Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 11th June 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on
Bhavani asks Virat if he thinks what Sai did with Pakhi is right, she brutally humiliated Pakhi and was blabbering that Virat is not her husband, their marriage is an understand and she will leave home. She continues yelling that Sai should go right now, but will not; she continues that Pakhi is in deep sorrows after Sai’s allegations, she is already tensed regarding her husband, what is wrong if she speaks to Virat and if there is any restriction to speak to someone in this house. Virat fumes, but controls his anger.
Devi gets happy seeing Sai at her home and seeing her sad asks if she is angry on her. Pulkit says she is sad because of some other reason and is very tired and hungry after day’s long studies, so Devi should give her something to eat. Sai says she doesn’t want to as she ugly and bad. Devi says she is beautiful. Pulkit says should inform Virat that she is here. Sai says she doesn’t want to. He says he realized the issue now and says he will inform Virat she will stay back here tonight. She says why should she inform Virat, he is intelligent enough and will find out himself if he cares for her even a bit.
Bhavani continues badmouthing about Sai and says Sai doesn’t care for Virat, she is flying high because of Ashwini’s support, she is uncultured, arrogant, etc.., but Pakhi is well mannered and well educated and knows what to speak, etc., and once Sai becomes a doctor, she will slit their throats. She then asks to forget everything and feed Pakhi. Virat stands shocked hearing that. Bhavani says she wants them to have food together. Pakhi asks why is she adamant and why can’t she understand that she is humiliated because of this, she wants to go to her parents’ house now as she feels suffocated here and will often visit her. Virat says she need not go anywhere and apologizes on Sai’s behalf. Pakhi says Sai should apologize instead and if he is apologizing as Sai is his wife. He says he is because Sai is not present here and requests her to have food. Bhavani yells that Pakhi will not have food if he just orders, he should have food with her in this room itself like he does with Sai, so she will send food for them. Virat says he is not hungry. Bhavani says he can feed Pakhi instead. Pakhi says she herself can have food. Bhavani says she will not after today’s incident and needs someone to feed her, so she should have food from Virat’s hand.
Virat gets Pulkit’s call who asks if something happened between him and Sai, Sai is here and will stay here overnight. Virat shouts that Chavan nivas is not a hotel that Sai comes and leaves whenever she wants. Pulkit asks him to calm down as Sai is very hurt. Virat shouts that doesn’t mean she can do whatever she wants, if she wants to punish them, etc. Pulkit says there is no doubt that Sai cares for him and something really happened that she is hurt most, either him or Sai can only answer what happened. Ashwini enters and hears their conversation. Bhavani yells that people are complaining Virat that he is not bothered about Virat, but Sai proved that she is not bothered about Sai, she didn’t call or message Virat and planned to stay away after creating such a big drama. Ashwini thinks her fear is coming true. Bhavani continues yelling that Pulkit followed Sai’s orders like a servant and called Virat, Pulkit is inauspicious, Sai purposefully made him call to trouble me. Virat says Sai didn’t want Pulkit to call him and Pulkit himself called. Bhavani continues her unbearable yelling.
Sai reminisces Pakhi and Virat’s conversation. Madhuri asks her to have something at least now. Sai says she doesn’t want to. Harini gets happy seeing Sai, hugs her and searches Virat. Pulkit says Sai directly came from college, so Virat didn’t come along. Madhuri says its bad manners, Sai will feel that she is not happy seeing her here. Harini says she is very happy seeing Sai here and drew a special drawing for Sai and Harini. Pulit asks to show it. Harini shows drawing of Virat and Sai holding her hands. Sai says its really good. Pulkit says Sai doesn’t want to have dinner, so she should convince her. Harini insists. Sai reminisces Ashwini feeding her and agrees to have dinner.
At Chavan nivas, Bhavani doesn’t have dinner and says she is not hungry. Sonali asks what should she serve then. Bhavani says poison. Sonali says she will brings it. Bhavani scolds her. Karishma comments that they have to be hungry because of Bhavani. Sai calls Ashwini and informs that she is staying at Devi’s house tonight. Karishma provokes Bahvani that Sai should have called elder of the family and not Ashwini. Bhavani yells as usual. Ashwini tells Sai that she should have informed Sai. Sai says she doesn’t want to speak to Virat. Ashwini asks if she is angry on even her. Sai says she cannot be angry on her even in her dreams and says she will go to college from here itself with Pulkit. Ashwini asks her to call Virat once if possible.
Precap: Sunny cheers up Virat and offers him vada pav.
Virat says its Sai’s favorite, don’t know if she had food or not. Sunny says he is worried for Sai, Sai also loves him and hence gets angry when she sees him with Pakhi. Pakhi hears their conversation.
Update Credit to: MA
1. Virat is more than unripe of ear and deaf person, I wonder how did he joined police force


