Categories: Ghar Ek Mandir

Ghar Ek Mandir 21st September 2021 Written Episode Update Genda decides to sell Chandrahar

Ghar Ek Mandir 21st September 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Gopal gives Kundan suggestion to mortgage his shop, Kundan says are you mad, Gopal says don’t take me wrong but now mortgage the shop and get money to pay others and when you have money we will get our shop back by paying mortgage, Kundan says never say this again, my shop is my elders blessings, I will die instead of doing this and I will manage from somewhere else but don’t tell anyone else, Gopal says I won’t, Kundan leaves.
Gopal gets call from Suman, Gopal says I came to see Kundan because Pradhan ran away with committee money and he was asking me money, and why will I give my hard earned money to him, because I don’t know will I ever get money back, Suman says good now come back we will have tea.

Genda hears that and says poor Papaji trusts, Gopal uncle

so much but he is cheating on him. Genda gets back home and sees Varun asleep and says Papaji is in big problem, should I tell Varun, Genda remember Kundan telling Ramesh not to tell anyone. Genda thinking what she can do, Varun wakes up and sees Genda looking at him, Varun says sorry I woke you up, Genda says I am good, I was about to wake up, Varun says didn’t you sleep well, Genda says today we have Laxmi pooja and have lot of arrangement to make I should get ready, Varun thinks why Genda looks so lost.

Nisha gets Kundan tea, Kundan thinking about Pradhan, Kundan says he doesn’t feel like, Anuradha asks is everything right, Kundan says yes all good, Anuradha says you are so lost what is it, Kundan says all good you make preparations for pooja. Genda looks at him and thinks he is so tensed.

Kundan checks door and sees Money launders at door, Kundan says Kailash and Harish I told you I will return money after pooja, Harish says we are here for Pooja and you said you will give money after Pooja so will take that and leave. Kundan says okay get in. Kundan asks Genda to get them tea.

Harish and Kailash discuss that they will shatter all of Kundan’s attitude when he won’t give money and will ask him to mortgage his shop and then we will see his pride, Genda hears all that and says only one way to save Papaji reputation is to give them money but how. Pooja preparation begin, Anuradha asks Genda is Prasad ready, Genda says yes. Ladies start discussing of Chandrahar Genda will wear and ask Genda to show it, Anuradha asks Genda to get it, Nisha gets angry. Genda gets Chandrahar to show everyone, ladies in awe seeing the necklace, Anuradha says its oldest and costliest gift in our house, and in our society selling gold is not good but in bad times gold helps us.

Genda sees Shivam trying to play with Kundan but Kundan lost in his thoughts, Genda thinks of Anuradha words that gold help in bad times, and thinks to save my family and shop reputation I will have to sell this and then we can have 100 such chandra har, Genda remember Kundan gifting her the necklace, Shivam watching Mahabharata, Nisha says Shivam get ready why you keep watching Mahabharata, Shivam says Mummy, only Krishnaji helps Draupadi, Nisha says because God helps in bad times, Manish walks in and asks Nisha to get ready, Nisha says what get ready and what Jewellery and Genda will wear Jewellery that was mine, Manish says how long will you stretch this, Nisha says till you discuss this with Papa and also you will talk about shop. Manish gets call and is informed, Pradhan ran away with all money.
Genda looking at Chandra har and says only one way to save our shop is to sell this Chandra Har.

Pre cap:Manish yells at Kundan for trusting Pradhan.
Genda scolds Harish and Kailash in front of whole market, Harish says now I will ruin her reputation.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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