Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 17th June 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on
Bhawar Patil enters as Groom. Bhawar Patil sits in the Mandap and asks Patil to start the wedding. The pandit starts the Pooja. The Pandit asks the bride and Groom to get up to wear Varmala to each other. Savi says she will not wear Varmala. Bhawar Patil asks the Dhol wale to stop playing. Bhawar Patil asks Savi to decide if she wants to do the wedding or not. Savi says there is a ritual that bride will tease the groom a little and says she just wanted to tease him. Savi says he needs to prove that he is good enough and asks Bhawar Patil to do the Varmala ritual. Bhawar Patil agrees with Savi’s condition. Bhawar Patil asks his men to pick him up and Savi. Savi thinks if she wasted time in this way she hoes commissioner will send some back up pretty soon.
Bhawar Patil notices his men are picking him and Savi up, Kiran is touching Savi’s feet accidentally but Bhawar Patil thinks he is intentionally doing it. Bhawar Patil asks his men to put down and Bhawar Patil injures Kiran’s hand with which he touched Savi. Bhawar Patil asks Savi to shoot Kiran to teach him a lesson. Savi says she can’t do it. Savi says she cannot kill someone on her wedding day. Bhawar Patil hearing it praises Savi. Bhawar Patil makes Savi wear Varmala to him and he also wears Varmala to her.
Harini gives her handkerchief to Kiran. Bhawar Patil says to Savi that they should take Phere. Savi says before that she would like to take blessings from her elders. Bhawar Patil agrees and calls Bhosle family elders.
Savi takes blessings from Bhosle family elders one by one. Chinmay also blesses Sav and Bhawar Patil asks Savi if it is over. Savi comes beside Bhawar Patil. Shikha suddenly has stomach pain. Savi tries to go towards Shikha. Bhawar Patil stops Savi. Shikha says she is feeling a lot of pain in her stomach. Savi asks Bhawar Patil to call a doctor inside. Bhawar Patil says no one will come inside and leave outside. Savi says if he wants to marry her then he needs to allow a doctor to come and see Shikha. Bhawar Patil hearing it allows Ayush to go and ask the cops for a doctor. Savi says to Ayush that she will write a message to tell Ayush what he has to say so that the doctor will know correctly about Shikha’s condition. Savi writes on a paper and gives it to Ayush. Savi hopes that the cops will understand Savi’s hidden message.
Ayush comes infront of the cops. Ayush reads Savi’s message saying a pregnant is in her trimester and the baby might be kicking inside and until now bleeding hasn’t happened. Ayush throws the paper away and goes inside.
Isha reads Savi’s paper and decides it and says to the cops that Shikha isn’t having any problem and Savi is asking to send a person who knows about the college really well. Isha asks the cops to allow her to go inside and says she knows really well about this college. Shukla says he will also go with her. The cops allow her to go inside. The cops gives a spects to Isha through which they will be able to see what is going on.
Shukla and Isha enter the college. Isha hides her face from Mandar and goes inside. Savi sees Isha and Shukla. Bhawar Patil questions why Shukla came inside. Isha tells him that she needs an assistant so Shukla came to assist her. Bhawar asks his team members to check Isha and Shukla to see whether they brought anything with them.
Kiran comes to check them. Isha feels worried thinking Kiran will recognise her. Kiran checks Shukla and tells Bhawar that everything is clear. The police see everything from the secret camera. Bhawar allows Isha to check Shika. Isha assures Ishaan and Savi that everything will be fine. She checks Shika. She tells Bhawar that they need to clear Shika’s anxiety. She asks Bhawar to arrange hot water for the treatment. Bhawar refuses but later he agrees. He asks Shukla to get the warm water. Savi tells instructions to Shukla. Shukla goes to get the water.
Precap: Shukla executes Savi’s plan. Police stop their rescue mission after seeing the corpse on the stretcher.
From the look of it, it seems like all savi has to do is threaten to kill herself or someone else like Ishan or anyone else could threaten to kill savi unless they let them go and it would work ig but noo this is an Indian serial we are talking about
The rescue team no strategy on how to enter the institute. Only savi thought a plan. What l am waiting is on how to end this hostage drama. Who will survive and who will die. My interest in the serial is no more since shakti is leaving.
Lol Ishan is just standing there like a statue not going anything, seems like Savi is the only one with the brain
but what a boring episode, there’s only 1-2 days left and still they are dedicating episodes to Bhavar. This is torture I am trying to stay sane while waiting for the leap. The confession from yesterday was lacking. He didn’t even continue it today and try to prove it that he actually loves her
pls kill off ishan quick at this rate because viewers really cannot deal with this torture anymore
and kill Bhavar too, him and his minions are still there creating drama. They are really dragging this track
just like TMD their other show they are also spoiling this one. I think the writer is lacking some creative juices…maybe need a boost. The union of Ishan-Ishan was also lacking. Don’t even know what they are showing, where has Reeva and her family gone in this episode?
they are shooting non stop just for these kind of episodes, feel like really complaining to the board
but they ain’t gonna listen so what’s the point. The rescue team is also stupid they can’t do anything, only Savi is brave and has the guts to even try and figure a way out. At this rate I’m just waiting to see if it’s really ishan in the Precap or another trap
@Khushi at this rate I just want this leap to happen so I know am done with this show.