this time Sai doesn’t forgive Virat for long period of time…

2. Bhavani provoked Virat against Sai and he agreed that sai was wrong, and said sorry to pakhi, rather he should have courage to speak truth, but directly-indirectly he is blaming sai
3. Sai should divorce Virat and move on, he deserve Pakhi type of girl only, they can have relation with each other..
4. I just hope
5. These chavans has lost their mind, who is convicing Virat to have relation with Pakhi indirectly, just becoz they hate Sai
The makers have successfully spoiled the sizzling chemistry of Sairat…..Why can’t they show Virat as a sensible man?Even if he loves Sai now he should admit that he had once loved Pakhi….how can he blame Sai for everything…
Enough is Enough…. It’s time to say good bye to this stupid serail. I have stopped watching long back and now no more reading the updates tooooo…..
Till yesterday I have some where a feeling, virat is intentionally not disclosing his old relations just to support pakhi as family may go against her and even samrat is not around, just to protect her he is taking blame.Today he became worst, he feel sai is wrong and saying sorry like seriously.
This kaku OMG she is asking to feed him to pakhi. I really don’t want to talk about, I will loose my decency…….
Lot of negativity and giving bad signs to society. Stupidity… How can this even in top trp list
True….till today even I was expecting that Virat will speak up….looks like writers decided not to give him in any dialogues.
Even more worse was kaku and Patralekha are emotionally blackmailing Virat and they made him say sorry also on behalf of Sai, which is completely unacceptable.
I totally agree with your comments too. I too cannot watch this serial anymore. That Pakhi is “educated, well-mannered etc” is too much. In real life, she would lead a very lonely life in jail because of her stalking behavior.
This show is making a mockery of marriage Why get married if you going to have extramarital affairs with in the family

This is getting on my nerves now. I am like totally totally fed up. What the hell is this? What are these makers trying to do? I have a request to the makers, please unite virat and pakhi and bring a new lead for sai or else stop this nonsense show. Kaku was worst today. now she is asking virat to feed food for pakhi, don’t know what she will tell tomorrow to virat… She was bad mouthing about sai a lot today and as usual the statue (virat) was there. I mean just fuming from anger is not enough, why cant he speak up and why the hell he said sorry to pakhi? . The other thing is the so called elders of chavan niwas is always telling sai to leave the house and now if she is not returning for one night why are they over reacting. Why should sai inform for the people who really doesnt care about her.
Does the writer have something for extra marital affairs. Does he have a dreams of these that he is writing. We the viewers have been requesting to stop showing this bullshit and show some backbone in Virat to stand by Sai and his mother. But all are falling on dead ears. Has the makers forgot the meaning of Sanskar. This is not a serial we can watch with kids so it is better to put the on a late night slot. Due to lockdown kids are also always in the same space and this is not what we want to show kids. I don’t watch only come to read as that is the only way possible now
Truly, virat doesn’t deserve sai. He is IPS and can’t understand sai,’s emotion and pakhis intentions. And doesn’t notice that pakhi is spying on him. How could he be an IPS OFFICER.
Would they ever stop showcasing incestuous relationships?????????

