Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 17th December 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on
Ninad tells Virat that even they are in shock with Pakhi’s news, but however they try, they can’t save Pakhi. Ashwini says Pakhi fell down from such a height and cannot survive. Bhavani says nothing will happen to Pakhi. Virat recalls Pakhi falling down and says he has to save her at any cost. Ninad says police team is searching for her since 5 hours. Virat says he will find her out. Sonali asks if she has survived after falling from such a height. Virat says nothing can happen to her. Ashwini asks why didn’t Pakhi get out of bus. Virat says he thought she got out of bus and asks principal. Principal says she was busy rescuing children and Virat was busy rescuing Sai, so she doesn’t know if Pakhi had come out of bus or not.
Bhavani shouts that she knows nothing can be right where Sai is, Virat was busy saving Sai and ignored Pakhhi. She asks if he never thought that his wife needs him and calls Sai as manhoos/inaupsicious because of whom their family is suffering, etc, and finally blames Virat and Sai for Pakhi’s death. Virat shouts Pakhi is alive. Savi and Vinu plead Virat and Sai to do something and locate Pakhi. Sai comforts them. Police team returns and informs Virat that they searched whole surrounding area and couldn’t find Pakhi. Vinu cries hugging Virat.
Sai goes into jungle in search of Pakhi. She finds Pakhi’s camera and thinks she must be somewhere around. She continues to search for Pakhi, slips and gets injured ner a lake. Her blood falls into water, and a crocodile gets active tasting blood. She notices crocodile and runs behind when she notices Pakhi lying unconscious holding a lake rock. She pulls Pakhi out of lake and alerts Virat. Virat with his team reaches there and carries Pakhi away. Chavan family cries seeing Pakhi and asks if she is alive. Virat gets Pakhi into an ambulance and reaches hospital. Sai decides to operate Pakhi, but Bhavani stops her and accuses her of trying to kill Pakhi now, says Pakhi’s condition is because of her and she will not let Pakhi’s enemy treat her. Sai says she is a doctor and her duty is to treat her patient unbiased and if Bhavani tries to stop her, she will be charged with Pakhi’s murder. Bhavani shouts who is she to decide when Pakhis family is there. Virat says its his decision and asks Sai to go and operate on Pakhi.
Precap: Savi comforts Vinu and assures him that his mother will be fine. Pakhi passes away during operation. Doctor informs Virat that they couldn’t save Pakhi.
Update Credit to: MA
I knew it! I soo knew that Chavan zoo will blame Sai again, when Sai met with an accident and was assumed dead, it was Sai’s fault and when Pakhi purposefully sat in a falling bus, she is devi and V
is at fault, this Chavan zoo doglapan is unbearable
especially this Ashwini.
Chavan is no less, when he found Sai’s saree piece he immediately stopped searching for her and didn’t even for once check in hospital among injured people if she’s there and now he’s madly searching for his illegal wife who fell off cliff. If only he did this in previous accident, Vinu would be with his real parents today.
IPS gives big big dialogues or shoot a bullet and takes the entire credit, @Jade someone from that “creative” team is definitely stealing ideas from here
These idiotic makers seriously made Sai’s life miserable after leap and her Sherni mode is also lost. But I don’t think she’ll die that easily, either she’ll get amnesia or do acting of memory loss
They already made Sai unite them once, they’ll now show Samrat doing the same and make this illegal marriage a soulmate union
And this
Yesterday we again thought Virat should somehow reach there and crocodile should eat him up, Virat reached there but he attacked crocodile instead, he’ll always do that, from the initial stage Sai will solve the entire case, collect all proofs and in final stage this
Precap, if she really dies, Sai will again be blamed for doing wrong surgery and I’m afraid that zoo family will use their police and political power and make her miserable and even more worst instigate Vinu and Savi against her
@Jade You’re right about pity consummation too, we’ll get that now, I think they’ll get Samrat back and make him justify Virat-Pakhi illegal marriage stating it as some stupid soulmate connection
If you truly love someone, you will do anything for them. CN house and this useless IPS only love themselves. They got rid of Sayi they were happy and celebrated, they were very proud of a family that took other people’s lives, ruined other people’s happiness is their joy. The IPS guy said he loved Sayi, but he stood next to the woman who harmed his wife, protected her, robbed his wife’s son and gave it to criminals, and was praised and lived happily. I don’t think the director and writer’s brain really exists
Bengali version of this serial is so much better compared to this nonsense. and no SIL and BIL marriage nonsense. I started watching Hindi as I wanted to understand dialogues, but these people made a mess of this story line.