@yaya same here. I think the viewers are trying to keep us hooked but it’s not working

@Khushi there’s so many options they could have explored with the show especially after Ishaan confessed and with his parents back, but NO they want to kill the ML before the story got to it’s purpose so sad
Even then they are delaying the ML death, I don’t even know what they are showing anymore. The show has gone to waste
This serial is of no use for as Shakti is leaving the show because he is the only backbone of the serial .A good actor with good sense of humour and know how to react on situation ,look graceful on each act .pls don’t leave we want to see you in the serial.
It’s good that he is leaving. The longer he is in this serial, they are not using his full potential. It will be better if he finds some other show who values him as an actor instead of this rubbish script
This is definitely dragging now. Last year I remember watching radha mohan and the ML radha got locked in a freezer and no joke they dragged that whole night for a whole month. At least we know that this particular situation is only going to ve another day or two. I’m not even sure if I’m going to continue watching it after shakti leaves as I really like him as an actor. I’ll probably just stick to reading the updates here.
The writers and director are not creative enough to drive the story. Just in point in time the hostage drama should have some resolution. But instead it become merry go round. Imagine the gun of patil was able to got by ishan he should use it against patil to control mandar and keran as well as the others. They disarmed keran and mandar. And the Bohsle men can hold a gun.Then the commissioner can escorted isha and shukla inside as a nurse. I am sorry to say that the makers are brainless. Instead of praising the serial because of closing the chapter the other way around.
Before they stupidly killed all the Chavan’s Savi was endearing, remember when she beats Kiran silly? It was better when that other officer was around. It all went sideways when they killed the Chavann’s. If they wanted to use the yhm angle they could have had Savi live happily with her Chavan family and meet her goals and one day she runs into Ishaan again who is a stern single father because Reeva died in birth and shown Savi growing a bond with the child. But nope theyll do the dumbest things, SaiRat fought so hard for Vinu only for him to die hopelessly while this blo*dy witch Harini is still alive, if they wanted to kill a Chavan it should have been Harini. I get Kishori and the other lady have new serials, they could have shown them leaving to go live with Pulkit and his wife overseas, why does everyone have to die??? I dont care about the Bhosale’s they could have died on day 1, the death of the Chavan’s is the biggest travesty in this
show. Having Vinu and Savi studying hard and working to get Chavan Niwas back was what I wanted to see not this half baked toxic worse than twilight “romance” IshVi isn’t real, it never was, actions speak louder than words, where was Ishaan’s “love” all the times he dehumanised Savi? He can’t even love himself how will he love anyone else? Ishaan is broken and Reeva is mentally broken, Savi was always a complete person until she married trashaan then she started acting like half a person. She should have just let that creepy dude marry Durva and minded her own damn business. I hope for the day ITV shows an FL minding her own god damned business and letting the MLs creepy family suffer
Boring episode
Honesty. How do the writer and director think, a trivial scenario,and the director has no experience. I am waiting for the jump because I am tired of the show
they are draging serial we all know bhosale family will be killed off one by one now why the police does not kill of bavar pilat kiran and mandheer i know already after everybody is killed they will escape again without been punished and i can’t stand that but makers always want evil to win over good and that will also happen in this serial in the last episiode everybody will be killed and criminals will escape again and not caught by police i hatw to see evil win above good and this is how this leap will end
For me I’m tired of Indian film, very long and senseless, the love repeating there film, and is too long for my liking
For how is she going to suffer I was hoping 1 day she will be happy bt no first she lost her family , husband and now this and harini she still have soft spot for Kiran what a bad narrative story I was expecting a happy ending but yhooo turn out to be a waste of time for long these evil always have an upper hand this is too much we want to Isha & her husband stand a ground for Surekha bt it turns out as bad as it is I think season 1 was much better than this
If it is real love between Ishaan and Savi, then why show the love dying? They can show ishvi surviving, Isha and Shantanu also surviving. They could have taken the story forward…When Ishaan has at last professed love to Savi, then it is really stupid to show ishaan dyeing. How heart broken the character of Savi will be?
So 2 more episodes to watch. Then we are signing off since shakti is leaving. Relax and enjoy the upcoming episodes.Lets see on how they will end the hostage drama.
This forced wedding episode is dragging too much. So much madness and boring to watch now
Did you guys see this? I wonder if this is true.
@Leah that can’t be true unless they coming back in a dream or thoughts of Savi.
Boring crap

Today’s episode is confusing me, how is everyone going to die without the bombs? Or is it going to be a shoot out? Isha proved it to her son that she is his mother and not Akka Saheb