Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 22nd February 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on
Pakhi threatens Virat that she will leave his house with her son and says just like Virat can’t stop Sai from staying here, nobody can’t stop her. Virat asks her to listen to him once. Vinu rushes and hugs Pakhi in a panic state and asks if Savi’s mother will stay here. Virat says yes. Vinu asks why she wants to stay here when she has her own house. Pakhi shouts Virat doesn’t have any answer for this. Sai says she has. Pakhi shouts she doesn’t need Sai’s answer and takes Vinu inside home. Sai tells Virat that she came here to remove fear from Vinu’s heart and can’t do that by staying in this house, so with their permission she will stay in outhouse and slowly remove the poison implanted in Vinu’s mind by Pakhi and others. Virat says he doesn’t want his daughter to stay in an outhouse as its unfirt for her and its her right to stay with her family. Sai says counting starts with 0, she didn’t have anything when she shifted to Kankauli, but she still made a house there with her hard work; she will turn his outhouse into a living place.
Pakhi packs her suitcase. Virat asks her not to go as Sai will stay in outhouse. Pakhi says Sai’s intention is to take Vinu from here at any cost and hence will not fall for Sai’s tricks, Sai is totally controlling him and he is speaking only in Sai’s favor. Virat promises that he will not let Sai take Vinu away from this house. Pakhi says she doesn’t trust him as he broke his promises many times and continues to criticize Virat. Bhavani enters and assures her that she will not let Vinu leave this house. Pakhi shouts why don’t she kick Sai out of her house. Bhavani says she should remember that Sai treated Vinu’s legs and only she can clear Vinu’s misconception. Pakhi asks will Sai not take Vinu away once she clears Vinu’s misunderstanding. Bhavani says she will give it in writing. Pakhi asks what if Sai takes Vinu away even after that. Bhavani says its up to Pakhi now whether she wants to stay here or not, but its clear that Vinu will not go from here. Virat requests Pakhi to trust them. Pakhi continues to cry.
Virat takes Sai and Savi to outhouse. Savi asks how will she stay here, can’t they stay at home. Sai says people will find uncomfortable with their presence at home. Virat says he wants to decorate Savi’s room and hence is shifting her here for some time. Savi says this place is too dirty. Virat says they will clean it. Sai says there is no need for that. Savi asks if she is still angry on baba, she should patch up. Sai asks her to just tie a cloth around her nose and help her. She climbs a table and cleans dust when she notices a lizard and slips shouting in fear. Virat holds her on time. Their eyes lock and they remember a previous incident. Savi enters and claps saying baba saved aayi, aayi is afraid of lizard. She requests him to shoo off lizard. Virat says he will if her aayi requests him Sai says no need for that. Virat asks what if another lizard barges in from somewhere. Sai shouts again and requests him to shoo off lizard. Virat asks him to request in a proper way. Sai does. Virat in a funny way shoos off lizard and hifi’s with Savi.
Sai says let us get back to work and starts cleaning room. Viratg helps her. Mere Ghum Khushiyan Banjaate Hain.. song plays in the background. Savi enjoys his parents’ company. Bhavani smiles seeing Virat happy and recalls Virat’s confession that he can’t live without Sai. She thinks Virat looks so happy with his family and if Vinu joins them, their family will complete. She prays Bappa to help her in her mission of uniting her son’s family.
Precap: Virat brings snacks for Savi and Sai and tries to convince Sai to forgive him with a poetry. Pakhi shouts at Virat that he already thought of a solution, what is he going to do next?
Update Credit to: MA
Our girl Sai

no matter how many times this s*xist patriarchal brute Vankar knocks her down she comes back swinging. What I admire about Sai is she worked hard for everything she has, unlike some
s who were handed everything by mommy and daddy and are STILL bratty and worthless. Remember they tried to make this role of this polony in make up look like she was a business woman 

the only business she is capable of is devar and embryo theft. Bhavani is sneaky, I actually want to see Bhavani spending more time with Savi and Ninad and trashwini malfunctioning and crying…
Is Bhavani’s own son and I refuse to believe otherwise. Lusty
is assaulting my eyes even when she is in the thumbnail of the written updates and Vankar needs to go to jail for eye abuse by constantly putting her in plain sight. Still hoping my dream of it turning out Vinu is no one’s child and the lab made a mistake materializes then Sai can say oh dear well I do love you kid but stay with your psycho
mamma and by then the Jnr
should realise the lusty
is a mental case and regret his treatment of Sai as Bhavani keeps Sai and sends her Ladli
and Jnr
away. I saw another spoiler that Sai will end up in hospital when Jnr
pushes her down some stairs
can I go smack that child? With my mom’s trusty wooden spatula? Yo mom’s from the day… They knew how to turn cooking utensils into weapons 
@Jade bro!!! From ashes Sai rose
she has been reduce to nothing ,but the vanku realizes that she’s the goldmine and brought back her old avatar.