The serial is becoming flop. virat does not have sense only. He did not speak a word , when bhavani is blaming sai. And how can virat tell that he loves sai.
Bhavani is trying to make closer pakhi and virat. What a cheap thinking???
We the viewers have been requesting to stop showing this bullshit and show some backbone in Virat to stand by Sai and his mother.
Has the makers forgot the meaning of Sanskar. This is not a serial we can watch with kids so it is better to put the on a late night slot. Due to lockdown kids are also always in the same space and this is not what we want to show kids.
FLop serial. It will surely go down.
It is better show sairat reuion.
This Bhavani has completely lost her mind…..How the hell can she even ask Virat to feed Pakhi…though Devars feed their elder sisters and Bhabhis with respect and affection…her words doesn’t indicate either affection or respect….she’s indirectly pushing Pakhi towards Virat…Virat should once open his mouth and shut his brainless family’s mouths for once and all especially Pakhi….Karishma should be really thankful to god that this brainless chavans are not pushing Pakhi towards Mohit and neither Sai keeps on poking in between Mohit and Karishma…even though Mohit is criticized for no t earning, he’s only Karishma’s husband and Karishma need not share her husband with someone else.
It’s high time the makers get Samrat back so that Pakhi remembers that she’s married…
first day of the show they are blaming sai if she speaks they will blame,if she will not then to they will blame , if she do something good they will blame , if she eat food they will blame if she wont the will blame!!!! WHAT CHAVANS HAVE PROBLEM WITH SAI!!!! omgg some family knows sai is saying truth then too they will blame!!!! and pakhii shes such a characterless and complicated girl i have ever seen she wants virat and when sayi is saying truth shell be like uh are insulting i really hate her !!! she crossing her limits!!!! i cant understand how they are reaminh high top in trp chart!!! ishq par zor nahiin is far far better than this shows!!! that show shows women empowement and this show showing dewar babhi relationshop!!! guys if uh are reading my comment plss watch ishq par zor nahiin its a very lovely show and uh guys gonna love it!!!
This Bhavani has completely lost her mind…..How the hell can she even ask Virat to feed Pakhi…though Devars feed their elder sisters and Bhabhis with respect and affection…her words doesn’t indicate either affection or respect….she’s indirectly pushing Pakhi towards Virat…Virat should once open his mouth and shut his brainless family’s mouths for once and all especially Pakhi….Karishma should be really thankful to god that this brainless chavans are not pushing Pakhi towards Mohit and neither Sai keeps on poking in between Mohit and Karishma…even though Mohit is criticized for no t earning, he’s only Karishma’s husband and Karishma need not share her husband with someone else.
It’s high time the makers get Samrat back so that Pakhi remembers that she’s married…
Creative Director and Writers have completed butchered the ML’s character. Its destroyed beyond redemption now. They have successfully ruined SaiRat (which is the USP of this completely clueless show).
Till now I was expecting that Virat will speak up but no more hopes.
It looks like writers forgot to give dialogues to the ML.
How many more episodes they will stretch piggy backing on ML’s expressions.
Seriously I wonder what they wanted to portray in today’s episode, Bhavani kaku is encouraging Patralekha’s ideas and giving her new dirty ideas also.
I seriously feel no girl/woman deserves such type of husband and family. Better Sai never returns back to this ‘chidiya ghar’, as her staying back in this house will be like she compromising on her self respect and ideologies.
Copy pasting the Bengali version is not a good idea, depending on the audiences current taste and trend they should modify the story and focus on it.
OMG what kind of nonsense serial is this? Bhavani is telling Virat to feed Pakhi with his hands, how can she suggest that? She even said that what if Pakhi and Virat loved each other before marriage, Sai shouldn’t make a big deal out of it, seriously! This means indirectly, she is encouraging them to have extra marrital affair. Oh this woman is really a disgrace to womanhood. Virat too doesn’t have a backbone, he knows all that Sai said is true and instead of being courageous enough to admit the truth, he is rather blaming Sai and apologising to Pakhi, that shameless woman. Sai should never apologise to her b’cos she is not wrong. I wish she doesn’t come back to that house again. Look at that shameful woman, she is even eavesdropping on Virat and Sunny’s conversation.
what rubbish sai always shouting she should go with brain
make proper plan if girls like sai then all homes will break
This is SUCH a stupid serial.
This episode was just about people not eating food.
I haven’t watched in a long time and I won’t be reading updates anymore. It’s just a waste of time.
You can ask a 6 year old to write a story and that story will probably be more interesting than this serial because it will have a plot.
What does GHKPM have? Good looking actors and actresses, nothing else.
When virat doesn’t have the courage to admit his past relationship with that bit*h pakhi then then how can he has a courage to admit his so called love for sai. He is coward. In Both situations he is not admitting the truth and his feelings for sai.
It appears this Virat character in a characterless clan is doing everything to win A*Seho(r)le of the Decade’ award. He does not deserve Sai. Writers should now move on out of this family and concentrate on Sai in harmonious, supportive, productive and progressive phase.
Really show is going worst day by day i feel to give a tight slap to bhavani chavan . she is getting on my nerves . this pakhi is also a cheap eyeing on others husband . first she has to find her missing husband and she ia not at all bothered shameless pakhi
Boycott GHKKPM is literally trending now in social media!
I’m not even joking right now, is the storyline really being written by some kid or what?! Virat is just being stupid and that Pakhi is going behind Virat inspite of having a husband. And what in the world is Bhavani saying?! She’s literally supporting an extra marital affair??? Wtf!!
Sai doesn’t deserve an idiot like Virat nor a stupid, culture less family like Chavans. Better separate SaiRat and bring in a new lead, whom Sai deserves, someone who would respect and trust her.
Please makers, people are asking to even boycott the show, do something, bring in a script which is better than the current plot which is absolutely trash or else shut down the show.
Pakhi is shameless that can understand, but this bhavani will fall sooo down she is ssooo cheap that supporting extra marital affair clearly just becoz she doesn’t like sai. Wat kind of woman she is? Even if samrat returns now that will be of no use, as pakhi will go to virat’s bedroom in front of his eyes and bhavani will say he should understand that pakhi has now habit of virat,, so tolerate ur wife in ur brother’s room now. Becoz u r also samajzdaar and elder so u should understand that. If pakhi’s mind changes then she will come to you otherwise don’t disturb them, i am here to keep watch outside of room. Ufff, wat the f..

