Categories: Ghar Ek Mandir

Ghar Ek Mandir 28th December 2021 Written Episode Update Genda learns about Varun’s lie

Ghar Ek Mandir 28th December 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Kundan walks to Genda with a paper and says this house papers, do a favour sell this house, let people know you are a destruction, my ancestors must be crying in pain and only because of this girl and Anuradha pack everything because she has decided to bring us all on roads and Kundan leaves.
Genda looks at Varun, Varun says all will be fine but we have to go police station, Varun and Genda leave. Nisha thinks I have to tell Siddhant these two are going police station.

Varun and Genda lodge complaint and leave police station. They see Siddhant waiting for them in police station, Siddhant says good morning, Varun says I know you are behind all this, its all you behind photo’s too, Siddhant says I’m impressed, like your wife even you are smart but two smart people aren’t

good together and so lets separate you two. Siddhant walk to Genda and says you are proud of your relationship like Ram and Sita but I’m here the Ravan, who will separate you two, here take these divorce papers.

Siddhant says to Varun, Genda had condition if she loses the challenge she will give you divorce, Genda says what nonsense is this, I never said I will divorce Varun, Siddhant says you said you will leave your family so you will also leave this handicapped man, now cmon sign these papers. Genda says I will not, I have not accepted loss, Siddhant says you will, so don’t be a spoil sport sign it and Varun, Genda is organising my success party and you two are invited but not as husband and wife and Genda you may like some hot handsome guy there, you obviously will need new husband and Varun don’t worry Genda doesn’t like you at all, you have no idea what she did when she came at my place, just work like a wife does for her husband only. Genda about to slap Siddhant, he holds her hand and says Genda there is nothing left for you in this relation, accept the loss and move on.

Varun gets angry and stands up, Siddhant and Genda in shock. Varun holds Siddhant’s collar and says how dare you touch her and who are you to separate us first tell me why did you steal. Siddhant keeps smiling and removes Varun’s hand off his coat and says yes I organized the theft and police needs proof, so bring proof and then try to fight me.
Siddhant says Genda I thought you are Ram and Sita but you are worst, look your husband is on his feet means he lied to you that he is handicapped, such a big drama and Genda look you hide our secret and he hide his own, so sad is this, husband wife lying to eachother not good.
Siddhant says Genda you accused me of making your husband handicapped, but look he is on his feet and was lying to you, I feel bad for you and leaves.

Genda walks in Agarwal house and calls everyone, Anuradha asks where is Varun, and why are you crying, Genda says Varun lied to us, Varun walks in, everyone shocked.
Kundan asks Varun what all is this, Genda says tell us why did you lie Varun, Varun says I did this for Genda. Varun walks to Genda and says if I wouldn’t have hide the truth you wouldn’t get yhe opportunity you are capable of, you would never go out and handle the shop and your dream of working wouldn’t be accomplished.

Anuradha says to Varun, didn’t you think about your parents, Varun says I’m sure you must be in pain seeing me like this and what about bringing a daughter in law and asking her to give up on her goals and life is fine for you, and I thought when Genda will prove herself that she can manage home and shop, I would tell everyone truth but seeing Siddhant misbehave I couldn’t control.
Genda says Varun you did all this for me then why were you upset with me, Varun says I wasn’t and I trust you, I knew there will be a reason that you visiting Siddhant, I just felt bad you hide it, Genda says Siddhant had threatened that if I tell you he will burn shop papers and so I kept quiet, I didn’t want to hide from you.

Varun walks to Genda in their room and closes the door.
Varun says Genda, Siddhant want to defeat us by separating us but we together will fight him and send him to jail, but first we have to find out how is he doing all this, Genda says yes somehow Siddhant knows all are plans and we have to find how.
Nisha listening to their conversations.

Pre cap: Nisha tells Siddhant, Genda and Varun are suspicious what if they find about me.
Siddhant says so how does that matter to me, and you are the one who did all this.
Genda finds tracking app on her phone and says Varun is Nisha bhabhi behind all this, Varun finds recorder and write a note saying Genda, Siddhant used Nisha against us and now we will use Nisha against him.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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