even Vankar knows better if he send the self proclaimed FL people will not even bother watching it ,so he sent the tpr queen
after leap seeing her a business woman I was not even convinced at all ,and she proved us all that she knows nothing about business or how it is ran 
I’m sure we will get to see bavhani bonding with Sai and savi in the outhouse ,even ratman
will always be there in pretext of going to see savi 
Ninad might go there too ,but as for the failed mother trashwini she will not go as Sai will not easily accept her after what she has done . I’m sure everyone one by one will go and stay in the outhouse and lusty
will stay in the house alone 

go running to Sai ..I mean savi is a love child .and then Vankar can entroduce a cameo who has Sai’s child with him ,and the story can be build from there .
The NON ACTOR self proclaimed FL is no where promoting TMD
Coming to this
If it does happen that there was a mixup in the hospital then
@Jade exactly bro earlier you said it you dreamt of vinu only being Sai’s kid and not rat’s as someone exchanged his share with some handsome guy’s but now I wish this kid is no one’s child. Such an ungrateful brat he is.
My eyes and ears hurt watching the episodes because of this lusty, this is getting unbearable. I can’t tolerate her. Atleast in early days she wasn’t a criminal but now she is one and still thinks herself of as a great woman of sacrifices and queen mother this is what irritates me the most. Bro atleast other negative characters are full on villian mode when they’re alone or with the people they trust but this lusty portrays herself as a saint
How is Pakhi not a criminal, she almost got Sai killed by goons she sent, she too almost got the surrogate mother killed too right? She was arrested for all these crimes but was bailed out by Virat right? I also dun understand she was baiked out but not her case was not dismissed how come she was free all these years?? Bailed out n case dismissed are 2 different things right? If the case was dismissed on wat ground? She was arrested with evidences n proof right?
read that again before jumping “in early days she wasn’t a criminal but now she is one”
Early days= starting days when she used to do watchman duty outside her devar’s room.
“But now she is one” she became a criminal now after goons and surrogacy track which happened recently not in early days.
God you’re ready to jump on me for literally no reason at all. It’s not my fault that you do not understand what I write
I just waiting for episode where virat comes to know pakhis reality……………………
@Saifan he knows it right? But tries to fade that away by bringing her not so sacrificial sacrifices which includes marrying him which was what she always has wanted
Now I don’t understand; didn’t Bhavni promise Virat to give his love back and Sai is the right woman for him but she is siding with Pakhi. What’s the story. I know Bhavani doesn’t like Sai so what stupid game is she playing at.
@Muge she wants to unite sairat. Though idk what will she do with lusty after they reuinte
I haven’t spoke to you in a long time bro how are you doing, I hope life is treating you well. Exactly my point is she going to reunite Sairat why is she building castle in the air for Pakhi. I think Bhavni just was Vinu because she wants an heir I don’t think she cares about pakhi or Sai. We will have to see…
@Muge thanks I’m doing good. I hope you’re happy and healthy.
Yes bhavani cares about heir but this time she’s doing all this for Virat not for pakhi or sai because of his worst ever confession that he wanna live with sai
I am trying, but anyways totally Bhavani doesn’t care about anyone but herself and Chavan name, stupid ideologies. Anyway I left a comment on anupama don’t know if you have seen it.
@Jade, @Siya, @Akansha, @Nadine,@ Suseme, @Irabati and all other comment fan hope yall are doing good and your being productive. I saw some of your replies from yesterday on the Parineeti thing honestly all these heroine and sacrifice, its like they are all in competition on who can sacrifice the most.
@Muge i also read parineeti but never comment there as people hardly leave a comment there but yes that is also another typical serial where two women that too two closest bestfriends are hitched to the same man and the guy keeps enjoying the attention and worshipping that comes from two women. The saddest part is neeti does not even know that pari’s rajeev is none other than her own husband himself. And pari is super doormat as she keeps continuously sacrificing herself for that trash of a man I wish neeti sees the truth and then throws rajeev inside the court.
@Muge no I didn’t visit there after dropping my comment wait I’ll go there
@Muge hey its been a while buddy. How are you? Btw i recently came from my sis-in-law’s maike wali house btw i replied this in yesterday’s forum .
Hope you even enjoyed your weekend. As for today’s reply = this trashy serial, I literally cannot trust any characters other than our sherni as she is the only one who’s truthful since the very beginning. Also it is very rare to see a strong dignified female lead who has self-respect and our sherni has all of this positive qualities which makes her lovable character. Other female leads need to learn atleast a thing or two from our sherni . Also barkwhiny is someone who keeps constantly flipping from her so called adarsh bahu to our sherni and then from our sherni back to her adarsh bahu. She only sees her own benefit in every situation. Had she truly cared about sherni, she wouldn’t suddenly be whitewashed overnight. If she really started to care about our sherni, she would have a proper awakening and then she would make up for each and every atrocities she did against sherni and then she would finally apologize to sherni which would be more reasonable, heart-touching as well as realistic for us viewers and readers. If anything I am very afraid that the only possibility she maybe doing this is to snatch savi completely from sherni, as she knows even savi is virus daughter. One thing about this serial is that it is always our sherni receiving the shortest end of the stick for absolutely no reason whereas the so called non actor and her devar husband always get away with their crimes/unfair actions as vankar is their vaanar who only follows their orders both on and offscreen
@Akansha hey bro hru doing? Are you back here!?
@Suseme hey how are you? And Im doing good. And yes I came back day before yesterday
@Akansha I didn’t come here yesterday
because I already had seen some scenes a day before yesterday someone leaked the episode lmao.
I’m doing good. Glad to have you here
@Suseme I stopped watching since shruti track. And I won’t watch this until the writers are replaced with a team of actually progressive minded and professional writers because then only i will have satisfaction seeing sayi in always better condition