@Siya why can’t that useless sod steal good ideas? I just want Lusty bhabie to murder the whole family and stuff them like a taxidermist. They have such a good opportunity to turn this
into something interesting, a horror show called “Ghum” where Lusty Bhabie is a chudail who lures in newly weds and kills them kinda like Brahmarakshas but female. But nope we are going to see
1 – Samrat encourage Lusty to live and be with Virus
2 – Virus declare his love for Lusty bhabie and she gets her breath back (corny, cliched and vomit inducing) why can Virus wear a sari, put sindoor in his maang, light 2 lamps in his palms and dance in front of the lords idol like they make the heroines – he’s lost all credibility as an ML – no one likes this god damned character and he has 0 appeal to women who watch this show the only one finding him appealing is his Lusty bhabie so please give us another ML, I actually want Sharad and I want him to enter as an opposition politician who destroys that Chavan family and brings that roof down on their heads.
3 – the Chavan family will start abusing Savi along with Sai and Virus himself will tell Sai and Savi to leave Nagpur, Savi will hate Virus from this point and become bitter about him, but he won’t care cause he’ll be playing happy families with Lusty bhabie and their joined beds
4 – the deal she signed while distracted is a red herring and nothing will come of it
5 – Vinu’s biological truth will not come out cause they are really out here trying to make PakRat the leading pair and the language on the gossip sites is proof.
6 – there will be even more plat craters while the Bhatt couple is catered to
7 – Neil won’t find work as an ML again
8 – I suspect Vankar is having eyes for his own Bhabie which is why he is subjecting people to this
He’s doing so much to find Lusty Bhabie because the writers want to show he never loved Sai only Lusty which is why he gave up so easily on finding Sai
To the person who writes these written updates – in this case MA. Thank you, you have to torture yourself daily and watch this
so most of us don’t have to and we appreciate you
@Jade he isn’t capable of being an actor either and it is hard to play opposite gender’s role. He being a male is not able to play the role of male lead how can we expect him to play a female character
How many Shows you have watched in which Neil has done acting?
just because he is doing bad and gum that doesn’t mean he is not a good actor
@S just this one and this is enough! I’ve seen people praising him for Diya and bati but I said that because of his present acting skills, he has lost it since he got married. He can’t keep his reel and real life apart that’s one of the major quality of an actor
@Siya when bhavani was jumping on sai, this Virat kept quiet and didn’t say a word that it was sai who couldn’t care for her life and went to save this human crocodile from the crocodile. Most of the mistudersatings are arising because of virus. Atp he needs to be killed. I really hope in next bus accident he is stuck, injured and crying for help, in between rock and mountain alley and no one’s going to search for him like how he did to sai earlier. I really wanna smash bhavani’s face so done with her. When sai went missing, even when they assumed her to be dead no one cried for her. And they never blamed patralekha for breaking the marriage along with being the cause of Sai’s presumed death. Instead these weirdos were thankful of pakhi
True. They don’t even love their own family unconditionally, if entire family is stuck in fire, everyone will save themselves and run away but none will try to save eachother. The Chavan zoo always took pleasure in Sai’s miseries, they did innumerable crimes and that useless IPS says duty and uniform are my first priority but never once stood against his family who are bunch of criminals. The writers are seriously braindead
Apparently we don’t have these awful Bhatts in Bengali version to change the script according to them. This awful couple is promoting their own married life through this serial. They are equally disgusting off-screen too
Even I doubt Vinu’s truth will ever come out and if it came out by that time Pakhi will have Virat and Vinu wrapped around her finger by playing sympathy card of neglected wife and mother. I’m hating the way they are portraying Sai right now, she never used to take shit from people and now they are not even giving her few powerful dialogues in her defense. I don’t think anything will happen with that bad deal, I won’t even be surprised if the makers turn the game and show that deal giving profits and Chavans building a temple for Pakhi

