Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 23rd May 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on
Sai tells Amba and her team that Lavani dance is an art and artist will portray her art for sure, they should attend this function and perform. Amba says its easy to tell, they have seen the value of lavani dancers in people’s eyes. Sai says they should change people’s cheap thinking and first should trust their art; they should consider it an opportunity to show their talent in front of VIPs and think Virat has given them opportunity that their talent is not inferior, etc. Satya also convinces them to perform. Amba says when Sai is talking about giving respect to their talent, even they should showcase their talent and prove its importance. Sai says she will also perform with them if need be and will learn lavani from them.
Amba with family reaches auditorium. Bhavani with family also reaches there and stands fuming seeing Amba. Vinu and Savi runs and hug Sai happily. Host greets Bhavani and Amba and asks them to take their seat as guests would be arriving in some time. Sai takes children to sit in front row. Amba taunts Bhavani that fate got them in same row and now their name will be taken together; her son and DIL got her respect she deserves and she will be perform lavani which Bhavani hated, etc. Bhavani stands fuming and tells Virat that VIPs are coming and Amba will preform her cheap dance in front of them. Virat says lavani is an art and she invites lavani artist Barkha tai every holi for her performance. Bhavani says holi comes only once a year, she can’t bear the nonsense. Virat continues to convince her.
Host announces guests’ names. Guests walk in. Virat, Sai, and Satya are called on stage for felicitation. They are honored and asked to light the lamp. Satya stops Virat from lighting the lamp with Sai. Lamp flickers. Sai and Virat cover it at once. After felicitation, Sai and Satya get back on their seats. Savi congratulates Sai at first and then Satya. Sai interacts with both her present and past families. Reporters on backstage joke that Sai is maintaining both present and past families and husbands well, with mic on. Everyone hear that. Judge asks host to bring those 2 to her. He brings them on stage. Sai takes mic and tongue lashes them for spicing him a simple issue instead of respecting her move of maintaining cordial relationship with her ex family. She says they should understand the difference between a story teller and a reporter. Reporter apologizes. Judges praise Sai. Bhavani tries to leave from there. Virat stops her.
Precap: Intoxicated Virat tells Satya that Sai loves Satya. Intoxicated Satya says Sai still loves Virat and married Satya to avoid him. He accepts that he can’t leave Sai now as he loves her. Virat says he should tell this to Sai. Sai hears their conversation.
Update Credit to: MA
Before they go for a leap , I really want to see the downfall of the chavans so badly

Vankar if you stalking this page please give us that satisfaction at least .the reporter are just dumb ,why will Sai be fighting with her former sarusal .i know they’ve wronged her but still ,she just want peace for the sake of the kids and the reporters are talking from their asses ..
Vanku why don’t you turn the bromance into romance ,at least
can redeem himself by respecting Satya 

he never treated woman right ,so maybe he can treat his man the right way 

if you give him a chance ..
I heard the cast still have 30 days before leap ,I’m sure asswarya will be back and they will shoot last episodes with her . Maybe
now I’m waiting for Ayesha to get a bigger project to showcase her talent 

Aria got a new project
@Nadz that’s great for Aria… feel sad for Tanmay though the shadow of the Bhatts rubbed off on him… omg what if they bring back Yogendra as Vinu… I think he’d look good as a doctor
apparently everyone will die from an accident and only Bhavani, Ashwini and Ninad will remain to raise the children. I really hope they don’t repeat useless love triangles in the second gen… we don’t need lusty’s ghost peeping on children
@nadine . wow aria of course has to get a new project because her acting was beyond more than the adults of the show.
By the way guys I read somewhere that Neil also wanted to quit after his wife left….which could have been nice if he went the show would have been more interesting.
And I saw some Page on Instagram saying that the bhatts are the reason why the show became rubbish especially after their marriage and its trending people are giving hate to the makers and the bhatts and praising sai and savi characters.
And many know that the makers are destroying sai’s character on purpose to glorify the bhatts…
As for me am never watching a series with Neil as a male lead and no producer I’m the right state of mind can make Mrs bhatt a female lead in a show unless 10years in the future and she will be old
#nansumba patience,you r absolutely correct. Bhatts got nothing from this show only hatred of audience. Their focus was only n only to destroy n degrade ayesha n makers fully supported them.shame on them.
For sure the moment the two got married I thought they will be professional but still the show became rubbish… I wonder if vankar doesn’t want to receive awards like other directors who make meaningful stories
@Nansumba Patience Am sure u are a Christan why so much critism and hate about their marriage, it’s their choice to be life partner what is the sin in that..I used to be so emotional about this serial but later realised that whatever they both decides to do with their lives is their choice and not our business,.. Let’s stop the hate we should rather appreciate their time and efforts by focusing on their reel characters not their personal lives.
@Ella my thought too..those two doesn’t even know if we exist or not, whether we beef them,watch their movies or not makes no difference to them.. Whatever hold they have on the PH is their business for being unprofessionals and we should leave them to their conscience.I wish them well.
Why hating Neil the guy is a good actor and I think he makes this show awesome,never heard Ayesha complains about him
still dont understand why they had to end the show like this we are left with many questions, what has happened to pakhi? where has shivani gone after she became pragnant we dont see her anymore either in the serial what has become of devani and pulkit they are not shown anymore either who is satya real father bahvani husband or nininand why are amba and bahvani hating eachother why cant they have peace with eachother? why was the reunion with sai virat and their children just a dream?
Vankar didn’t know how to end the show
#ella . i don’t hate their marriage I just hated the fact that they became unprofessional what if Neil gets another and has to do romantic scenes with a another woman will the real wife become insecure again

So Ella, your comment to Nansumba Patience , are you saying that only a Christian person should not hate?

what fcking joker!!!
I beleive and have seen that humans of all religions, Hindus alike Christians have lived wonderful lives in peace and harmony, no hating.
I believe the comments are based on the fact that madam asswarya and Neil have destroyed the serial after marrying, and she said it on another platform, in fake tears, that she had failed relationships and she was having suicidal thoughts when Neil, unsuspectingly, befriended her. The rest is history (as they say)
Neil became like Harry, what trailer trash wants, trailer trash gets. So when she wanted to control what happens in the show, he had no choice but to support her, so who ever he was ALLOWED to be friends with, well……
So a big YES the Bhutts destroyed the show not Ayesha, not Harshard!!
Whatever hate asswarya gets, she deserves it.
I’m sure she is trying to control the makers of KKK13 to keep her going, because she thinks the same people she previously insulted, “loves her”
I see in CT she’s always talking about “my husband” Neil. wtf, nobody wants him!!!!!