I still can’t trust Bhavani totally bro, she might switch any moment, she does everything for a reason, but this time if she switches again, then the story will never go forward, it will revolve in the same circle it was revolving from starting this time with kids involved. So, I feel Bhavani might not switch this time, Vankar made a good plan to whitewash Bhavani and
And I’m doing good bro, how about you
True that, all the FLs are competing to prove who does more sacrifices and so far Pari topped the list
It’s only a mother that want what’s good for their children and clearly bavhani knows what’s best for her son ..for a second I thought that bavhani will utter nonsense but again she suprised me .
As for the NON ACTOR
And why is she always screaming for absolutely no reason ,my eyes are painful just seeing her and my ears are ringing hearing her manly voice .you are the one who petrified the brat and Sai as usual is trying to correct your mistakes..
Sai is one in a million I must say

,she’s not falling for ratman
tricks .and
refused because he wants to be with his family ,and this brat vinu because of a fictional story he behaves like a mad person ,boy you need a tight slap so that you can differentiate between real and fiction .
Vankar we need a cameo for Sai ,so that ratman
can experience what Sai have be experiencing all this while ,you need a taste of your own medicine .
@Suseme I’m sure ratmans time will be spent in the outhouse in the name of bonding with savi ,I read somewhere he will tell sai to forgive her modak

we know you have no shame ,but at least make your stand clear from that pest lusty ..the outhouse will be funtimea I tell you ,I’m sure even bavhani will go there to spend time with Sai and savi .
@Nadine yess outhouse is gonna be fun. Yes he asked for forgiveness in precap in the same way they once talked in past when I think sai was mad at him and he brought her a lot of food and did peotry with every food before feeding her.
& Sai’s Modak-Mirchi drama will start
I’m so excited
but the only thing I wanna see is
shedding red blo*dy tears along with Vinu & the whole family to be killed meanwhile Sai, Savi & their new ML just enjoying & drinking lemonade with sunglasses on

@Suseme that’s not enough ,my problem is
has not yet realized his mistake yet ..he needs proper redemption,he needs to do what Sai did during the shruti track and more ,that’s when Sai can think of forgiving him ..
will spend more time in the outhouse ,which one by one will go there ,because Sai will make the outhouse a HOME 
@Nadine true though no redemption can justify the way he treated sai.

