Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 12th March 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on
Pakhi cries vigorously hearing Virat murmuring Sai’s name and their equation. Serial’s title song plays in the background. Sai gets Ajay Kamble’s message that within 5 minutes, everything will turn into an ash like the one he smeared on her face. She recalls the recent incidents and thinks if its Ajay Kamble. She finds ash on her forehead and recalls a man smearing it on her forehead. She rushes to Virat and tries to wake him up. Pakhi shouts why did she return now, if she wants to completely trap Virat. Sai says she got a message from Ajay Kamble. Pakhi asks who is Ajay Kamble. Sai says she will explain later and when she fails to wake up Virat, she runs out. Vinu’s music player breaks down again. He opens it to repair it. Bomb glows inside it.
Sai runs to constables and informs that Ajay Kamble had come and has sent her a threatening message that everything will turn into ashes in 5 minutes. She gets worried for Vinu and Savi and questions Chhavan family about them, they all say Savi and Vinu must be somewhere around playing. Sai runs towards Vinu’s room. Vinu notices a time bomb and looks at it confused. Sai reaches there and shouts his name. Bomb blasts leaving everyone in hock. Virat also wakes up hearing bomb blast and runs out. Sai rescues Vinu and brings him out safely. Virat says he heard a bomb blast, what happened here. Vinu says he will and describes how Sai saved him on time by throw the music box out of window. He says Sai aunty saved him on time or else.
Virat asks who brought music box in. Sai says Ajay Kamble. Virat says how will Ajay Kamble enter breaching security. Sai explains how he entered as DJ Kolte, gifted music box to Vinu, a sent her a threatening message which is auto deleted. Virat angrily says he will not spare Kamble and drives his car away. Sai asks someone to stop him or else he will kill Kamble. She with Mohit follows Virat’s car. Ajay celebrates with his goons and boasts that Sai and her family must have turned into ashes. Virat reaches there and brutally trashes Ajay for trying to to harm his wife and son. Varsha stops him and says only she has right to punish Ajay. She slaps him and calls him an eunuch for harrasing a woman. Ajay shouts at her. Varsha slaps him again and seeks permission from Virat to arrest a monster. Virat warns Ajay that if he looks at his family again, he will smash him away.
Precap: Virat tells family that Sai will not go anywhere and walks in holding her hand. Bhavani looks happy while Pakhi and Ashwini frown. He says even if his family wants to, he will not let Sai go away.
Update Credit to: MA
Hats off to Sai for proving time and again that she is a smart and strong person….So, Virat again leaves a person who literally got a bomb blast done….Very smart for a DCP……
That man almost killed your son..Had it not been for Sai, you would have been crying tears of blood
And what does he do then, goes after that man in anger to show his concern and anger and just leaves with a warning
I am concerned for the people of Nagpur(of course in the show) who have to live with such an incompetent police force
Sai was smart enough to actually go and talk to people who could help her, the constables and idk why Virat when he was unconscious or asleep but okay, they had to show some contention between pakhi and sai… let it be
I honestly pity Sai for actually falling in love with Virat…That man has done nothing but just time and again forced Sai to touh rock bottom…..If not for him, she could have really been a very successful person(Not that I don’t think she is doing well now, but as an extraordinary student, she deserved to be touching highs and creating a brand out of herself as a doctor and surgeon and not look out for jobs when coming to a city….People should have lined up to offer her a position at their hospitals)
Now, before anyone else asks, what about my favourite Pakhi? Her only job in today’s episode was crying near Virat’s bed and an argument with Sai. So not much to delve further
And isn’t that precap from Virat and Sai’s 1st mahashivratri after their wedding?
Maybe the show is going to run on flashbacks for a while until they set things around for a new set
The criminal is arrested that’s all that matters, and he will be taking to prison where he belongs, and just because virat is a dcp that doesn’t give him the right to take matters into his own hands.
So SLEEPING BEAUTY is still sleeping whilst vinu and Sai are in trouble

and why is the lusty
shouting at Sai ,she’s trying to save her braty son’s life 

I’m glad that Sai and vinu are alright and no one is hurt
So now FATHER INDIA is sober and he wants to be heroic ,he went and fought with Ajay 

