Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 16th May 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on
Satya tells Sai that he will make a deep cut into commissioner sir’s chest to remove the ammunition. Virat says once they remove the rocket, they should start commissioner sir’s surgery and save him. Dr Survase walks in and stops them. He says they have to vacate this place immediately and can’t perform surgery here. Satya says commissioner sir and Sai’s lives are in danger. Dr Survase says this hospital’s oxygen pipeline is right below OT room and if the rocket blasts, it will blast the hospital and the surrounding buildings and hence they should shift commissioner sir to another hospital. Virat says Dr Survase is right and they try to shift commissioner sir on a stretcher. Virat slips and falls down. Sai panics. Virat assures her that he is fine and to keep moving. Satya also assures Sai.
Satya’s hand shiver while performing surgery. He thinks why he is shivering for the first time in life. His inner voice suggests him that he loves Sai and is worried for her life, so he should propose her before its too late. He tells Sai that he wants to tell her something. Virat says they should complete the mission and then he can do whatever he wants to. Sai also says they don’t have much time left. She recalls time spent with her children and Virat. Satya makes a cut and tells Sai that she can remove the rocket now. Sai removes rocket and carefully hands it over to Virat and tells him that their children are waiting for them. Virat carries rocket away. Satya tells Sai that he wanted to tell her that. Sai says let us talk later and walks out.
Virat tells his subordinate Shinde that they should take it to nearby ground and detonate it. He walks out silently and keeps rocket in a box. Shinde congratulates Virat that the mission was successul. Bomb blasts. Sai is shocked to see that and shouts Virat. Satya hearing her voice asks Survase to take over and rushes out. Sai rushes to injured Virat and pleads him to wake up. Satya stands disheartened seeing that. They both treat Virat, and after some time, Satya seeing Sai siting holding Virat’s hand asks if she still loves Virat. Sai asks why is he asking that. Satya says she was tensed when Virat was injured on ground and he could see fear on her face, it happens when they love someone immensely, so he asked if she still loves Virat. Sai says she doesn’t know. Satya asks if she doesn’t trust him. Sai says she really doesn’t know if she loves Virat or not, but she cares for him for sure as he is her children’s father and worried for them if something happens to Virat. She asks what he wanted to tell her in OT.
Satya recalls his inner voice suggesting him to open up and express his love for Sai. Virat in sleep murmurs I love you Sai. Sai gets emotional. Serial’s title track plays in the background. Satya says Virat is an amazing person to express his love for her even in this condition. Virat further says I hate you Sai, you are a betrayer. Sai says Virat hates her. Satya says he doesn’t think Pakhi will return. Sai hopes Pakhi returns, but as he said she may not come. Satya asks if she will take care of Virat in Pakhi’s absence. Sai asks if he wants her to go. Satya says he likes spending time with her, he is bonding with Savi really well, and doesn’t want Sai to go forever. Sai says she is just bothered about the bonding between her and her children and situation between her and Virat got so worsened that she had to run away and marry Satya; she wants Virat to move on in life and doesn’t want to break anyone’s heart. She gets a call and walks out. Satya says thank you Sai.
Vinu video calls Sai and asks where is baba, he saw the news and wants to meet her right now. Sai asks him to calm down and be brave. Vinu says he saw a news about someone’s death during the blast, if baba is fine. Sai asks him not to ever think like that. Bhavani rudely asks where is Virat and to give phone to her. Sai says Virat is fine. Bhavani continues to yell and says she doesn’t trust Sai. Sai says its up to her, she relayed her message.
Precap: Virat’s team celebrate Virat’s successful mission. Reporters call Virat and Sai as a power couple. Sai says her husband Satya was an important part of this mission and together they all 3 made this mission successful. Virat looks at Sai.
Update Credit to: MA

Wow !! Sai still care Satya coz he’s gentleman and respect whatever the decision of Sai.. “” Sai & Satya ” Good Luck
Ayesha Singh is the best actress in ghkkpm although Neil is the worst .Again Satya will falk in love with Sai then Sai and Virat will get united then Satya will peep into their bedroom and will finally die as what happened to Pakhi
@Patralekha, Pakhi ran away without caring for Vinu. & Satya doesn’t do watchman duty outside bedrooms unlike this Pakhi
This all is happening bcz Sai ghum hai Virat ke Pyaar Mein.