and when Modak-Mirchi drama start ,lusty will not know who she wants to keep away from Sai between vinu and
..and yes proper redemption will be
crying tears of blood ..a cameo to make
even more jealous of Sai will do ,she can enjoy hanging out with him ,going on dinner dates ,having non alcoholic 
,this bastard
will suffer with jealousy 
@Nadine everything you said is also true
. Btw now only I saw your reply to my yesterday’s comment so I’m replying here to that comment and then I will include the reply in this comment for your today’s comment as well. Yes even I agree Rrahul sudhir is complementary next to sayi and KSG is also a good choice
Your today’s comment’s reply = i honestly wish something major happens where the butts specially ASSWARya and uncreative writers start to face blacklash more in real-life so that the butts quit this show since they proved that they can never be professional and for the uncreative writers I wish they get their deserved share of abused to the extent where they are forced to never show sayi/sherni in anymore of unnecessary problems and that she is always shown smiling, laughing and then romancing with new Male lead if they ever plan to pair her with one but they see the sun shining out of the butts asses so they wouldn’t want to give any happiness to us sayi’s fans. They only care about the butts and the pakrat worshippers. There should really be fired and bankrupt so that they never ever get any employment.
@Nadine, @Suseme
Outhouse will indeed be pleasant now, very soon one by one everyone will go there and spend time and chill out with Sai and Savi, lusty can sit in her room making faces or do watchman duty outside outhouse
@Siya yess and then vinu will realise how much he’s missing out. One day he too will go to Sai! And then lusty can pack her bags
@Siya @Akansha lustys will once again resume her post as a watchman

the outhouse it’s where the fun-times will be at , I want Vankar to show us the time Sai was pregnant with savi and how she struggled to build herself up after leaving everything behind ,even if it’s a for a week .these are the things which will make the show more interesting,we have seen the failed business watchman lusty and now we want to see how Sai made it.
@Akansha the butts will never leave this show ,it’s lustys first and last so she’ll have to be there until the end sadly

Kichkandi keeps throwing tantrums daily and wallow in self pity,when is she going to fall into depression and start thinking of suicide for real @vanku? I see nothing but fear in her lustful eyes,she knows deep down she can’t stand the fierceness of sai the queen tigress,since she’s just a mere didn’t take her useless illegal husband the
man upto an hour to start clinging unto sai
leaving her to cry herself to death.Am still a bit confused about hagvani stand 
,she keeps switching sides and as for that spoilt brat he can continue clinging onto his deceptive mother while savi gets all the fun.
@Nadine she keeps proving she’s rat’s mother repeatedly. Whereas this arsewhiny all she does is cry whine and open her mouth to talk nonsense. She doesn’t even know what does her son want.
I saw a behind the scenes video of ghkkpm show shooting,there was a scene that the actors were just preparing themselves and Ayesha tried to fix Aishwaryas Appearance,as she extended her hand imagine Aishwarya pushed away her hand,and i noticed she was always frowning its like shes really envious of Ayesha….i dnt like hating on couples bt Neil has just got himself in trouble marryng that lusty woman
@Mina it’s no secret aishwarya is jealous of Ayesha ..I mean she has been given the lime light by Vankar and she always under-delivers .they wanted her to take Ayesha’s spot and she failed in that too ,she doesn’t know how to act ,hance she is called NON ACTOR.. Ayesha is everything this creature wishes to be
she thought marrying Neil will make her a great actor 