. I’m glad that finally Varsha is standing up for herself all thanks to Sai
,she should’ve thrashed her stupid husband that he stop thinking woman are inferior toman
And why is this lusty
blaming Sai for everything wrong in her life .anyway thank you Vankar for giving us Sai ,she said after removing fear from vinu’s mind she will leave and she’s doing that .
just called Sai “his wife ” 

So this
And the precap I want Sai to leave the CN her mission is complete if vinu wants to stay with her it’s going to be his choice now .
@Nadine, she won’t leave for her kids… she would want them to have the support of family and not experience the same struggles she experienced. Sai is built different, she is strong but she doesn’t hold grudges. After everything that
did Sai even saved her. Sai has a clean heart she doesn’t harbour hatred. With Bhavani she’s curt because she knows how Kaku’s mine works but she’s not like if they get hurt in front of her she’ll let them die, whereas mother india has been holding her grudges for 10 odd years. She thought Sai was dead and she’d connive her way into the
feeling so much pity he’d give her pity
she’s so desperate and annoying.
@Jade I know she’s soo good yet fearless
. And yes you are right she will not leave if that bastard
ask her to stay ,savi always wanted to be with her family ,so she will give in for her sake
..even if if she stays there I still want NML for her
.. mother India’s odd grudges towards Sai is just crazy ..I just want sai to tell this
to just give this lusty
so that she can stop annoying Sai .
@Nadine, lusty
can effortlessly get
@ the market
How did this bheegi billi Varsha suddenly learn to roar… anyway you all notice how recently it’s been Sai saving the kids and doing action scenes… my belief that Ayesha is being prepped to play adult Savi has been bolstered. Aleh trashwini’s Godu is still having nap time while Sai is doing his job… being a
must be so tiring, shame let him sleep… forever…
Let’s see that headline – Sai saves Vinayak, not Mother India – Sai. mother india was having a breakdown like a spoiled brat because she didn’t get
and father india was intoxicated… let us remember that nautanki Rani
lekha was the one who tried to intoxicate Sai and intoxicated her own illegal Devar husband. She set a trap that this childish, immature, moronic woman herself fell in, how many times does she need to fall before her braincells start working and she goes like “hey, maybe I should stop debasing myself and start a new fresh life instead of chasing shadows” but nope Vankar has no brains or creativity hence we have this
I actually want to see watchman
sleeping outside Sai’s room while Lusty
cries and trashwini keeps looking like she’s about to have a stroke. Yesterday when Bhavani spoke straight and directly to her telling her the
should be thrown away like an unwanted crutch, that was 

we can see Bhavani doesn’t care… I just want her to rip lusty’s mangalsutra and throw it on the floor and call her marriage illegal.
I’m just wondering if Bhavani will bring a new male in to get friendly with Sai and trigger the
let’s see what the
s real mom plots next… I’m hoping she plots to throw trashwini out cause I can’t stand her more than the 
I miss @Siya
@Jade Varsha learned to roar being in the company of Sai
Otherwise she would be wailing somewhere in a corner had she be lusty
sleeping beauty is still out ,but after all the action Sai did
will be awarded for his bravery 

I don’t know what is wrong with trashwini these days ,it’s like she’s taking notes from the non actor lusty
and does those weird expressions 

the “she looks like she’s about to have stroke “part got me 

I can’t help but 

I’m sure that won’t happen now because of this manchild
and his farz ..maybe bavhani is the one who will bring in a man for Sai .and we all know that
will go mental 
and thus maybe he himself will tell lusty that their marriage is illegal 

or bavhani can just rip lustys mangalsutra like you said .
Mother India is absurd I tell you
Ps I also miss @Siya
@Jade, @Nadine
Even I missed you people soo much but I had no time to come here because of my annoying manager