You know sometimes I feel all the girls rejected Neil for marriage that he married this lady and is dancing to her tunes fearing that even she’ll him and he’ll remain divorcee all his life
Those useless writers are stealing all the ideas and projecting them making Bhatt couple as the highlight. Never in my life there was a thing that pissed me of soo badly the way this filthy show does. If they take the horror route, Aishwarya will get more screen space for which she’s hungry and the viewers also will be at peace. I’m sure she can do that possessed ghost acting much better than this so called saint acting. And the funny part is she don’t need any extra makeup, her actual face without makeup is enough
Agree with each point of yours, we’ll get to see more filth in coming weeks, maybe consummation too
Neil’s career is doomed, he will find it difficult to get a side role too, lead is out of scope. He really looked good in initial episodes, but seems like his off-screen wife didn’t want him to look handsome on-screen too, off-screen anyway he looks like clown
The prods have lost their minds here. The montage should be change as the post leap storyline changed before the eyes of everyone. What remains is the most inferior version of a faded love triangle I have ever seen. This story won’t go far if Sairat don’t get back together and they can’t keep viewers hooked by doing the opposite and carrying the illegal marriage forward. So they keep up trying to trick the viewers over a forbidden relationship between in-laws. Although I can’t see any major changes other than them destroying Sai’s courage and tenacity here. These men have done injustice to what was once a nice story.
What else can we expect from this Virus, he always stood like statue when Sai was being insulted. First we wished for Virus to jump off the cliff saving both the ladies, after yesterday we expected that he should reach there and that crocodile should eat him up, he reached there but inturn killed that poor crocodile, yes poor, infront of this Virus even hippopotamus looks innocent to me, even donkey is better than this wolf in human form. You know we can’t compare him with wolf because wolves are loyal to their dear ones unlike this Virus.
The whole Chavan zoo is just pathetic, they themselves are criminals so it’s obvious that they’ll support other criminal (Pakhi). I just want to see all of them rotting in hell, the deserve much more worse than that
@Siya tbh I feel bad for poor crocodile. Like what was even his fault that he killed such a huge animal. They could’ve used an other way- nvm.
or atleast they have a criminal mind
True criminals like criminals. But the point is that the makers are focusing on them and trying to portray them as a well behaved family. That means the makers are also criminals because they like pakhi and cn
I mean what justice do they want for a criminal. I think they want to make PakRat as leads by making everyone sympathized with Pakhi, they already sidelined Ayesha and are using her for TRPs, the day the count of people who’s sympathizing with Pakhi raises, I’m sure they’ll make this illegal couple stars of show and so called soulmates
Earlier even I felt they won’t show illegal consummation, but I think they’ll do that now as they’re trying soo hard to get sympathy for Pakhi among viewers and they are even successful to an extent as I have seen in insta how Pakhi stans are bashing Virat for saving “outsiders (Sai)” over his wife and doing trends that Pakhi’s character should be given justice
@Siya, DespoLustyLekha’s expression when she was sitting and smiling to die made me think “wow she would make a wonderful chudail, the best chudail”
I just feel bad for Vinu, poor kid is convinced his mumma loves him but she’s using him for Devar
Don’t get upset Siya, we know this is absolute
all we can do is make fun of and laugh at this dumpster fire
Let’s just make a better more humorous story about all the ways Virat can die…
They missed a good opportunity with the crocodile but
In the hospital they say Pakhi died of a broken heart and she needs a new heart so Virus shoots himself in the head and tells Sai to give his heart to his Lusty Bhabie… then Samrat slaps the boo right out of Virus ghost and refuses to talk to him in the after life.