but No!! Her plan backfired at her .. Neil will only realize when it’s too late that he has ruined his career for aishwarya..Ayesha is the best and always will be the best period 
@Mina is this bts a recent one? Btw Aishwarya is worst I bet Neil will regret it later but whatever who even cares about them after this show ends.
Suseme,not a recent one,i saw it on youtube and i really felt bad,and i think that maybe Neil fell in love with Ayesha bt lusty came between,even a kid wud be able to understand that lusty is her character also in real life and she looks like a controlling woman….that woman is problems i say
@Mina I dunno if he felt for Ayesha or not but Aishwarya is a jealous person irl too idk about lusty though who knows.
Bruh I’m not surprised
this Aishwarya is not a human but a snake. Always jealous 
When everyone knows who is bringing TRPs to this show. She shared a good bond with Ayesha in the initial days but slowly as Ayesha started getting more fame, she grew jealous of Ayesha, that jealousy is clearly visible on her face both on-screen and off-screen. And her puppy husband had to follow her foot steps, recently this show and Anupama show cast and crew won awards for maintaining high TRPs continuously for 2 years and the supposed ML who have 15 years experience in industry didn’t even have the courtesy to greet his costar infront of people and cameras
Aishwarya is too egoistic, she bluffs that the show is made for her and is running because of her
@Nadine, @Suseme
Even she knows that after this, she won’t get any other show/role, so tries to forcefully show herself as FL
Vankar knows who’s the FL, that’s why sent Ayesha and Neil to TMD sets to promote Angad and Seerat’s wedding to bring TRPs for that show not this self proclaimed FL
I wonder if she’s doing watchmen duty outside TMD sets too
She loves to be in her delusional world
Another miserable episiode with pakhi i am happy to see bahvani and virat are trying their best to make savi and sayrat happy if only say could realy change vinu he is a terrible child it would not surprise me if savi will turn out to be the one to change vinu attitude towards sai maybe she might even unite her parents again together i hope so atleast then they can be a real family finaly
Guyss did y’all watch this?
but Sai’s character and her whole story is beautiful. And she still mentioned all of the cast members
so down to earth and respectful she is. Whereas Neil and especially Aishwarya kept talking about herself
bro that scene she’s talking about was worst scene ever, let’s not talk about his dad’s taste in acting. But she is full of herself. And btw what made her think that this show is about her
maybe because of the amount of screenspace she gets
Ayesha said I can’t comment about writing
@Suseme that is the difference between ayesha and the butts. Those butts are very much self-absorbed so obviously they will never see anything other than their pathetic existence and ayesha will always remain humble yet very bubbly. Her personality is lovable both on and offscreen. Nalla and ASSWARya can keep their heads in their gutter
@Akansha true atleast at press conference they could’ve maintained their decency but no mrs Bhatt had to throw her lame jokes on the audience
@Suseme she is trying way too hard to look funny but she does not even probably realize that she is coming off as cringe and odd. The only time she will realize is when she comes out of her la la land
@Akansha once this serial ends she’ll realise her worth soon
Ayesha has class, ethics and etiquettes, though out of formality she took Bhatt’s name too along with everyone, but this self proclaimed FL lacks the above factors, she only talks about herself and bluffs that the show is made for her and this is her show in all interviews too, the interviewers too got fed up of her and started taking Ayesha solo interviews throwing the Bhatts away
The great Bhavani Nagesh Chavan was all mute today, she only remembers that she’s “Mukhiya” of the house when she has to order Sai, if her ladli lusty is taking decisions for everyone she’s all okay, why can’t she shut her ladli’s mouth today when she was speaking crap about Sai staying in that zoo, and on top of that went and assured lusty again
today just because lusty isn’t in frame
I’ll love all those scenes without lusty in frame, doesn’t matter what is that about
The only frame of lusty I love is she wailing, crying and being servant
But I didn’t like Sai giving smiles to that
, I want her to give cold shoulder to that
What are you making our girl do Vankar, let that
also suffer, he easily got love of both his kids after doing all things which broke the family and Sai is suffering for loving her kids and prioritizing them over everyone
’s mother, because if she was in place of Bhavani today, instead of feeling happy seeing her son happy like Bhavani, she would have felt bad for her lusty “adarsh”, “selfless”, “sacrificial” bahu
Okay, I won’t lie but I honestly loved Sai and Savi scenes with that
Neil’s acting will always be top notch when he’s doing scenes with Ayesha. I think after a really long time they did a scene together without using body double. And I’m now 100% sure Ashwini is not
@Siya I think bavhani was only pacifying thus lusty creature ,so that Sai will get a chance to win over vinu’s heart .hance she assured the insecure b***t ..I mean savi has
rapped around her little fingers ,not suprised because she is a love child 
,and after a very long time Neil did justice and performed well
.and the fact that no. Actor was not there made it even more worth watching.and yes I agree with you the scenes I want to see is her crying ,wailing and being the Cn zoo maid 