Hello my lovelies
I guess last 3 episodes were worth watching as we got to see lusty in servant mode and got to see her crying and wailing
3 times she pulled same stunt and all the 3 times it backfired on her
Samrat must be laughing at this piece of nonsense from haven
I still want to see his spirti haunting
and lusty and inturn helping Sai at every step. Even I strongly feel there will be a generation leap shortly. BTW are you watching YRKKH, I would address that also as “
” from now as that’s what it became, here we have Sai to stan and admire but there all the characters are trash except for Abhinav which I know will be ruined very soon for the toxic reunion and Abhimanyu Birla is competing with this
to become worst ML ever. But he’s in 3rd position as there is Fateh in 2nd position after this 
Lusty is nutsy too as I mentioned before
himself yells that lusty’s marriage is illegal after going total mad seeing Sai with some other man, about Ashwini, she’s one more gone case, no words for her. This Mother India remembers her “beloved” son only when she had to blackmail
, I’m loving the way Bhatts and Vankar are still getting backlash as he’s now trying to sell after showing all PakRat cringe
his other show TMD is a flop and if this too drops from #2, then the PH have to sell off everything to cover up losses.
I wish
@Siya you are here
. I was hoping that you will be here without even knowing that you commented today
♥️its always wonderful to see your comment. Oh what did your annoying manager do?
Btw lastnight I commented really late on yesterday’s forum it was 11:43.
and about this show I will say, if the writers become human, they need to give sherni the happiness she deserves by bringing the new male lead again. I might sound harsh but as we know I have reasons for saying this
I wish the writers and their ladli characterlesslekha died in that real fire which happened on the sets of this dumpster serial then we would all be spared from this nonsense. Its time for new team of writers who actually are professional with a progressive mind to hire Ayesha making her the lead of the story with a handsome male lead so then we will be comfortably be able to actually watch that show as we will be certain that the story won’t be negatively running on circles.
@Jade yes @Siya is missed♥️
lets hope that she comes to the comment section today. I think varsha got inspired by sherni (sayi). In other words maybe sherni effect. And I too would really love to see sherni playing adult savi and yogendra guy (the man who played samrat) playing adult vinayak but before this leap happens I wish vinu and sayi’s equation goes back to how it actually was before insecurechildishshamelesslustylekha told the falsified truth to him. Atleast the writers made vinu see sherni saving him which is also better than his bratty behavior towards his biological mom. But if they make vinayak discover the truth BEFORE moving to any leaps then it will be nicer to read the episode.
and yes i too have a feeling they are preparing ayesha for action scenes. Then crywhiny’s godu was sleeping but he should actually be crying for his poor decisions instead of sleeping. But as you said he probably feels exhausted being a rat

. Actually characterlesslekha should be trolled and called out on twitter for her lack of self-respect 
but anyways its nothing new that she will continue being the shameless, lustful, characterless excuse of a woman she is towards her own devar until the equally characterless writers decide to suddenly whitewash her to fool the viewers but smart ones like us will always see through her as she is never capable of any remorse and that she is only capable of being the dumb idiot she always is. 
its funny now bhavaani no longer wants her. And I don’t think bhavaani will be happy to see any male near sherni other than her useless DCP son. But if she brings one, then it will only be for the sole purpose of bringing the jealousy out of her son to reunite sherni with the useless DCP. I too wish she teaches a befitting lesson to crywhiny and crywhiny’s characterless criminal bahu.
@Akansha I just want Vinu to know his beloved
mama threw food away in his name, that she committed the sin of wasting food for her own jealousy and blamed it on the kid… I want to see him look at her with disappointment and walk away and Savi to stop her and tell Lusty
she’s a bad aunty and she will look after her dada. We know Savi doesn’t give a flying hoot about the
she will make her dance on hot coals for her own entertainment if she wants to. I am waiting for Ayesha to play Savi, I think Savi will be very different from Sai, Savi might hold a grudge and turn Lusty into her personal maid 