Yes. They have been working with Mrs Bhatt on the future direction of the serial where she is no less than Ayesha. This means that maybe the two have become FLs. So there are now two female leads. How patronising? The hints from recent days are so hard to ignore. However the day Ayesha’s fans decide to go away these prods will pack their bags and go home then. They can’t continue these tricks endlessly. Although I can’t see much free room for them to manipulate the viewers for much longer.
@Siya CF had been blaming sayi since the beginning of the time only difference is trashwini was not trash back then and supported sayi like a true mother. For barkwhiny she will never see right as right and wrong as wrong for her wrong is right and right is wrong so she don’t wish to burst her bubble due to her ego and delusion. You know what would have been better? If barkwhiny was also killed along with porky. They both deserve to die but first they have to pay for their sins with a heavy dose and then they both should die a slow painful death. As for virus he deserves to cry and yearn for sayi every single day and night every minute every hour until he dies. If these things happen it will be ultimate justice for what had happened to sayi but makers are chamchas of that lustful woman and virus so they will only show this odd couple in superior form. I also wish vinu and savi find out the real face of the C family what they have done do sayi and then both the kids vow to make C family life miserable except for harini, pulkit since these both family members have been always good to sayi. The makers have personal issues intheir brain and they are jealous of ayesha’s strong aura so they decided to be unfair towards ayesha and sayi. I wish these makers get in serious trouble and get trapped in a strong court case where some senses get knocked into them making them regret for always showing bhatt couple in limelight instead of sayi when in actuality she deserves the limelight. If pakhi is dead i don’t see the use of bringing samrat unless the makers want to compensate what samrat had faced and bringing a loyal love interest for him. The makers and their disgusting mentality what can we expect
to end so that I can enjoy those Bhatts going mad with no work.
faced Bhatts anymore, their presence just annoys me to the core. I will be okay if there’s even a generation leap and these awful Bhatts leave the show, the makers can retain Ayesha as Savi to make the Gen 2 hit.
Exactly! Before Ashwini, Shivani, Mohit and later Ninad also supported Sai, but now all have become useless. I really don’t care about that Chavan zoo but I want Sai to become a Sherni again, I mean the idiotic makers totally ruined her strong personality just to show that lusty women as goodie good. The grudge Aishwarya have against Ayesha, she’s taking that out onscreen as she can’t do anything off-screen, but still she failed totally as people still admire Ayesha, all the complaints I have is from makers and also that awful couple, I’m eagerly waiting for this
I would actually love to see if Harini, Vinu and Savi unite to teach that zoo family a lesson, even Harini has a strong reason to avenge them, they separated her from her mother, left her in orphanage and made her mother mad. I can’t tolerate that
but sometimes the storyline really pisses me off, especially when they shuts Sai’s Sherni mode, I just want to see her Sheni mode on again. I’ll be the happiest if the TRP drops down.
She would be the best Chudail of the TV industry, infact she will even gain many awards as best Chudail. It’s true that Vinu thinks Pakhi loves him the most but somewhere I guess he didn;t feel that motherly love and vibe from Pakhi, which he got from Sai, that’s the reason he got attached to Sai too quickly.
Exactly! We know this is an absolute

The above comment is for you Jade, I tagged my own name
AIshwarya was a lead from starting only, even in Bengali version Pakhi’s character was lead, Ayesha is positive lead and Aishwarya is negative lead. Everything would be good if they stuck to the same plot. In Bengali version, Sai and Virat for few months stay away from Chavans after their daughter is born, that mean here, Neil and Ayesha have to shoot in a different location and Aishwarya should shoot her scenes in Chavan house, and that insecure wife maybe refused to let her husband shoot somewhere else and that track is removed. Infact in Bengali version, Pakhi was the one who took care of Sai in her entire pregnancy as at that time even Shruti’s pregnancy was there and Virat was shown taking care of Shruti. But in this version, this trash lady wanted all screen time attention and also her off-screen husband as on-screen one and ruined the entire show.