If vankar didn’t kneel to the bhatts to change the scripts sairat would look good as it used to. I saw an interview when Neil was asked if sairat will happen again that mrs bhatt is out and said that he doesn’t know anything about what will happen next on the show because he just forcus on his role that he knows nothing about what makers do. But I see vanker wants people to love virat and hate satya ….though saiya is winning fame nowadays
I don’t want this to happen ,
is too toxic for Sai .why is Sai still concerned about
boy ,he has done nothin but to hurt her in every way .i understand she is the father of her kids ,but she should also move on from him 
And Satya falling for Sai is not believable at all ,it is too sudden for that ,I wanted more time for them to develop a strong bond that can withstand whatever may come their way .but Vankar had other plans

I just hope Sai chooses to move on with Satya or she can live for herself and children.
Maa ki chodi
How cheap is sai …if she loves virat soo much then why the f**k did she get married again …soo cringe …this woman has no self respect ….just likes to ruin other ppl’s life….she could have rather listened to virat and got married to him instead of getting married to someone else and running for virat everytime..ruined his and satya’s life…these kinda women are big red flags!!!
I can’t believe I’m agreeing with you but Sai is doing wrong with Satya we can’t blame Satya for falling in love with Sai they living in same house sharing same room but Sai is being selfish I’m starting to dislike her now
Vanku wants Sattu boii to become a devotee of SaiRat?!?!? Fk U Vanku. He degraded Sai’s character completely & turned her into Anupamaa 2.0 . Once again fk U Vanku
So Viru boii is finally pissed off with this lady being concerned for him even though she hurt him in many ways. He doesn’t want to show sympathy because he thinks she is a betrayer. That’s why he didn’t allow her to tell Vinu’s truth to Vinu & always defended that b*t*h called Bhagodilekha. (Viru Boii’s POV)
How can Sattu boii fall for Sai that fast?!? It might have taken time to move on from Girija. She in heaven must be wishing for him to move on. Paapam.
Please stop the comparison, Anupama was able to move on.
@Poo I didn’t compare her, I just told the truth. Just for the sake of her children she went to Virat, depressed. Even Anupamaa went to Shah house just for her children. But she moved on, it’s true. Sai would never go to Virat if it were for his love.
No worries. The episode was just frustrating. Would like to see Sai move on with or without Satya.
Hope Satya steps away. Girija’s ghost >>> doormat
On the bright side, did anyone notice how cute Dr Satya looked in the lab coat
Now a days I am reading only updates here and have stopped watching this show long back, but was aware about what was going on in the show. Satya falling for Sai is too too unrealistic considering they both were discussing their past love on the 1st day of their marriage. This seems much faster like how Patralkeha fall for Virat during that camp, not digestible. Well we don’t know what future holds, but if the same kind of love triangle happens again and Sai still longing for Virat then it will be utter rubbish and most illogical thing. Hope they don’t turn Satya like Pakhi.
Sai is completely ruined and destroyed, PERIOD! Vankar is trying hard to make her equal to lusty and he’s also successful to an extent. Better Satya divorces Sai and drop her back to Chavan zoo as she’s still in love with her abusive ex and will have no problem to live as doormat
, NO looking back anymore, not even for precaps
. First of all history may repeat itself, if it’s Nagesh then good
, if Ninad then worse
. I’m pissed off. When she’s got an opportunity to be away from this ratboii, then why can’t she use it
?? Guess she became another Virat dealing with Sai & Lusty. These women who still want to live with abuse deserve to be abused more & more.
Hii.. It’s been a long time we’ve chatted with each other
@Siya, this was dead long ago when they white washed Lusty and tried to make her look like a bechari type when she spent 2 hours in prison… they could have introduced some other issue to keep the plot going but they separated SaiRat so that the real life couple can be cringey on reel too, this Bhatt couple mutilated the script now that witch is looking for new blood in kKK I hope she gets out first so that Arjit and Shiv are safe from that demon, she can drink whatever is left of Neil’s blood

this show was like watching a building burn and now we’re seeing them try to make a new house from the charred remains…. RIP GHKKPM, RIP Sai…. Omg Siya I’ve been watching entertainment Ki raat sooo good, they’ve had Sumbal, Fahman, Arjun and Arjit on as well and TejRan and Rheem, it’s pretty entertaining guess which couple won’t be invited cause they are not entertaining 