I think Savi’s entry is what made Ravan Niwas a happier place and Ninad was the first to have that realisation, he heard the shank when Savi stepped in. Watching Savi bonding with Ninad and her real grandmother Bhavani is heart warming
@Jade oh yes that would be wonderful because if the writers actually decide to get their acts together making vinu find out his so called beloved mother india threw away the lunch box which was supposed to reach him sent by sherni, then I surely will watch that episode instead of reading
I would also love to see him question his mother india on why she threw away the lunch box sherni prepared for him imagine the look on his mother india’s ugly fat face

. And what you have mentioned about vinu looking at his mother india with disappointment, I wish he would stare at her with disappointment+disgust and then to add the icing to the cake I would also like to see him to loudly yell at his characterless excuse of a mother india calling her gandhi aunty and + hear him say characterless aunty making her reach into a big shock leading her to collapse on the floor on her knees. Now imagine that

and lets pray that the writers gain enough common sense to show us all these things done by vinu. And savi also looking at the characterlesslekha with disgust and angry face saying she will look after her dada and if she (characterlesslekha) ever tried to mess with her (savi’s) mom then she (savi) also wouldn’t hesitate to call her (characterlesslekha) characterless aunty and that she (savi) too won’t tolerate her mom being sad anymore. 
and i would like to also see savi making characterlesslekha dancing on glasses first and then after that making her dance on top of hot coal without even giving proper time for the wounds that pathetic woman got on her feet from dancing on the glasses to heal

. Then it will be entertainment entertainment and entertainment. And if ayesha is playing savi I too would love to see her turning characterlesslekha into her (savi’s) personal servant 

and i too feel that savi made ravan niwas little bit human as ninad heard shank upon her arrival. I too love reading the scenes where savi bonding with ninad and bhavani. Now I wish to see her bonding with omi and sonali too somewhat then imagine paagallekha’s reaction

she will see that she is losing control of everything she wishes even if she never had the ball in her court

@Siya if only we could be blessed by Lusty having a nervous breakdown and hallucinating Sam laughing at and mocking her because she is in the same position she put him in.
That would’ve been a gift to our eyes.
Who all enjoyed papilekha crying yesterday nd today for no reason. A lot of people blame sai that papilekha isn’t a villain for no reason nd sai got some problems with her but honestly I never hate papilekha for being villain. It’s just she herself is responsible for all her problems. Either it’s insecurity or foolishness, or stupidity or virat. It’s either her or virat who is responsible for the problems in their lives nd their family lives nd of course sai, just bcoz she isn’t crying nd fighting her own battles which are either with chavan family or personal problems doesnt mean she’s responsible for all of thus. A woman who left loser behind years ago with her child, why would she want to trap him again when clearly things have become so different now. I knew that virat never gated sai it was just his anger but stupid family will believe him only when he’s against sai otherwise she’s being brainwashed or have become her servant. Is this papilekha idiot, doesn’t she know from start that virat has moved on nd loves sai, when her reaction with Jim could not be cemented in past 6 years when sai was away then what will change today??? Why crying like this, you wanted virat nd got him along with his own blood to keep u intact with him, lost your womb now he’s be in guilt if whenever vinu is separated from her, after all this if she expects she will get love of virat then you’re so wrong. The biggest challenge is that only, you’ll get your love but the most treacherous thing will happen after that when you’ll hear your hubby chanting sai. You shouldn’t have married him if this your demand. Seeing their love you didn’t get brains, now deal with it.