These idiotic makers copied the dialogues of Virat from Bengali version about prioritizing his work and all but failed to show him the same way. In Bengali version, he was actually an honest officer for whom his duty always came first. He took care of Shruti but didn’t make her his wife in Kusum Dola
I don’t think Pakhi will die so easily.
Virat will call her name and she will wake up
Typical serial
I’m disgusted with this IPS guy. 1 professional scammer labeled as IPS employee
So true. I’m sure that Virat will be waking up his second wife with such words. I don’t know how these prods and scriptwriters come up with such however at the beginning of the post-leap, Virat was mourning over Sai and now he is “in love with Pakhi.” Unbelievable! This IPS man should drop his police badge now because he is violating the law on marriage.
The CN family is a stupid and crazy family. Only bad people, Sayi and Savi leaving that place was wise. I’m just afraid when I find out Vinu is Sayi’s biological son, what will happen to her. The pain of losing her husband, losing her children, and being humiliated, cursed and blamed by her husband’s family. Nothing more to say to this CN family and the useless IPS guy .
1. I figured from the beginning, if anything happened to the useless IPS guy and his crazy wife, Sayi and Savi would be the place to vent the anger of the CN demons. This field trip is organized by the school, the accident happened, maybe Sayi wanted her and her daughter to be in danger????
2. For the CN family, the daughter-in-law of their two sons is the best, while the others are nothing, a shame for Indian society when there are people like the CN family.
3. The IPS guy first said love to his sister-in-law wife, too humiliating and disgusting. Perhaps this is what the director and screenwriter want to tell the audience that the two words love of an uneducated IPS guy can save the life of the mad woman Pakhi.
4. I hope Sayi and Savi will leave that place. Where the suffering and despair caused by the CN family for Sayi and Savi must be paid the appropriate price. They have forgotten what they have done with Sayi and Savi. Hoping that there will be justice for Sayi and her daughter.
I actually just chatted with everyone, I stopped watching this movie because it was so pathetic.
@Flower, whatever sick depraved thing you can imagine will happen in this serial. It’s TRP is deffo going to free fall. Udaariayan is so spicy right now and Imlie is surprisingly gaining a viewership again (I won’t return to it cause I have a grudge against the makers for butchering my beautiful Aryan Singh Rathod’s character) Faltu is quite popular and I am hoping that the older viewers will switch to dheere dheere se as it is a bit of a painful story about orthodox views and a mature couple…. I can see these other serials including Faltu sitting high in the top 5 and GHKKPM falling to the bottom of the toilet it emerged from
I don’t see the IPS man as a significant beacon of light anymore. He is a two-faced pretender who loves himself and no one else. He belongs in such a shadowy family where the love they profess for each other is questionable. Otherwise he wouldn’t never dare to develop feelings for a widow in his family house no matter what. Now the producers only have to destroy Sai’s role and this serial will drop off the TRP ratings for good. Everyone else have seen their character in the CN besmirched by poor scriptwriters.
Even I want Sai and Savi to go away from that Chavan zoo, they’re better off without those criminals around them. The show is becoming disgusting with passing days, now that the mahaan lady is hospitalized the coming episodes will be filled with her filth. I’m watching all the teen shows like Kaisi Yeh Yaariyaan and Dil Dosti Dance to keep myself calm from the anguish this show is giving me.
And we’ll get to see Sao breaking down with no one to console her the day she gets to know that Vinu is her own son. She just has Usha, who’s a total waste and failure in giving wise suggestions to Sai.
1.I had been assuming that it’s not necessary that this Bhatt couple would’ve asked makers to not show pakhi in a negative way but after seeing all these m sure,it must be their condition to whitewash her character in any way.