Congrats makers, writers
so funny bhagya. I cant stop laughing….. according to the current track we can expect this to happen.
Sai please don’t forgive Virat easily this time, all the chavan.s including virat take you for granted. Let that selfish virat confess the truth in front of his useless family. Though the Chavan’s call Sai as junglie munglie, the Chavan’s are the real junglie munglies . Even If you go back to Chavan’s again this time, don’t waste your energy on explaining things as those idiots will not going to accept you so this time you start a silent war, let your silent make the annoy more than your talk.
You deserve a better man than that stone Virat .
Can someone please let me know whether they telecast this drama with English subtitle. Ev
The show has become stupid,no love ,no romance no humanity, it’s as if Sai is living with aliens, because normal people don’t behave like this chavans, disgusting..I prefer Mehendi with Raghav Rao than virat who had no guts.Even Shauyra sir Anokhi is awesome,he fought his family for Anokhi but Virat keeps standing like a statue.
shaurya sabarwal is just one piece…he is a fire
yes Shaurya is unique- I love it when he gets angry that music plays…his long strides shows determination; his glasses shows he is not under any illusion- he is fierce. Virat is just a fool then again he is his father’s son henpecked by the women in his house.
That spineless Virat had the audacity to get mad at Sai staying at Pulkit’s home. He really deserves to be humiliated the next time he goes to meet Sai. Even his facial expressions a beginning to be a pain to watch

Interesting soap
Arre baba all of u pls understand. Aunty pakhi is getting so much of prominence since she is virat/statue/spineless mans wife. I am fed of her cranky face. Her wierd expressipns r a limit. And less said about lysty kaku the better
In fact in yesterdays episode i thought after telling virat/statue to feed lusty pakhi aunty she will then even tell him to change her night dress. I think BILs must be doing the same thing for her. We all should stop watching this toxic serial during prime time n bring the TRP down.
And that virat / statues expressions when the family is bad mouthing Sai is worth watching. Absolutely no feelings.
The makers should either change Neil or lusty Aishwarya madam.
Next we will see Bhavani telling Virat to sleep with Pakhi becoz she is alone, hurting, insulted, highly educated, well mannered, classy and respects everyone.

Virat needs to open his mouth on Pakhi and let her know she is lying about everything she says about Sai, he knows it and she knows it yet he supports her by not saying anything.
I seriously hope they never gets married off screen, she will make his life miserable