Very blatantly she used to threaten sai nd she used to be upset nd live in fear of her acts, on top of that so called virat used to get used by pailekha nd poor sai had to gather evidences, proofs, witnesses just to prove this family that their papilekha is a monster but still no one got spine to stand for right. If bhawani thinks one day she’ll get brains nd try to do her thing again, nd it will happen then no it won’t. The man who didn’t stand up for sai years ago, why now. You are standing with her I vinu’s case but show some respect to papilekha whom you chose to bail out over your own son nd wife whom you loved
This man betrayed his love In the name of sacrifice nd ruined samrat nd papilekha, left his woman to fight alone with his family nd his first love nd years later started blaming her for literally everything nd now after so amny years hes still standing between both of them like a confused loser who needs addiction to clarify things.
Papilekha being an idiot thought to start her affair after marriage forgetting that no one remains bachelor after being from such a staunch family, nd blames sai. Look at the way sai was resisting him nd how many times she has slapped virat for misbehaving with her. How many times she apologise for her wrong doings nd just waited patiently for his head to cool down. All this shows her love for him years ago. You wouldn’t have felt even bad in her place, if, instead thrown herself on him nd again made fun of sai if possible.
Ashwini feeling bad for papilekha, when sairat were together she used to preach both of them but now only preaches virat why not tell papilekha something. You’ll also land up in bhawani place, she did so much for this papilekha but look how eyes trying to insult even her just bcoz for siding with sai. For once try to blame papilekha, you’ll see what she is, sai used to apologise nd feel good while hearing her scolding but this papilekha will make u her villain just to tell u that you should not blame her nd instead hate sai only then she’ll respect you.
I admit papilekha is beautiful much more than sai but they say the biggest beauty is your confidence, which sai carries with herself, that is the reason people like her, it’s not about external thing, it’s more about how u carry yourself.
Sai is very brave but only vinu is mentioned as saved where is savi sai should have had virat police job and virat should have had another job because sai is more like a police as a doctor i hope as well as Ashwini and pakhi will be trown out of chavan mansion both dont realy belong there
I think they are gearing up for a generation leap now because Sairat is getting back together which mean Pakhi must go then I think Sai is going to have a 3rd child then they will do a leap and maybe Pakhi and Virat child is also coming or Pakhi will steal Sai child even Shivani is going to have a child as well and sooner or later Mohit and Karishma will have a kid too. I’m saying because Sairat reunion is not far after that pre cap.
and lusty because her womb is removed through surgery, if they now show her as becoming mother, it will be ridiculous. As you said, she may steal one of SaiRat child and grown up Savi will be on mission to find her stolen brother/sister.
Even I feel so, they are gearing up for next generation, only that step can clear the filth in this show and I don’t think there will be any child of
Maybe she will steal child of Sairat. Anyway nice to talk to you after so long.
i am not sure if sai will have a third child with virat pakhi can never have children without a womb unless she adopts one shivani will have her baby and indeed karishma might lso soon be preagnant but i am not so sure if virat and sairat will realy unite which eachother because a new lover is coming for her so i am axious to know what will folow next
The new lover maybe for Sai or Pakhi because in the original show the new entry who came was for Pakhi and Sairat reunited. So this new entry might be for Pakhi because its clear Sairat will be reuniting now.
The new ml is for Sai…. so hopefully we will see less pakhi and more Sai in action
Virat can just fade away in the background props 
Hello peeps! I’m finally back
Though I don’t know when I’ll be able to see these episodes, but for time being I’ll enjoy the updates and will imagine lusty crying and wailing along with her useless MIL. We are soo blessed that we got a parallel for world famous lusty’s servant mode
Seems like lusty again settled near door trying to wipe out Sai’s foot prints which will never fade away. Loving the way Bhavani is openly supporting Sai, heard from my colleague that she shut up Ashwini
Also heard the sets caught fire
Thank God everyone are sound and safe, just saw a video in YouTube where Ayesha was walking along the burned sets and she’s totally devastated seeing the sets burned down to ashes. Much strength to all the cast and crew as the sets of the show is like their second home.
around Sai. I think we’ll get these flashbacks only as precap till they set up new location, the PH should really take care about all the wirings and electrical connections to avoid such mishaps further.
just to lift this useless Bhatt.
Looks like I missed all the fun which we got in the form of lusty’s tears
About today’s episode, I hope atleast now, Vinu will start to see the facts and as always this nalayak DCP entered last minute and ate the credit, what’s with this sad BGM when lusty is shown, comeon Vankar, you very well know we all didn’t forget the crimes she did and that she’s a bacha chor, we will never sympathize or empathize with her and about precap, it was actually of Maha Shivratri of SaiRat after marriage, those were the golden days of this show but now I can’t tolerate that
There are rumours that a new ML is going to be introduced, Harshad Arora’s name is floating in gossips, I loved him as Adarsh Sinha, an honest IAS officer in Dahleez, hope they don’t give him a trash character in this
@Jade, @Nadine, @Suseme, @Muge, @Akansha, @Flower, @Lin, @Vaijyanthi and all my comment buddies
He’s making us work from dawn to dusk and along with it we have to bear his nonsense tantrums too
and guess what, his name is Ajinkya Chavan