2.It’s crystal clear that virat never loved Sai and his first and last love was only pakhi bcoz when Sai met with the accident he without even being present at accident spot and without even finding her body, believed that she died.But even after witnessing pakhi falling from cliff he isn’t ready to believe that she can die,wow.
3.Isn’t it funny how the whole rescue team and virat couldn’t find her pakhi for hours but sai found her in just half hour??put at least some logics.
4.Can someone please send this bhavani to the mental hospital??and also chawan’s??she is blaming Sai for all this,what an insane lady.
5.Sai should’ve not taken pakhi’s case in her hand.Now after pakhi’s death everyone will blame Sai for intentionally murdering her and even virat will file a case on her for the same.Hopefully it’s someone’s nightmare and pakhi would be saved so that later her true face could come be revealed and Sai would be ridden of the burden of killing that bi*ch.
Pakhi will wake up and only remember she is Samrat’s wife, will only ask where Samrat is, and will say that Sayi is the wife of that useless IPS guy. It would be fun if this happened. This will remind the useless IPS guy and the CN demons what happened. She will confess to the wrongdoing she has done to Sayi and Sayi’s son.
I hope so
@Flower I don’t think so she will be able to forget virus ever in her this life. She’s obsessed with him so even if she remembers the things upto when she got married to samrat, she will retain her memories from the yoga camp I think
@Mahi, sadly Lusty bhabie won’t die. It’s a deathbed cliched love confession that will save her
this serial is boringly predictable. They exploit the 2 child actors to keep the audience interested but I don’t think even Vinayaks biological truth is going to save this dumpster fire. Other shows are sooo

right now that this predictable crap is going to find itself at the bottom of the TRP pile. I can’t wait to see Neil crying in a documentary about forgotten TV actors in like 5 years cause he will get no work after this. Aishwarya will do well in the negative character circuit but this Neil’s career is gone
No, infact I feel this is the most unpredictable serial as they never show anything whatever we think that may happen to built this show in a good shape.They just try the worst way possible to make it negative.
@jade yikes ….
as much as I dislike this but its better they end the story this way devar bhabhi #forever so we are spared from hearing/seeing more of this psycho couple on screen
@Mahi this Virat never loved anyone. Not even patralekha. And definitely not sai because for pakhi he did all this and for sai he did nothing.
Tht’s what m saying that virat loving Sai was the biggest misunderstanding of everyone.
He loves himself and himself alone. So he conveniently moves on as his interests and desires changes. This production house knows how to extend the floorboards for a character. For example, Virat’s disgusting nature continues to throw new lows and now he doesn’t hesitate to give his lies to two women. He forcefully took Savi to the picnic and he gets no blame for that only Sai is blamed even though she unwillingly followed Virat and Savi to the picnic.
Virat is disgusting.and even Neil is losing it all bcoz of virat.
You’ve nailed it. The spoilt nailcutter goes no where except to be tossed into the dumpster. The rebound over his incompetence in allowing a loved character go downwards will end whatever he thought was a career. I mean the IPS man has been in this hated guise for over one year now. This was only supposed to be for a few months at most. What is he thinking? Even he should know that playing with fire runs the risk of being rubbished.
@Francis I’ve heard love makes people stupid… he sacrificed his career at the alter of love. Never mind he can be a house husband while Aishwarya works.
To think that this was his big break and then he throws it away like it never meant anything. Why allow his character to slide like this? He should be ashamed of himself. I don’t care anymore. He can do supporting roles in the future as he was doing before now.
Virus is going to confess his love to his bhabie on her deathbed to revive her

so lame and cliched this serial is heading towards the Devar bhabie consummation track. Vankar wants his Bhatt couple to have their honeymoon in front of the country. If DespoLustyLekha can be so Lusty for the beds to join then of course the country will get a soft core show during prime time for the consummation track. The dirty Bhatts marriage won’t survive without a script. If this
serial ever ends I give their marriage 6 months, 3 years if she decides to use bacha glue. The Bhatts have made the audience an unwilling part of their marriage.