.i don’t think sai was smiling at this bastard
, I think she’s just smiling that after so many years savi is finally experiencing her fathers love …I really want savi to ask what is he not staying with her mom meanwhile they are married, I want him to be hurt and cry also ,he deserves it .. Ayesha brings out the actor in Neil ,but he’s too dumb to even see that 

No doubt bavhani it ratmans mother ,she’s the one feeling and understanding
pain .
For the next couple of days ,
will definitely spend more time in the outhouse 

@Siya exactly. The only way this rotten serial will shut down is if more and more no. of audience rates this stupid show below 50% and also the twitter stans should really slam vankar and the team of other uncreative writers who are showing their partiality against sherni because of their own idiocy and also because of the bhatts.
If the writers really are coming here to read our comments and others comments in general other than a few handful of one or two failed abortion trolls, they should know that their uncreative writing has resulted in most of us to feel disgusted by this serial as well as the other serials that are full on showing regressive cringe content along with poor development of characters starting from their so called FL, ML and the toxic in-laws. The only great part about this toxic serial is sayi’s sherniness and her ability to always stand up for herself. But yet the writers should also know that they have ruined their reputation with their poor quality of writing and for always making sherni go through unnecessary crisis each and every time instead of showing their favourite useless couple getting taste of their own medicine.
@Akansha bro you need to see those Neil fans defending him on Twitter. Ofcourse they’re less in numbers but somehow whenever I go on twt I keep finding them. But sai’s fanbase is bigger on twitter
@Suseme thank goodness most of the people are sensible since sherni’s fanbase is larger
@Akansha yess
@Siya I’m telling you he’s afraid of his non actor wife. And that scene they did must’ve been taken while Aishwarya was whining at her place. Though sairat scenes still are impactful but before that a correct redemption track should be there. Btw I again saw a Twitter Neil fan tlking sh1t about sai that she still is blaming Virat for filling vinu’s mind with baseless stories. The way they find mistakes in other characters to make Virat a better person is horrible.
Sonali was the only one who understood the change in Bhavani.
, I want him to get ashamed and regret his actions when he won’t be able to answer his kids questions and will not be able to look into their eyes after realization. I want that
to struggle to win Sai back like how Sai struggled after Shruthi’s track that too with no mistake of hers
Yes, I now saw the episode, Bhavani clearly said “Sai is Vinu’s mother, she’ll never do a thing which will hurt her child, don’t worry, Vinu will never go away from this house”. This dialogue actually told many things, she indirectly rubbed off Pakhi’s “sole” rights on Vinu but she didn’t get a thing
Yes, even I want both the kids to question that
They dropped many complaints against this show which forced Vankar to jump back to SaiRat and bring our Sherni back and increase her screen space
Infact twitter stans were ready with their next set of complaints regarding regarding Bigamy to file them when Sai enters the Chavan zoo as
will be staying with his both legal and illegal wife under same roof but Vankar played smart and settled Sai in outhouse
But they’re still searching for some valid points to file the complaints against this
Vankar and Bhatts have to pay for it and deal with it now for showing favoritism
The twitter stans were slamming Vankar from past 2 months
After this Bhatts wedding Ayesha was the only one who used to bring life to SaiRat as Mr. Bhatt looked too uneasy to act with his co-star which is his job
But recently I read an article in IF that there was some fight on-sets between Ayesha and Aishwarya, this time Ayesha spoke out loud because of whom this
is getting TRP which made her sit in home
and I think Ayesha taunted Neil too for not doing his job properly as today’s scenes didn’t look forced
’s redemption because Vankar already whitewashed him by making both the kids accept him, not even one among them is questioning that
but both are troubling Sai in one or the other way
He surely is
I highly doubt if we will get
Today is my 5th consecutive day of not watching any, not one show and my mind is so free. Have not watched Anupama, GHKKPM, Pandya Store, nothing, none at all, not even comments, so yes I just scrolled down all comments here just to say this
stay safe everyone 

@Lackshme you too stay safe. I’m trying to get away from anupuma atleast but I can’t

Post Virat honeymoon track with pakhi, i dnt think sai should accept virat again in her life…………………Even if virat proposes her she should put him down and never forgive him ……………Sai should ask Virat to stay with pakhi as he deserve her only……….Sai should walk away taking her two kids along with her…….What say guys?????How many of u want this????????
@Saifan I want same thing too dear.. It doesn’t sound right that both ladies especially sai solely depends on his complicated love triangle..but unfortunately ain’t seeing that happening cos of that mad house ..
OH Not
getting butchered & whitewashed
. loved him today for the first time (sarcasm). He is reminding me of the old
of the alrready cursed GHKKPM. But according to his past experiences with
y I’ll not forget his sins