I remembered this
as soon as I heard his name
Really missed all of you all these days, my new project started and that new project manager is damn annoying
@Siya welcome back its always wonderful to have you here
and I agree with each and everything you have mentioned
as for ajinkya chavan? Well thats one funny coincidence maybe the writers got inspiration from him to introduce a guy named ajinkya in the initial episodes after few months of virus and sherni’s marriage. 

but it is funnier knowing his surname is chavan

Welcome back @Siya!!!!
Yes we got maidlekha again, she was using her tears as detergent and Bhavani told trashwini that Lusty should be thrown away like a crutch that is no longer needed while trashwini hyperventilated next to her like she was either having a stroke or an aneurysm.
They won’t bring a new ML, Neil has very weak screen presence especially between Ayesha and his wife, if another male comes in then his character will be finished. I think they will bring a new ML after the leap for Savi… probably and arrogant jerk cause Vankar loves his MLs to be arrogant jerks even that other serial of his, Angad has no redeeming qualities, his wealth is gone to his head the same as his family, I don’t think he ever touched grass in his life.
I saw YRKKH and yes it is
1x Abhira reunion costs 1x Birla kid, we should start a betting pool about which Birla dies 

Arohi deserves better than that tubby bastard who is going to traumatize Robin… I only call him Tubby now.
I’m just happy Sai isn’t reduced to rhona dhona trash like the other FLs
Please take care of your health, if you have free time, please join the discussion
Yes, Ajinkya Chavan
I went blank for a moment after listening the name and even forgot to shake the hand which he extended for hand shake
not only me, all the people of our team who watch this serial went blank
Thank You dear

that is bound to happen afterall what a name
Just saw the maidlekha clip, my god, it was soo funny, especially this being the second time makes it even more funnier
I even saw the clip where Bhavani told Ashwini that lusty should be thrown out now and Ashwini looked like she needed a ventilator
I don’t want to see Bhatts crap anymore, I’m done with their constipated faces. Angad is one more gone case, literally the dumbest one ever, Sahiba will laugh at him the day Seerat’s truth comes out.
but I hope it should be Abhimanyu so that Goenka sisters will be free of this man child’s tantrums and even Harshad will be free from this crap
Aarohi deserves better than Abhimanyu but lately I don’t know what got into her that she’s overlooking everything and is keen to marry Abhimanyu, I feel they’re paving way for the most toxic and cringe reunion by destroying Aarohi again as always and this time even Abhinav will be sacrificed.
Thank You bro
Even I don’t think there will be a new ML for Sai, but in twitter everyone are saying that a new ML is going to come based on some article but don’t know if the article is true or not. There will definitely be a new ML for Sai but I just hope it won’t be Neil Bhatt again where Ayesha plays Savi showing as some stupid recreation like they’re showing in YHC, the ML is romancing a girl who looks exactly like his mother
In YRKKH, I think next is Parth’s turn
@Siya welcome back

you missed the most interesting part ,and that is lusty in her maid avatar 

said Sai is his wife and called lusty kit kit I was in the floor 

and most are importantly her tears are worth watching.
Vankar thinks we will emphasize with lusty
if he makes a victim 
but he doesn’t know that we don’t care .im sure
will get another award saving vinu and Sai 