This track is supposed to make Virat love his illegal wife and us sympathize with Lusty what it’s done is ensure that this show loses viewers. This show will lose its spot in the top 5. I am actually hoping Udaariyan overtakes it, Udaariyan is currently very spicy. Those 2 bros Advait and Nikhil

Ekam is meh but those other 2 lord have mercy!!!! Back to this
Lusty just showed she doesn’t love herself or her Kaku or her child, Virus is an obsession for her and I hope she murders him and stuffs him like a straw doll.
Time to throw this
off the TRP pile
She is not bhabhie she is wife of Virus.

no she is not. Technically and legally sai is still virat’s wife and according to Hindu marriage act, you can’t be married to more than one person at a time. So Virat is bigamist and patralekha is not his wife… atleast not legal. But she was his bhabhi and as samrat didn’t divorce this cheater until his death so she’s samrat’s widow too and virat’s bhabhie illegal wife
I believe that the prods have another trick up their sleeves. This guy used Sai as a foil to get over his feelings for his SIL and now he uses his SIL to get over his feelings for Sai. Disgusting. Two-timer. he should resign from the police. Why are people tolerating this storyline where the IPS officer gives CPR to Sai a thinly veiled effort to kiss someone who is “no longer his wife” and then confess “I love you” to someone who is not his wife. Isn’t this a crime? No less by someone who represents the Maharashtra Police.
and YRKKH don’t deserve to be in top 5, I will be happy if this
atleast comes to #3 or #4 from 2nd place
The TRP seriously needs to go down now, even in KKB forum many people vent out in comments desising the show just like we do but they get much happy and enjoy among themselves when TRP drops down and the TRP of KKB is actually dropping continuously from past few weeks, we don’t even have that enjoyment here, first we get all pissed off due to storyline and this shit even get high TRPs. I really want to so something to stop people from giving TRP to this
Udariyaan Gen 2 is actually good, infact much better than this starplus trash serials, I just hope they don’t make Nehmat dumb and irritating like Tejo, Advait an useless man like Fateh and Nehmat-Advait couple annoying like Fateh-Tejo. For a change, even Naaz is doing good, I am still okay with sister rivalry until they don’t go behind same man and clearly that’s not the case there, but I feel Jasmine should die now, when all children became leads, there’s no work for Jasmine now, infact they should introduce her daughter Harleen now.
In Rajjo, recently the villan is exposed and is thrown off and they are focusing on ML-FL bonding now, I hope that takes a place in top 5 along with Banni Chow Home Delivery where the split personality Kabir of ML is back and we’ll get to see some action there. I don’t know much about Faltu but heard that it was good till now, I hope they don’t start EMA in that show and ruin it. Anupama, Imlie and Faltu are okay, but this
@Siya anupama serial is not ok its still as illogical as the beginning and the onscreen characters are trash. In the name of woman empowerment they are still promoting bullshit. I don’t get what people see in that shitty show. And imlie serial is now much better i agree and faltu i havent started to watch haha so i dont know much about it. Anupama, this devar show and yrkkh should go off air tbh these 3 shows don’t deserve to even be in top 10
I also wish i could do something to stop the TRP of these three shitty shows just like @jade had mentioned about this show.
*despising the show just like we do
@Siya YRKKH is riding hard on Harshad and not on any semblance of plot…. It’s all so overdone. The original was kinda relatable then the second gen was messed up with the number of time the lead pair separated… i blame Ekta for all of it… look at her KKB Aaliya has been winning for year, she’s even committed murder and her dumbass brother let her get away with all her crimes
Yes, Anupama is completely illogical and what started as a promising show about women empowerment became a circus now, but still I personally feel it’s better than other star plus shows, where they’re showing EMA, sister rivalry, sister’s running behind same man. Pandya store also don’t have all these elements but all the characters there has gone insane and Dhara’s puppets, just saw a clip of today’s episode where Rishita is also taunting Raavi about her job, if Dhara did the same with Rishita, will Rishita ever forgive her, never. Do you remember the episode where Rishita insulted Shiva soo much and called him animal, uneducated and what not because she lost her job because of him. I don’t understand with what face she’s taunting Raavi now. But yes, if we see content wise, even Anupama is trash.
