
Ghulaam 21st February 2017 Written Episode Update

Ghulaam 21st February 2017 Written Episode, Written Update on

Rashmi bandages Shivani’s hand cut and signals how is Balam. Shivani says Balam is fine and starts crying that she saw a lot today, a mentally challenged woman whom people call as mad, her son who considers himself as Ghulam and does not care about his life.

Rangeela heats water and tries to take steam to lessen his cold covering himself with bedsheet. His amma comes and takes blanket away and runs saying whatever sonn does even amma will. He catches her and water utensil falls down. Amma gets afraid. He consoles her.

Manmeet ties Rashmi’s leg via rope to chandelier and says he is playing doctor doctor today. He says when his leg was fractured, his leg was tied similarly. If he asks her to have tablet and take injection, she has to. He lights drug cig and forces her to puff it. She pushes. Maldawali watches via door slit and thinks she gets same satisfaction seeing a woman’s tears which Manmeet gets from charas. Manmeet searches his cig and angrily tries to hit Rashmi with a stick. Maldawali runs and stops him. He says she knows he gets charas with so much difficulty. She gets nervous and says how can she know and sends him away. She then frees Rashmi. Rashmi reminisces Manmeet words and realizes Maldawali is supplying charas

Shivani gives herbal tea to Rangeela for his cold ad reminds his promise to let her meet mamaji. He reminisces rescuing mamaji and hiding him in a hut and telling he is just following his boss’s order. He tells Shivani that he remembers and leaves.

Veer in his room enjoys rasgulla and drops sugar syrup around Shivani’s. Shivani comes and sleeps. He then leaves ants and they start biting Shivani. Shivani gets up rubbing her skin. Veer asks her to come and sleep on bednext to him. She says no. He asks to get out and let him sleep. She walks out of room. Rangeela comes from behind, kidnaps her and takes her to godown. She asks who is he and why did he bring her here. Mamaji hearing her voice says shivani bitiya. Rangeela switches on light and says he promised her that she will let her meet her mamaji and fulfilled his promise, brought her out silently and now she has only 5 min. Shivani and mamaji get emotional.

Precap: Veer catches Rangeela with Shivani redhanded and says he had a doubt on him from before, gives gun and asks to show his loyalty now.

Update Credit to: MA

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