,but we all know Sai does the work and
takes credit .twitter stand want 6 months of Sai and the NML ,because Vankar showed pakrat cringe for 6 months 

I also want that to happen ,we all know how possessive this
is of Sai ,he’ll loose it ,maybe he and his criminal illegal wife can go together in a mental asylum..
Your bosses name

Hope even you’re doing well and you too take care, and yes, I’ll definitely try to come here daily from now atleast to greet all my comment buddies even if I don’t read the update.
Thank You
Glad to be back here
I fell off bed laughing
I even saw few memes twitter stand made showing parallels of maildlekha part 1 and maidlekha part 2, more than enjoying lusty’s maid avatar, I’m imagining the constipated faces of Bhatts who are forced to do these scenes as audience didn’t accept their lust and cringe on-screen and I’m laughing on that
Mrs. Bhatt is forced to come out of her delusion that she’s the FL of this show and is made to accept that Ayesha Singh is the FL and she’s the TRP queen
This thing gives me more satisfaction than lusty’s tears
Even I want some 8 months of Sai and new ML and that new ML should be more handsome, wealthy and strong financially and politically than
, would be very happy if
turns out to be his subordinate
I just saw her maid avatar clip
perhaps he is a adopted new son of pakhi she still is mrs chavan (joke)
Lustylekha really deserve an Oscar award for being an outstanding crying baby..pls some should always give her a bucket for her tears.. while she was busy throwing tantrums she forgot her mother India duty towards Vinu completely.. The way she keeps watch on
one can say it’s his granny.
@Snow queen
Dis Virat and Sai closeness again I dot get it,I hope d producers are not using it to get high rating
@Jade, @Suseme, @Nadine, @Akansha, @Muge, @Flower and all my comment buddies, have a look at this tweet
Someone soo beautifully constructed
’s family tree with all his wives and children, legal, illegal, adopted and claimed

„Husband of 3 women
Divorced to none“ hahaha, so true
I just watched the March 5th episode: with Sunny’s brief appearance…
? It means he isn’t oblivious of the Pakhrat marriage… and neither of Vinu’s existence… unless he lost his memory
I had a good laugh with some of your comments guys
Did the creatives really forget Sunny was there after the leap
I guess Vankar has really lost it, n I don’t mean only the memory … It’s unbelievable what nonsense this man signs off on …
@Siya, good to see you girl. I’ve also been back for a few days, I was missing your comments…
And @Jade, don’t steal my ideas hahaha… Don’t get curious people, I’m joking
I’m going to watch the current episode now, I’m curious to see how the DCP Chavan gets sober within 5 minutes
Another funny moment for me in the episode… Sai saying to Virat, they will never unite again even if God wants to…
… I don’t know what Bhagvan wants, but Bhavani does for sure

, I want Bhavani to spill the beans 
Bye bye Lusty

It kinda “rhymed” in my head
I bet she is now looking for Sairat’s marriage certificate
It’s gonna be fun guys
Did anyone notice that the precap was from last year mahashivratri episode?
Probably because of the fire
Indeed it was hilarious watching lusty scrub the floor, but I was looking to see the poopoo fall out the hole of her constipated face
-ggy is busy throwing things and choti child India is about to get blown away
she should go to the market? No dear, she will not find that particular
at the market.

Did anyone else notice the photo Sai looked at in the room with lusty wearing red, was actually a photo from their off screen life? I’ve seen that a few times in their personal vids. So maybe more of the Bhutts personal items are featured in the show.
Anyways, whe Sai is fighting tooth n nail for everyone the
It will certainly be wrong to unite Sai with the ratman, at least bring back as the NML for her, as someone else of course, will be fun to see what lusty mother India will do. But that might be kinda weird.
I’m glad no one was hurt in the fire, but I’m anxious to know if it was actually accidental or someone’s anger over a certain hypocrite did it.
Btw someone mentioned if lusty want
I lol when she told Sai that SHE sleeps on that bed with ratman as patni patni, omg
Lagta hai ki phir koi death track aane wala hai aur ya koi leap aayega