji in shop says you will fulfill everyone needs but for that you need your life partner, you haven’t seen her strength and sparkle, she will bring the best in you.

Genda, Nisha, Anurdha doing Pooja arrangements, Genda lost in her thoughts about Priya’s offer and Varun’s expectations.
Shivam walks in and asks whose Pooja today, Maharaji walks to him and says Devi Chandraghanta. Shivam asks why, Maharaji says Devi gives us power to utilise our knowledge and apply it at right place, and also teaches us we have to be happy, she teaches us to be knowledgeable, Shivam says I didn’t understand, Maharaji says when you are knowledgeable in something use it, may be people may not like it but when they will see your experty they will understand and to light the darkness we have to show them our knowledge, right Genda.

Kundan walks in and thanks Maharaji, Maharaji says you let me stay here, in return I did this and anyways 2 days more and I will be out. Anuradha asks where is Varun, Kundan says he is very responsible kid, doesn’t run away like others, we have urgent delivery and so he is staying at workshop tonight. Nisha thinks Varun knows nothing and how will he manage, it will be fun tomorrow morning.

Varun working in workshop, he gets call from Genda, Genda says you haven’t had anything, Varun says I will order, I am busy and disconnect the call, Genda worried about Varun’s medication, Varun gets call from Kundan, Kundan says keep in mind its urgent, Varun says I will do it tonight. Anuradha says to Kundan but Varun’s medicine and foods. Kundan says calm down he is not a kid and I trust Varun. Genda hears that.

Genda reaches shop with food for Varun. Varun confused who is at shop so late and sees Genda. Varun asks what are you doing here so late. Genda says your food and medicine, Varun says I am not a kid and I have to stand on Papa’s expectations. Varun thinks about Kundan’s pressure and has seizure. Genda calms him down, gives him Kadha and Medicine. Genda rests Varun. Varun falls asleep. Genda sees its 12 am, she sees Varun was working on a necklace, and remember Varun saying that she must listen to him, Priya’s offer and Maharaji’s words about being knowledgeable.

Anuradha doing Tulsi Pooja, Nisha walks to her and says I will make tea for everyone, Anuradha says where is Genda, Nisha says I will go check. Anuradha says no you go to kitchen, I will go call her. Anuradha sees no one is in the room.
Varun wakes up, and sees Genda near him and says you, Genda asks how are you feeling, Varun says you didn’t leave, Genda says how could I leave you and now O should go before everyone wakes up. Varun says it’s morning already, God necklace, how will I manage now, all will think I am liar, Genda says I made the necklace its ready, Varun says meaning, Genda says you collapsed and you said its urgent delivery and so I made it to help you, Varun says did I ask you for help, and you have no idea of Jewellery deaign, what will I do now, Genda says just see once, Varun says I know you ruined it, Genda says Varun atleast take a look, Varun says again you will be responsible to insult Papa, you just keep ruining things, just leave.
Genda keeps necklace on table and leaves.

Pre cap: None

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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