@ jade,this egoistic stubborn lady will not be able to survive long in kkk bcoz she is v adamant full or attitude but rohit shetty is v strict as well as friendly tupe of host most of the time in kkk atmosphere is always lively and easy going, all contestants remain friendly with each other,it will be difficult for ashvrya to adjust as she is in the habit of dominate others playing dirty politics,audience have seen what this couple has been doing in ghkkpm,vaise bhi snakes,cockroaches,bichoo n other horrible creatures iss lady k dimag se garbage nikal denge bcoz animals like fun loving people not jaleous and insecure ones.
Yes, it’s been too long we spoke, I commented some 3 days on TMD forum but now again I didn’t see recent episodes
I don’t think it’s Nagesh or Ninad, because during Vinu’s bday, Amba came to Chavan zoo and she didn’t react seeing Ninad, maybe someone else is Satya’s father, glad that they didn’t make Sai and
as devar-bhabhi and spared us
She wans to be doormat, I’m sure all of us didn’t sign uo for doormat Sai and it’s time we leave this
and move-on, currently Sahiba is the only worth watching FL character.
Hi bro
Exactly! This crap dies the day lusty was bailed out, the after leap episodes were torture with PakRat but we tolerated for Sai and now Sai is being made into another lusty, Aishwarya exited but she made sure every episode revolve around her
Only god knows what she’ll do in KKK, I want her to encounter Hina and Rubina in some reality show who can roast and throw her away
I heard about Entertainment ki Raat but never gave a try, guess I’ll go see it now, I heard Fahmaan’s Dharam patni is also going off-air and bro did you see YRKKH today, damn Aarohi was on fire
she roasted that mother-son duo and ripped off their hypocrisy, I’m loving how Akshara and Aarohi turn by turn are ripping off the mother-son and Aarohi finally decided to leave that hell, Birla house is not less than Chavan zoo. But I think Abhimanyu and Manjiri will try to stop her in tomorrow’s episode.
It’s clear that makers are taking the story as instructed by bhatts,how funny it is that other actors r also moving here n there in spite of the fact that it is spoiling their images,sai’s role has been spoiled, harshad has also been made a useless man who is in the show to get insulted by virat,a well qualified doctor is tolerating his own n his mother’s insult,he could have slapped virat due to his behavior in hospital or on road,how dare virat can catch hold of his collar, then how he was talking disgracefully with satya in OT before leaving the show ashvrya has given full instructions to makers to make her husband to dominate n insult others,sai’s character has been shaped in such a way that she is being shown having feeling for virat inspite of getting humiliation from him n it will badly effect sai’s fan following bcoz no1 will like Sai to ignore satya who helped n stand by her. No proper n good dialouges have been given to poor satya,even his wardrobe is how funny, on vinu’s birthday he was looking like a clown while harshad is more handsome n young than neil,otherwise just see ladies at satya’s house ,they even sleep with heavy silk kanjivarm sarees n heavy jewelry with full makeup, really pathetic, in today’s time a class 4 employee can afford a car but neither Sai nor satya can buy a car,we v well know what standard a doctor has,makers only want bhatts to enjoy everything, this show has become a joke ,a bkvas DCP giving instructions to doctors how to do operation, virat n satya r fighting, satya want to confess his love to sai,virat eyeing Sai,God save poor commissioner whose life is in the hands of such docs n dcp,it’s really surprising how this show is at no2.
Perfect capture
makers are prolonging the show because after pakhi has completed the 13 episiodes of the new serial she went to play in she will return to this serial maybe she is mortaly afraid her husband will realy fall in love with sai in real life otherwise why are makers prolonging the story and are making satya fall in love with sai it because they intend to bring pakhi back in the show and then there will be more greef for sai ahead because assoon as pakhi returns vinu will go back to her but they have to prolong this serial untill pakhu is finish with the new serial so in future we will see more drag dramas untill the new serial in which pakhi is playing now has finished because makers dont want to unite sai and virat with their children they waqnt to end it diffrently
I don’t think it’s so unrealistic for Satya to fall in love with Sai, mainly because until now we haven’t seen the extent of this feeling, for now he’s just accepted that he likes her. In addition, his past is different from Sai’s, Sai got married, fought as far as he could to save the marriage and even children with his ex-husband, Satya, he fell in love with someone, but she died before him in fact live that feeling. He spent years traumatized and refused to open up to another woman, but he didn’t do that with Sai, precisely because she saw him only as a partner, added to the fact that she had become his wife, lived with him, defended the family. . In addition to being accepted by Savi as a father figure, it would be hard for someone as loyal as Satya not to give in to this new life.
I dont know but i think makers intend pakhi to return after she has completed her new serial because makers have decided for sai to stay with satya and satya to start loving sai but if sai in the end will also grow to love satya we don’t know yet but one thing we can be sure of sai will never unite with virat again but since virat cannot love without his woman they will let pakhi come back and become his rightfull wife again and again vinu will leave sai to go back to his mother pakhi and virat which again will be a great Greef and disappointment for sai so when the serial has ended it will end not with virat and sai United with their children but sai satya and savi as one family and virat pakhi and vinu as another what will happen to bahvani and her younger sister we dont know yet they might forgive eachother or remain enemies for the rest of their lives i wonder if we will ever find out who is satya real father will it be bahvani husband or ninad or another brother of the family i wonder