THE ALMIGHTY HAS BROKEN MANY PROMISES. He is slowly becoming delusional like this
y. Savi & the 
them however the poor soul should know the truth 

Vinu should one day loose his memory

and Bhavani are totally whitewashed as we all expected. Vankar has no other option than to revive the dead SaiRat as people are bashing him brutally, but still he’s showing Vinu angle and Vinu being angry with Sai just to fit in his ladli in story and continue the third angle. That boy is 8/9 years old not some 3 year kid, he knows how to use gadgets and do online shopping but is totally silly to compare a trash fictional story with his real life and call a person whom he loved and adored as gandi, jadugarni and what not
did well today he didn’t give us his constipated face ,and he’s totally whitewashed along with bavhani know the funny thing about this is that Vankar tried to whitewash lusty
and he failed just like her acting 

. I must agree savi has
wrapped around her little fingers ,she is a child born from love .that would be funny vinu loosing his memory and only remembering doctor aunty , savi and
..I’m sure lusty will cry each and everyday blaming Sai 
jokes aside vinu needs a strong slap ,so that he gets back into his senses .

. Crooked has also made his ladli whitewash the character who we all used to adore

. What does he exactly want?? Lusty is not a human, she is a snake

At this point I would hit Vinu with a rod
vinu is a terrible spoiled child i hate the kid i even read he is going to trow sai of the stairs so that she will end up in the hospital how can a small child do this to his real mother pakhi is going to set fire to the outside house but say and savi will be saved by bahvani now i hope she herself will die in the outside house explotation but even if that happens little evil vinyak will take his mothers place they way i see the story now i think vinu will never become part of sai virat and savi family which will hurt say a lot i think the shild should end up in a severe house of correction if he does not he will become just as evil as his socalled mother pakhi i think the story will end with say and virat united but only with savi not with vinu because he hates his mother and pakhi is also going to make sure that her also grows to hate savi what more horror will they let this evil little boy do how dare they turn an innocent child in such a evil child and pretend it is trauma this bad dissposition perhaps was in vinu all along but now makers a re letting it come out i just wonder if their is no mistake in the serial about vinu how can he be sai son and he is such a terrible bad childm
what a faltu serial. boycott GHKPM
Why the hell Pakhi is never exposed in these serial??? This is first serial where only evilness wins. and only goodness is being affected the most. the crimes of pakhi are always hidden and never exposed.
Sai left the house because of the criminal pakhi. Pakhi is praised in the chavans house just because she has raised vinu and look after the family. But she wanted these only to be wife of virat. And now what these gatya track going on. how can woman be so selfish to achieve virat, because of her sai left the house, but sai has nothing in mind, she always helped chavans , mostly she saved virat. and also she saved pakhi and gave her new life.Than too this gatya pakhi does not have heart , no feeelings. Such a selfish criminal woman is been praised and only sai is suffered. Now i atleast request the makers to show some sense in the serial or end this serial with a happy ending.
Only faltu repeated tracks is been show. First virat accident, sai saves him. than sai accident virat saves her. vinu is kidnapped sai is saving. late savi is kidnapped sai saves. No morals are shown in these serial. Only Selfishness, evilnessis shown in these serial. And They are giving bad morals by showing devar bhabhi relationship at the highest, and bechari wife is suffering, and no family members are supporting sai.
Devar bhabhi romance is shown. Faltu bakwas serial
Is these Maharashtra culture???They are deteriorating the rituals,culture everthing.
Why such kind of serials are been appreciated???
Please boycott them. Boycott ghkpm
The show must clarify doctor’s characterization. Sai is shown as an doctor all rounder… she gets Vinu back on his feet, does operation on Virat, does another on Patralekha (hysterectomy), checks on Virat as a general physician/cardiologist….now she is going to remove the fear in Vinu’s mind as a ……………psychologist . True, any doctor is bound to have peripheral knowledge on all subjects..but, if it is to be treated by a doc who is reputed to be in a particular discipline, then it would be referred to that doc only. How can all health problems by treated by one doc………..