@Siya exactly i vented out in the comment section in the comment forum of pandya store. Rishita herself was someone who worked and yet instead of giving dhara a reality check she also lost her mind and became a dhara bhakt and made raavi sad what else can we expect from the makers. Is dhara some kind of a god that they all are being her puppets seriously im starting to hate the real actors now. If they are trying to play a positive role they need to know better than being someone’s puppet
I till date didn’t understand what my aunt liked soo much in that nonsense serial
At that time only I understood that Ektha can never do good with her shows, well YHM was an exception, she did the same with YHC too.
IKR! The little section of people are watching that show is only because of Harshad but his on-screen pairing with Pranali is horrible you know and his character Abhimanyu is also trash, they both seriously look like father-daughter in some scenes and their romance looks soo cringe. All the so called AbhiRa admirers are maybe teenagers with no sense of maturity. Even I started seeing Gen 3 for Harshad, but his character only became a complete disappointment. I seriously feel Harshad is being wasted in that shit show.
I never liked KKB from 1st episode only. I soo knew Ektha is going to ruin that show and that’s what happened, I remember my aunt telling me that Kasauti season 1 was her favourite so I read the plot in wiki and head seriously blasted, I couldn’t even understand whose wife is who and who are the actual parents of the children, so many marriages and kids Prerna and Anurag had with different people
Thank the god Charan zoo family did not blame savi for the accident
Sai is the one woman for whom I have the least respect. So much is happening and she still stubs her nose in the family that disowned her..
@NRI she doesn’t but as a doctor she’s doing it because this ips guy asked her to do the surgery. She has been away from the family matters since she left the house but here I agree with you. She’s injured herself and it’s risky for both her and pakhi if she does the surgery
Can someone explain actually what kinda doctor is sai like dude sometime they show she is physiotherapist, the next moment she is a gynecologist, sometimes a surgeon the writers have made herself a multi specialty hospital

like wtf man
Sai is an all rounder… my friend there is no flow or logic in this show. The plot holes are like craters. We have an officer who knows he has a family of criminals but never once did his job and we have Dr Sai Joshi who has had to do the job of the same useless officer several times now.

we just come here to make fun of this horrible serial
Kyu mere baare mein itna bol rahe ho tum log?
Kyun Ki aap ke paas koi Dimag nahin hai, na self respect. Aap please Virat ko maar aur uska sare khoon pee loo, hum us nalayak aap se zaada na pasand
Aao mein tumhara aur Bhavani ka khoon pe lui


How is this show standing at no2 in TRP? People are so jobless that they watch on TV to give this TRP. Makers have spoiled the original story line and giving more importance to the real couple which is not the story of KD. Worst show and makers. Do they ever read what ppl are thinking about this sh*t show.
@jade true , he himself is a criminal , he has done numerous of illegal work but they whitewash him every time not its high time i really want this show to end and just hope this patralekha die for real in this show at least there will be less negativity
this is such a stupid unrealistic story i am getting tired of it now i read in updates that virat will tell socalled dead palkhi he loves her and all of a sudden she wil be alive again that proves she fooled everybody that she was dead even the doctors in hospital she always finds ways to win virat back again why cant she just die forever this is boring and now we all know that he always loved palkhi and not say now i hope that they will send finaly a true love for say or if she chooses to remain alone fort the rest of her life let her leave and make a fresh start elsewhere because now that evil palkhi will never die she and virat will absolutely not unite anymore
sl*tty sai nay wants to poke her smelly nose everywhere wants to show how her gandi ass is maha. May be she wants lick porky Didi’s ass
Can somebody inform them that they are ruining a family that needs to be together. But instead virat searched for pakhi but not sai like seriously yeh chutiya pta nhi kisko pyaar krta hai